
All posts by adminq


"So you are like breaking through the [impossible] limit?"
As we all know, the most important problem for a class to attempt to advance to the rank of Abyss Lord is to break through the impossibility.
Say you can’t, then you really can’t.
Forced pushing will lead to sudden death in situ.
Therefore, the actual success rate of promotion is purely based on whether life is hard or not.
You can’t cross it without some unique skills.
"… actually, we just broke through a little limit."
"Many key technologies are made by [Winnie’s crown] and some are helped by [Yin Weili Ruimian]."
"So the actual principle of some technologies … I don’t know clearly."
"And according to the two [crowns], if the emissary of the level unit tries to make the [forced inclusion device] [Abyss Lord level] take effect, it is best to meet some hidden conditions, including but not limited to the special conditions of fitness, otherwise it will easily blow itself up, support itself to death and become the other party’s [avatar] …" …
Smell speech
In addition, [Congressman] can feel emotion.
"Turned out to be the two [crown] stepped in? …"
Idle time
Olga’s daughters sometimes give directions to various genera at random.
Bring some breakthroughs to each other from time to time.
All the [members of parliament] are not too surprised.
Although they are doing well together.
But compared with the real meaning of the crimson kingdom [ruling class]
There is always no comparability …
The simplest example
If you need the help of surplus forces, you can’t avoid the exchange of interests.
But not for Olga’s wife and daughter.
Take whatever is inside the crimson heaven.
All tangible things can be given conditionally!
Including each guy’s life.
You can really enjoy the glory of Olga [Crimson Heaven], and everything in it can’t be hidden from them.
Even the knowledge that has appeared in the crimson kingdom is only a part of their records.
That’s the real [ruling class]
"So, did the two [crowns] say whether the overall situation meets the actual requirements when the [compulsory container] envoy specifies the [target]?"
"Didn’t say to try"
"… well, I see."
Do they dare to have an opinion at all?
Even the slightest bit
Including my heart, I dare not sprout discontent.
Because everything in the crimson kingdom can’t be hidden from each other.
Blaming leadership for such a deadly thing is bound to be finished, and it will really die miserably …
Chapter 1712 【 Chang Gong 】
[Liu Seka Huo Feng]
The whole "crimson heaven" is the core area of doubt.
"Crimson King", "Blood King" and "Eternal Evil" … are the main places.
In every short moment, there are countless worshippers from all corners of the multiverse.
Even if it is watching from a distance.
Only 【 Great Demon Level 】 is qualified to act.
Just as ordinary people will hurt their eyes if they look directly into the hot sun.
The weak will also hurt themselves if they look directly at Huo Feng.
And it doesn’t bring all kinds of minor injuries.
Directly, it is easy to become some kind of torch that suddenly burns …
This makes the basic requirements for climbing [Huo Feng] have already reached a certain level of difficulty for ordinary people.
There is no [Great Demon Level] strength.
If you can’t even touch the lowest steps, you will die suddenly.
And the number of people who are really qualified to reach the peak and try to make a wish to Olga is even rarer than it is.
Even before St. Gilles wanted to resurrect La, I thought about whether to challenge the extreme climbing [Huo Feng] so as to directly get the chance to make a wish.
But after some reasoning and hesitation,
He finally gave up the idea reluctantly.
The difficulty is indeed a little too high …
Even with the strength of 【 Abyss Lord Level Breaker 】, he is not sure.
And it’s bound to take a lot of effort on the way!
Weigh the left and right.
He thinks it’s better to find your brothers to chip in …

A lieutenant general said excitedly

"Yes, we have tried hard for many years to destroy this camp, but it has never been successful. Yun Fan is worthy of being the king of the earth and rushed into the camp on his own!"
Another lieutenant general also looked excited.
"Ha ha is my grandson!"
Qu Yuanbao smiled heartily and was most happy. "Yun Fan, you have made great contributions this time, and it is your grandfather’s revenge to have you when your grandfather died in Japan!"
Yun Fan nodded slightly and looked at the huge pit on the ground ahead, but the shock in his heart was the combination of nuclear power and Lingwu.
Tong Xuan Jing is a powerful combination of spirit and martial arts. The strong is a level of visible strength.
Whether it’s Gu Wu style or martial arts style, it’s a great leap from the five spirits to the Yuan Dynasty, from the spiritual realm of spiritual and martial arts to the realm of tongxuan.
The strength gap is different!
"We destroyed a gene man base, which will definitely cause his gene life rage. They may retaliate against the base in Dongying Island. Let’s hurry back!"
Another major general class b mecha said
The older lieutenant general took out the combat aircraft and several people boarded and returned to the base of Dongying Island.
Destroy the Japanese gene camp to complete the military service in Yun Fan, which is enough to have the qualification to buy Class B mecha.
Chapter 22 Shang Tongtong News! (3 more commutation ticket)
Dongying Island Base
The whole army department celebrated Yun Fan’s congratulations.
Gene man has the ability to control the same gene monster.
A large number of gene people can control a large number of gene monsters to form a beast tide to attack human bases.
When the beast tide, the number of gene monsters is exhausted, and it is extremely difficult to resist like a tide.
For hundreds of years, the Japanese gene people have launched large and small animal tides to besiege the base of Dongying Island for more than fifty times.
Every time the beast tide, a large number of soldiers will die, and even the mecha will die in a batch.
For the Japanese gene people, the soldiers at the base of the Japanese island are anathema.
Now, Yun Fan has destroyed the camp of Japanese Gene People, which is highly respected by the soldiers at the base of Japan Island.
That night, Yun Fan base stayed in the northern restaurant.
The communicator rang, and Yun Fan saw that it was his father Yun Chaolai.
Put through
Yun Fan "Dad, what’s up?"
Yun Chao "Xiaofan got the news of Shang Tongtong"
Yun Fan "what? Where are you? "
Yun Chao: "Someone witnessed her appearance in the Gaos thought in Gujing today."
Yun Fan "Great! I will go to Gujing Gaojia tomorrow! "
Hang up the words Yun Fan look still excited.
I’ve been back to earth for more than two months, and I finally got the news of Shang Tongtong.
But to Yun Fan’s surprise, how can Shang Tongtong appear in Gujing Gaos thought?
"Gao Muyang, you have to give me an explanation!"
Yun Fan cold hum a glance in the heart reveals a little ShaQi.
Early the next morning, Yun Fan found grandpa Qu Yuanbao and asked Qu Yuanbao to escort him back to the hundred cities of mankind.
It is very dangerous to have no B-class mecha escort across the sea from Japan Island to the hundred cities of mankind.
However, it took only one month for the base of Dongying Island to communicate with China Shipping City to learn the news of Shang Tongtong. Yun Fan obviously didn’t have the patience to wait that long.
Qu Yuanbao readily promised to send Yun Fan to Zhonghai City.
When I arrived in Zhonghai City, Yun Fan took a six-time sonic aircraft and went to Gujing City.
Gujing gaojia
Among the nine elders, the patriarch is the gaos thought, and the gaos thought is the first of the nine elders’ families!
Be called the first family on earth
At the moment, however, there is an aircraft flying directly into the gaos thought.
This shocked several fighters. Who was so bold as to fly the Gaos thought?
The aircraft fell to the square in front of the main house. Yun Fan came from the aircraft and drank "Gao Muyang came out to see me!"

