"Actually, today I’m here to send a few people to mourn for your family. I’m worried that you’re young and you’re not allowed to look at people. I’m not only looking after you badly, but also leaving you in trouble."

After all, there are enough people in this house, and more people are raising lazy people. The righteous brother of the male and female servants and the report prepared these people for the male and female servants when they left.
The queen mother frowned slightly. "Well, that’s good. Just think of it as mourning for the family. Actually, there is one thing to order today."
"You should understand your situation with Muer. When this child is born, Aigu wants you to send him to the palace and come outside the palace. You can make trouble at will, but Aigu must ensure that Aigu’s grandchildren are unscathed."
Lian Jian looked at the queen mother. "It is still a question whether this child can be born. Has the empress dowager thought of taking this child?"
"Ai Jia doesn’t want to see Gu Hai in danger all the time because of his parents’ fault."
"Danger to danger? The empress dowager empress said this as if she were going to put Wangfu in danger. "
From the queen mother’s words, it seems that something will happen after the birth of this child, and it may be heard from the tone of the queen mother that she has great confidence in the success of this matter.
Even Jia Jian found that she didn’t seem to inquire about this prince of integrity for a long time. The person who can make the queen mother so confident must be the prince of integrity. It is impossible for the emperor to give the queen mother so much confidence.
The queen mother seems to have found herself missing the point that "mourning for the family is based on the current situation. Don’t talk nonsense."
"Really?" Even Jia Jian especially suspects that the queen mother simply decided to be tough and see if she can cheat out some intelligence. "The queen mother is not worried that if it is really dangerous to protect a child, the male and female servants will definitely send the child to the sea country, and maybe she can get a job in the sea temple. At that time, it will be the royal family of the sea country, and no one will doubt that the sovereign is interested in this Shunguo dragon chair."
"bold! Dare to say so much! "
"Male and female servants would rather believe in this half-way righteous brother than an aunt who treats male and female servants like things." Even looking at the Queen Mother anyway, she can accept that they were in such a state of immortality when they came, and there is no need to be polite to them.
"You! When Yun Wan enters the mansion, there will be times when you cry. "The queen mother immediately covered her mouth and even smiled. It was a success.
Chapter 274 Secretly back to Beijing
The capital has ushered in the first snow, and now it is counting on this extra amount of charcoal money. It is also uncomfortable to sit at the table when you are pregnant. Many people sit too close and are afraid of bumping into it. Since the Queen Mother left, this palace has been quiet and no one has visited it. Of course, it is not that no one has come, but that the emperor has disappeared.
Who’s Yunwan? She doesn’t even want to give up her energy to talk about this kind of thing now. It’s good to have a baby at ease. Even Wanjian has calculated this day. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that this child’s birthday is around the Ching Ming Festival, but you have come back several times. The plague has been contained, but it’s still not back.
There is still a month before the Chinese New Year. Of course, it’s not even a boudoir dissatisfied housewife waiting for her husband to come back. It’s just that she heard the queen mother speak so confidently that day. Even it’s a simple matter that she is worried that this matter may not be what woman wants to enter the government. It’s a matter of worrying about what’s going on in Miao Di. When the time comes, she won’t even know that she should be like this.
It’s not surprising that even the old lady pays homage today. It’s also the visit of Yue Wangfu to Jing Taifei who often comes to find herself, especially after even the Iraqi people get married in Yue Wangfu. Even the Iraqi people’s hostility to themselves after marriage seems to have dissipated, and even the old lady is no longer pursuing this problem.
Even JianJi counting this time is almost the lunch time, just want to get up and feel the strange outside the door.
"What person! Ah! " There is a secret fight after the sound of the maid of the sea country comes from outside this door, and it is boring to fall to the ground
Even looking at a man in black came in, and his martial arts skills were so high that even these maids from overseas countries couldn’t stop him. Even looking at him calmly with a slight expression, "Who are you?"
The man didn’t answer, and walked towards her step by step, and it seems that everyone outside here should have been solved by him. Even Jia Jian reached out and touched this waist, and there was always something hidden. Seagull gave her a pistol.
She was very calm. The man in black felt that the weapon in his hand was meaningless and he lost it. It felt a little strange to stare at the man’s eyes for a while and even let go of his hand. "Do you have to pretend to be an assassin when your report comes back?"
"How do you know it’s Wang?"
"In this world without Cosmetic Contact Lenses, it’s easy to change the eyes, the eyes become bigger and smaller, and the things in people’s eyes can’t be changed." Even when I relaxed, I looked at the black man and took off his face, and sure enough, it was you. At this time, his expression was a little regrettable
You Yan Qimu will be dressed in black, wearing normal clothes inside. "That’s it, Haiguo bodyguard."
"It’s the first time I know that your martial arts are so high."
"It should be different from your righteous brother. After all, the seven Beidou people may not be able to defeat the king together."
Lianjia smiled. "It’s really amazing to have the blood of the family and the blood of ten thousand people."
"It’s already so big that Wang Cai can see what hidden weapons has prepared to deal with the strong enemy when you put your hand on your waist."
"That’s true, but the sovereign always carries it with him when he leaves his former male and female servants."
You Yan Qimu raised his eyebrows and really didn’t notice that he was not here these days. What new adventures have he had? "I haven’t seen you for nearly three months. Aren’t you going to do something?"
Even looked around at the "Wang Ye’s dressing up and coming back, male and female servants are now ordering people to prepare for the invitation-only banquet."
You Yan Qimu choked on this sentence. He didn’t mean it like this. He suddenly remembered that his princess was not a little wife, but even a few times, although he often thought of her there, he might not even think of him once.
Ru Yan Qi Mu stretched out his hand and touched the bones and leaned over. Before the bones and bones reacted, he kissed deeply, as if he were robbing something. But he saw doubt and surprise in the bones and bones. At this time, your eyes are not affectionate, but at least gentle. It is so unpredictable.
"What are you doing looking at Wang like this?"
"Is the report a little strange hobby male and female servants but still pregnant with this may be a little world?"
You Yan Qimu feels that he just hasn’t been in contact with Lianjian for a long time, and this strangeness of Lianjian to himself has emerged again. However, you Yan Qimu thinks that it may be that he hasn’t talked to Lianjian for a long time, and he may suddenly feel a little unaccustomed to Lianjian, which will prick people when he is not careful.
In the past five years in the palace, if she didn’t come to see Lianjia for more than a month, she would immediately return to a kind of alienation. Lianjia’s feelings for people are like this gourd floating in the center of water. If you don’t hold it down hard, it will return to the surface of the water. Even if he has left negligible water in this gourd, there is still a long way to go to make it sink in the water forever.
Days to call LianJianJi lunch saw this door upside down the maid immediately drew his sword "princess …"
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Even Jia Jian didn’t know that it was like hearing the auditions outside, but turned to Ru Yan Qimu. "It should be that the male and female servants prepared lunch for a while and asked them to add a pair of chopsticks."
It was discovered that there was no response from Jianji. I kicked the door directly and drew my sword, finding that I saw Ruyan Qimu and looked outside. I didn’t know what I should do for a while.

