Liu Yu just stared at the boulder and immediately caused an outrageous explosion.

"oh? It turned out to be as tough as I heard it, but can this small blow up the famine god? " The strange sound came again, and then there was a ripple in the void
The fluctuation became more and more intense, and it was terrible. The moment of Shengwei filled up.
Liu Yu’s face changed dramatically!
This newcomer is generally a sacred land. Sure enough, this country-hunting process is all high-energy. It’s nothing, urine point, but this sacred land should always have a purpose for itself, right? Although both sides are sacred places, there is no reason to fight, right?
"Who are you?"
Liu Yu went ahead to buy and further protected her hands behind her, saying that her skirts were hunting in the wind
"Nan Chen" said the man, and then his eyes looked down. "What? Shouldn’t you have heard of it? And are you friends with that woman? "
The second time a group of them came in, they had a narrow escape, but the only one who could always go out was the dancer. She took away a victory fruit and was trapped as a dead man. He really didn’t know about Liu Yu unless the second batch of experienced people came in.
Of course, he was too lazy to understand that Liu Yu blew up the famine god, but he heard that this little man had green gold! Nai Shu yin Jing Zhen material
It seems to him that these are all gifts sent to him by heaven, and they should not be compensation. At the beginning, the dancer took away the department, and he just made the best compensation for himself.
"Oh, I heard of you? Why did you come to me? " Liu Yu is too lazy to talk nonsense, and the dazzling golden light rises, and the outbreak of Shengwei has broken up at this moment.
Both sides are sacred places, and it is not necessarily that they are weaker than him.
When he scattered the holy power in Fiona Fang, thousands of beasts wailed and were oppressed by the holy power all over the sky to get a breath.
"You’re no match for me. Give me the green gold, and I’ll consider letting you die happily." Nan Chen licked the corners of his mouth. Liu Yushi in his eyes was already a dead man.
What can the sacred land be like? This is the sacred land of hunting country, and the strength is not enough to see!
"Do you know if you have to talk nonsense? Don’t you think it’s a wave?"
Liu Yu leaned forward with one hand and twisted his five fingers. Suddenly, a terrorist force appeared in Nanchen’s whole body, and even he was distorted by life. In the face of the strong enemy, he did not leave his hand but directly showed the strongest blow-out of shape!
However, after all, Nanchen is a sacred land, which is very sensitive to order. He was prepared when he attacked and killed it.
"Hum!" Behind him rose a bright pagoda, which was a semi-mutilated relic found in his ruins.
However, Liu Yu’s real terror can destroy this holy soldier.
Nan Chen’s face changed dramatically for the first time. He couldn’t believe that Liu Yu could have such power. Even if this pagoda is only half-finished, it is not a simple matter to destroy it.
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s good to blow up the famine god, so it seems that it’s not fake." Nanchen got away and went to Shengwei, and the wave was even worse.
"Don’t worry, the god of famine is nothing. I can even blow you up."
Liu Yu stepped on the virtual unter den with one foot, and his body collapsed in a gust of wind, sprinting forward and teleporting for several battles.
Nan Chen knew that Liu Yu was not easy to mess with and that one person would be seriously injured in the sacred land confrontation.
However, the consequence of being injured rashly in such a turbulent environment is very likely to be falling.
So he is not going to play hardball with Liu Yu.
"Come out, Yata, this little treasure in front of God."
Nanchen has been mixed up here for a while. The so-called Yata God met him during his experience. At that time, he was dying and seemed to be seriously injured. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to escape to him.
He had a plan in mind to save him, and the two reached some consensus. After all, Nanchen is also a sacred land, and both sides can get along with each other and will inevitably be able to live in such turmoil.
The first time after Yata’s recovery, he sought revenge from the Wolf King. With Nanchen’s help, this revenge was naturally repaid. The claw of the Wave King was refined into a magic weapon-mace!
This mace is very, very scary. Those maces are sharper than others and can be driven out. They are so elusive that they can hit the enemy hard.
When this Yata god appeared, it turned out to be a giant gorilla? As soon as it appeared, it was overwhelmingly suppressed towards Liu Yu.
That punch even dare not shake Liu Yu hard, because that punch broke through the sound barrier is not much worse than his fist, and this guy’s physical toughness has reached the sacred land level.
However, when he just flashed this punch, suddenly there was a break behind him. It was a big black spot of terror, like a dense tadpole moving fast.
Nan Chen offered a sharp wolf’s teeth and claws, and even the body like Yata could be torn. He wouldn’t believe it if Liu Yueai couldn’t be torn to pieces?
Liu Yu’s heart gave birth to a sense of crisis. He could perceive that the spike could completely hit him, so with a wave of his hand, Wu Shenbao appeared, and his special shield could completely resist these spikes.
"What is this?"
Nan Chen’s eyes tightened when he saw the virtual shadow of indomitable spirit Wu Shen.
But Wu Shenbao is not enough to fight with Liu Yu in the sacred land. After these spikes, they disappeared into the blue sky.
Now that the other party has called for help and wants to get his body, green gold is no longer his body, but these guys want to kill themselves now and must fight back!
So he recited a spell, shaped himself into a meteor and plunged to the ground. He spread his fingers to the ground and then a huge circular circle appeared.
This is what the stone men called him last night when he was at Stonehenge.
They learned that the hunting country also had stone people, but they were all buried underground. He didn’t know that maybe they were moved out of the hunting country by Tianfu Zun in the first place.
All the stone men gave Liu Yu a summoning technique to try to find out if he could find other stone men. When the array was supported, Nan Chen felt inexplicably flustered and woke up Yata God directly. "Stop him and don’t let him succeed!"
However, Yata God has just recovered. Before him, a woman has blocked his way. "If you hurt him, I will make the whole hunting country restless!"
Chapter 95 Ancient clan forbidden art
Her forbidden operation made her long hair longer and her hips more vigorous, like a pure girl suddenly turned into a mature woman.
After spending a long time in the Ancient Immortal Hall, the cultivation techniques were extremely mysterious. Even when Liu Yu touched her at that time, her condition was not very stable.
However, since their double cultivation, her sequela base has disappeared. Now what she is moving is a forbidden art of the ancient clan. It is forbidden to practice, which will weaken the essence of human beings in addition to paying a great price in the practice process. But the most deadly thing about forbidden art is not these at all, but if the enemy is not cut off once it is put into practice, then the last person to die is himself.
This kind of forbidden art has a unified cognition, that is, one puff of gas and then three failures and exhaustion.