"This revenge will be reported!"

Qiong Qi sounds from the abyss.
"Did the two ancient ancestors really fall?"
Asked the Great Sage Xuan Yin.
"They are caused by the grievances of heaven and earth, and the gods can’t kill them. They are really broken, and I’m afraid they will wander around the three worlds. You can search for them and let them return as soon as possible."
The three saints heard that the two ancient ancestors were not completely dead, but their hearts were relieved, so that the demon palace was not in danger of extinction, and they had to keep a low profile for a few minutes.
Immediately, I sent a decree to order the demons in the Demon God Palace to secretly search for the pieces of the two ancient ancestors.
Although Xuyi Mountain was almost destroyed by the war, it was somehow the ancient mountain that eventually resisted.
King Bodhisattva was the most seriously injured this time. First, he was beaten by the Great Sage of the Water Ape, and then he was almost beaten to death. After Qi came out, the three men gambled and hurt him badly.
It can be described as horrible.
He ordered all the people to take care of the mountain gate and sent Mrs. Zhang to deal with everything else.
I was practicing this day, but I saw four gods coming into the temple together. See Synonyms at join hands.
"But something happened?"
The bodhisattva asked
The Four Gods will nod their heads. "The Great Sage of the Water Ape in Shuifu is very restless and seems to have signs of escape."
King bodhisattva smell speech where also care about a lot of immediately got up and went to see.
Poop, poop, poop.
Suddenly four swords came out.
Bodhisattva and guard against being nailed through the body immediately.
One sword pierced the eyebrows, one sword pierced the heart, and the other two swords pierced two pipa bones.
"You, you"
See the four gods will be in a dark eyes, a face of indifference.
The Bodhisattva is not dead yet, but has been trapped in the Mud Pillow Palace, and even the Yuan God can escape from those two swords, which will lock up his magic and change him.
"Who the hell are you?"
King bodhisattva return to absolute being to endure pain asked
"I’m waiting for the four gods to invite the master away."
"I have a bodhisattva fruit that is immortal. You can’t kill me. Then I will alert all the bodhisattvas and buddhas in Lingshan to escape."
The King and Bodhisattva said that he was the Great Sage and the Bodhisattva True Spirit would have a chance to return again. He was worried that these four demons would release the Great Sage of the Water Ape.
"I’ll take your place without bothering you."
Just then, a golden light came out of the Sanskrit and a monk came out.
The monk was shrouded in Buddha’s light as if the Buddha were coming.
When Wang Bodhisattva saw this, he swore, "How dare Fang Demon mess with my Buddhism?"
"Amitabha can only become a Buddha when he puts a butcher knife. If the Bodhisattva doesn’t want to put it, I will help you put it."
The monk’s voice was feminine like a woman’s, and then it turned into a canopy of the crown of the king and bodhisattva.
Snow, a bodhisattva’s golden body suddenly cracked, and the raven got into it and listened to it.
In a short time, the bodhisattva’s mouth was full of women saying, "Amitabha, I am both the Great Sage and the King Bodhisattva!"
The four gods will quickly bow down and worship "See Master"
The Bodhisattva smiled and said, "Please get up and follow me to see the jellyfish queen."
Then the four gods will lead the "King Bodhisattva" all the way to the bottom of Huaihe River to knock on the mansion door and let him in.
The Great Sage of the Water Ape is enjoying a cup of tea at the table, and I’m not surprised to see him coming.
The Great Sage of the Water Ape suddenly stared at him and immediately exclaimed, "Is that your land?"
This breath was beheaded by the Great Sage of the Water Ape when I first saw Qinghuai. The land is no different, and the Great Sage of the Water Ape is what she remembered.
"How dare you pretend to be some Mao gods? Do you dare to pretend to be this bodhisattva?"
King bodhisattva smell speech immediately laughed "pretend to be? No, no,no. The poor monk is the Great Sage, the Buddhist King, the Bodhisattva, and the Buddhist Buddha in the West. You can’t recognize me! "
The Great Sage of the Water Ape frowned. Who is this fellow so bold?
"What do you want with me?"
"naturally, you close or trade!"
Practice for thousands of years
After Wu Ming was autistic, he never went out for three hundred years.
It’s not too long for immortals, but people have been dynasties for several times.
Far from being cold and cheerless, the Taoist temple is more lively.
After going out for hundreds of years, Yuan Daniu and Yuan Shifu came back.
In the two dynasties, they were officials, worshippers, bandits and criminals. It can be said that they have realized that the world of mortals has been mixed and this time they have retired, and they have actually formed an elixir.
Of course, this is nothing for the two people who have already eaten flat peaches and enjoyed a long life. They have never taken it seriously. They are still chopping wood, chopping wood and fishing, which adds a few rays of life to Huanghuaguan.
On this day, people suddenly saw that the clouds in the east wing condensed with colorful rain and a golden light went straight through the sky.
Yuan Tiangang immediately exclaimed, "Favourite has made a golden fairy fruit!"
In the quiet room, I saw Wu Ming’s eyes closed, but his body was full of colored glaze. His chest was green, black and red, slightly weak, and white and yellow were weak and invisible.
In a flash, Wu Ming’s eyes are bright with thousands of pupils.
He has finally become a king kong!
Chapter 22 Seeking Tao Tianxian Road and Going to Flat Peach Club
Wu Ming got up and shook his fist, and when he saw that he was like a diamond, he calmed down the vision with less inclination.
"It took 300 years to become a King Kong immortal, and it was very hard for people to get this golden fairy fruit."
Wu Ming said to himself, it is not that he boasted, but that the difficulty of getting from a true fairy to Jin Xian is really beyond the reach of ordinary immortals.
He belongs to hang, but without the careful guidance of the teacher, he is at most a true fairy.
The Golden Wonderland is a place where all living beings seek immortality, and it is no longer a nobody in the Three Realms.
If you have a grudge, all the bosses will give you my humble opinion.
Knocking at the door, I saw seven school sisters, Yuan Jia, four fathers, Taoist priests, and all the bears waiting at the door.
"Congratulations to the elder brother/master/master/master for being immortal."