【 Good weather 】 Passive talent+territorial talent

[Golden Body] Passive talent+Active talent+Personal talent can be upgraded.
[Virtual Sword Hiding] Active talent+personal talent. The sword box form can bless the real dragon breath and the peerless sword in the sword box. According to the passage of time and the quality of the sword, the sword box can continuously produce various martial arts levels. Any sword box can instantly defeat the enemy. At present, the sword is released, and at present, the sword is cultivated.
The Lord’s skills are really imperial sword shadow, gentle sword, floating sword meaning and real dragon breath.
Lord legion samurai legion, even crossbow legion, jet riding legion, Qin Jun legion, trap camp legion (record the establishment of ten thousand legion)
Lord servant Ling Aner, Guan Wan’er, Ling Yu, Yang Mingwei, Su Nan, Su Bo, Su Jiu, Gao Shun, Zhang Jialiang, Zhuge Liang, Bai Qi, Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang.
Demon servant Andrew, Yi Jizu, thirteen nobles of the Imperial Capital, Wu Baiguan of the Yanhuang Empire, and the main members of the Sword Force of Qinjian City.
The talent of virtual sword hiding makes Su Yu thoughtful. This talent seems ordinary, but if you think about it carefully, it seems promising!
"If I put the real emperor’s sword in the sword box, can I keep it?"
Su Yu sink to the system to ask.
The system is simple and the indicator sounds up.
"That I will really emperor sword in the sword box after whether to really emperor sword box will continue to produce a sword? There is also a sword box to hold several swords at the same time. Is there any limit to the number of swords? What is the lethality of the sword? "
Su Yu continued to ask him if he needed to determine the talent potential of Virtual Sword Hiding.
If it is an ordinary talent, then colorful roulette will never occupy such a small position and it is still a golden grid!
[drop! The reference standard of the host’s sword "Real Emperor Sword" requires the host to put the real emperor sword into the sword box, which will inspire a sword equal to the strength of the host every day. 】
【 The sword box can hold a sword. If the host is lower than the real emperor’s sword in the sword box, it will decide how many days to activate a sword according to the specific quality of the sword 】
【 After the sword is activated, there is no limit to the number of swords. If the host doesn’t take out the real emperor sword for 1000 days, there will be 1000 swords equal to the strength of the host! If you need the host’s mind to command the sword, you can instantly use the sword to defeat the enemy! 】
[If the host has a high strength in this period, the sword in the sword box will also have a high corresponding lethality, but if the host takes out the true emperor sword, then the accumulation is over! The meaning of each sword must meet the requirements of 24 hours and less than 24 hours.
Perhaps Su Yu upgraded the territorial limit and correspondingly raised the system. This time, the explanation is very detailed.
This also made Su Yu understand the real horror of "Virtual Sword Hiding"
This is another mode for you to accumulate when you are not in combat, and you can be unscrupulous when you fight.
According to the standards of the four continents, even the fighters’ body and strength are strong and vast, but they are still limited, not to mention Su Yu’s burning spirit. If Su Yu didn’t make the real emperor sword for a hundred days before the enemy, then he can inspire the sword box sword at will
Each sword meaning is equivalent to a physical attack, which can make the sword meaning alone or send it together in Wan Jian.
This is a typical one-on-one fight with a group of people!
Add the passive effect of Su Yu’s golden body to reduce damage, add the speed of Su Yu’s floating sword intention, and let the sword box sword intention cooperate with the real emperor sword shadow skill to strengthen Wan Jian’s volley attack power together
This is a humanoid self-propelled bomber!
This is the card!
Su Yu deeply spat out a mouthful and said with a smile, "It seems that my luck is not as bad as I thought."
Virtual sword hiding is a typical talent, which grows more and more powerful over time. It has almost bug effect.
It’s really amazing that Su Yu can extract the virtual sword.
According to statistics, the probability of Su Yu’s normal extraction of virtual sword hidden talent is far lower than that of his extraction of a holy general!
However, no matter how bug talent is, there are certain restrictions.
The true imperial sword is a unified source, but it is so powerful and has potential that it can activate a sword every day. I am afraid that it will not be activated for several days if it is a magic weapon.
If calculated according to every iron sword, Su Yu estimates that it may not be possible to cultivate a sword in one thousand years.
According to the unified guidance, Su Yu drew out the true imperial sword, closed his eyes and communicated with the sea sword box.
The original suspended real imperial sword in front of Su Yu suddenly turned into a streamer and drilled into Su Yu’s eyebrows. He knew the sea sword box.
[drop! A sword was found in the sword box! Collect]
With the unified sound, the real imperial sword disappeared, but Su Yu could still perceive that he and the real imperial sword could be easily taken out naturally if he wanted to.
266 Chapter 266 Southern Xinjiang City Crisis
However, at present, Su Yu is obviously less than the real imperial sword br >
For the time being, Nuoda Yanhuang Empire doesn’t need Su Yu to move his own force, and Su Yu is also happy to easily put the true imperial sword in the sword box.
Two million people’s hearts and minds have spent their energy tonight.
Although once again, Su Yu is still in a good mood. To ensure that every point of the people’s energy is spent, the Chinese Empire will become stronger and stronger. What he pays now will bring him a lot of benefits after the meeting.
Such as the energy of 100 million people?

The huge wings of the ancient carving stretched out and the wind roared head on.

Zhou Tong could hardly conceal his excitement when he saw a giant tree full of holes entwine a whole mountain like a vine.
"that’s’ jimu’!"
Before he could speak, a sound came in the wind.
Zhou Tong hurriedly turned his head to wait and see that Uncle Yang, a fat man, was wearing leather armor and a ridiculous felt hat, holding the method of carving his neck hard and not letting go.
"Uncle Guo, you are here." Zhou Tong was pleasantly surprised.
Although he knows a lot of people, when he is in trouble, only this uncle Yang has the same attitude and the two have the same interests and hobbies, so he often hangs out with each other.
"Hey hey!"
Uncle Yang grinned with a mouthful of rhubarb teeth. "When I learned about this, I knelt outside the husband and wife hall for one night before my sister allowed me to follow."
"Children’s hysteria has been cured, and I have no worries. If I don’t come here to see it, I will die."
The Wild Birds and Animals Classic, the best expert on all kinds of exotic birds and animals in his life, even remembers that the wildness is a variety of styles, and he misses seeing it with his own eyes. He is the first person in China to study exotic animals.
After Wang Xuan "accidentally" leaked it to him, the uncle abandoned the splendor of the gods and followed him here.
"Speaking of this’ eight wood’ is unusual …"
When Uncle Yang met his bosom friend, he immediately gushed, "Tree species grinding is a panacea for injuries. This tree hole is full of millions of creatures, and more importantly, it proves that it is really wild here …"
It’s no better for them to excite others in their hearts.
Wei, the bodhi old zu of Wei family, often stroked the method of carving feathers, and his eyes were glowing with brilliance, and his face and smile were abnormal.
He is a fairy whose distance is just one step away, and he has already stabilized his breath. It is very easy to fly with the royal sword, but he is reluctant to leave.
The Wei family’s beast-bending skills can only shine with this wildness.
He had an idea in his heart to move the whole family, but he quickly put it out.
This place is too dangerous.
His spiritual awareness is amazing, and he can detect all kinds of horrors and dangers in the distant jungle. Even a monk who knows all the veins may have difficulties.
But this trip is enough surprise.
With so many wild beasts trying to get some blood back, Wei’s strength can grow rapidly.
Wei Chilong will be in charge of the gluttonous army in the future, but he can’t do it without some means …
Liu’s bodhi old zu Liu trembled with excitement.
Although his spiritual planting technique has been supplemented by Chengtiandu Xiancheng, is there a dragon slaying technique in the great change of middle-earth environment?
I think that at the beginning, some species of golden vines were regarded as treasures, and so many younger brothers died, but it was common here.
He has seen an iron palm tree.
This giant wood is far harder than fine steel, and it is the best material for refining the Tianbao patrol boat.
What’s more important is that the Lingmu means that it is unimaginable that the same kind of Lingmu will grow together in a huge copper mine …
Many people have smiled before landing.
Wang Xuan on the ground was calm.
Of course, he knows that this place is a treasure to the middle-earth family, and his plan has not yet been realized, so he doesn’t want to cause chaos
And one more thing.
The nine ghost countries are also in a cave, and there are ghosts behind them. It is a joke to think about the length with these things in front of you.
Keys still need to quickly form combat power.
After January, Li Yuanji forced Heaven to pay attention to this place, and it was more important to increase the input of resources to ensure profit and gain momentum at the same time.
But this step is also a risky move.
If you make a big plan, you can hide it. If you attract the attention of the nether glass holy Buddha, you may have to move forward.
It will be a big trouble then.
It’s not that simple to do this well.
Thought of here Wang Xuan thoughtfully …
After arranging many matters in the cave, Wang Xuan immediately went back to the body and slowly opened his eyes.
He has an extraordinary spirit and has heard the movement on the deck outside.
The great virtues of the Zen Buddhist monks are still busy, and Wei Tingshan keeps issuing military orders. Obviously, the ghost Buddha Valley has not been found strange.
Wang Xuan thought for a while and was not in a hurry to go out.
He guided the stars to shake the red bell and wanted to inform the white tiger soldier saint Li Yuan to discuss such things as covering up the operation and hiding from the dim glass saint.

But a certain tendency of self-destruction Qin Fenggen doesn’t care about this.

