It seems that the heavy swarm will soon consume one without much effort.

Yip hon knows that the worm is not so good for the club. First, the fighting capacity of the club has soared because of its own heavy weapons. Second, the Second Battalion destroyed a large number of giant worms, and first drew the enemy’s attention to the depths of the defense hole.
Otherwise, all the worms will go in this direction, even if they have a cannon, they may not be so easy.
After an encounter, everyone’s mentality was a lot easier, but the next battle was not so easy. From the mouth of the cave to the warehouse of the second battalion, Ye Han led a team to break through the swarm for seven times, but the worm people did not find any.
We didn’t know what the problem was until we rushed to the production area and saw the insects that were almost filled with the whole swarm and haunted the swarm from time to time.
There are so many insects in this hellhole, at least there are thousands of them, and there are many people. There are hundreds of them just by seeing them.
Three kinds of worms have been found, but the first two are not many, and the one-armed worms account for the success.
"Why don’t you call me!" Yip hon a roar loud hand machine gun first fire a short shot down a giant worm.
In a flash, the gun rained down on the swarm.
The giant bug didn’t hesitate to attack the guard company, but the bug people didn’t know where to drill and couldn’t even find a shadow.
Yip hon heart uneasy roar a way "see insect people give me to die …"
Typing just spit out half Yip Han when I saw an overturned heavy truck with an arm sticking out from behind.
There is nothing to say. Yip Han was the first to turn the gun and hit it with a string of bullets. Immediately, the arm was pierced with seven holes.
If you hit someone, you would have broken him several times, but the arm was pierced with several holes and didn’t break at all.
But these holes are enough. The worm man became disabled on the spot.
In addition, three other soldiers found that they all moved their guns in the past, which was a step slow. The bullet missed the arm and landed in the thick compartment of the truck.
When a soldier saw it, he simply gave a grenade.
At this time, another worm raised his arm with a bone blade, and a soldier fell down. Others immediately noticed the position of the worm.
This time, the soldiers didn’t shoot at each other. Just a few individual rockets went off and there were no worms and scum left on the spot … This is a good end. From then on, no one will shoot at the worms. If you find the target, you will be greeted with heavy weapons unless you can do something.
Yip hon shouted without looking back, "Who was shot?" Just after the firefight, someone was injured, which was a bad start
The military doctor just rushed to the side of the shot soldier and hasn’t come to check yet. The soldier has turned over and climbed up by himself. "Teacher, I’m fine. Monitor Ma helped me block one."
Yip hon twist a head to see Ma Hongwei barrel broken in two in amazement.
Just now, the worm fired the bone blade for an instant, and Ma Hongwei consciously used a rifle to block the bone blade and accidentally saved the life of his comrades.
"Good job!" Ye Han roared, "Can you still do it?"
"yes!" The soldier got up and joined the battle again.
Chapter 1142 Pierce the chrysanthemum
Ye Han, who can stop the bone blade at a critical moment, has a new understanding of Ma Hongwei speed
He just saw the bone blade, but he didn’t react so quickly when he saw the body, so he didn’t intercept the bone blade.
But it is an indisputable fact that Ma Hongwei actually did it, no matter how many coincidences blocked a bone blade and saved his comrades’ lives.
Ma Hongwei lost half his gun barrel, but the power dropped too much. He simply gave up his rifle and changed to a more flexible pistol.
Anyway, he is either a machine gun or a rifle, and he has no pressure except that he took one from his comrades-in-arms and a double gun in each hand.
Luo Qi really wants to vomit a sentence. Do you think you are an old woman with two guns?
Tucao belongs to Tucao. Ma Hongwei Superman really played with his double guns at the first speed. He has to stare at it. No matter whether it’s a worm or a worm, he can’t get a shot.
Although the armored pistol is not as powerful as a rifle, it is still no problem to penetrate the worm shell, not to mention the worm. Even if people change it, even a small caliber rifle can be killed by one shot. Is it a 127 mm armored pistol?
Ma Hongwei himself has a handy feeling that this is a hole prevention, not those pistols outside, which is more flexible than rifles.
However, the pistol’s range is too short, and it is difficult to hit the target at a little distance, even if it is assisted by a biochip. It is only at this low speed that Superman can aim first and then shoot.
The fierce gun was far away from the warehouse. Ouyang Ping finally found that the situation was wrong and quickly asked "Who is who?"
"Who else can it be? Me!" Ye Han said
Ouyang Ping, a big horse, organized troops to fight back. Although he lacked heavy weapons, there was no shortage of bullets. Although he dared not rush out of the warehouse, hiding in the warehouse could contain many insects.
It’s not so easy to sneak attack when the war reaches this point. It’s consumption for both sides to fight together.
The human side consumes ammunition, while the enemy consumes giant worms and worms. Generally speaking, the human side is more advantageous.
After the battle lasted for a few minutes, the worm suddenly retreated like a flood, and there was no worm left in the blink of an eye. I don’t know where to hide. I just returned my gun and shocked the sky, so it was strangely quiet.
What’s the plot of Yip Han to make trouble? "Ouyang, what’s the situation there?"
"The bugs are gone, and I can’t see them."
"Can you quit?"
Ping Ouyang hesitated "it’s not easy to do if the bug is in an ambush …"
"Don’t move yet. I ask you where the nuclear bomb is?"
"I am here!"
"Well, when my horse comes to pick you up, put the nuclear bomb away from the hole and the horse will detonate it!"
"Yes!" Ouyang Ping promised to arrange with Ma.
Yip hon didn’t delay here for a second. The horse chose the most suitable route and proceeded to the warehouse carefully.
Everyone is worried that the insects will suddenly jump out here. It’s not just a passage. Even if the swarm doesn’t come out, jumping out must be 400 square meters.
But surprisingly, until the team arrived at the warehouse, there was no worm, including Yip Han. Everyone thought it was incredible.
Seeing the guard company for an instant, Ouyang Ping almost didn’t cry. It was the first time that he followed Yip Han for so long to play so wronged.
After the two teams meet, they will leave immediately, and they can take away all the martyrs’ bodies.
I’ve seen too many giant worms gnawing at bones along the way. Ye Han doesn’t want his soldiers to be eaten by giant worms after they die.
The team came slowly, retreated quickly, and the two platoons of the guard company wrapped up the second battalion and pulled out of the hole as quickly as possible.
On the way to the evacuation, Ouyang Ping personally dug a pit and set it to bury the nuclear bomb after the explosion. The giant worms did not find it, and the soldiers also moved a heavy truck to press the surface.
After placing the nuclear bomb, everyone started to run outside, and everyone ran faster than the rabbit.

"Ha ha … elder sister is like this. I went out for a walk last night …"

Li Qin and Wang Yueyue listened to his explanation, and both of them were silly.
How come people go back to their parents’ house for two days and call these mouthfuls to take the initiative to divorce them?
"That’s it?" Li Qin asked some incredible.
"That’s it. What else can there be?"
"Boy, Dad Chu, this is too outrageous. A little!"
Li Chu shrugged his shoulders and then he saw his sister holding a grate in her hand and asked, "What do you have, sister?"
"Oh, oh, oh, I almost forgot that your brother-in-law just went out to buy big meat buns. You can cook some porridge again. I’ll put the buns in the pot for you, and then you can heat them again when it cools down." Then Li Qin went to the kitchen.
"I won’t cook porridge. Just drink some milk powder by myself later."
"That’s fine. You can do it yourself. I don’t care."
"I know, aunt, you don’t care. I’ll wake my parents up and boil water to make milk powder."
"Don’t call us over." Wang Jun over there has helped Li Qiaoyun out of the corridor. The cousin followed her.
"That’s just for you to eat. I’ll go first."
"Hey, Li Chu said that when did you get divorced, we didn’t know?"
Is eating Wang Jun suddenly looked at Li Chu gherardini asked.
"Dad, did you hear what my aunt just said?"
"That’s your aunt’s voice. It’s not small. It startled us to hear it clearly in the front yard."
Li Chunai shook his head. "That’s what neighbors do. When they have something to help, they really help, but when they are free, they are all afraid of chaos."
"Hey, hey, don’t say it’s interesting to live in this alley."
"Right? Why don’t you buy a small courtyard here?"
Li Chu said that this really tempted Wang Jun and Li Qiaoyun.
Especially Li Qiaoyun, when she lived here for a long time, she really felt that it was more convenient here than in their relatives’ hospital.
"How much does it cost for a small courtyard?"
"Er … now I really don’t know, but the most expensive is ten thousand dollars."
Wang Jun almost didn’t spray a mouthful of porridge on Li Chu’s face. Listen to this. Is it human? What do you mean, it’s only ten thousand dollars. How many people can pay out so much money now?
However, the thought of the wages in front of him gave him a strong feeling.
A year’s salary for brewing them may be the same as two or three months’ salary for one person. It’s really better to throw away the dead goods than the goods
"Li Chu, since you said so, I’ll leave the matter of buying a hospital to you. Say yes first. I have no money. It’s up to you." Wang Jun swallowed porridge in his mouth and joked.
"Oh, what are you talking about?" Li Qiaoyun glared at her husband.
"No problem. What a big deal. I’ll buy it. I’ll find someone to inquire about the hospital later. A few days ago, I heard that someone in the north sold a single-family house." Li Chu waved his hand.
Li Qiaoyun’s cousin and niece sat quietly eating breakfast, but her heart was a fool. This means buying a hospital without even blinking.
Seeing that Li Chu promised to be so happy, Wang Jun was a little embarrassed. He quickly shook his head and said, "I’m just kidding. Just ask around. How can I really make you spend money? What am I?"
"What’s the joke? What’s wrong with sending me to a hospital?"
"No, no, really no, this is not negotiable."
"Well, I won’t give it to you. Can I give it to my little niece?"
! ! !
The speaker meant that the listener had a heart, but his words made the four of him stare straight at the table.
"What did you say?" Li Qiaoyun sounds are shaking.
"Li Chu, what do you want to tell me, little niece?"
"Chu dad, you should not say that my mother is pregnant with a little sister, right?"
"Cough …" Li Chu knew that he had put my foot in my mouth, but he wanted to take it back, but he nodded his head.
"Yes, it should be a girl."
"No, Dad Chu, didn’t you say you couldn’t tell the sex by taking the pulse?"
"Er … I wasn’t sure before, but I can always figure it out now."
Wang Jun stay wait for a while turned to look at his wife’s belly.
Li Qiaoyun also looked at her husband nervously. She was worried about what her husband would do if he didn’t like girls.
"True … true and false, Li Chu."
"I can say almost, 70% sure."
"Okay, okay, I’m going to have another daughter. I’m telling you, Li Chu, you can’t hug my daughter to your house this time, and you won’t kiss me when you grow up."
Wang Jun’s words made the stone in Li Qiaoyun’s heart disappear with a shout.
"Dad, who said I wouldn’t kiss you?"
"Well, dad didn’t mean that. I know it was because of special circumstances. I have been in the army and I really can’t see you often, which made you lose a lot of fatherly love when you were a child."