"Actually, today I’m here to send a few people to mourn for your family. I’m worried that you’re young and you’re not allowed to look at people. I’m not only looking after you badly, but also leaving you in trouble."

After all, there are enough people in this house, and more people are raising lazy people. The righteous brother of the male and female servants and the report prepared these people for the male and female servants when they left.
The queen mother frowned slightly. "Well, that’s good. Just think of it as mourning for the family. Actually, there is one thing to order today."
"You should understand your situation with Muer. When this child is born, Aigu wants you to send him to the palace and come outside the palace. You can make trouble at will, but Aigu must ensure that Aigu’s grandchildren are unscathed."
Lian Jian looked at the queen mother. "It is still a question whether this child can be born. Has the empress dowager thought of taking this child?"
"Ai Jia doesn’t want to see Gu Hai in danger all the time because of his parents’ fault."
"Danger to danger? The empress dowager empress said this as if she were going to put Wangfu in danger. "
From the queen mother’s words, it seems that something will happen after the birth of this child, and it may be heard from the tone of the queen mother that she has great confidence in the success of this matter.
Even Jia Jian found that she didn’t seem to inquire about this prince of integrity for a long time. The person who can make the queen mother so confident must be the prince of integrity. It is impossible for the emperor to give the queen mother so much confidence.
The queen mother seems to have found herself missing the point that "mourning for the family is based on the current situation. Don’t talk nonsense."
"Really?" Even Jia Jian especially suspects that the queen mother simply decided to be tough and see if she can cheat out some intelligence. "The queen mother is not worried that if it is really dangerous to protect a child, the male and female servants will definitely send the child to the sea country, and maybe she can get a job in the sea temple. At that time, it will be the royal family of the sea country, and no one will doubt that the sovereign is interested in this Shunguo dragon chair."
"bold! Dare to say so much! "
"Male and female servants would rather believe in this half-way righteous brother than an aunt who treats male and female servants like things." Even looking at the Queen Mother anyway, she can accept that they were in such a state of immortality when they came, and there is no need to be polite to them.
"You! When Yun Wan enters the mansion, there will be times when you cry. "The queen mother immediately covered her mouth and even smiled. It was a success.
Chapter 274 Secretly back to Beijing
The capital has ushered in the first snow, and now it is counting on this extra amount of charcoal money. It is also uncomfortable to sit at the table when you are pregnant. Many people sit too close and are afraid of bumping into it. Since the Queen Mother left, this palace has been quiet and no one has visited it. Of course, it is not that no one has come, but that the emperor has disappeared.
Who’s Yunwan? She doesn’t even want to give up her energy to talk about this kind of thing now. It’s good to have a baby at ease. Even Wanjian has calculated this day. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that this child’s birthday is around the Ching Ming Festival, but you have come back several times. The plague has been contained, but it’s still not back.
There is still a month before the Chinese New Year. Of course, it’s not even a boudoir dissatisfied housewife waiting for her husband to come back. It’s just that she heard the queen mother speak so confidently that day. Even it’s a simple matter that she is worried that this matter may not be what woman wants to enter the government. It’s a matter of worrying about what’s going on in Miao Di. When the time comes, she won’t even know that she should be like this.
It’s not surprising that even the old lady pays homage today. It’s also the visit of Yue Wangfu to Jing Taifei who often comes to find herself, especially after even the Iraqi people get married in Yue Wangfu. Even the Iraqi people’s hostility to themselves after marriage seems to have dissipated, and even the old lady is no longer pursuing this problem.
Even JianJi counting this time is almost the lunch time, just want to get up and feel the strange outside the door.
"What person! Ah! " There is a secret fight after the sound of the maid of the sea country comes from outside this door, and it is boring to fall to the ground
Even looking at a man in black came in, and his martial arts skills were so high that even these maids from overseas countries couldn’t stop him. Even looking at him calmly with a slight expression, "Who are you?"
The man didn’t answer, and walked towards her step by step, and it seems that everyone outside here should have been solved by him. Even Jia Jian reached out and touched this waist, and there was always something hidden. Seagull gave her a pistol.
She was very calm. The man in black felt that the weapon in his hand was meaningless and he lost it. It felt a little strange to stare at the man’s eyes for a while and even let go of his hand. "Do you have to pretend to be an assassin when your report comes back?"
"How do you know it’s Wang?"
"In this world without Cosmetic Contact Lenses, it’s easy to change the eyes, the eyes become bigger and smaller, and the things in people’s eyes can’t be changed." Even when I relaxed, I looked at the black man and took off his face, and sure enough, it was you. At this time, his expression was a little regrettable
You Yan Qimu will be dressed in black, wearing normal clothes inside. "That’s it, Haiguo bodyguard."
"It’s the first time I know that your martial arts are so high."
"It should be different from your righteous brother. After all, the seven Beidou people may not be able to defeat the king together."
Lianjia smiled. "It’s really amazing to have the blood of the family and the blood of ten thousand people."
"It’s already so big that Wang Cai can see what hidden weapons has prepared to deal with the strong enemy when you put your hand on your waist."
"That’s true, but the sovereign always carries it with him when he leaves his former male and female servants."
You Yan Qimu raised his eyebrows and really didn’t notice that he was not here these days. What new adventures have he had? "I haven’t seen you for nearly three months. Aren’t you going to do something?"
Even looked around at the "Wang Ye’s dressing up and coming back, male and female servants are now ordering people to prepare for the invitation-only banquet."
You Yan Qimu choked on this sentence. He didn’t mean it like this. He suddenly remembered that his princess was not a little wife, but even a few times, although he often thought of her there, he might not even think of him once.
Ru Yan Qi Mu stretched out his hand and touched the bones and leaned over. Before the bones and bones reacted, he kissed deeply, as if he were robbing something. But he saw doubt and surprise in the bones and bones. At this time, your eyes are not affectionate, but at least gentle. It is so unpredictable.
"What are you doing looking at Wang like this?"
"Is the report a little strange hobby male and female servants but still pregnant with this may be a little world?"
You Yan Qimu feels that he just hasn’t been in contact with Lianjian for a long time, and this strangeness of Lianjian to himself has emerged again. However, you Yan Qimu thinks that it may be that he hasn’t talked to Lianjian for a long time, and he may suddenly feel a little unaccustomed to Lianjian, which will prick people when he is not careful.
In the past five years in the palace, if she didn’t come to see Lianjia for more than a month, she would immediately return to a kind of alienation. Lianjia’s feelings for people are like this gourd floating in the center of water. If you don’t hold it down hard, it will return to the surface of the water. Even if he has left negligible water in this gourd, there is still a long way to go to make it sink in the water forever.
Days to call LianJianJi lunch saw this door upside down the maid immediately drew his sword "princess …"
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Even Jia Jian didn’t know that it was like hearing the auditions outside, but turned to Ru Yan Qimu. "It should be that the male and female servants prepared lunch for a while and asked them to add a pair of chopsticks."
It was discovered that there was no response from Jianji. I kicked the door directly and drew my sword, finding that I saw Ruyan Qimu and looked outside. I didn’t know what I should do for a while.