Or to put it another way, the more mysterious Asano Ning’s identity is, the greater the attraction to Qin Feng’s madness.
Reading this memory, Pei Wende is not sure whether Qin Feng really loved this mysterious Japanese girl at that time.
Pei Wende only knew that Qin Feng did his best to help Asano Ning recover her appearance and help her get out of the haze of destroying her disability.
In this case, although the lady didn’t like this woman who suddenly appeared and robbed herself, she still took out the source of all the sins-a heart.
It is a deep red heart that is constantly beating.
Madam, in other words, this is the reason why Jiajiabao and his family originally fled from the Great Wall to Tanzhou.
It is said that this is an immortal heart.
The family has kept it for generations, but it still beats as it did at the beginning, showing no signs of decline.
The deep red liquid obtained by Asano Ningqian is the product of this heart’s blood dilution.
With the special effect of this heart, the whole family has enjoyed a long life for generations, and the family members are also handsome and beautiful.
It can be said that up to now, Qin Feng looks normal.
The problem lies in Qin Feng’s depressed and distorted personality. He actually stole the heart one day and ate it directly.
It is not known how Qin Feng thought at that time.
Because he saw only the fragments of Qin Feng’s lantern before his death, not the thinking logic and ideas of the other party at that time
Pei Wende knew that after secretly eating the heart, Qin Feng was completely twisted and turned into madness.
First, for no reason, Asano Ning changed her name to "Ninger" to help her integrate into her present life as soon as possible.
Then he induced Asano to change his appearance and move closer to his "Ninger" in his mind.
Finally, Qin Feng found that the simple "whole" root method achieved the image of "Ning Er" in his heart and hunted the women in the village.
He pieced together the most beautiful organs he thought of women in order to complete the perfect image of "Ning Er" in his mind.
From that moment on, Qin Feng, once a human being, disappeared and was replaced by a murderous maniac with no humanity.
Shen Qinfeng’s family members naturally noticed the change of their own children.
In particular, after Asano Ning was found to have transformed into a host of human face sores.
Without hesitation, Mrs. Spoiling invited a famous mage from outside and spent a lot of money to make the other party push all the sins to Asano.
What happened afterwards was just as Pei Wende knew.
Jiabao people listened to the famous mage’s statement, and regarded Asano as the source of all disasters, and then quietly imprisoned the foreign family.
Of course, this is not fear. The villagers don’t want to kill Asano Ning.
But according to the famous mage, only in this way can we completely eliminate facial sores.
This is nonsense, of course, but the real reason is that my wife resents Asano Ning for taking away what she has, so she tries to keep and torture her.
Two of the three most important men in my life have betrayed me.
Now even her favorite son has abandoned herself and turned into a murderer. She can transfer her resentment to Asano.
In a sense, although the lady’s hands are not stained with human blood, it is her jealousy and madness that lead to all this.
Feeling guilty, the housekeeper can be regarded as her helper
Qin Feng, who was doted on by his wife, is the culprit and the direct promoter of this situation.
Chapter 30 The undead Rev.
Pei Wende silently opened his eyes and looked at his face, which had stopped struggling. Qin Feng’s face could not tell whether it was pity or indignation.
Pei Wende doesn’t pity Qin Feng. He is a little sad that the truth is so "simple"
There is no malicious ghost-raising in my imagination, and there is no malicious manipulation by people behind the scenes …
The source of all this is only a woman’s jealousy and doting, which led to this wave of dozens of "man-made disasters".
"Front son …"
Being stopped by the red fox, Mr. W also saw Qin Feng stop struggling, and then he couldn’t help falling to his knees and crying.
Even if Qin Feng is not his own son, his feelings for Qin Feng have never been adulterated.
After all, in a sense, his wife and housekeeper are all his "lovers", which is naturally a member of the staff.
At this moment, there was a sudden flash of thunder in the sky
The heavy rain that had been brewing for a long time finally poured down, and this bleak picture added a little sadness.
A little green snake seems to have just wanted to express something when a very strange situation happened.
Click …
I don’t know if it’s flesh and blood tearing or bone cracking …
Seeing that Qin Feng had just stopped struggling, he looked up again and looked at Pei Wende with great interest.
"Bodhisattva heart? King Kong means? "
Pei Wende stared at a strange gesture with horror, squirming "Qin Feng".
"How long have I been dead?"
"I didn’t expect another’ king’ to appear in this world?"
As soon as this statement came out, Pei Wende suddenly realized that this was not Qin Feng, but an unknown person who was revived by Qin Feng’s body.
"Who are you?"

It was not until a month passed that the Eastern Wilderness gradually recovered its former calm. The Eternal Star Field Expeditionary Force seemed to be an episode, and the monks saw a grand fireworks and then dissipated.

In recent days, the circulation around the world has gone back to the ancient celestial remains, and the sages outside the sacred land no longer cover up their identities and stir up the storm in the five realms.
Not long ago, two ancient suns flew in from outer space, and the dazzling light flashed across Zhongzhou like two suns.
It is said that these two ancient demon saints are only the first to explore the road, and behind them, their people come from an ancient star called Huosang Life.
Fire mulberry also helps the ancient star field. In the ancient years, three ancient stars, fire mulberry, Tongtian and Gouchen, have been to the ancient star of Honghuang to find the immortal map.
And the fire mulberry ancient star is absolutely powerful, and the ancient star of the great universe shoots the sun and says they have it; In ancient times, ten holy-class ancient suns made a great disaster in ancient China, and the powerful big cave was born and cast into nine arrows to shoot the nine suns with a continuous bow.
In the end, the old sun of Huosangxing, who can be admired for nine days and ten places, crossed the star field and came. He was a quasi-emperor and let Da Yi fall.
The most striking thing is another news. When the heavenly grace was experiencing the outside world, the Archaean royal family collided and fought and fell into the inexplicable ancient land, which actually touched the ban of Archaean times and made an ancient palace alive.
According to the ancient creatures of the royal family, this palace belongs to the immortal emperor of Taikoo!
After getting the news, the gods who were entrenched in the vicinity of Zi Shan couldn’t sit still. At the beginning, they failed to meet the gods, which led to the suffering of Yaochi today. This time, the emperor’s palace was born, and there was absolutely no mistake.
On that day, the ancestor king led the army out and went straight to the palace of God.
The northern domain ginger family received the news that Li Yu’s face moved, and now the emperor has given him a tree in Yaochi. The immortal palace should be difficult to dig, but it was unexpectedly touched by Ye Fan.
However, he didn’t care too much. He just sent a robbery out to the place where the palace was born.
"In Archaean, this land was the most vigorous in the world, with abundant vegetation and ancient medicines everywhere, and the aura was enriched. It is a pity that the prosperity will decline. This is the law that everything obeys."
Duan De, who lives in Huangshan Mountain in the northern domain, was born as soon as he heard that the immortal emperor’s palace was born. The black emperor was also very excited. I didn’t expect that besides Zi Shan, he could occupy an immortal palace again.
Li Yu looks up. From the terrain, it is a rising dragon. It can be seen that mountains are entrenched like dragons, and the ups and downs of ridges are strange and majestic, stretching like the sun, the moon and the stars.
In Archaean times, this terrain will be more mysterious and magnificent, otherwise it will not be seen by the immortal emperor to build a palace; However, the emperor wanted to turn into a fairy before he sat down, which led to a great change in the environment in the northern region, and even this place was affected by the wave