Yang Chengzu said, "I misunderstood you. I didn’t mean to look down on you, but I was afraid of delaying you. You know, I don’t know how long it will take me to go."

"I don’t care! I’ll show it to my dad later and let him know that I’m already yours. I can’t marry anyone but you. If you don’t want me, I’ll live for a generation by myself. If you have a baby, let him take my family name. "
Yang Chengzu, her first wife, also used means to push her around, unable to distinguish between east, west, north and south, and felt intoxicated with judo.
"We women in the mountains really don’t talk about keeping chastity. Women can’t live without a man. It’s hard to live in some people’s mouths. We are human beings. It’s true that we have to live. But don’t worry, I won’t look for anyone else if I have you. I can support myself. Even if I can’t support myself, I will stay with you until I die."
"Don’t worry, I won’t fail you," Yang Chengzu whispered in her ear. "If I fail you, you’ll cut my heart out with a knife, and I’ll never complain. It’s true. I’ve always thought that it’s inconvenient for you to be a mountain. If you love me today, I won’t fail. If you say a word, I won’t leave, and I’ll follow you as a robber if I don’t have a big future."
His sweet words and kung fu have been practiced for a long time, and even those who are as well-informed as immortals can be fooled around by him. Hao Qingqing is a mountain king after all. Seeing that Jianghu guests have never learned such a thing as powder Yuanrong, a few words and adding the water mill kung fu to display Hao Qingqing’s heart have long been confused and breathed heavily.
"I know … I know that I’m ugly and a few years older than you, and I’m born a mountain thief, so I don’t deserve you. Even if we are destined to have this night, I also recognize the situation. This cottage is not the place where people like you live for a long time. In the future, you will achieve great things. If I force you to stay, you won’t be happy. If you are unhappy, I will be sad. You are my man and everything I have. I won’t force you to remember that this Qinglong Mountain has your woman."
The next day, Hao Qingqing thought of yesterday’s boldness and absurdity, and her face turned red. She struggled to get up and didn’t want her waist to be hugged by Yang Chengzu. "Sister Qingqing is still early to lie down for a while."
"Stop that now … it’s dawn. Not now." She begged for mercy as she struggled gently. "I’ll come back later if it’s a big deal." She always felt that she was not worthy of this little husband. She felt sweet when she saw each other so obsessed with herself and felt that her body was not given to the wrong person.
"I’ll get you something to eat. Although I cook badly, women in the mountains always serve their men like this. This is our rule. I’ll get you something to eat and serve you. If you are angry, you can hit me."
"Hit you? How can I be willing to give up? "Yang Chengzu kissed her a few times." You just broke your application last night. It’s not convenient for me to cook for you. "
"That’s not like that, it’s out of order. There are women who serve men, and there are men who serve women." Hao Qingqing stubbornly holds him down and puts on his clothes. Although the action is not very neat, her excellent physical quality is not weak, but she has to rest for a while
"We have the best feelings here. Couples and men also want to beat their wives. If they are unhappy, they will be angry. If they are happy, they will also beat their wives when they want to be close to their wives. Then hold them down. Otherwise, you can beat me once tonight."
She stared at Yang Chengzu with big eyes flashing. "You are going to the mountain in three days. I want you to let me wait on you like a wife in front of the mountain, and you will treat me like a husband. I will feel that we have made a real couple. Do you like it?"
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Stealing incense (3)
"What? You said you wanted to marry Qingqing? " Hao Yunlong listened to his eyes and ears early in the morning, and the young lady seemed to have stayed with Yang Chengzu last night. He was already mentally prepared for such a thing, and it was only a matter of time before his daughter became infatuated with Yang Chengzu.
The fact is not only that Hao Qingqing’s women in this mountain are afraid that many of them have similar thoughts to ask Yang Chengzu to show that they won’t mind taking him to drill once in the Woods and have to learn to accept what has happened, so he didn’t go on the rampage or grab Yang Chengzu for an explanation, but waited for him to tell himself.
He has thought about a number of possibilities. The biggest possibility is that everyone will never appear in their own lives after this Yang Chengzu mountain. After the daughter ate this yabakui, she will probably put away those unrealistic fantasies and find an honest man who doesn’t mind her past. But I didn’t expect Yang Chengzu to appear in front of her eyes after breakfast and come to kiss.
"Old master, you can’t hide what happened in this mountain from your old eyes and ears. Qingqing and I slept together last night. I think you should know about this. I must say that last night was the first time for us and also the first time for Qingqing."
Although he pulled him together, Hao Qingqing didn’t expect the other party to kiss her. She had done everything in vain and could finally be disappointed by a man. I didn’t expect him to kiss and feel that he was dreaming and secretly twisted his leg … It really hurts.
"Yang Gong, you should know what you mean by this request? Married to Qingqing, you have an extra burden. This burden is not just a girl, but hundreds of brave men and thousands of family members in the uneven village of Qinglong Mountain. Are you so provocative? Last night, the girl volunteered, and I won’t say much. Even if you don’t marry her, I won’t force you, let alone ask you to give her a name. It doesn’t matter if you want to sleep, but if you marry her, you must bear the responsibility of your husband instead of setting the table and banquet. "
"You always call me white, and I never thought it was to set the table for a birthright. She gave me a banquet to worship heaven and earth. When I was not there, she was also my woman, saving others from wanting to marry her. Although the weight is not light, I still ask myself."
It’s not like sleeping casually to get a wife. Hao Qingqing has become a Yang family member. Yang Chengzu has a responsibility for her. Even if he doesn’t join in, he should do something about the safety of the cottage. From the moment he decided to marry Hao Qingqing, he was doomed to be involved in this cottage. If the cottage is broken in the future, he can’t get away from it.
According to the rules of the stockade, Yang Chengzu kowtowed before burning the yellow paper and beheading the head of a lion’s head, vowing that he was willing to share life and death with the people in the cottage. From this moment on, even if he joined in, he became a middleman in the greenwood. The cottage owners saw that he was willing to be responsible for the big lady, and they had a good opinion of him. Many people kindly came over. He called him brothers and became one of their own, and they were the companions. They wondered if they really wanted to marry a thief as a big woman. This identity is too bad.
As soon as the shanzhai middleman heard that the big miss was going to marry the young "xianggong", many girls cried to congratulate Hao Qingqing, and several aunts and aunts came to help Hao Qingqing clean up his head. Others took out the bride Ji and Dahong hijab.
"This is what I just grabbed from the mountain last year … and brought it once. It’s a new thing to do now. Don’t you just make do with it?"
This mountain is no better than many rules in the city. You can’t pay attention to all the formalities. From the wedding ceremony in the afternoon to the evening, everything is in order. Everyone is eating and drinking. Yang Chengzu was top-heavy and entered the new house.
I have done everything yesterday, but when I heard his messy footsteps, Hao Qingqing was still nervous and her heart was jumping. She was always lively and active. She rarely sat on the bed with her legs together like a good baby and didn’t dare to move.
Hearing a table ringing, she hurriedly asked, "How are you? Did you drink too much? Do you want me to wait on you for a drink? "
"Nothing is that you mountain people are a little fierce and a little overwhelming when drinking." Yang Chengzu staggered to the bed and picked the big red veil. "It’s wronged you to sit here for a long time. It is supposed that you should appear in the hall and fight with them before those castellans say that you are much better than me."
Hao Qingqing shyly bowed his head. "I will never drink again from today. I am your mother and I am no longer the wild girl in the past. I will definitely not do these things. You lie down first and I will let people prepare hangover soup for you."
When she tried to move, she was pulled by Yang Chengzu. "Don’t go, let me have a good look at you and my bride …"
"See what I didn’t see enough last night?" She said, but he still looked at "Zhenjun" with his own bar. Yang Chengzu praised this two word and let Hao Qingqing collapse out of bed.
"I know I’m ugly, and you don’t take good things to fill me in. This happy event is that Shanban has an explanation. From today, no one can force me to find a man, but that’s what counts in the mountains. It doesn’t count out of the mountains."
Wait until the calm Hao Qingqing clung to Yang Chengzu and said, "It’s not my turn to do this big woman. I know in my heart that you are a big woman with wealth and status. A decent person can’t be a female mountain thief. If you let me do a big room, you will laugh yourself to death … So after me, your side room is the same as yours."
Yang Chengzu didn’t make a positive answer, but smiled. "I don’t have a big wife now, and you don’t worry about who bullied you at home. In the future, you will have more snacks in this cottage. This is our children’s industry in the future. I originally wanted to leave early. This time, I have to delay the planning of the cottage for a few days, so that the changes here will be more promising and more developed. Only in this way can we have a good son."
"No, our son is going to be a big official, not a thief." Hao Qingqing touched his belly. "I don’t know if we have a baby in the stomach these two days. If you have any words, please listen carefully. When you grow up, you will be an official or your mother will beat you." She said to Yang Chengzu, "Don’t you want to go to Shaanxi to take me with you?"
Chapter one hundred and fourteen Unannounced visits (1)
"Do you want to go with me? Is the old master willing to let people go? Besides, this mountain can’t be separated from you, the woman who is in charge of Mr. Li’s side. Although it’s good, the old man still has to support you. What if you leave the cottage? "
"Then I don’t care if my married daughter throws out water. I’m already your person. I have to consider your safety instead of the fake. You are my man. You are much more important than the fake to me. The situation in Shaanxi is complicated, and the governor of Luozhu and the company commander of the prince’s maternal uncle are always a bunch of bastards. I’m afraid that when you get to that uneasy father, Mr. Li is in good health. Most of them can keep the fake running. Shaanxi needs more manpower."
Yang Chengzu’s attendants are all from Shaanxi. Before entering Shaanxi, she also learned about the situation in Shaanxi from their mouths. She said that the company commanders of the Prince’s Uncle, the governor of Luozhu, are two important angles in the northwest. They naturally know the roots. One is the right deputy of Duchayuan, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, and Zheng Yang, the governor of Shaanxi. The other is the right army. The commander-in-chief of Guyuan was granted Maang from the same commander.
Great Shaanxi is an important border area because it is close to the Mongolian border in Hetao. When Hongzhi was promoted, a trilateral governor was set up to control the military forces of Yansui, Gansu, Ningxia and Guyuan to prevent the Mongols from invading.
Even the trilateral governor, the governor of Shaanxi but Gansu, is not appointed. Now this position has been revoked and the Shaanxi administrative university is in the hands of the Shaanxi governor
The most important part of the big nine-sided body, three sides and one town, has a total of 300,000 soldiers. The place with the largest number of soldiers in the DPRK consumes more than 4 million mangoku every year. If you are a governor, you can be a rich man.
However, since the fall of Hetao, the conflict between Shaanxi and Mongolia has become more and more acute, and it has become a top priority to guard against the northern Lu. Being a governor here has to bear the burden of resisting foreign invaders, and he has a heavy military responsibility. In those days, when Yang Yiqing Town was on the three sides, it built a side wall and set up a beacon tower, and it was also a serious business in Daxing.
However, when the governor of Zheng Yang, Shaanxi, both military and civilian policies were abolished, the whole situation in Shaanxi became increasingly eroded. In those days, Zhengde Day patrolled Shaanxi Zheng Yang, Shaanxi Province, and the middle officials took over the driving duties. He deliberately put the chopsticks prepared by the imperial banquet emperor in his sleeve and waited for the day to come, so that God could remember himself.
But he didn’t know Zhengde’s appearance, so he asked the eunuch guarding the eunuch to tell him to recognize the dragon robe. The open governor himself went to the middle of the road and waited for Tianluan to drive over to recognize the dragon robe. I didn’t know that there was an army coming head on, and everyone was dressed in armor. Where was a dragon robe?
Zheng Yang’s search for people in the road, these army men, no matter who he is, just went on the rampage and knocked over an open three governors. An army man directly came to the imperial banquet and sat patting the table and asked, "What are the rules in Shaanxi?" Why don’t you prepare chopsticks for the lonely when you have a banquet? "
Zheng Yang struggled to get up, only to know that Viva didn’t wear a dragon robe, but was wrapped in armor. In the army, he was afraid to send chopsticks to Zhengde, but he didn’t let it go. He said, "If I do it, I will never be so negligent."
From then on, the name of the governor of Luozhu gradually became more and more heard by Shaanxi military and civilians.
Yu Maang, a company commander of Yansui, was impeached to go to the official because of the defeat, and his younger sister Ma Shi married Shaanxi and commanded Bi Chun’s wife to be superior in appearance and to ride well in ejaculation. This news was known by Jiang Bin and was introduced by Jiang Bin, who sent her to the leopard room to serve as a maid in Zhengde Day.
Ma was pregnant when she entered the leopard room, but Zhengde was not surprised. Instead, Ma Angxiong was particularly fond of her. With her younger sister, she changed from the company commander of Yansui to the company commander of Guyuan. Ma Jin was a leopard room and had no official title, so there was no concubine. However, the eunuchs in the palace all called Ma Angguo’s uncle, and the title of his uncle’s company commander was very famous in Shaanxi Sanbian.
Hao Qingqing said, "If he gave his sister away, there is nothing more hateful. At the beginning, when he visited Shaanxi, he went to his house to eat wine and saw his concubine room. Du Shusheng was beautiful and asked him to send Du Shusheng to the bedroom. At that time, Maang hesitated and left with Zhengde. This fellow was afraid afterwards, but he sent Du Shusheng to the palace to enjoy Zhengde. As a result, he was promoted from a viceroy to Tongzhi."
"This fellow is a cuckold company commanders. What’s the prince’s maternal uncle company commanders? It’s not a man to send his woman to the emperor to sleep. "