Liu Yu just stared at the boulder and immediately caused an outrageous explosion.

"oh? It turned out to be as tough as I heard it, but can this small blow up the famine god? " The strange sound came again, and then there was a ripple in the void
The fluctuation became more and more intense, and it was terrible. The moment of Shengwei filled up.
Liu Yu’s face changed dramatically!
This newcomer is generally a sacred land. Sure enough, this country-hunting process is all high-energy. It’s nothing, urine point, but this sacred land should always have a purpose for itself, right? Although both sides are sacred places, there is no reason to fight, right?
"Who are you?"
Liu Yu went ahead to buy and further protected her hands behind her, saying that her skirts were hunting in the wind
"Nan Chen" said the man, and then his eyes looked down. "What? Shouldn’t you have heard of it? And are you friends with that woman? "
The second time a group of them came in, they had a narrow escape, but the only one who could always go out was the dancer. She took away a victory fruit and was trapped as a dead man. He really didn’t know about Liu Yu unless the second batch of experienced people came in.
Of course, he was too lazy to understand that Liu Yu blew up the famine god, but he heard that this little man had green gold! Nai Shu yin Jing Zhen material
It seems to him that these are all gifts sent to him by heaven, and they should not be compensation. At the beginning, the dancer took away the department, and he just made the best compensation for himself.
"Oh, I heard of you? Why did you come to me? " Liu Yu is too lazy to talk nonsense, and the dazzling golden light rises, and the outbreak of Shengwei has broken up at this moment.
Both sides are sacred places, and it is not necessarily that they are weaker than him.
When he scattered the holy power in Fiona Fang, thousands of beasts wailed and were oppressed by the holy power all over the sky to get a breath.
"You’re no match for me. Give me the green gold, and I’ll consider letting you die happily." Nan Chen licked the corners of his mouth. Liu Yushi in his eyes was already a dead man.
What can the sacred land be like? This is the sacred land of hunting country, and the strength is not enough to see!
"Do you know if you have to talk nonsense? Don’t you think it’s a wave?"
Liu Yu leaned forward with one hand and twisted his five fingers. Suddenly, a terrorist force appeared in Nanchen’s whole body, and even he was distorted by life. In the face of the strong enemy, he did not leave his hand but directly showed the strongest blow-out of shape!
However, after all, Nanchen is a sacred land, which is very sensitive to order. He was prepared when he attacked and killed it.
"Hum!" Behind him rose a bright pagoda, which was a semi-mutilated relic found in his ruins.
However, Liu Yu’s real terror can destroy this holy soldier.
Nan Chen’s face changed dramatically for the first time. He couldn’t believe that Liu Yu could have such power. Even if this pagoda is only half-finished, it is not a simple matter to destroy it.
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s good to blow up the famine god, so it seems that it’s not fake." Nanchen got away and went to Shengwei, and the wave was even worse.
"Don’t worry, the god of famine is nothing. I can even blow you up."
Liu Yu stepped on the virtual unter den with one foot, and his body collapsed in a gust of wind, sprinting forward and teleporting for several battles.
Nan Chen knew that Liu Yu was not easy to mess with and that one person would be seriously injured in the sacred land confrontation.
However, the consequence of being injured rashly in such a turbulent environment is very likely to be falling.
So he is not going to play hardball with Liu Yu.
"Come out, Yata, this little treasure in front of God."
Nanchen has been mixed up here for a while. The so-called Yata God met him during his experience. At that time, he was dying and seemed to be seriously injured. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to escape to him.
He had a plan in mind to save him, and the two reached some consensus. After all, Nanchen is also a sacred land, and both sides can get along with each other and will inevitably be able to live in such turmoil.
The first time after Yata’s recovery, he sought revenge from the Wolf King. With Nanchen’s help, this revenge was naturally repaid. The claw of the Wave King was refined into a magic weapon-mace!
This mace is very, very scary. Those maces are sharper than others and can be driven out. They are so elusive that they can hit the enemy hard.
When this Yata god appeared, it turned out to be a giant gorilla? As soon as it appeared, it was overwhelmingly suppressed towards Liu Yu.
That punch even dare not shake Liu Yu hard, because that punch broke through the sound barrier is not much worse than his fist, and this guy’s physical toughness has reached the sacred land level.
However, when he just flashed this punch, suddenly there was a break behind him. It was a big black spot of terror, like a dense tadpole moving fast.
Nan Chen offered a sharp wolf’s teeth and claws, and even the body like Yata could be torn. He wouldn’t believe it if Liu Yueai couldn’t be torn to pieces?
Liu Yu’s heart gave birth to a sense of crisis. He could perceive that the spike could completely hit him, so with a wave of his hand, Wu Shenbao appeared, and his special shield could completely resist these spikes.
"What is this?"
Nan Chen’s eyes tightened when he saw the virtual shadow of indomitable spirit Wu Shen.
But Wu Shenbao is not enough to fight with Liu Yu in the sacred land. After these spikes, they disappeared into the blue sky.
Now that the other party has called for help and wants to get his body, green gold is no longer his body, but these guys want to kill themselves now and must fight back!
So he recited a spell, shaped himself into a meteor and plunged to the ground. He spread his fingers to the ground and then a huge circular circle appeared.
This is what the stone men called him last night when he was at Stonehenge.
They learned that the hunting country also had stone people, but they were all buried underground. He didn’t know that maybe they were moved out of the hunting country by Tianfu Zun in the first place.
All the stone men gave Liu Yu a summoning technique to try to find out if he could find other stone men. When the array was supported, Nan Chen felt inexplicably flustered and woke up Yata God directly. "Stop him and don’t let him succeed!"
However, Yata God has just recovered. Before him, a woman has blocked his way. "If you hurt him, I will make the whole hunting country restless!"
Chapter 95 Ancient clan forbidden art
Her forbidden operation made her long hair longer and her hips more vigorous, like a pure girl suddenly turned into a mature woman.
After spending a long time in the Ancient Immortal Hall, the cultivation techniques were extremely mysterious. Even when Liu Yu touched her at that time, her condition was not very stable.
However, since their double cultivation, her sequela base has disappeared. Now what she is moving is a forbidden art of the ancient clan. It is forbidden to practice, which will weaken the essence of human beings in addition to paying a great price in the practice process. But the most deadly thing about forbidden art is not these at all, but if the enemy is not cut off once it is put into practice, then the last person to die is himself.
This kind of forbidden art has a unified cognition, that is, one puff of gas and then three failures and exhaustion.