They went deep into Wan Li for more than a dozen years before they came to the deepest part of this ancient vein. I have to say that this mountain is extremely vigorous and rarely comparable.
Hua! There is deafening water ahead, and the waterfall hangs. The sound of Qianchuan is like a landslide and tsunami, and Ma Benteng is huge with thousands of troops.
The mountain gate is wide, and there are nine spectacular waterfalls. After walking in, there are countless magnificent scenery, and the green hills are swaying in five colors, hanging like a mythical world.
Not far away, a large number of ancient creatures are coming to the flag waving department, which is particularly conspicuous.
"Shenxing Palace will never tolerate outsiders trampling!"
Chapter three hundred and four Taikoo kill rob emperor even out of the sky.
"The emperor’s palace will never be trampled by outsiders on the residence of Taikoo God. How can foreigners set foot on it to explore this is an insult to God’s majesty!"
On the one hand, there are many ancient creatures rushing out of the huge domain, and the leader is impressively a semi-saint, almost becoming a human figure, which shows that he is powerful
The Ministry of Gods followed with flags and banners, and thousands of troops were under great pressure. They rushed out and fighters broke through the sky.
"This is the residence of Archaean God, a place where all nationalities worship, and no foreigners disturb it!"
They are very strong and want to occupy this place.
I have to say that this banner is very effective, and a small number of ancient creatures are really shocked. There is still a fear of respect for the immortal emperor in their bones and veins. That is the first emperor in ancient times who surpassed God.
However, such as the top royal family, the fierce family and the Taikoo royal family, they are not so interested, especially the powerful ancient royal family.
What’s so ancient? Who hasn’t got an ancient emperor yet? Isn’t it a joke to respect the immortal emperor instead of your own ancient emperor?
Not to mention the fact that the holy emperor overthrew the immortal emperor’s Dojo in the last years of ancient times. It can be said that the ancient emperors were more or less aware of the fact that their people had gone out since the present, and they naturally didn’t care much about the fact that there was no ancient emperor’s suppression department.
Seeing this scene, those proud people with long eyebrows of God’s descent felt angry, but the accompanying ancestor Wang shook his head and held them down. Now they are not too old, and the gods are imprisoned in Yaochi. It is not the time when their scenery swept the sky.
Without the support of a great ancient sage in secret, I’m afraid their words are not as good as those of a royal family now.
"The ancient gods will not die, and the emperor will go to the palace. God knows what kind of gods will be left!"
"At the beginning, the immortal emperor’s skin and coffin gods were all present in the fairy house world, and the heirs were found in the jade pool. Now even the palaces have been excavated. It’s really horrible."
"Yeah, I’m afraid those ancient creatures will be enraged again this time, but I’m not a vegetarian, and some sages are born and I’m not afraid of them."
After a long time, many Terran monks arrived in the East Wilderness, and I don’t know how many powerful forces arrived here.
Ji’s family, Jiang’s family, Yao’s pool, Yaoguang and other polar forces all appeared at the first time. Ancient saints were born to explore this place, and the ancestors and kings of all ethnic groups confronted each other with some fears and did not plan to start work easily.
Many people in the ancient tribe are very tight-minded. These terran details have indeed revealed a part. Although they don’t talk much about unity with each other, they are still very scary when they agree with each other.
"Such a treasure land may be left by the immortal emperor to his children, but as a result, you robbed the coffin of human skin, and the children were taken by you to raise trees. Now you have to dig the palace. This beam is extremely rich."
Duan De is amazing. If there is a big chance, the ancient emperor will come into contact with things frequently, which can be said to be predestined friends. But like Li Yu, it can be said that doomed love has made a fortune for others before and after.
"Afraid of what the emperor did in those days, Purple Mountain was also called the Ancient Emperor Mountain. Those God-born chaos has not been suppressed, and even the immortal medicine has turned to follow the emperor."
The black emperor is otherwise very proud. It seems to him that the immortal emperor is not a good thing. The emperor has explored many secrets, all of which are the conspirators behind the ages.
It can be said that the ancient war of God is that he provoked and triggered a series of bloody chaos, and the emperor also confronted each other; However, this foundation will not intervene in the spirit of the Emperor.
"I have a destiny, that’s me."
Li Yu’s brow stretch doesn’t matter.
I have to say that this mountain is very broad, and their location is just a mountain gate. The whole area is towering and steep.
The ancient gods left a palace, which can be said to be a treasure house for future generations. It is too much to say that it is a great nature.
Even the ancient creatures of the royal family are tempted to explore the face of the gods, which is precious.
There are several special mountains in the four fields of this place, which are far away from here. Every peak has an ancient temple, which is obviously a treasure house surrounded by bundles of fiery eyes.
"In the past, all ethnic groups respected the ancient gods, but after the rise of an ancient emperor, the prestige was not as good as before. More and more ancient people deviated from the camp."
At the ancient sacred entrance of Jijia, there is still an ordinary man standing beside him, with an ordinary and quiet temperament, just as the vast edge is empty and endless.
"All families are honored? Which generation of emperor is not respected by all ethnic groups? This is not something to be proud of. It is also self-inflicted to be overturned by the holy emperor. Even the Xia Dynasty has an account to calculate. If you look over it, I am afraid it is not as simple as one or two. "
Li Yu’s carefree mouth means that many people’s eyes are not flashing, especially the Taigu royal family, many of whom look at each other, and the Black Emperor Duan De reveals an intriguing smile.
In the distance, there is a god who will lead the big yelling, "What is this nonsense?" !”
"Who slanders Shen Ying! Who is impatient with the majesty of the emperor? "
This is a three-eyed ancient clan that has reached the realm of Dacheng king. At this moment, when it roars and drinks in all directions, the wind blows and smashes the hills, making many people afraid to talk again.
"I said, like your god I Terran dry! How dare you yell here! "
Li Yu is full of black hair, the wind is flying wildly automatically, and his eyes are like two flashes.
He stared at the big three-eyed ancient creature’s eyes, and the light shot violently for dozens of miles, piercing the sky like two heavenly swords and chopping the body, and there was a terrible flame burning
Poof-poof, the screaming three-eyed ancient creature’s whole left arm was blown up, dripping with blood, and the bones were dense.
"Heng yu? !”
At that time, the gods around me were shocked and angry, and this hateful black-hearted devil targeted them again and again!
Immediately, a semi-saint stepped in to save this leader, but when Li Yu’s eyebrows turned to Guanghua, the terrible eyes suddenly condensed into substance, and too many terrible means turned into a ray of source auditions and killed them out.
In the roar, the mountains rumbled down and turned into dust, and the ripples pushed hundreds of miles of rocks and collapsed clouds, making the ancient creatures turn into a blood fog.
Even the semi-saint who came to the rescue hurried and retreated. Long Yindao drank the source sound, and the shock revealed surprise. In just a few days, Heng Yuxiu actually climbed to the grave, one step away from Dacheng!
This speed of practice is simply horrible and really uber.
"What happened to the noise?"
In the distance, there was a strong fluctuation from a towering peak, where the law of blood gas transpiration covered the sky, but it was the arrival of the ancestor king