The Jade Emperor, the Buddha, and the Buddha are all over the sky. What do you know?

Baoji is thirsty for demon blood, and the avatar also dyes the soul of Lohan.
Cleverly measure people’s position and respect the wonderful method, the great true king
Go to Shu and surrender all demons. Which demon is not afraid of me! "
The fire-faced strange handsome suddenly ha ha strange laugh. "Who am I? It turned out to be the old Taoist disciple, but the tone is big. Don’t say anything when I wait for a celebrity. Listen to me."
Gan Kun’s monarch doesn’t remember the year, and life and death are endless.
I once lived in the nether world, and millions of souls worshipped.
Poor heaven and earth have come back to life and unfortunately crashed into chaos.
Steal the avenue body and live in the ghost world.
Heaven and earth are reincarnated, and I am still doomed to destroy the true spirit.
Waiting for the ghost to have a master’s initial heart to rebel and seek mountains and rivers.
When time comes, heaven and earth work together to transport heroes, they are not free.
The height of the road is one foot, and the height of the robbery is one foot.
Stay in charge of reincarnation day which ghosts and gods don’t king! "
Wu Mingxin was shocked. Is this guy so old?
Listen to what he said, but I don’t know how many years ago, the ghosts and gods were born, but they were once ghosts. At that time, I’m afraid the jade emperor still practiced robbery.
Now it is impossible to regain the main position of the underworld, but I’m afraid this ghost handsome has a lot of connections and really has a chance.
It’s not so easy to be the master of the nether world. Even if you sweep away the nether world to resist the heaven, if you can’t get the handle of the nether world, it’s also an anti-thief. But GREAT GHOST handsome was once the master of the nether world.
Then Wu Ming shook his head. Now the ghost Lord is the incarnation of Ziwei Emperor and feng du Beiyin Emperor. These guys are also going to die.
He didn’t know that Ziwei Emperor had gone through reincarnation and didn’t sit in the underworld.
"Since we are the brother of the old Taoist priest, we won’t bully you!"
The gray-faced long-eared ghost handsome took the crescent moon double knife and cut it from one side to resist Wu Ming’s horizontal halberd.
Just then, the peach-faced witch was naked, but she saw two peaks falling on her chest, and two silver hammers were also chopped at Wu Ming.
"I don’t care if you can’t fight four hands with two fists."
See him shake shake body suddenly stretched out a thousand hands behind to pull out a few strands of hair into ten weapons in his hand.
Wu Ming, one enemy, three enemies, it was difficult to win the battle in that middle.
Many ghost soldiers who wanted to help were swallowed up by Hei Hu.
Said that the five ghost handsome led ghost pawn all the way into the nether world is prepared.
Du Renli, the southern ghost emperor, stood in Luofu Mountain with tens of thousands of Yin soldiers preparing for war. Seeing that several ghost soldiers came to the outside world, he immediately called on all ministries to go to war and believed that all foreign countries invaded from the south of the nether world, but I don’t know whether it was a diversion or not.
Yamaraja, in the tenth hall of Senluo Hall, had to report the foreign enemy’s attack, and suddenly he looked really set!
Yamaraja felt as if he had mastered life and death, good and evil, trial cycle and other handles were gradually deprived.
"Bodhisattva’s magical powers may be reduced?"
Yan Luowang eyes look forward to the earth treasure bodhisattva way.
"No, they are also ghosts, gods, and the underworld."
If feng du Beiyin Emperor is still good, it is said that his status as the master of the underworld can mobilize the power of the underworld to absolutely suppress those ghosts, but now Yamaraja, the master of the tenth hall of the underworld, is also a minister and this benefit.
It is a bit far-fetched to hear that the Yamaraja in the Ten Halls is a sigh, but they don’t doubt that there is something hidden and unspeakable about the Earth treasure bodhisattva.
And five ghost handsome also immediately found the underworld main state suddenly face upwards whistling.
"This is God’s will, and it’s time for us to take charge of the ghost killing!"
Suddenly, the ghost pawn army attacked the city and plundered the land all the way from the nether world, but it took only one day to hit several ghost towns before being stopped by the southern ghost emperor’s army.
With the occupation of the nether world becoming wider and wider, the five ghosts are also getting deeper and deeper, but the anti-Southern ghost emperor realizes that his way is dissipating a little.
Immediately, I was extremely surprised and angry, and all the ghosts in my department met for the first time.
The southern ghost emperor was defeated and lost several cities.
At that time, the nether world shook and quickly sent two central ghost emperors to support it to stabilize the situation.
Chapter 264 Enter the Heavenly Palace to borrow treasure to bring Long Bing to suppress the magic.
Wu Ming turned into a thousand armed with all kinds of weapons. Three GREAT GHOST handsome fought back and forth.
After more than 100 times, the three GREAT GHOST handsome men gradually felt their arms weak and inwardly frightened. This fellow really had magical powers, and each of them made a solution and left Wu Ming to step aside.
"I see that you are also a hero. Give me back what you stole from us. I can call all the ghosts back and never disturb this place."
Gray-faced long-eared ghost handsome said
Wu Ming’s face is a little hesitant, so it is natural to solve the disaster in Shu as quickly as possible, but I don’t know if it is to quench thirst by drinking poison.
Just then, he noticed that the handsome atmosphere of the three ghosts was increasing.
Are those five ghosts handsome when they leave?
Wu Ming laughed. "It’s just some strength if you don’t bother so much. Let’s invite three people to my view and have a cup of hot tea first."
Peach-faced witch carrying a pile of silver hammer denounced, "I think you are the hard way."
If you don’t talk too much, you will start fighting with swords.
This time, the three ghosts are chastened, and thousands of ghosts are really scattered. Ghosts will also come to Wu Ming to avoid the edge and ride Hei Hu to leave for the time being
While walking, drinking and scolding these three guys are old-fashioned, following some martial arts, but don’t want to bully more people than others.
If it weren’t for fear of scaring it away, the three old ghosts would sacrifice two cylinders of Yin and Yang on the spot to burn his ghost pawns to ashes.
If these characters are not surrounded by tight encirclement or several similar masters, they will be easily escaped by him. Although the speed is fast, there are many people.
When he went straight to the worse gate, he was going to borrow some tight encirclement to make him borrow some soldiers.
"The true gentleman is here."
"It’s been a long time since the King of Wide Eyes"
Guangmu Tianwang wrapped his hand around the red dragon and laughed. "All the immortals are in the hall of wonders. If you want to find someone, you can go here."
Wu Ming nodded and said, "Please, King of Heaven."
Immediately, he went straight to the Lingxiao Hall, and went to the front of the Tongdian Hall before entering the temple to see the Great Buddha.
"I have many eyes to see you."