At this time, Longyou looked from the floor to the surface, and his eyebrows couldn’t help frowning. He turned and walked to his desk and dialed the guard room.

Ha novel network
Chapter 21 teaching
"What happened to the company’s door?" Longyou asked the captain of the guard room. There was some coldness in his tone-
"This is the worker’s family who was fired yesterday, calling for you." The captain of the guard room was full of Nailongyou’s tone and knew how busy it was just now.
Longyou followed by continued to say "’pay’ they filmed a person to come to my office" Longyou finished and then hung up directly.
"Hey, listen to me!" The captain of the guard room said at the sight of the’ female’ people.
"Our dragon manager came and asked you to shoot a person to go to his office." After the captain of the guard voice fell, the group of’ women’ people discussed something.
Loulongyou looked at the corners of his mouth and couldn’t help laughing. It was really a group of "women".
"I’ll go, I’ll go." After a while, a’ female’ said that he went to the guard room.
"Then I’ll take you there," said the captain of the guard room. He got up from the "bed" and took the "woman" to the building. His face was full of seriousness.
The guard room in front of the "door" of Longyou office tapped on the "door". Longyou knew that they were coming and said "Come in" directly.
The captain of the guard walked into the Longyou office and said to Longyou, "People have brought it." After that, he turned around and walked out without extra trouble.
Longyou carefully looked at the’ woman’ in front of him, and there was nothing special about it. Obviously, it was white and less sensible to know that I had come to talk about it.
Longyou didn’t make any noise after she entered, but she still had some good impressions. Then Longyou continued to say, "What are you here for?"
The’ woman’ came from the floor again and shouted abuse before she spoke.
"If you have a baby, you won’t keep it. It depends on your attitude here. The steel mill machine takes’ private’ jobs." The man who spoke was one of the men who were dismissed by Longyou.
"Without any conclusive evidence, we can’t slander our Longyou casually." The door of Longfu Company said that he still cared about the friendship when working together and didn’t want each other to be so stiff.
Longyou got up and walked to the window sill and looked at Lou’s father. Then he called and said, "Get that man out of here." Longyou’s tone was full of anger. He hung up directly after he finished.
Turned his head to the’ woman’ in the room and said, "What can I do for you? If you quit, you must know better than me." Longyou said and watched from the window sill.
At this time, Long Fu has entered the company’s office leak.
After hearing Longyou’s speech, the’ woman’ people didn’t continue to say anything. Their hearts were very clear and there was nothing to say that they were wrong. Now they are so noisy that they want to keep this job.
I was quiet in the air until the Dragon Father pushed the’ door’ and came in. He looked at Longyou in the room and said directly, "I’ll give you a sum of money to recuperate at home for a while, even if this salary is paid at home, wait for the news." After Dragon Father finished, he looked at Longyou
When the’ woman’ heard this, her heart was full of joy, her face was full of dullness, but she nodded slightly and went out.
Longyou was puzzled. He didn’t know how his father did this, and he didn’t continue to ask more questions.
Dragon father left the company directly and returned home. He was full of melancholy and depression.
"I’m back," said Longyou’s mother, and handed the dragon father a glass of water.
Father Long sighed and said, "It’s really annoying that all the workers have gone to the company to make trouble."
The dragon mother heard the dragon father say this, and the joy just dissipated. She directly sat on the sofa and looked at the dragon father and said, "Those people still came to the house to make trouble after you left. The head is the man who worked with you in those years."
The dragon mother said that she was also full of melancholy. After all, everyone was very angry about this matter.
The two men sat quietly on the sofa and didn’t continue to say anything. The program playing on the TV seems to be a pantomime, and the two people’s minds don’t know where they have gone
The dragon father looked at the dragon mother and said, "This place has grown up. He must have his own reasons for doing things, and we shouldn’t blame him."
The dragon mother nodded slightly after hearing this.
At this time, Lou Kerr came directly. She looked at the figure of Long Fu and ran directly forward, saying, "Is it all right for Long Bobo to swim there?"
Heard Chloe say this, and Long Fu also knew that when those people came home to make trouble, Chloe also.
Father Long didn’t continue to say much. He nodded slightly and said, "There is nothing wrong with Longyou. Don’t you believe in Longyou’s strength?" Dragon father quipped that the face’ dew’ came out and smiled kindly.
Chloe smiled and said "I believe"
Chloe had said that after she looked at the dragon mother’s face, those who were sad did not continue to say something.
Dragon mother looked up at the clock to one side and Chloe said, "Chloe will eat here later. Don’t go back. It’s getting late. I’ll cook for you." Dragon mother said with a strong face and squeezed out a smile.
Chloe heard the dragon mother say so and directly replied, "Yes, aunt, let me help you."
The dragon mother heard Chloe say this and refused directly. She "can’t wait for you to eat." The dragon mother talked and "touched" Chloe’s hair and face was full of joy. As the sound fell, the dragon mother got up from the sofa. She turned and walked towards the kitchen.
Chloe quietly looked at the dragon mother figure until she disappeared from sight and turned her head.
Chloe quietly sat on the sofa with Long Fu and watched as she could feel a little tired from Long Fu’s body.
Everything in the whole room is so quiet except the sound from the camera.
However, the sound of a tableware falling and breaking in the kitchen makes the environment seem crisp and loud.
Chloe suddenly got up from the sofa after hearing this, and she ran directly towards the kitchen.
Chloe looked at the ground glass and picked up the dragon mother on the ground and said, "Aunt, don’t touch it!"
Chloe said, and then she took the broom and the glass crumbs from one side and swept them away directly. She turned and looked at the dragon mother and asked, "Aunt, you have nothing to do." Chloe said, and she dragged the dragon mother to pick up the glass crumbs and looked at it.
Chloe can feel the "tide" wet from the dragon mother’s hand. She looked at it without any wound and looked up at the dragon mother and said, "Aunt, let me help you."
Dragon mother looked at Chloe and quickly wiped her face with tears and said with a smile, "It’s okay for you to go outside and there’s nothing to live for me alone."
Chloe heard the dragon mother say so and didn’t insist on asking for help. She came out directly from the kitchen and walked towards the second floor.
Chloe lay down on the’ bed’ and quietly moved towards the floor. Two elders felt depressed in her heart.
Chloe took out the mobile phone directly from the side and rummaged through this Longyou number to dial out.
The words were quickly answered, and the dragon swam through the file and stopped. He smiled and asked, "What’s wrong with Chloe?"
Chloe didn’t know exactly how to tell him after hearing Longyou sound. Chloe faltered for a long time and didn’t say anything.
This sample is really anxious. He can’t help but ask Chloe again, "What’s going on? You slowly say don’t worry. "
"Well, those workers came home to make trouble today." Chloe said softly, and she stopped. Her face could not help but leak out. Then she continued, "I think both my uncle and aunt are preoccupied. I just broke a bowl when my aunt was cooking in the kitchen. When I went in to help my aunt clean up, I saw my aunt crying."
Chloe stopped when she said this. She tried to adjust her mood and then went on to say, "I think my uncle is also a six-god. He may not even know what to play."
When Longyou heard Chloe say this, he didn’t know that such a thing would bring such harm to his parents.
Chloe listened to the words and didn’t respond to her. She couldn’t help but continue to ask "What’s going on?"
Longyou was called back by Chloe’s voice from his mind. He couldn’t say directly at the moment, so he said directly to Chloe, "When I get home, I will help you take care of my parents."