"Help you make an appointment with Zhang Chuer …" Han Ping seems to be shaken.

"Well, if I make an appointment, your account will be ten thousand more. If I declare success, my account will be thirty thousand more." Yin Dang, with deep pockets, completely defeated Han Ping’s defense.
"Where is the appointment?" Han Ping agreed directly. After all, it is a wonderful thing for an ordinary person to get 30 thousand yuan.
"Green Coffee"
Yin Dang hung up and sneered at the corners of his mouth. "Hum, aren’t you arrogant? I have a way to get you out and throw yourself into the arms of the young master."
Yin dang was afraid of not being safe and repeatedly beat the words of the remaining two people. The remaining two people were also ecstatic and quickly promised to be afraid that Yin dang would go back on his word
Hang up Yin Dang * * * smiled and went to Green’s coffee preparation.
After ventilation, the three roommates called Zhang Chuer together and prepared to take money to do something bad.
"Chu Er, I’m Han Ping. I’ll wait for you to come to Green Coffee once. The three of us will comfort you. Well, just remember to come."
Han Ping hung up with a smile and easily got 30 thousand yuan to make her very happy.
On the other side, I didn’t know that Zhang Chuer was happy and was moved by three roommates. I almost had to leave tears to pack up and go straight to Green Coffee.
But waiting for her is an abyss.
In the green coffee Han Ping three people took her into the room just entered Zhang Chuer with a smile face immediately solidified and turned to leave.
"Hey, Chu Er, don’t leave in a hurry." The three roommates were in a hurry at that time, which depends on their money
"Don’t you want to know about Longyou and that woman?" Instead, Yin Dang drank coffee with a calm face.
Hear this sentence Yin Dang Zhang Chuer steps stopped looking at a face of carefree Yin Dang sat on the sofa.
"Ha ha, you have to listen to me before Chu Er says these things," Yin Dang said.
"What’s the matter?" Zhang Chuer Qiao face is indifferent.
"Ha ha, Chu Er, I like you deeply. Do you like Longyougen or not? I can give you happiness. Come with me. Don’t think about the man who broke your heart." Yin Dangyin suddenly softened up and held out a big bunch of roses from his body with a look of hope.
"It’s impossible. Even if I don’t go with Longyou, I won’t go with you. You should be dead." Zhang Chuer didn’t look at Yin Dang’s words.
"What can I give you happiness?" Yin Dang shouted sullenly and angrily.
"There is nothing I don’t like you." Zhang Chuer’s words made Yin fall from head to toe like falling into icehouse.
Chapter One Close Call
It’s sunny outside the window and the sun is dazzling. Longyou lies on the windowsill and looks at the scenery outside, but the mood is so low.
He is very upset that the whole person has lost almost a circle in the past few days. Since Zhang Chuer left angrily, he has counted every day that he wants to make up with Zhang Chuer during the Cold War, but he doesn’t know how to do it.
Worry longyou sighed and picked up a bottle of wine from the side of the desktop, regardless of the degree of the wine. He looked up and drank the original sunny face, and his face was full of sorrow at the moment.
"The young master also drowned his sorrows by drinking."
There was a sneer in my mind, and the white light flashed in front of me, and email appeared in front of Longyou.
"How can you come out?" Longyou was slightly taken aback.
"This is an illusory body, but you will feel distressed when you look at it by drinking, little master!" Email jiaochen way
Who knows longyou turned his head and looked into the distance, ignoring email in front of him.
"Young master will be like this. Not everyone can enjoy such a blessing. It proves that you have great charm. Anyway, besides Zhang Chuer, don’t you have Miranda Kerr? Since Zhang Chuer is angry and left you, let her go. According to the charm of young master, there will be a lot of beautiful women who will throw themselves at each other in person. Zhang Chuer is blind and blind, and will regret it one day." The so-called lazy stretch of email is very humanized and leans against the balcony bar.
"Don’t say that Chu Er! Chu Er, don’t you know where I am? " Longyou light is wrinkly to knit the brows wrinkle "and others don’t know you don’t know? Miranda Kerr and I have nothing at all! "
"I believe that the young master will take that Miranda Kerr in his pocket one day. Well, I won’t say much about your little lover." Email’s ear moved and she heard a slight step, but she smiled and disappeared in front of Longyou.
A burst of footsteps sounded like a kitten, but Miranda Kerr guessed that Longyou was in a bad mood and found it.
I don’t want to face Miranda Kerr’s dragon tour reality. I just wanted to slip away quietly, but Miranda Kerr hugged me from behind.
"Why did you leave as soon as you saw me?" Miranda Kerr was wearing a thin robe, and her chest was full of backlog, and her back was a little sad and angry.
In the face of Miranda Kerr, I feel a little embarrassed from my heart. Since Miranda Kerr appeared, almost everything around me has been constantly. First, I was shot and then Chu Er left angrily. All this has nothing to do with this sweet-looking Miranda Kerr.
Longyou gently took Miranda Kerr in his hand and said, "Chu Er has misunderstood us. I also told you that I am not your husband. Please don’t do this again."
Miranda Kerr noncommittally smiled and didn’t respond to Longyou’s words. She smiled and pulled Longyou into the room to eat the juice she had prepared herself.
"Did you listen to me! Can you restrain yourself a little! " Even if it is a good temper, there are some outbreaks at this time.
"You mean me …" Miranda Kerr cried with tears in her eyes. "I’m watching you drink alone and want to get you some juice to drink. I’m afraid you hurt yourself and you mean me."
It is said that tears are a woman’s greatest killer. Miranda Kerr’s tearful eyes are dancing, and the pear blossoms are raining, which makes Longyou’s anger disappear by more than half.
Chloe is just a poor girl with amnesia. I blame her so much for being irresponsible and secretly blaming myself.
Patted and sobbed, Chloe said, "It’s bad that Chloe doesn’t cry. Brother Long shouldn’t send a dragon to you and drink all the juice of Chloe’s love, okay?"
"Really?" Miranda Kerr rolled over and sat up, with tears in her eyes, and gave the table juice to Longyou. "You won’t be angry with you if you drink all Chloe."
"Sure enough, it’s still a little girl’s nature. It’s no wonder that Chloe didn’t solve it herself." Seeing Chloe jumping for joy, some Nye shook his head
After putting Miranda Kerr to sleep, Longyou decided to go to Chu Er in person and tell the truth. He believed that Chu Er was not the kind of unreasonable girl.
At this time, it is close to late autumn, and it is always mixed with strong winds. Even though Longyou is wrapped in a thick coat, he can’t help but make a cold war.
He can’t help but think of whether Zhang Chuer will feel as cold as himself now. When he thinks of this, he just tightens his pocket and warms up.
I am very familiar with Longyou in Zhang Chuer dormitory, and it didn’t take long to arrive.
Longyou came from the car, and it was not so easy to get into the girls’ dormitory. Longyou was stopped by the aunt who managed the girls’ dormitory like other boys.
"Aunt, this is for you to prepare food taken late at night. It’s hard to keep the dormitory every day." Longyou took out a bag of food and handed it to the aunt of the dormitory. He and the aunt of the dormitory were familiar with each other because he often came to the dormitory to pick up Zhang Chuer to play. Naturally, he had already flattered the aunt of the dormitory a long time ago.
"Come to see Chu Er again," said the aunt in the dormitory, who didn’t push to take off the food and put it aside.
"Yes," Longyou said absently, and his eyes kept looking towards the building.
"You haven’t come to see Chu Er for so long. Since you are a couple, how much you should care about her? Otherwise, let others beat you to it! You haven’t come to see Chu Er these days. There is a student who is pursuing Chu Er every day. Even if Chu Er refuses him, he is still stalking him. Chu Er has been asked out to play by him. "Aunt said.
"But I heard that the student is not a good thing either. He is famous for his playboy in the school. He played a lot of girls with his family’s money. I think this time he asked Chu Er out. It must be an evil plan. I advise you to hurry over and have a look!" Dormitory aunt kindly told Longyou
Longyou immediately tightened up after listening to the aunt in the dormitory, and turned around and ran out of the dormitory.
Although he doesn’t know what the student’s sex is like in aunt’s mouth, he is not at ease whether Yin Dang wants another man to ask Zhang Chuer out! His woman can touch it herself!
At the same time, the atmosphere in the box is also instantly solidified. Zhang Chuer roommates can’t think of Zhang Chuer’s face with power and appearance. Yin Dang didn’t have a crush but refused directly. Although they knew that Zhang Chuer didn’t like Yin Dang, it was still absolutely shocking when they saw it with their own eyes.
Yin Dang is in a very angry mood at the moment. I wonder when he confessed that Yin Shaoshao was rejected. Which woman didn’t stick to him after worrying about the past, but this Zhang Chuer refused him again and again! This is a shame for him Yin Dang!

"Cut the grass without uprooting they are tall once more in the spring wind"

Some people gasped at Ning Caichen’s words and felt cold at heart. Although that was said, how many people can do it?
"Today and later generations will come to Emei again"
Some people sigh that not only Emei Mountain collapsed, but also the Emei Sect lost its former glory. Now it is in ruins, with blood on the earth and the smell of fierce war left behind, except for inviting the moon and Xing Tianzong.
Ning Caichen’s white clothes are fluttering and purples, and the blood is dotted like a bloody flower. Wei Zhaung is enchanting and beautiful. Behind him, he looks calm. Crimson Lotus is in a coma. He invites the moon and Bai Feng, Wang Sheng’s swan. Bai Feng, as always, looks calm and handsome. There is no change in his face. However, Wang Sheng’s look at this moment is somewhat complicated.
"Even if you kill the enemy, you can never go back!"
Wang Sheng spoke softly and looked lonely. At this moment, Emei was destroyed, but he didn’t get the pleasure of revenge. Instead, he felt a tingling in his heart and died, like the destruction of Emei. Like the past, he couldn’t survive and dissipate completely even if he slaughtered thousands of people.
"Your name is Xing Tianzong!" Ning Caichen looked aside. Xing Tianzong was dressed in elegance and elegance in Tsing Yi. "It seems that Emei has no male brother."
"I’m not from Emei, but I’ve lived here for more than 20 years." Xing Tianzong looked at Emei Mountain with a complicated look and finally looked at Ning Caichen. "Are you going to kill me?"
"Do you think I want to kill you?" Ning Caichen looked at Xing Tianzong and asked, "He has seen this man in the Shu Mountain Shadow."
"There should be no …" Xing Tianzong smiled. He didn’t feel the murder from Ning Caichen.
"I am very similar to someone you know?" Ning Caichen asked again at XingTianZong.
"You look like my master?" Xing Tianzong looked at Ning Caichen with a complicated look. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe that there are such similar people in this world. If he hadn’t seen his master die in the disaster of heaven and earth in the previous year, he almost decided that Ning Caichen was his master.
"Is it very similar?" Ning Caichen continued.
"Almost exactly the same. If it weren’t for the disaster that I saw him die in the first place, I would have recognized him …"
"Can you tell me one?" Ning Caichen glanced at Crimson Lotus’s invitation to the moon and asked Xing Tianzong, "Your master and the invitation to the moon have a good relationship."
"My master’s name is Mu Liuyun, and I knew Jenny very well more than 20 years ago. It’s a pity that my master didn’t survive the disaster of heaven and earth and got married. Later, I followed Jenny to Emei Mountain for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years, Jenny has always missed my master …"
Xing Tianzong said something.
"So you just took me as your master." Ning Caichen visited Xing Tianzong.
"I know you’re not Jenny." Xing Tianzong looked complicated and looked at Ning Caichen. "Jenny has never forgotten the master."
"Real Jenny has been extinct, and Jenny and I have been living in seclusion in the back of Emei for more than twenty years …"
Xing Tianzong and Ning Caichen chatted directly in the virtual space. Xing Tianzong said something about his teacher Mu Liuyun, who is almost exactly like Ning Caichen, Emei.
"Jenny has always opposed extinction and warned her that her utilitarian heart is too strong and her killing heart is too strong, and she has lost her monastic heart."
"Jenny has always warned me that monks should be careful not to be bound by feelings for life like her."
Speaking of which, Xing Tianzong laughed himself.
"Do you like inviting the moon?" Ning Caichen asked again.
"A little before …" Xing Tianzong did not shy away. "But now I have learned a lot when I broke through the realm of Yuan God. Now I see that your feeling is even weaker."
Ning Caichen looked at Xing Tianzong, whose eyes were calm and clear, and Ning Caichen looked at each other.
"It may be the best result for Jenny to follow you. If I leave, I will visit you in the state of Jin later."
"I won’t kick you out …" Ning Caichen said.
"Ha ha, I didn’t expect you to be joking …" Xing Tianzong smiled. "It seems that you are not as cold-blooded as you said."
Xing Tianzong bowed his hand and finally turned into a streamer to photograph the distance.

Wei Cang saw this scene but frowned and stopped in the same place for a moment, then he did not hesitate to change a direction.