The second is Tianyuan Gate and Hell Gate, which are magnificent to the extreme. The refining device was directly reshaped by Sun Hao, which also shocked the top monk in the virtual world.

The achievements of these two refiners truly reflect Sun Hao’s several abilities.
The strength of Lunbi comes from refining the body; Rumby’s truth comes from refining gas; The technology of rumbi refiner comes from magic array method.
Relatively speaking, Sun Hao really didn’t show much power to practice, that is, Dan and Fu were few, so far, Sun Hao’s alchemy didn’t have a great effect.
In fact, Sun Hao’s alchemy is not weak. Sun Hao’s advanced Mahayana is the alchemy effect. The medicine of Heaven and Earth Furnace Ding turns into Dan and finally breaks it into Mahayana.
It is Sun Hao’s current practice that refining runes is the real power that does not show the practice. At Sun Hao’s present height, there are few runes that can help Sun Hao.
However, this does not mean that Sun Hao’s refined operator is fine.
Sun Hao developed a new sword pill technique by imitating the array pill technique of male and female witches and combining the virtual-purple-gold belt effect. It is an important method for adults to be distracted and fit together, and the Terran has cultivated many great abilities of the younger generation.
However, this sword pill technique is slightly lower than Sun Hao’s practice level, and it is not as earth-shattering as the refining device refining array.
Seriously thinking about his own practice, Sun Hao feels that there may be many intersections and many compounds after his nine veins are empty, but overall speaking, he should be divided into these categories in terms of individual progress.
Cross-influence or compound practice is always a way, and it is more reasonable for monks to practice progress or practice Tao.
Combing nine veins and inheriting nine veins
Sun Hao sumeru condensed the tower Abel Zhanxing Pingping quietly summed up himself, consolidated his own foundation, and finally sprinted to accumulate, and also incarnated and began to undertake his nine spiritual practices.
Chapter DiErJiuQi Terran nine veins
There are nine out of five hundred and forty in the great Yan number.
The great number is fifty, so fifty yarrows are taken to represent all things in the world, and that difference means that the world was not Tai Chi before its death.
This escape to one.
Putting a friar to practice requires going through hardships and climbing the peak step by step.
Sun Hao’s practice idea is to return to one after nine years, which is also the experience and achievements that Sun Hao has given to the Terran after summing up.
Jiushuji Jiuyang Zun
Before and after the nine veins, nine levels of cultivation are needed, and finally, nine paths are integrated into one, and finally, one can be turned into one.
The maximum number of nine singular numbers is the number of yang poles. Monks often call nine emperors the Ninth Five-Year Plan and emperors the Ninth Five-Year Plan.
Ancient bronzes have "Jiuding". There should be "Jiuqing" around the ancient emperor, "Jiuzhongzheng" in the ancient imperial palace and nine gates in the capital.
Terran holy land house 9,999.50
Sun Hao Abel Zhanxing Cave House has a gatehouse with a width of nine and a depth of nine.
All these are symbols of nine noble.
Sun Hao’s practice of nine veins and nine body shapes is in line with this nine-yang respect method.
Sun Hao had systematically summed up his practice context before deification and summarized his practice body before the celestial spirit ascended to the mainland.
Actually, it was not until the late Mahayana period that Sun Hao still climbed step by step according to his own nine veins, and this achievement was achieved now.
However, seriously thinking about Sun Hao’s discovery of the monk’s higher order, and simply listing that vein of practice separately, the reality is not very mature, and the nine veins and nine veins generally blend with each other, which constitutes the practice body of Sun Hao’s Ministry. It can be said that the practice has reached the height of Sun Hao, and the nine veins have formed a big net, which cannot be forcibly separated.
Don’t tell him, he said that Sun Hao’s auxiliary practice of alchemy has been firmly integrated with Sun Hao’s nine-in-one body in the process of practice, which is inseparable from it.
There is also Sun Hao Sumeru Condensing Tower, which is the peak of Sun Hao’s refining device, but this pagoda is also an important fortune treasure for Sun Hao Avenue practice.
On the other hand, the practice of avenue raises Sun Hao’s soul.
It can be said that it is unrealistic to simply judge which context of practice is actually at the height of Sun Hao.
Then, when the Nine Veins practice focuses on the high stage, it should be how to explain their interconnection and how to explain each unique practice.
Sun Hao summed up and gave out his own practice experience and practice method.
To be precise, Sun Hao’s practice is equivalent to assuming that a road leading to heaven points to the Mahayana.
The rise of Sun Hao’s nine-pulse agarwood star field has once again ushered in a rapid development stage. Terran monks, especially Abel Zhanxing people, are very clear about their spiritual goals and have started a new round of rapid progress.
Nine-pulse practice theory is difficult to solve many practice problems of Terran monks, especially to break many practice bottlenecks of Terran monks.
In the past, terran monks were secretive about bottlenecks. Many monks always accumulated enough when they were stagnant, and they always felt that they needed an epiphany.
After learning the Zen Ancestor’s Nine Veins Practice Method, the Terran Friar understood an important truth, that is, whether he will encounter bottlenecks in his practice or not, and the imbalance in development caused by this contradiction hindered his continuous progress.
If the direction of this kind of obstruction is right, it may be possible to make a breakthrough, but if the direction is wrong, maybe a generation will not make progress.
Nine-pulse practice theory has given the Terran monks the greatest help, which is to illuminate the practice direction and point out the practice context.
Then Sun Hao also left nine veins in the holy land of Abel War Star Collection according to his own practice secret method.
Abel war star people can enter the holy land to consult the corresponding information and change themselves if their contribution meets the requirements.
Abel Zhan Xing people didn’t see Sun Hao’s return with their own eyes, but with the opening of Sun Hao’s nine veins, everyone has vaguely come to Zhan Zu, and now he has returned to sit in the war star to teach practice.
Occasionally, public lectures will be held in the Zen Ancestral Hall, and many powerful monks of Zen Ancestors will come to the site to teach the practice skills and ideas to the Terran monks from time to time.
There is an upsurge of cultivation in the large area of agarwood, and the monks’ passion for practice is rising rapidly when they enter the country.
That is, in this atmosphere, Aquilaria sinensis gradually formed nine veins of spiritual practice and began to appear many powerful monks.
It was not until this time that Godsworn agarwood discovered that the original Terran Zhanzu strength was already so strong.
Zhanzu Jiumai
Nine veins have big brothers, nine veins have outstanding representatives and powerful monks.
There are quite a few powerful monks in the Nine Veins of Zhanzu. As Zhanzu Road, these powerful monks gradually surfaced, and their strength is amazing.
It is said that the rise of Zhan Zu was too short, and there is a general recognition in the high-level cognition of Terran that the individual strength of Zhan Zu is stronger than that of Brother Qi.
But the real result is incredible.
It is unknown to outsiders how powerful the Zen ancestors have hidden. It is said that this nine-pulse eldest brother has already made people sigh.
Xuanyuan Longwang, the eldest brother of refining gas, is said to be a combination of war ancestors and long ancestors. dzogchen is very half-step Mahayana, guarding agarwood for many years, and his fighting capacity is extraordinary and can be discharged into the top five masters of Terran.
Xia Chuan, the eldest brother of refining the soul, is the virtual king in the Terran and the virtual gold in the Terran. Xiu, an outstanding representative of the third generation, has reached the stage of integration. The butterfly god is still stationed in the middle of the virtual suppression according to the orders of the war ancestors, and all the families in the middle of the virtual suppression are breathless.
Xiao Yu, the elder brother of the body-building, practiced in the same vein as Zhan Zu. It is said that Zhan Zu is stronger than Zhan Zu, and the nine-in-one body-building practice has reached the middle stage of integration.
Lu shan, the brother who refined the heart and killed the devil, was quite low-key and weak, as if he had not yet entered the middle of the fit, but this weakness was also relatively weak. In the early stage of the fit, the fighting capacity of the powerful monk exceeded that of many monks in the middle of the fit, and he was as cunning as a fox.
Gerhu, the elder brother of the alchemist, is the only foreign monk among the elder brothers of Sun Hao’s nine veins. The wizard monk inherited Sun Hao’s alchemist vein and practiced swordsmanship, which was also relatively weak. At the beginning of the combination, it was quite low-key