【 Good weather 】 Passive talent+territorial talent

[Golden Body] Passive talent+Active talent+Personal talent can be upgraded.
[Virtual Sword Hiding] Active talent+personal talent. The sword box form can bless the real dragon breath and the peerless sword in the sword box. According to the passage of time and the quality of the sword, the sword box can continuously produce various martial arts levels. Any sword box can instantly defeat the enemy. At present, the sword is released, and at present, the sword is cultivated.
The Lord’s skills are really imperial sword shadow, gentle sword, floating sword meaning and real dragon breath.
Lord legion samurai legion, even crossbow legion, jet riding legion, Qin Jun legion, trap camp legion (record the establishment of ten thousand legion)
Lord servant Ling Aner, Guan Wan’er, Ling Yu, Yang Mingwei, Su Nan, Su Bo, Su Jiu, Gao Shun, Zhang Jialiang, Zhuge Liang, Bai Qi, Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang.
Demon servant Andrew, Yi Jizu, thirteen nobles of the Imperial Capital, Wu Baiguan of the Yanhuang Empire, and the main members of the Sword Force of Qinjian City.
The talent of virtual sword hiding makes Su Yu thoughtful. This talent seems ordinary, but if you think about it carefully, it seems promising!
"If I put the real emperor’s sword in the sword box, can I keep it?"
Su Yu sink to the system to ask.
The system is simple and the indicator sounds up.
"That I will really emperor sword in the sword box after whether to really emperor sword box will continue to produce a sword? There is also a sword box to hold several swords at the same time. Is there any limit to the number of swords? What is the lethality of the sword? "
Su Yu continued to ask him if he needed to determine the talent potential of Virtual Sword Hiding.
If it is an ordinary talent, then colorful roulette will never occupy such a small position and it is still a golden grid!
[drop! The reference standard of the host’s sword "Real Emperor Sword" requires the host to put the real emperor sword into the sword box, which will inspire a sword equal to the strength of the host every day. 】
【 The sword box can hold a sword. If the host is lower than the real emperor’s sword in the sword box, it will decide how many days to activate a sword according to the specific quality of the sword 】
【 After the sword is activated, there is no limit to the number of swords. If the host doesn’t take out the real emperor sword for 1000 days, there will be 1000 swords equal to the strength of the host! If you need the host’s mind to command the sword, you can instantly use the sword to defeat the enemy! 】
[If the host has a high strength in this period, the sword in the sword box will also have a high corresponding lethality, but if the host takes out the true emperor sword, then the accumulation is over! The meaning of each sword must meet the requirements of 24 hours and less than 24 hours.
Perhaps Su Yu upgraded the territorial limit and correspondingly raised the system. This time, the explanation is very detailed.
This also made Su Yu understand the real horror of "Virtual Sword Hiding"
This is another mode for you to accumulate when you are not in combat, and you can be unscrupulous when you fight.
According to the standards of the four continents, even the fighters’ body and strength are strong and vast, but they are still limited, not to mention Su Yu’s burning spirit. If Su Yu didn’t make the real emperor sword for a hundred days before the enemy, then he can inspire the sword box sword at will
Each sword meaning is equivalent to a physical attack, which can make the sword meaning alone or send it together in Wan Jian.
This is a typical one-on-one fight with a group of people!
Add the passive effect of Su Yu’s golden body to reduce damage, add the speed of Su Yu’s floating sword intention, and let the sword box sword intention cooperate with the real emperor sword shadow skill to strengthen Wan Jian’s volley attack power together
This is a humanoid self-propelled bomber!
This is the card!
Su Yu deeply spat out a mouthful and said with a smile, "It seems that my luck is not as bad as I thought."
Virtual sword hiding is a typical talent, which grows more and more powerful over time. It has almost bug effect.
It’s really amazing that Su Yu can extract the virtual sword.
According to statistics, the probability of Su Yu’s normal extraction of virtual sword hidden talent is far lower than that of his extraction of a holy general!
However, no matter how bug talent is, there are certain restrictions.
The true imperial sword is a unified source, but it is so powerful and has potential that it can activate a sword every day. I am afraid that it will not be activated for several days if it is a magic weapon.
If calculated according to every iron sword, Su Yu estimates that it may not be possible to cultivate a sword in one thousand years.
According to the unified guidance, Su Yu drew out the true imperial sword, closed his eyes and communicated with the sea sword box.
The original suspended real imperial sword in front of Su Yu suddenly turned into a streamer and drilled into Su Yu’s eyebrows. He knew the sea sword box.
[drop! A sword was found in the sword box! Collect]
With the unified sound, the real imperial sword disappeared, but Su Yu could still perceive that he and the real imperial sword could be easily taken out naturally if he wanted to.
266 Chapter 266 Southern Xinjiang City Crisis
However, at present, Su Yu is obviously less than the real imperial sword br >
For the time being, Nuoda Yanhuang Empire doesn’t need Su Yu to move his own force, and Su Yu is also happy to easily put the true imperial sword in the sword box.
Two million people’s hearts and minds have spent their energy tonight.
Although once again, Su Yu is still in a good mood. To ensure that every point of the people’s energy is spent, the Chinese Empire will become stronger and stronger. What he pays now will bring him a lot of benefits after the meeting.
Such as the energy of 100 million people?