"Elder Wei, will you be too cautious?"
Xu Ping some unhappiness unexpectedly eyes Zhang Dan questioned Wei Cang decision.
"I have a fairy device that can sense some mysterious breath. I feel great danger when I pass through the fairy device in this ancient restricted area. It is always right to be cautious."
Wei Cang dare not offend Xu Pingnai can explain and say
In fact, Wei Cang has been able to practice until now and has become the third elder of Taiyin Sect. He said that this fairy instrument has contributed a lot! It is because of this mysterious function of the fairy and his caution that Wei Cang can live safely to the present.
And it is precisely because Wei Cang is cautious that Grandpa Xu Ping will agree that Xu Ping will follow Wei Cang into the realm of cultivating immortals in order to compete for the immortal mansion.
Moving on in another direction, Wei Cang has accelerated a lot this time.
The deeper you go, the more plants and animals there are in the ancient forbidden zone, and they all have the same feature, that is, they are getting bigger and bigger!
After a day’s progress, almost all monks felt wrong.
The ancient forbidden area is not very large, and it is absolutely impossible for the deification period to enter the depths one day!
"This box is a bit odd! I suspect that this forbidden zone is not the same world as the cultivation world, but a separate world, which is connected with the cultivation world at the entrance! "
Wei Cang face became dignified slowly mouth way
"Another world? There are creatures here. Is it a mysterious world? " Xu plane suddenly revealed joy color mouth asked.
"It’s not the Xuanjie Xuanjie, but it’s still the Great Avatar Godsworn, who has arranged the law of heaven and earth to draw on the spiritual power of the outside world to become a holy place for cultivation, but it’s obviously not here, and I can feel that this side of the world is very old, and it may have been left over from ancient times."
Wei Cang low mouth frown up.
"This place is so old that it may really be where the Xiandi mansion is!" Xu Ping still has a face of excitement.
"Come on, let’s be careful. There may be a big crisis here." Wei Cang did not refute it. Obviously, the general idea is to be careful when you wake up.
The next journey became a little silent, that is, Xu Ping seemed to feel a little depressed and silent.
So fast, after a day, I haven’t seen the edge. Xia Qi and Wei Cang are wondering if they haven’t entered the depths of the ancient restricted area!
By this time, it is certain that this forbidden area is definitely a world root and does not belong to the cultivation of immortals!
Moreover, nowadays, the wild beasts around the restricted area are becoming more and more powerful, and many of them are comparable to the wild beasts at the beginning of the deification period, which also makes the group nervous.
Just after Wei Cang just managed to slay a huge savage beast, there suddenly came a tremor in the depths of the restricted area, and the anger of heaven and earth suddenly roared!
This violent roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the clouds were shaking, and the earth was shaking, and the branches and leaves of the ancient trees shook violently, and the power was terrible.
"I’m afraid this kind of power is comparable to the peak of the gods!"
Wei Cang looked at the distance with horror and looked a little scared!
Wei Cangxiu is in the sixth floor of the deification period, which can make him feel scared and say that this brute is powerful.
"Come on, let’s go and have a look."
But deep in the eyes, although there are some fears, Wei Cang still doesn’t hesitate to drink low and rush in the direction of roaring.
Xia Qi several people can naturally follow.
Soon Xia Qi knew what Wei Cang knew about the brute beast and dared to rush over, because there were many strong people rushing to the roaring place along the way.
Chapter three hundred and forty Broken temple
The roar resounded through the sky
Although hundreds of miles away, you can feel a strong horse breath just listening to that roar, which is daunting.
It’s such a power, but many strong people who have entered this place have roared at the beast like the tide, and the direction has swept away.
Xia Qi followed Wei Cang several people and was among many monks.
Soon Xia Qi’s eyes changed, and the ancient trees suddenly disappeared and replaced them with a desolate place!
There are many broken temples in this desolate place, and the desolate land seems to tell the vicissitudes of time.
And beside these broken temples, there are many wild animals who seem to be waiting for these broken temples.
At this time, the battle was disturbed by the intrusion of many monks, and the savage beast was regarded as an intruder, and a fierce battle took place.
Xia Qi suspended in front of Wei Cang and others, and his eyes looked to see that there was a war going on around the broken temple at the moment.
An elephant with a huge body like a mountain is covered with a layer of armor, but its eyes are shining with golden light, which is very strange, while two ivory tusks are tens of meters long and glittering like jade.
At this time, this elephant was entangled in the huge body of the three strong men, and they were afraid of rampaging. From time to time, their golden eyes shot a golden light into everything, which made the three strong men flustered.
What’s even more frightening is that the elephant ivory shines like jade, and the light is very beautiful, but it is the sharpest weapon of the elephant. If it is gently lifted, it will directly pierce the three gods and dare not collide.
"It’s from Qingfeng Valley!"

Everything seems so real and clear except the fact that the body is getting bigger. The ability to control the changes in the whole environment makes Chen Shaobai feel happy and satisfied, and at the same time, it also gives birth to a stronger desire to break through to a higher level.