Ito Bowen frowned and said, "What fatal mistake?"

Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "That is, we kept North Korea and returned Taiwan Province to Ito Pavilion in the Republic of China. The strategic position of Taiwan Province is too important, especially for China and Japan. China is the most favorable strategic barrier along the southeast coast of China. For Japan, Taiwan Province has caught our throat in South Southeast Asia. Look at the map! "
When talking, I saw that Shang Wen pointed the’ stick’ in his hand at the military map and said, "Gentlemen, whether we launch the Java War to invade Java or transport the Indian Ocean resources back to Taiwan Province, it is the only way for us! If the Chinese tiger wants to send warships back and forth here, then we don’t even have a chance to breathe. This is our fatal flaw! "
Li Jian Shang Wen went on to say, "This is the original intention of the Chinese tiger who would rather give up North Korea than take back Taiwan Province Island. From this point of view, all of us have lost to the Chinese tiger. We have released North Korea’s status to Taiwan Province Island, and now we can reap the consequences …"
Ito Sukeyuki disdain "warship cruise? Then we will send a joint fleet to escort or directly destroy Taiwan Province! "
See ShangWen a face of nai looked at Ito Sukeyuki said, "the east pavilion you are too arrogant escort? We can protect it for a while and we can protect it for a lifetime. Don’t we join the fleet and say goodbye, guarding the waters of Taiwan Province every day? Kill Taiwan Province? Don’t you dare to think about it! At present, the Taiwan Province garrison has reached three army divisions, and the Kaohsiung military port is being built in the Republic of China. In the future, it will be the most powerful base of the Chinese navy, much more than Lushun. Can you destroy it if you want? "
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Dead ambition to see
Ito Sukeyuki heard Li Jian Shang Wen say that his face would have some "Li Jian". What do you say? Anyway, now that Taiwan Province has fallen into the hands of the Republic of China, it is too late for us to say anything! "
Ito Hirobumi’s face suddenly sank and he shouted, "Ito Jun, we are discussing the important issues of our country. Don’t be angry. On the contrary, I feel that it is very reasonable to see what Jun said. Listen carefully!"
Ito Bowen, the leader of the military and political circles in Japan, has an absolute handle here to suppress Ito Sukeyuki
Li Jian Shang Wen went on to say, "Ito Pavilion has a solution to this problem at present, but it is also a temporary solution that cannot be cured …"
Ito Bowen replied, "Tell me your opinion immediately. It’s better to have a way than no way."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "Ito Pavilion’s way is to’ draw’ the salary from the bottom of the pot and completely’ chaos’ China so that Zhang Jian can’t reunite China in a short time or prolong his reunification with China!"
Ito Sukeyuki disdained, "Li Jianjun, our influence on China’s political situation is very limited. Now it is not six or seven years ago that our China spy machine was badly damaged …"
Ito Bowen gave Ito Sukeyuki a hard stare and then looked at Rijian Shangwen and said, "Tell me about your specific ideas."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "Two ideas. First, we sent’ elite’ cadres to Wuchang to meet Yuan Shikai, now the majority of the Qing court. Yuan Shikai took out certain benefits and said that Yuan Shikai formed an alliance and we supported the joint fight against Zhang Jian. I want to face Zhang Jian’s rapid growth. Yuan Shikai is the most frightened one. He will definitely agree to our alliance discussion. The second Taiwan Province is the most important two people. One is Governor Shi Dakai, and the other is Chief of Staff and Taiwan Province First Division Teacher Zhang Lin. Shi Dakai is old and doesn’t manage daily affairs very much. Most things fall to Zhang Lin. Zhang Lin was born in the northeast. Our imperial spies were close to each other. This person has always been ambitious. If we dispatch spies, we can say that Zhang Lin encourages him to push * * * * * * * at all times, it will be the most fatal blow to the Republic of China! "
Everyone took a breath in a gasp. The first way is to say that the second way is too vicious and the risk is too high. Since Zhang Yi is willing to hand over Taiwan Province to Zhang Lin, it must be very convinced that it is difficult to succeed in poaching!
Ito Bowen’s eyes flickered and said slowly, "The first way to see you is easy. I think Yuan Shikai will promise us to help Yuan Shikai support for a while, but there is still no big problem; But the second method is too risky. Once something goes wrong, it will kill you. "
Li Jian Shangwen took a deep breath and said, "High risk also means high return. If we can successfully convince Zhang Lin, it means that Taiwan Province will fall into the hands of our Japanese empire in the future, and then it will become passive and active. Although the risk is high, we believe that we can try it. Isn’t there an old saying in China that we can’t bear to be a wolf!"
Ito Bowen looked at Yamagata Aritomo. The two men looked at each other and nodded to each other. It seems that the two Japanese people were finally set up to see Shangwen and said that they were moved.
Yamagata Aritomo sink a way: "We are in favor of this plan, but it is very important for us to send people. We need a very’ fine’ capable person, which is impossible for ordinary people."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "There are many candidates that Zhang Lin is familiar with in the first regiment of Shanxianjun. We can choose one of them to make contact with Zhang Lin first. When the time is ripe, I will personally come forward to talk with Zhang Lin, hoping to say that he is always rebellious!"
"Are you going in person?"
Ito Bowen was shocked and replied, "Li Jianjun’s trip is too dangerous. You are now the pillar of our emperor’s world. How can you make risks yourself?"
Li Jian Shang Wen smiled. "Ito Jun, if this thing is done, we can completely occupy the strategic initiative in China in the next ten years. If it fails, we will also struggle to completely withdraw from the competition for Asian hegemony. Compared with the future of the empire, my life is nothing. Please approve my request and please Ito Pavilion!"
Seeing that Shang Wen is full of talent is because he was born in a buffer region and once ruled the emperor for a long time, it was difficult to win the letter of ruling the emperor, which also led to his long-term depression in the Japanese military field. No matter how hard he worked, he could never really squeeze into the core circle of the Japanese military and political circles. These bosses respected him the most and secretly kept away from him.
It’s hard to stand up for a long time to formulate a national defense development strategy on our own, but it’s a perfect seam, but we will encounter great resistance every time we implement it.
Now it is found that Shang Wen is in despair and pain of the empire every day, and he is unable to stretch his ambition to himself. He came up with this way, either to die for his country or to benefit from this opportunity. The empire has won a great turn. This is a real politician and strategist’s choice for the future!
Ito Bowen sighed in his heart when he saw that Li Jian Shang Wen was firm in God’s’ color’. He didn’t know that Li Jian Shang Wen was the only way to cure the emperor’s opposition. Seeing Shang Wen has never been very cold. What can he do? He has persuaded the emperor for many times, and there is no effect. He has made up his mind and will definitely be his confidant!
Ito Bowen sighed and said, "Well, I must make sure that you are safe. If this opportunity is really successful, I think the misunderstanding of you in the emperor’s heart will be solved. I look forward to your success!"
A tense high-level meeting of the Japanese Ministry finally made it clear that Shangwen’s proposal had come to an end. If it was not successful, it would be a success or failure. This is the final creed of Shangwen.
Li Jian Shang Wen bowed to Ito and others one by one, please, I hope the empire can work hard to reach the peak!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Shi Dakai was seriously ill.
Beijing, latest chapter visit:
Zhang Yi and others just returned to Beijing from Jinzhou via Tianjin, and they did not disperse but went straight to the presidential palace.
A few people have just stepped into the presidential palace, but they haven’t come into the courtyard yet. A staff officer was about to run out in a panic when he saw Zhang Yi and others come in and hurriedly called, "President, you’re back. I’m going to send you a telegram outside!"
Everyone is surprised!
Zhang yi faintly felt a little bad and hurriedly asked, "What’s the matter? What happened? "
Staff have calmed a mood replied, "President Taiwan Province has just come to quote the stone master old illness is hanging by a thread! Please hurry to Taiwan Province with Miss Shi. If you are late, I’m afraid you won’t be able to make it! Miss Shi is crying in the room now. Please go and have a look! "
All the people were taken aback. Shi Dakai is in danger?
Now that Shi Dakai is over ten years old and has been seriously injured several times in his early years, his body and bones are really worse than before. I didn’t expect his illness to come so quickly!
Zhang yi heart flame hurriedly drink a way "you several departments waiting for me to go to the backyard! Let’s start the discussion later! "
Say this, Zhang Yi rushed to the backyard and left Xu Huaijin and others looking at each other. Although several people are very familiar with Shi Yun, at this moment they are not good at going deep into the backyard and have to wait in the front hall.
Zhang Yi went straight to Shi Yun’s boudoir’ door’ and heard Shi Yun crying. There were’ female’ soldiers around him constantly exhorting him.
Zhang yi directly pushed open the "door" and came in.
Shi Yun looked up and saw Zhang Yi still crying.
Zhang Yishen said, "Don’t worry about rhyme, my Lord. Let me see it!"
The’ female’ soldier handed the newspaper to Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi took it and carefully read it. It was sent by Zhang Lin and said, "Shi Gong is critically ill, please ask the President to hurry south!"
Now Taiwan Province and Beijing have not answered the phone, even if they want to know the details, it is impossible.
Zhang Yi went on to say, "Yuner, let’s go back to Yuting and ask your master if his illness is really serious, and I will accompany you to Taiwan Province in person!"
Master treats himself with sincerity. I don’t know how many problems I have solved since two people met in western Liaoning. Without master’s fear, Germany would never be so harmonious now! Now the old man is seriously ill, and he will go to Taiwan Province for both public and private purposes!
Shi Yun said with a hard face, "You have to let Grandpa run to such a remote place in Taiwan Province. Now Grandpa is ruined by your life …"
Zhang Yi’s face is like Naixin’s way. Isn’t it that you suggested that the master should sit in Taiwan Province? Now he is not himself, but now the six gods of Shi Yun can’t refute Zhang Yi’s kind words and comfort.
After a long time, Shi Yun was quiet and hurried to pack things. He said, "No, I’m going to Tianjin to take a boat from Tianjin to Taiwan Province!"
Zhang Yi rubbed his hands and said, "Don’t rush to rhyme. I’ll settle down in Beijing for a while and we’ll go together at noon …"
Shi Yun is still crying hard.
Zhang Yi patted Shi Yun’s shoulder and said, "Okay, rhyme, don’t cry. Shaochuan and others are all outside. I’ll arrange things one day and go to Taiwan Province with you! Come on, let’s go out together and don’t let everyone worry. "
Shi Yun gradually stopped his sadness and followed Zhang Yi out to the front desk.
At this time, Xu Huaijin, Tang Shaoyi and others in the front office are waiting in the hall. Some are sitting on the sofa and others are walking back and forth in the hall.
See Zhang Yi Shi Yun came out and hurriedly gathered around to ask.