By the way, he also wondered that these [Great Olympic Artists] in front of him also looked quite delicious …

I kind of want to find a chance to kill each other and let myself have a good meal …
a short while
When these ideas are superimposed,
His face is also quite cheerful.
Good times!
After all, it is short!
In a short time beyond imagination
His mood ushered in an earth-shaking roller coaster ride with the other party’s answer
Directly from happy excitement to terrible!
"[Hot Hell Lord-Ortega] This is our enemy. We need you …"
I haven’t finished yet.
The roar exploded with rage!
"what! ! !”
"I’m going to kill you …"
That’s extreme anger
A little obscure and frightened …
at this moment
[Demogorgon] That shocking and tearable material roar.
Even though a series of spells are separated by 【 Sacrifice Ceremony 】, it is like a death warrant.
Let the field [Great Olympic Artist] look more or less a clot.
The special [inspiration] formed by pure murder directly crossed the time barrier and caused cracks in the whole house layout.
As if it had been placed for thousands of years …
In the face of this sudden change
Although I don’t know what’s wrong with the other party, the leader 【 Great Olympics Artist 】 still did not hesitate to cut off the energy of 【 Sacrifice Ceremony 】 and cut off the projection of the other party’s sight.
Leave [Demogorgon] to roar and continue to reverberate.
"I want to tear off your skin …"
They looked at each other at a loss.
And I don’t know if it’s an illusion
Roar that moment.
The leader [the Great Olympic Artist] thinks that Demogorgon’s eyes are fierce, but there is a sense of arrogance in the deepest part …
As if he forced himself to express his anger …
But after thinking about it,
After all, the name [Great Olympics Artist] still thinks that the guess is a bit too unreliable.
Will be regarded as their illusion …
[Demogorgon] But [Devil King] should never be so afraid of a [Devil Lord] …
Maybe …
He will be angry only because Olga’s identity is special.
After all, it was a "devil" who sat on the throne of "devil Lord" …
Want to identity will naturally have many secrets …
At the same time
[Subspecies-Abyss-Saline Marsh]
The shape in the central area is like a sharp tooth distorting the mountain peak.
[Demogorgon] Roar continues.
His roar here is like a thunderstorm.
The waves alone forcibly tore apart the thick clouds in the sky!
More let several magic things feel the thrill!
It’s time to fly freely in groups in the sky, and all the possessed things are scattered in the caves.
Predators, who should be wantonly killing, have also fallen into silence, even if the prey runs past, they dare not move.
Even those believers [Benthic Magic Fish] who have been crushed by Demogorgon by force are full of fear and dare to pray in a hurry …
Then maybe it’s because I feel that yelling alone has been a way to vent my emotions.
[Demogorgon] Grabbed a succubus maid beside him and opened his mouth to the other side’s charming and charming face in despair.
Bite at each other’s flesh and blood soul …
Let a lot of monsters in the field look scared, and at the same time hang their heads like quails.

When Wang Xuan fantasized about Xinghai, it was a large array of secluded places that led to the northern white tiger star evil spirits. The killing power killed the evil spirits hidden in the middle. Now, it is natural that the four elephants star evil spirits are led at the same time and the power is arranged by the patrol Tianbao boat.

At that time, all the crossbows and spears in front of the sky were filled with silver and big dangers at the same time.
There are four elephants in the star array, and the power of the Dragon Crystal and the Golden Feather Arrow is also greatly increased.
Zhang Yan across the street is jealous.
Wang Xuan probably is Yong ‘an Fujun veteran who first mastered this kind of army promotion method and has been trained to be proficient. After the sergeant is high, his power will continue to increase.
This is a broad road, and his army pointed out the direction.
Of course, he didn’t dare to neglect immediately. Although the array of Yin and Yang did not show the star map, the rolling sea of clouds also vaguely formed a huge Tai Chi map, and the wind around it stopped immediately
The patrol troops are made up of elites from all walks of life, and they are well trained, breathing, and the strange entrance is also changed.
Dark shadows swarmed out, with heads as big as buckets, sharp mouths, fangs, snakes and eels, each two feet long, eyes red and Lei Guang flashing all over.
These guys are obviously uniting the blood monster, and they just rely on their own blood magical powers to gather thunder and thunder. The rapid jump in the Lei Guang snake eel group is getting bigger and bigger
However, the sky survey army is ready.
General Zhang Qi suddenly roared. air billow rolled thousands of golden lights and fell like waves at the same time.
The new tactics are different in dealing with all kinds of situations.
If the enemy’s potential feces are scattered in turn and laid into a mine array to block the enemy and attack at the same time, it will never stop.
But like this, the enemy gathered in one place and struck by strength
The dense golden light instantly disappeared into the snake eel demon group, and most of them were longjing jinyu arrows detonated almost at the same time.
They heard a violent roar of heaven and earth, and their harsh white heads were buzzing.
The white mans soon disappeared, and what demon army was left in front of them? The sea of Wang Yang and the constant distortion.
There seems to be a fracture, and a statue of ten-foot bronze statue suddenly fell into the sea from the middle with a splash and a huge spray.
Wang Xuan sharp-eyed saw that the statue was a coiled serpent, but his head was broken.
More importantly, there is a golden light residue of incense and firepower on the surface.
"It really is a wild god!"
Wang Xuan somberly This East China Sea Terran Shinto shrouded the birth of wild gods, but look at each other. This arrangement has become a climate.
Click, click!
The strange fracture sound became more and more atmospheric, and cracks appeared like ground glass.
"This is … mustard?"
Both Zhang Yan and Luo Qiong Tower were dumbfounded.
Middle-earth artifacts are not uncommon, but most of them have lost the spiritual materials needed for the ancient residual refining method. Only after excavating Tiandian Fairy City did they know that the key object was a spiritual material called "Cave Ghost Stone", but it was a pity that people could see it.
They are well-informed and have never heard of such a big mustard!
"Stand back!"
Seeing that there are more and more cracks, Wang Xuan waved the army back, but the crossbow was always vigilant
Click, click!
There are more and more cracks, and there are huge statues breaking and falling, and everyone finally sees the appearance of the statues 3.