He knows that he has broken through the most difficult task. He has spent the marrow as clear as frost and as white as snow. It will take another two or three days to rest, and his hands will fade away and his body will adapt to the skills. When the blood is full and rolling like magma, he will completely enter the swordsmen’s realm, and his strength will increase a lot.
But will the python give it to him like a monster? The answer is obviously no.
"Hiss! Go to hell for me! " The black python, which has always dominated the forest, seems to have never been hit so hard that it spits out snake letters and licks up its tail wound. It took two or three breaths before it recovered from the severe pain and roared. It opened its jaws and bit Chen Shaobai at a faster speed than before.
Perhaps it is just a breakthrough in the realm. Before Chen Shaobai J: ng God will, the so-called concise movement of the other party is more rapid and fast, but it seems to be slow in his eyes.
Although it is slow-moving, his body is completely unresponsive, just like the high-level unified with low-level hardware, and the delay is scary.
In the face of each other’s huge mouth rolling and stirring, Chen Shaobai "slowly" stabbed his sword out of his eyes as calm as a lake.
This sword stabbed him, and he didn’t know if he could live, but the other side was bound to die.
He has enough confidence in his killing.
God’s will is like a knife, and no one can measure it. When Chen Shaobai is ready to hand over his life to heaven, he will clean up the whistling from a distance.
"The genie dares to hurt people!"
Then time seemed to freeze, and a girl named Chivalrous Swordsman, a tight girl in dark blue, suddenly appeared, and her figure suddenly flashed on the ground, dragging out a long ghosting image.
If it hadn’t just broken through Chen Shaobai, I’m afraid I would have recognized that a gust of wind had blown.
The girl who came to the front of the black python held a knife in her hand that resembled wood blade and waved it high.
Three-foot-long solidified sword Gang sprayed from wood blade will split the snake head as big as a door panel.
"Just a head of calcined bone peak small demon doesn’t even have a human form, dare to come out and harm people? It seems that the wind state really messed up "girl back wood blade soliloquize.
Snow …
When I was sprayed with scarlet snake blood, the passing speed seemed to suddenly return to normal. Chen Shaobai slowly put Wan into the sheath and handed it to the girl. "Thank you for your help. Although I dare not say that Yongquan will repay Chen Shaobai, I will keep it in mind."
The other party’s strength is beyond Chen Shaobai’s imagination, and in his heart it has become as high as it can be dismantled by hand.
Such scenes say that the girl smiles at her eyebrows, but then she realizes that her performance is really not superior, and then she thinks of some seemingly loyal people she met all the way from Xian Zhou, but in fact jiān deceives the villain. She will immediately face Se Lengsu up "Chen Shaobai? It’s a good name. I just saw what you did to save your heart in a crisis. It’s a pity that your family is excellent, but your talent is too poor, otherwise you can make a difference in kendo. "
The family is ok? Bad talent?
Chen Shaobai looked at the magnificent hilt hanging from the waist and suddenly realized that the latter was not good at boasting in front of the other side’s superb strength, so he asked, "Dare to ask the woman’s name?"
"Zhu Mohan, is it okay if I take this thing?" The girl shook wood blade’s snake head, and the head-sized sarcoma flew into her hand.
"Of course, no problem." The sarcoma is glittering and translucent, emitting a faint light and fragrant. Chen Shaobai will know that it is not a mundane thing at first glance, but if it is not for Zhu Mohan’s hand, whether he is alive or dead is still a question. The answer is simply.
"Playing the piano outside is your sister? Recently, there are monsters in Fengzhou, such as Beads, Calcined Bones and Shapeshift. This snake is a small demon that is equivalent to the peak of a swordsman, but it takes advantage of its unique talent and can do manual work at the beginning of a swordsman’s life. However, there are monsters that are stronger than it in this world. I don’t know how weak you are. Don’t stay too far away from your sister. "
Chen Shaobai some don’t understand each other.
"There must be no chance to see you again today, so I have to wake you up."
"Although it hurts, I still want to say that your soul has made different achievements. The swordsman is almost the limit and is not suitable for repairing swords."
After emphasizing the talent problem again, I wish Mohan didn’t look at Chen Shaobai for half an eye. Her eyes focused on the small white fox and she said with a little sigh and admiration, "There are two kinds of magical powers to find a fox, even if it is ordinary. If you can raise it well, there are not many creatures that can pose a threat to you."
Chen Shaobai, the little guy who clung to his thigh, knew that he had left his eyes and fought bravely. After exchanging pleasantries with the girl, he set about dealing with the huge body of the black python.
Chapter 51 Find Linghu Purple Pupil
The black python was a powerful horse before his death. It must have been the overlord in this mountain forest. The wolf, the tiger and the leopard were as fragile as ants in front of it, but after being beheaded by a sword, its body looked a bit ridiculous.
Chen Shaobai looked down the profile of the snake body and covered it with hard scales. It turned out that the muscles and blood vessels were firm and fine, and there was no bone organ in it. It was like eating sausages at festivals in previous lives.
After everything settled down, he repeatedly confirmed that he was not in danger of life. The little white fox stared at the black python’s body with shining eyes, and flashed away like a red cat. The short limbs seemed to have no restrictions, so he grabbed the snake and wolfed it down.
See it eat so jubilant Chen Shaobai also gave birth to some interest, although the black python can vomit a person’s words, but after all, he won’t produce any evil psychology.
So he picked up a thin crimson snake meat sword and shook it, so he easily drained the blood. The whole snake meat showed a semi-transparent color, and the muscle texture was fine and compact, and it shone brightly in the afterglow of the sunset. People would consciously recognize it as a tonic if they didn’t taste it themselves.
Chen Shaobai picked up this thin snake meat and put it in his mouth.
Zi …
Perhaps because of the loss of vitality, this piece of meat was directly melted by saliva into a fresh juice and slipped into the esophagus without chewing.
Although there is no doping, its taste is extremely fresh, fragrant and salty, and it has never tasted the natural taste. Chen Shaobai blooms in thousands of tongue buds, and Shu Tai closes his eyes unconsciously.
"It seems that the little guy is still a gourmet … if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid there are rare dishes in front of me. I wouldn’t know. Is that what the word" searching for a fox "means?" Maybe it’s just sharing weal and woe, maybe it’s helping yourself to act as a meat pad. Chen Shaobai now looks at the little white fox with more tenderness and less alert.
"Take more home and let Miao Miao taste it."
Stroking the hilt, Chen Shaobai’s wrist, shaking, sword light flying.
Shua shua shua …
Thirty pieces of founder snake meat neatly piled up into a hill in front of us. Chen Shaobai estimated that it weighed about 200 kilograms, but the huge body of black python was nine Niu Yi hairs by comparison.
After peeling the snake skin and wrapping the meat, Chen Shaobai took a deep look at the fox. "Little guy, you are so stupid. How long will it take to remember? Don’t be eaten as food. Let’s see you later."
Although it’s a great price to find Linghu in his childhood, even Zhu Mohan’s kind of behavior is high and high, and the dragon sees the tail and the knight errant is very important to Chen Shaobai, and he knows that it’s huge, but he didn’t want to use this little guy as a tool just now.
Little white fox can live in this dense forest if he doesn’t go deep into Zixiapo, but if he follows him, he will face a lot of cunning humans. For him, the dense forest around Zixiapo is the most stable home, safer and more suitable for growth.
"Meow?" Small white fox yum! Swallow snake meat in his mouth and turn around. Se is puzzled.
"Don’t play dumb with me. The human world is too dangerous. If it’s predestined, we will meet again."
Having said that, Chen Shaobai turned his head and walked away. Fox seems to be a child’s heart. At present, he gave up the idea of following and ate hard.
After a dozen breaths.
The little white fox suddenly sniffled to confirm that Chen Shaobai had gone far, and then his eyes flashed a decisive Se. He suddenly closed his eyes, and a pair of petite J: ng claws spread flat on his chest, gradually floating a little white light, and he didn’t know whether it was released by himself or attracted from heaven and earth.
The white light of the stars condenses into threads, and the white mans gradually escape from its claws and radiate to the python’s body to wrap it.
So a magical scene happened.
The python’s long body stretched for five feet was compressed rapidly in the white light package, but it disappeared after two or three breaths.
Instead, a pearl bead contains a small snake with a head because it is too small to look like an earthworm.
After all this, the original half-inch long wound in the paw of the purple pupil white fox suddenly cracked and extended to more than one inch. The strange white Se blood dripped on the ground and soaked the blue Se pine needles.
The little fox who swallowed the pearl limped on the ground and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.
After it left, the rapid evaporation of white Se blood made Fiona Fang suddenly covered with a layer of frost within ten meters, with a light and sweet taste.
Immersed in the melodious piano, the scenes that happened tonight have been replayed repeatedly in Chen Shaobai’s mind for a long time.
Being able to spit out people’s words and forge bones, the snake demon’s stomach exceeds its own size, and the purple pupil white fox can inspire a three-foot sword with wood blade. The girl swordsman Zhu Mohan is surprising. There are too many things that he needs to digest well and share with his fiancee when he gets back.

However, except for these two three robberies and scattered immortals, everyone is white. This is just an illusion. Maybe in one sentence, this white boy will suddenly explode and three robberies and scattered immortals will have a big war. After a series of mental devastation, these small sects have a strange feeling about 6 Can. It seems that nothing is surprising in this young man’s life.