But a certain tendency of self-destruction Qin Fenggen doesn’t care about this.

Or to put it another way, the more mysterious Asano Ning’s identity is, the greater the attraction to Qin Feng’s madness.
Reading this memory, Pei Wende is not sure whether Qin Feng really loved this mysterious Japanese girl at that time.
Pei Wende only knew that Qin Feng did his best to help Asano Ning recover her appearance and help her get out of the haze of destroying her disability.
In this case, although the lady didn’t like this woman who suddenly appeared and robbed herself, she still took out the source of all the sins-a heart.
It is a deep red heart that is constantly beating.
Madam, in other words, this is the reason why Jiajiabao and his family originally fled from the Great Wall to Tanzhou.
It is said that this is an immortal heart.
The family has kept it for generations, but it still beats as it did at the beginning, showing no signs of decline.
The deep red liquid obtained by Asano Ningqian is the product of this heart’s blood dilution.
With the special effect of this heart, the whole family has enjoyed a long life for generations, and the family members are also handsome and beautiful.
It can be said that up to now, Qin Feng looks normal.
The problem lies in Qin Feng’s depressed and distorted personality. He actually stole the heart one day and ate it directly.
It is not known how Qin Feng thought at that time.
Because he saw only the fragments of Qin Feng’s lantern before his death, not the thinking logic and ideas of the other party at that time
Pei Wende knew that after secretly eating the heart, Qin Feng was completely twisted and turned into madness.
First, for no reason, Asano Ning changed her name to "Ninger" to help her integrate into her present life as soon as possible.
Then he induced Asano to change his appearance and move closer to his "Ninger" in his mind.
Finally, Qin Feng found that the simple "whole" root method achieved the image of "Ning Er" in his heart and hunted the women in the village.
He pieced together the most beautiful organs he thought of women in order to complete the perfect image of "Ning Er" in his mind.
From that moment on, Qin Feng, once a human being, disappeared and was replaced by a murderous maniac with no humanity.
Shen Qinfeng’s family members naturally noticed the change of their own children.
In particular, after Asano Ning was found to have transformed into a host of human face sores.
Without hesitation, Mrs. Spoiling invited a famous mage from outside and spent a lot of money to make the other party push all the sins to Asano.
What happened afterwards was just as Pei Wende knew.
Jiabao people listened to the famous mage’s statement, and regarded Asano as the source of all disasters, and then quietly imprisoned the foreign family.
Of course, this is not fear. The villagers don’t want to kill Asano Ning.
But according to the famous mage, only in this way can we completely eliminate facial sores.
This is nonsense, of course, but the real reason is that my wife resents Asano Ning for taking away what she has, so she tries to keep and torture her.
Two of the three most important men in my life have betrayed me.
Now even her favorite son has abandoned herself and turned into a murderer. She can transfer her resentment to Asano.
In a sense, although the lady’s hands are not stained with human blood, it is her jealousy and madness that lead to all this.
Feeling guilty, the housekeeper can be regarded as her helper
Qin Feng, who was doted on by his wife, is the culprit and the direct promoter of this situation.
Chapter 30 The undead Rev.
Pei Wende silently opened his eyes and looked at his face, which had stopped struggling. Qin Feng’s face could not tell whether it was pity or indignation.
Pei Wende doesn’t pity Qin Feng. He is a little sad that the truth is so "simple"
There is no malicious ghost-raising in my imagination, and there is no malicious manipulation by people behind the scenes …
The source of all this is only a woman’s jealousy and doting, which led to this wave of dozens of "man-made disasters".
"Front son …"
Being stopped by the red fox, Mr. W also saw Qin Feng stop struggling, and then he couldn’t help falling to his knees and crying.
Even if Qin Feng is not his own son, his feelings for Qin Feng have never been adulterated.
After all, in a sense, his wife and housekeeper are all his "lovers", which is naturally a member of the staff.
At this moment, there was a sudden flash of thunder in the sky
The heavy rain that had been brewing for a long time finally poured down, and this bleak picture added a little sadness.
A little green snake seems to have just wanted to express something when a very strange situation happened.
Click …
I don’t know if it’s flesh and blood tearing or bone cracking …
Seeing that Qin Feng had just stopped struggling, he looked up again and looked at Pei Wende with great interest.
"Bodhisattva heart? King Kong means? "
Pei Wende stared at a strange gesture with horror, squirming "Qin Feng".
"How long have I been dead?"
"I didn’t expect another’ king’ to appear in this world?"
As soon as this statement came out, Pei Wende suddenly realized that this was not Qin Feng, but an unknown person who was revived by Qin Feng’s body.
"Who are you?"

Ge Shilie Liangbi quickly reacted and said, "It’s not a matter of how much loss if the route for providing foodstuff is cut off. If you don’t withdraw, the army will be wiped out."