Even if you don’t start the alien, his speed is enough for his bodyguard to catch the mound under his nose.

But it has a deeper meaning if you don’t know about the church plan.
The faithful implementation of Suo Tianyang did not disrupt the plan.
Now he knows exactly what he wants to do.
A teenager who is faster than others can gently push a table and a glass.
That glass of wine was smashed in the past. A bodyguard on the left side held the gunman and cracked the glass like a bomb. The man couldn’t hold the star pistol, and it was even more bloody!
At the same time
Tianyang lifted his foot and lifted the table. An ashtray hit another bodyguard on the right side in the head.
The bodyguard fainted on the spot with his head broken.
The boy’s figure flashed and he jumped to the ground and rolled next to a star pistol. Then he got up and the pistol was in his hand.
Continuous gun
The company rushed into the room of the male and female bodyguards, and its bodyguards put it down.
The situation was under control in just a few seconds.
Besides the long-haired girl, she screamed, so the sun knocked her out. The decibel of the woman was too high
Footsteps ring
Xia yuanqiao came in as a bar security guard and was not too surprised to see this scene. "I have taken care of its security."
"Just ran a bodyguard."
The sun swept through the room and found that the bodyguard with ordinary appearance was not on the scene, so he didn’t mean to pull the mound up and "take him away"
Xia Yuan came over and was going to shoulder him.
Qiu Xun groaned and turned around when he woke up.
See the status quo and shout, "Let me go! Let me go! I’m not the boss, I’m one of his body double! "
Tianyang and Xia Yuan move at the same time.
The boy jerked over the mound. "Say it again!"
"I’m not the boss! The boss has run away! "
Tianyang suddenly remembered that ordinary-looking bodyguard, that he and Qiu Xun were similar in size, and that the other side was interested in the iron cage.
"Look at him!"
Tianyang rushed out of the box on the corridor window and he saw a street.
The street is illuminated by various colors of lights. A magnetic energy car just passed by. In the car is the ordinary-looking bodyguard!
The teenager broke out of the window and passers-by exclaimed with several pieces of glass falling to the ground.
As soon as he broke the window, a light red light came from a dark alley opposite the bar and disappeared into the broken window frame.
If the sun is not jumping, then this red light is heading for his head.
There are snipers!
As soon as the teenager flashed, the idea had fallen to the ground, and he immediately swayed the stars into a sphere.
Almost at the same time, the second beam of red light disappeared into the star-aggregate sphere and touched the star-aggregate to outline its trajectory.
It can drive the sun to jump to the left, let the red light pass by and disappear into the outer wall of the bar, leaving a gap with the size of a teacup.
Beam after beam of red light came.
Tianyang kept making evasive moves, dancing in the light beam, and after seven sniper attacks, his figure disappeared without warning, and the street appeared four meters away.
Stars gather and light wings emerge.
The milky way is flashing!
When a beam of light points to Tianyang, the teenager has turned into a distant silver flash and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.
In the dark, someone scolded, "I didn’t shoot anyone!" "
Tian Anode’s rapid speed has left behind several magnetic energy vehicles that have been eliminated in urban areas, and the owners are full of doubts and thrown into the wind.
He followed the suspicious bodyguard’s departure trajectory. If he hadn’t been delayed a little by the unknown sniper, he would have stopped the car by now.
He is very familiar with the streets in the city, and he knows exactly which street the magnetic energy car can run. You know, there are not many streets in the city that have enough width for magnetic energy cars to run.
So when the teenager rushed into a street, he really saw the car that he was tracking magnetic energy and saw that the car hit a lamppost.
Tianyang stopped the car and saw a person in it, but there was blood on the steering wheel and console.
Blood drops to the ground and moves towards a lane not far away.
Tianyang had already come to the alley with a dive, and the light was dim, but he still saw the suspicious bodyguard lying down and a figure squatting beside him.
The man’s bodyguard wiped his face and took a mask. The mask was as thin as cicada’s wings. After taking the mask, the bodyguard was stunned!
The man who felt Tianyang’s eyes looked up and Tianyang saw a scar.
This person
Turned out to be a fortress iron wall corps commander Cao Gang adjutant Dong Fang!
"Is it you?"
Tianyang and the other party whispered at the same time.
"Leave that man, sir!" Yang shouted the day after tomorrow.
Dong Fang’s mouth slightly tilted up. "Did you hear me right? Are you ordering me?"
Tianyang didn’t remove the foreign body and keep a high alert. It was Dong Fang who gave birth to the killing heart, but Xuan was crushed by him.
Even so, he has to work very hard to suppress his impulse to shoot at each other.
"I’m sorry, sir, but that man has important clues about the murder of the old imam. I hope you can stay away from him and cause misunderstanding."
Dong Fang got up and said indifferently, "It’s too late. He’s dead."
Tianyang’s pupil shrank slightly. "Who did it?"
"I don’t know."
Say Dong Fang look back to leave.
The sun sank. "You can’t leave until the chief has made it clear."