"Did you hurt Ding Yin?" There is no anger, curiosity, expectation and a little appreciation in Ding Yuan’s eyes
"Please forgive me for not controlling my strength when I was forced to fight back."
Hearing 6 Can words, the onlookers secretly scold shame because he killed Mo Gucheng and others in front of Ding Yin, and it has always been when he easily attacked people and could not control his strength.
"Dan ding pie? I remember that their leader was just a baby. I didn’t expect this century-old exhibition to be so good. You are very good! " Ding Yuan smiled and praised as if the wounded coma was not his great-grandson, but his great-grandson.
Boss, you have a strange attitude. Do you still have a daughter who is not married? I’m going to say this little brother is owned by a famous grass. Don’t even think about it! "See Ding Yuan more and more strange attitude, without continuing to play directly interposed.
Master Dao knows this little brother? "Ding Yuan one leng didn’t expect Buddhism and the white boy turned out to be familiar with the sample.
"I’m not familiar with Brother 6, but I’m familiar with this wood …" Buddhism is very irresponsible to lead the woman to the Second Sword Emperor.
"I don’t know if the second sword emperor and he are …" Wan Fozong and Emperor Huang Zong actually have and are already brothers, which makes Ding Yuan pause and wonder if 6 Can is suitable for the plan in his heart.
“!” Two precious words spit out two words, but it’s a murderous look. Those brothers who kill the immortal sword are all limp and resist the murderous look in the second place, which makes them consume the real yuan.
When the original suddenly looked at 6 Chan again, there was a little more horror in the eyes. There was no one in the scattered immortals on three continents and six islands who didn’t know the meaning of the word. It was almost a taboo. It can be said that whether it was the Taoist Sect of Louguan or the Sword Sect of Zhuxian, it could be besieged and killed, but it didn’t dare to offend.
Brother, your dream lover seems to have a big background. That Ding Yuan just fluctuated greatly in fairy tales. He seems to be afraid of this name. It seems that you are in trouble after you want it! "Ice debris in ning Haitang is very good.
6 can roll their eyes. It seems that the identity of the fairy is not as simple as that of the emperor, but 6 can is not worried that he has Warcraft skills and modern experience in chasing women, but he doesn’t believe there will be any trouble when he has enough in hand.
Until now, the onlookers just knew each other. Think about just now, echo each other was like two people. Everyone once again cursed the shame of these two people at the bottom of my heart. Ding Yin was stunned in silence for no reason. He was able to make peace with the scattered fairy fearlessly. This 6 Can really didn’t put Ding Yin’s so-called face in the eye.
"Ha ha, Master of Buddhism, Second Sword Emperor, and Six Brothers, let’s talk about it again in the mountains. I’m afraid someone will say that we have no hospitality!" Ding Yuan’s long laugh and two affectionate leads the mountain of Buddhism and Taoism.
On weekdays, several sects have been fighting constantly, but when Huashan Sword Theory is a technical place where all sects coexist peacefully, how much hatred must be put here. This is also one reason why Huashan Sword Theory continues proudly. Such exchanges against the border waters are necessary and have been acquiesced by almost all sects.
However, today, the default rule behind 6 Canshan Mountain is bound to be broken. 6 Canshan will never take the common interests of the three continents and six islands into consideration, and there are birds in three continents and six islands.
As a result, an almost inevitable battle vanished because of the arrival of three robberies and scattered immortals. However, after today, the name of 6 Can of Danding Sect will be as loud as that of Hidden Dragon Disaster. Some people secretly decided to name their future female 6 Can. It seems that with this name, they have human ability.
With the guidance of three robberies and scattered immortals, 6 Can, Shi Dao and others were naturally led all the way smoothly to four quiet houses waiting for Huashan to discuss the sword.
There is also a small episode here, that is, the Second Sword Emperor once had hostility towards Qian Swift, a woman with a similar breath to 6 Can.
Although 6 Can and the fairy may not really have anything, the Second Sword Emperor has regarded 6 Can as a choice for the fairy in the future, and now there is a breath that is flat after the same repair, which makes the quiet two a little annoyed.
And 6 Can’s subsequent explanation is to make the Second Sword Emperor and the Buddhist monk stunned, so that a person can jump directly from the infant period to the early stage of Du Jie and have the same ability as 6 Can. This little brother, who they think is very strange, shocked them again.
I don’t know if it’s because of the requirements of the second species and the attempt of Qian Swift. On the surface, it’s aboveboard, but it’s still my niece’s practice of excluding potential rival in love, which makes the Buddhist monk lament that the world is getting worse and worse.
Of course, the result is naturally that both sides did not try their best, but the second sword emperor won, but the second Buddhism and Taoism were very impressed with the strength of thousands of swift.
After a contest, the Second Sword Emperor and Buddhism gained a better impression of Qian Swift. After knowing her blood feud, Buddhism patted her chest to ensure that this time it would help to kill a few more people. If the people know that these four people are talking about shooting to death in the refined house of the Sword Sect, how many people don’t know what a face it is.
In four people-in fact, six can and Buddhism two people-to discuss a set of plans that are not rigorous, and they are constantly laughing strangely in the refined house where they enjoy it.
"The second sword emperor can be in? Visit Ding Yuan! "
Three days later, a sudden visitor broke the temporary calm of four people.
"Can the Second Sword Emperor move to Paiqian Mountain for a Syria …" This arrival, Ding Yuan is polite and outrageous, and a three-robbery scattered fairy almost pretends to be a junior.
"I said, is there anything wrong with the old man?" Buddhism monk in Ding Yuan love dearly eyes to fill a bowl of Zhu Xian sword sent fairy wine some drunk said.
The original scattered fairy hesitated a glance at the sword in hand and kept silent for two sword emperors.
"Don’t be like a bitch if you have a fart! ) conscience of heaven and earth, this is the explanation of Taoism. The thief said baldly that the old water didn’t do anything. Sisters, if you are angry, draw a circle to curse and explain Taoism! ) "said Buddhism impatiently.
"A man who claimed to be the Lady of the Second Sword Emperor injured several scattered immortals and broke into the mountain gate!" Ding Yuan face a red grind said.
Tao Dengyuan’s eyes were round, his hands were stiff, the wine bowl was tilted, and the drinks poured down his crotch. You Zi was oblivious as if he had heard the most incredible thing of the day.
Chapter 41 Fierce woman
"There’s a lady who calls herself the Second Sword Emperor who is now in Qianshan …" Ding Yuannai repeated it again.
"Ha, ha, ha, laugh me to death. Are you kidding? Second, there will be women who like this wood? Second, they must have made a mistake … "The Buddhist monk laughed and clapped his shoulders and two bloody bodies, and all three sticks could not make a fart to be with him. I have never heard of any woman who dared to get close to the second sword emperor for thousands of years.
Buddhism is so said, but 6 Can has some doubts, because just now, when Ding Yuan said the second sword, Mrs. 6 Can showed that her hands trembled slightly with two swords. It seems that things are not as simple as Buddhism.
The Second Sword Emperor suddenly got up and ignored others and strode toward the outside.
"Can’t be true?" The Buddhist monk was stunned and looked at the quick departure. Second, the color changed behind him, and his body moved quickly. He whispered to his mouth that there was going to be big news! "
"Hehe, let’s go together!" 6 Can ordered Yi and Qian Swift to pull up their bodies and follow.
On the mountain road ahead, the strength of a few people is revealed. The first two are like a black flash, which is thousands of meters away.
Followed by Buddhism, a three-leaf lotus robe floated, but it smelled like a true Buddha. The principle of three robberies and scattered immortals was a bit difficult. Two people’s degrees of Buddhism and Buddhism were beyond his ability, and he could barely follow even if he flew with the sword.
The easiest thing is that 6 Can Qian Swift’s feet are flashing with rolling thunder. It’s like walking leisurely along the way. 6 Can still keeps telling Qian Swift something.
See two people relaxed appearance Ding Yuan sighed again in the heart. If this 6 can is not familiar with the second class, it is really the best candidate for that matter.
What can these monkeys do! Let Xuan Xin, that old bastard, come out to see me! "There are thousands of meters away from Qianshan when a binge drinking makes Ding Yuan look gloomy again.
"This woman is so fierce!" 6 Can is smiling. Since I came to this era, I have seen all women follow certain rules. Even Mo Qingyi can be said to be naughty. It seems that both the fix-up world and the secular world are male society. The appearance of such a fierce woman makes 6 Can remember to cross the former world.
After a huff, it was obvious that the woman’s demands were not met. The reddish light came out from the front, and it seemed that the whole atmosphere was shaking violently.
"Three two robberies and scattered immortals are seriously injured!" At this time, the powerful gods of Ning Haitang can already detect the things ahead. "I didn’t expect it to be her!" Ninghai Tangyin misses "Sister, do you know her?" That won’t do. Is this woman really the second lady? Incredibly, even his sister, who has been trapped for thousands of years, knows such a person.
"This fierce woman, but how did she get together with Er?" Ning Haitang seems to have fallen into some memories and directly looked at 6 can cultures.
But Ninghai Tang’s words still let 6 Can receive some messages, which can be called fierce by Ning Haitang, a woman who once robbed the scattered fairy, and this woman who claims to be the second lady will never be simple.
When 6 can and others came to the scene, the hill was already a mess, and more than a dozen scattered immortals at all levels fell all over the floor, and all the corners of their mouths were obviously badly injured.
A woman with a very high figure is carrying a giant sledgehammer similar to a 6-can mine hammer, and the English eyebrow stands on her hips, and she is furious.
This woman is one meter tall and well-proportioned according to the present standard, and she is not weird because of her high height, and her appearance is quite good and heroic.
"two! Is that why you’re here? !” Seeing the arrival of Er, the woman suddenly became angry, pointing to those who fell to the ground and scattered immortals and asked Er.
Ding Yuan’s face is like the bottom of a black pot. This woman is too fierce. Although Huashan’s sword-protecting mountain array has not started, there is still a strong ban on this mountain peak. Just now, these dozen people, including two three robbers and scattered fairies, formed a large array to trap people. I didn’t expect that I had just left. Not only was the large array broken, but these scattered fairies were also seriously injured.
"hope don’t be ridiculous!" The second sword emperor seems to have never thought that it was really this woman’s face, Chen Shuishui’s face, that was slightly red.
"I’m fooling around? ! Two, you bastard! You came here on our wedding day! Also said that I was fooling around! " Call if female rage will hand hammer hit the top of the mountain, the whole mountain with violent shaking.
When this tough woman said this, including Ding Yuan, everyone was stunned and injured. More than a dozen people were secretly cursing. What are you doing here if you don’t get married? We were so wronged this time.
At ordinary times, the glib words keep explaining the Tao. The master’s eyes are wide open. At the end of Er and Xi Ruo, he says dryly, "Xiao Er, I didn’t even know you were married …"
"Don’t worry about men’s things …" Second, I want to be hard and strong, but I saw that if the murderous eyes were honest, a few mouths finally remained silent.
"You are my second that evil monk Buddhism? !” When I saw Er, I was restrained by myself, and I hoped that the war would be burned to the monk who was staying to explain Taoism.
"The little monk is the Taoist priest …" Buddhism hurriedly put his hands together and was about to preach. Suddenly, the woman came over in vain. The woman charged herself with being a monk, so the big monk Ma had a hard time dealing with such an identity woman, Cong Ru, and he had no experience.
"The Second Sword Emperor, you see this Huashan sword-fighting period …" Ding Yuan coughed out and wanted a statement. Since this woman is really a Second Sword Emperor woman, it seems that this matter can be blackmailed today. After all, it is a taboo to use force in Huashan.
"Dead old man! Second, I didn’t get married because of this damn Huashan sword theory. In this case, I will tear down this immortal sword school and ruin Huashan sword theory here! "
If Mr Voice down a hammer in his hand toward Ding Yuan head stung.
Ding Yuan never dreamed that he stabbed a hornet’s nest andao without saying a word, just like flicker to avoid such a huge magic weapon-flying sword root method.
But he was horrified that the sledgehammer seemed to have some kind of posture, and it was difficult for him to move his strength, so he could watch the sledgehammer enlarge in his eyes and look pale.