"How do you know that will be wiped out? Hmm? What if it’s not? What if the army can break through Licheng before the food and grass are exhausted? "
Yan hong Liang avenue "you will know that you drag out an ignoble existence one by one! But you don’t know how to kill yourself and make sense later! I knew it. Get out! Even if the retreat is successful, will it be better than not retreating? Nothing will be lost?
When Cao Mengde was short of food and grass, the army complained that Cao Mengde killed the grain officer and pushed all the blame on him. Then he opened the warehouse to let the army eat enough and beat Yuan Shu with one puff! This is death and afterlife! "
Six people looked at Yan Hongliang and listened to his confused speech. At that time, they couldn’t say anything to refute the truth.
However, Li Tong, the deputy commander-in-chief of Zuojun, soon realized that something was wrong.
"Cao Cao didn’t get cut off when he was short of food. He really didn’t have any food to eat, but he could still withdraw it. He didn’t want to fall short, and our army … really had been cut off and the retreat was in jeopardy!"
Seeing that his nonsense was punctured, Yan Hongliang became angry from embarrassment.
"This kind of thing I don’t know need you? Are you motivated? !”
Yan hong Liang reached a finger Li Tong "before I show off your knowledge what do you want? Do you want to rebel? Somebody! Drag me out! Get up! "
Yan hong Liang ordered QinBing to come in immediately outside the account and dragged Li Tong out with a face of consternation.
More than five people watched this scene happen in shock and thought the world was crazy.
What’s wrong with retreating at this time?
Why didn’t the emperor retreat?
Doesn’t he know that once the army runs out of food, it will collapse by itself?
He doesn’t know that a tall war horse is worse than a little donkey without food to eat?
More than five people have gone over this question in their heads, and finally Yan Hong ran to see it, and Shi Lieliang reacted first.
But the right leading deputy viceroy moved into or didn’t respond to come over immediately Li Tong excuse.
"Li Tong is loyal and has no rebellious mind. Please examine him!"
Yan hong Liang glared round and glared at each other.
"Help inverse thief speak I see you are malicious! Somebody! Pull it out! Get up! Dismissed! Give me a good reflection on my mistakes! "
So he was pulled out and relieved of his post for no reason.
There are six people at the top decision-making level, and there are only four left.
The left leading viceroy Yan Hong ran to see the right leading viceroy Shi Lie Liang Bi, the right overseer Shan Yongnian, the head of Hedong Military Forces, Yan Hong Yiying.
In addition to reacting, Yan Hong ran to see Shi Lieliang’s disciples Shan Yongnian and Yan Hong Yiying were too scared to say anything.
"Can’t withdraw! We can’t tell the foot soldiers about it. At present, the only vitality of our army is to conquer Licheng before the food runs out! Defeat the thieves! This is the only choice! "
Yan hong Liang forced four people to organize an army to storm Licheng with one hand of cutting.
The Guangfu army tried to cut off my logistics and threatened me to withdraw. I wouldn’t withdraw! I must make them pay! !
Yan hong roared with bright red eyes and then drove four people out of the military account to organize an attack.
After four people left the chancellorsville in shock, Yan Hongliang collapsed and sat in the chair for a long time before returning to absolute being, clutching his chest and gasping violently.
be over; be doomed
be over; be doomed
be over; be doomed
It’s over. It’s all over.
The route for providing grain was broken, and the back road was broken. Hebei Guangfu army counterattacked and his troops were defeated.
At this time, even if he retreats, he may not be able to withdraw, but the key is that once he retreats, his fate will be in his own hands.
You will die if you go back.
If you don’t go back, there’s still a chance, and you can master the army to make a last-ditch effort!
Nothing can be withdrawn! You must take Licheng immediately!
Yan Hongliang clenched his teeth, his face turned red and the veins stood out suddenly and violently on his forehead.
He is not like a gambler now, but a gambler who has lost his eyes and can’t give up the last hope of turning over.
He can’t retreat from his own interests, and the interests of the emperor can never retreat.
Whether the emperor or the minister, this kind of dynasty rulers never put the national interests before their own interests. If something goes wrong, the interests of dynasty rulers will always come first, and they will always come first anyway.
It doesn’t matter if the country is damaged.
It doesn’t matter if people die.
It doesn’t matter that the famous minister and general died here.
As long as the palm-grabber is still alive and can continue to palm, nothing is important to him.
I’m the only one in the world. If I’m not the only one, I’ll take care of your waves!
Yan Hong brightened up his position and position, and he decided to tie the whole Jin Guo and Jin Jun to his chariot and make a gamble with him with a very low winning rate.
Of course it’s good to bet if you win …
Then go to hell with me!
But everyone knows that this glimmer of hope has disappeared with the interruption of the route for providing foodstuff.
Yan Hongliang expected [defeating the main force of the Guangfu Army and conquering Licheng before running out of food and grass] This kind of thing can’t happen unless he is also a great care teacher, and a meteorite can just hit Su Yonglin’s head. That’s really something to say.
But Yan Hongliang is not Liu Xiu.
After being kicked out of the chancellorsville, Yan Hong ran to see Shi Lieliang. Because the disciple Shan Yongnian was Yan Yanliang’s relative and absolute confidant, he deliberately excluded the disciple Shan Yongnian and took Yan Hong Yiying together to meet and have a meeting.
"Do you really want to continue playing?"
"That’s death."
"I think so, too."
"But we won’t retreat."
"Why are you like this?"
"Yeah what don’t withdraw? Don’t withdraw when your eyebrows are on fire? "
Yan hong yi ying hasn’t understood the first festival here yet.

A large ammunition depot was detonated, and the artillery position was severely tossed, with hundreds of casualties. These are nothing. The most important thing is that the commander-in-chief Mozali was killed. Mozali was shot several times and died on the spot. In addition to Mozali, generals at all levels were also killed or injured. More than a dozen people were important generals, and the whole command department was paralyzed

Panduoyom narrowly escaped a bullet. The two men looked at each other stupidly, and even the commander-in-chief died in the same place. How can these useless mercenaries call this battle? It is difficult to resist the attack of others, and the failure of these command systems is even more unbearable!
Failed. This war is doomed to failure.
Pando lamented, "It’s a little strength to make the troops retreat …"
One side of the British general Close quit and roared, "How can we retreat at this time? Don’t forget that General Hurley is still fighting to the death with the Chinese revolutionary army ahead. If we run away, they will definitely be cut off! When the time comes, their isolation and reinforcement will be their only end, and then we will really be the end! Never retreat! "
Yom shouted, "If you don’t retreat, can you withstand the attack of the Chinese Revolutionary Army? Now our officers at all levels have died, and dozens of them are critical positions. Our artillery has suffered heavy casualties after a sneak attack!"
Pando was silent for a moment and said, "Tell General Hurley to retreat immediately. Let’s meet them here and retreat. I hope we can return to India safely …"
Chapter one thousand four hundred and thirty-nine Pig team
The newspaper soon reached Hurley.
Hurley almost lost his pulse when he learned the news. The commander’s deputy command was killed. Now the highest rank of the whole mercenary is himself, the chief of staff. Without two commanders, even if they are capable, they can’t control the whole mercenary. What’s worse, the whole command level of the mercenary is destroyed now. What’s the point of fighting? The Chinese revolutionary army is fierce and abnormal, and it is attacking itself. At present, the partial division has some strength. Although it has been occupying the wind, there is no progress at all, and even the first line of defense has not been touched!
Now the mercenary command layer behind is destroyed, and it is not afraid that the Chinese revolutionary army will collapse when it violently attacks in two or three days. It is very possible to attack our own army before and after then!
Hurley swore a Robert first, and then this Mozali was also a useless man who was afraid of God, and his opponent was afraid of his teammates like pigs. You said that you were in control of the 120,000-300,000-strong army, and you even let people take over the headquarters. I have never seen such a waste!
Now the whole mercenary is really riding a tiger and withdrawing troops now? It’s not shameful enough. It’s only been a few days, and it’s not ten days in total. Let people return to India in a despondent way, and it’s a case of playing less and playing more, and their reputation is ruined. Continue to attack? That’s pure death. Then the Chinese revolutionary army will attack before and after, and that’s a dead end!
Hurley has no idea now, but no one will give you full consideration at this time. Maybe now the Chinese revolutionary army has begun to prepare for a general attack on the mercenaries behind, which is a little late, and the defeat will be lost!
Hurley bullet sink a way "command immediately blocked the news that we will temporarily back to the army to meet behind and then launch a general attack on the Chinese revolutionary army. After the break of the international mercenary division, the British and French allied divisions immediately retreated to the rear. It is necessary to break through the Chinese revolutionary army and surround the two armies. Once the Chinese revolutionary army attacks behind, give me strength to resist and fight and retreat! If we want to meet the army, we will still have a chance to turn over! "
You must never say anything discouraging. Once you say something discouraging, it will be over. The morale of the army will be in chaos, and he will definitely help the sky one day!
The whole army immediately took action.
But he played well in wishful thinking, but Zhang Xiaohuai didn’t give her such a chance!
After Meng Xianzhu returned to the temporary headquarters in Guo Ye, he reported everything to Guo Ye. Guo Ye was so happy that he went crazy. He not only killed the enemy headquarters, but also killed a large ammunition depot of the enemy, and there were also huge casualties.
Then why hesitate to strike while the iron is hot!
Now that it’s dawn, it’s a good time to start work!
Guo Ye ordered a fierce siege against Indian mercenaries. It was a siege!
First, the artillery regiment began a volley of fire, and then the tank brigade jumped at the Indian mercenaries like a tiger out of the box, and nearly 50 thousand people from two divisions of the Chinese Revolutionary Army began a siege!
Pando and other people have not waited for the mercenary command to straighten out the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army.
Gunfire came from all over the sky, and the sound of tanks marching in the distance had already come, and explosions kept ringing. Indian mercenaries were completely out of control, and they could be passively beaten without command, even if they wanted to fight back, they didn’t know what to do
When Pando died, he was anxious and shouted, "Order the military to fight back!"
It was at this time that the Chinese Revolutionary Army’s offensive was unstoppable. Tanks and tanks rushed over before the Indian mercenary artillery fire started, and went straight into the Indian mercenaries and launched a wanton killing!
Cried the middle route army, and even the tank brigade didn’t specifically target infantry mercenaries. They were scared to death. This is a real killer, not to be taunted. Run!
Indian mercenaries began to be defeated by the establishment!
However, the tank brigade ignored the rout of the mercenaries and rushed directly to the mercenary artillery position. In a blink of an eye, it reached the front of the artillery position. At this time, four or five artillery regiments in the entire artillery position were numb with thousands of people. What’s the matter? People have already ran to the front and stayed here to continue attacking the Chinese Revolutionary Army. That’s death.
A large number of artillery throw cannons and start to run away as far as they can. Anyway, they can’t get close to each other or they will be directly pressed into patties by tanks!
Losing artillery positions to cover Indian mercenaries is not an opponent of the Chinese revolutionary army, even though the strength is still twice that of the Chinese revolutionary army, and it is still not an opponent!
Indian mercenaries are now a group of lambs to be slaughtered, full of despair, fleeing everywhere, Pando and others desperately restraining the army, which can estimate a small number of troops around them, and others have already taken the opportunity to slip away.
In a blink of an eye, the infantry of the Chinese revolutionary army has already rushed over and started to break into the ground, and the Indian mercenaries who have been frightened have launched a fierce fight!
The Indian army fled to the back after a crushing defeat.
It took less than an afternoon from the attack to the disintegration of Indian mercenaries, and more than 20,000 prisoners were killed. Without counting the remaining troops, Pando and Yom Klose led a breath and ran out for more than 30 miles before staying.
The Chinese revolutionary army did not continue to fight, and quickly withdrew its troops, because now the elite troops of Britain and France have come from the mountains!
Forty thousand British and French troops did not move slowly. Hurley figured out the key and immediately organized an army to retreat, but Zhang Xiaohuai sent an army to entangle his army.
It took a whole afternoon to break away from each other and run towards the snowy surface.
At this time, it was precisely Guo Ye, the main force of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, who led the occupation of Indian mercenary positions and was urgently deployed.
Enemy meet particularly jealous Hurley is now trapped beast still fighting dying army of more than thirty thousand people began to desperately toward the Chinese revolutionary army position launched a * * offensive in an attempt to break through the Guo Ye organization defense Guo Ye 19th division like nails nailed the position!
Chapter one thousand four hundred and forty Win the battle
Even when Hull’s interest rate led the army to launch a fierce charge to Guo Ye in an attempt to escape, Zhang Xiaohuai led the army behind him and drove it out.
In tandem, 70,000 people wrapped Hurley’s army, and Hurley felt a burst of despair. So many troops were so powerful that this time he was really planted home!
However, the more this time, the more it aroused Hurley’s bloody Hurley’s death order. Either he rushed out of the encirclement and escaped from the birth or he was wrapped in dumplings! It’s time to fight hard when you meet the brave in the narrow road!
Hurley commanded the army to continue its onslaught toward the surface, so we must open a gap, even if all the departments are dead, we must also make a hole in the Chinese revolutionary army! At this time, Hurley’s 30,000-40,000 people are really elite, tough and desperate, and it really made a hole in the southwest.
Hull’s interest rate led the beaten army and dared not go back to flee desperately. Guo Ye was so angry that he ordered the army to chase me!
The Chinese revolutionary army chased after the mountain.
I chased it out of Qiuheli in one breath for twenty or thirty miles.
Hurley was really lucky. Pando and Yom Klose had just gathered up the defeated Indian mercenaries at this time. Almost 60,000 to 70,000 people were preparing to take a breath. Hurley also fled here.
Close is frightened to disgrace. No, we have to repel the Chinese Revolutionary Army for a while to get our way. Charge and cover the international mercenaries. Come back!
Three men commanded some troops to launch an offensive novel against the Chinese revolutionary army/
The snowfields between the two sides are extremely fierce, and Hurley and others are desperate to resist the Chinese revolutionary army before it gradually recedes.
At this time, Hurley was just shocked. It took only a few days for the two commanders to die, and the Gurkha mountain soldiers lost more than half of their casualties. Together, there are only * * ten thousand people. What’s the point?
Pandoclus looked at Hurley. Now Hurley is the supreme commander of the army. Please ask him to make up his mind.
Hurley waves disheartened and sighed, "No way out, immediately order mercenaries to temporarily withdraw from Nepal to rest and immediately request further instructions from Guobao. With our strength now, we can’t resist the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army …"
Few of him had any idea. He retreated to Nepal after a while.
Now, the Chinese revolutionary army is in a state of rapture. This battle was played so happily that nothing escaped from Zhang Xiaohuai’s calculation. Although Hurley finally got away, now the mercenaries have been weakened and more than half of the casualties have been killed. This battle is definitely a complete victory!
Zhang Xiaohuai asked, "Has the newspaper been sent out?"
Guo Ye replied, "The commander has sent it to the president and the chief commander, and I think I will be able to get their reply soon."
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded. Now they must have seen the good news by this time.

Pei Wende’s impression is that there will be a special protector at the entrance of the temple.

Depending on the size of the temple and the method of holding it, there are either two or four deities, or there are different numbers of them
Respectively corresponding to different immortal images such as Wei Tuo’s Lohan, Hum and Ha, and Four Heavenly Kings.
Theoretically, even if it is humble and lonely, the position of the protector at the entrance of the temple is definitely indispensable.
Of course, Pei Wende doesn’t know whether this kind of temple, which lacks the protector in the eyes of knowledgeable people or practitioners, is generally called wild temple and demon temple.
A temple with a protector may not be able to resist the invasion of evil spirits, but a temple without a protector will certainly breed evil spirits.
This yogi’s eyes are common sense.
After all, in a sense, the temples where all sentient beings gather incense are the places with the most abundant spirituality, and the possibility of giving birth to evil spirits is naturally greater than that of ordinary places.
"Well, should I go in now?"
Although I don’t know the specific meaning of the protector to the temple, Pei Wende is not stupid and can naturally realize the subtleties of the temple opposite.
Not to mention that there is a man-eating giant tiger hidden in this temple, and he can’t be too cautious.
Just when Pei Wende wanted to pay attention to this strange temple, a panting girl, supported by two or three maids, slowly appeared at the end of the road.
Judging from the girl’s dress and bun, she seems to be a well-off country squire who has not yet reached the age of marriage.
It’s not unreasonable for a girl who hasn’t married yet to appear in front of an ancient temple in the middle of nowhere.
You know, even if this concept is very open, such a situation rarely occurs in the Tang Dynasty
"Who? Who is it? "
However, before Pei Wende continued to think about the specific reason, a girl who was wearing Tsing Yi and kept a high vigilance at all times suddenly shouted at 1.
For a second, everyone, including the girl, turned their attention to Pei Wende’s hidden tuft of grass.
I didn’t expect that I would expose Pei Wende in this way. It took me a long time to react, and I seemed to be exposed inexplicably.
"That … this … I …"
Pei Wende hesitated for a long time, but he didn’t know how to explain himself hiding in the grass.
According to Pei Wende’s original plan, he is going to lurk outside the temple and find out what is going on in the temple.
If we can successfully find the Taoist priest disguised as a giant tiger with white eyes and white forehead, Pei Wende must shoot an arrow at it at a distance of 100 paces first, no matter how good or bad.
Who knows that the plan has not changed quickly?
Pei Wende’s side has not yet found out the specific situation of the temple, and a group of young ladies and maids who have inexplicably appeared here have exposed him.
It must be the worst idea to continue to lurk or play dumb.
After all, this group of young ladies and maids show up at this temple, and when they come, they will definitely host themselves in the temple.
"Ahem, I’m lost."
So Pei Wende gave a reason why she didn’t even believe in ghosts in her surprised eyes.
"Lost? True or false? "
"Next to the road? Can this also get lost? "
"Even if you want to talk to our little girl, find a better excuse!"
Although the girls were polite enough to suppress their laughter, Pei Wende heard ridicule from their whispering voices.
It seems that Pei Wende, who is wearing a long bow and holding a short knife, has no deterrent at all because of his unique way of appearing and poor reasons.
Of course, it’s more likely that Pei Wende’s face is too immature, and it doesn’t look much bigger than her own unmarried young lady.
All the girls can regard Pei Wende as the kind of juvenile who is harmful to people and animals after a short period of consternation.
Even the most vigilant servant girl in Tsing Yi stared at Pei Wende with a look on her face, and she was ashamed to write "How could this be stupid?" Quasi-dialect
"Little husband, if you really get lost …"
"You can find the official road when you walk in the direction where we are coming for about half a wick."
After an awkward silence, the girl who was surrounded by the maids finally took the initiative to rescue her with a smile.
"But it’s getting late now. When you get to the nearest town, it’s estimated that it will be dark."
"If you don’t mind, Xiao Langjun can come with us to the Mulian Temple for a while, and then find a way to go home at dawn."
Judging from the girl’s tone, she obviously didn’t really believe what Pei Wende said, just because she didn’t want Pei Wende to be too embarrassed
"It happened that my family and the old host of the temple were a little bit incense, and his compassion would definitely not refuse."
Chapter 13 Tsing Yi Maid
A moment later, the front yard of Mulian Temple
"Get lost? Want to stay in the temple for one night? "
Slightly frowned, the old abbot of Mu Lian Temple glanced at the girls with a slightly embarrassed expression behind him, and Naipei Wende finally did not refuse the girl’s request.
"Since it is Li’s benefactor who requests the poor monk to be duty-bound."
"But there is already a mage staying at the temple today. If the layman doesn’t dislike it, let’s live with that mage for the time being!"
Although it seems to be talking to a girl, the words in the old abbot’s words are obviously explained to Pei Wende.
"No problem, no problem"
Seeing this situation, Pei Wende nodded in agreement and didn’t ask the question of "why not let yourself live alone"
After all, when Mulian Temple comes, there is not much temple monks and this group of girls come.