By the way, he also wondered that these [Great Olympic Artists] in front of him also looked quite delicious …

I kind of want to find a chance to kill each other and let myself have a good meal …
a short while
When these ideas are superimposed,
His face is also quite cheerful.
Good times!
After all, it is short!
In a short time beyond imagination
His mood ushered in an earth-shaking roller coaster ride with the other party’s answer
Directly from happy excitement to terrible!
"[Hot Hell Lord-Ortega] This is our enemy. We need you …"
I haven’t finished yet.
The roar exploded with rage!
"what! ! !”
"I’m going to kill you …"
That’s extreme anger
A little obscure and frightened …
at this moment
[Demogorgon] That shocking and tearable material roar.
Even though a series of spells are separated by 【 Sacrifice Ceremony 】, it is like a death warrant.
Let the field [Great Olympic Artist] look more or less a clot.
The special [inspiration] formed by pure murder directly crossed the time barrier and caused cracks in the whole house layout.
As if it had been placed for thousands of years …
In the face of this sudden change
Although I don’t know what’s wrong with the other party, the leader 【 Great Olympics Artist 】 still did not hesitate to cut off the energy of 【 Sacrifice Ceremony 】 and cut off the projection of the other party’s sight.
Leave [Demogorgon] to roar and continue to reverberate.
"I want to tear off your skin …"
They looked at each other at a loss.
And I don’t know if it’s an illusion
Roar that moment.
The leader [the Great Olympic Artist] thinks that Demogorgon’s eyes are fierce, but there is a sense of arrogance in the deepest part …
As if he forced himself to express his anger …
But after thinking about it,
After all, the name [Great Olympics Artist] still thinks that the guess is a bit too unreliable.
Will be regarded as their illusion …
[Demogorgon] But [Devil King] should never be so afraid of a [Devil Lord] …
Maybe …
He will be angry only because Olga’s identity is special.
After all, it was a "devil" who sat on the throne of "devil Lord" …
Want to identity will naturally have many secrets …
At the same time
[Subspecies-Abyss-Saline Marsh]
The shape in the central area is like a sharp tooth distorting the mountain peak.
[Demogorgon] Roar continues.
His roar here is like a thunderstorm.
The waves alone forcibly tore apart the thick clouds in the sky!
More let several magic things feel the thrill!
It’s time to fly freely in groups in the sky, and all the possessed things are scattered in the caves.
Predators, who should be wantonly killing, have also fallen into silence, even if the prey runs past, they dare not move.
Even those believers [Benthic Magic Fish] who have been crushed by Demogorgon by force are full of fear and dare to pray in a hurry …
Then maybe it’s because I feel that yelling alone has been a way to vent my emotions.
[Demogorgon] Grabbed a succubus maid beside him and opened his mouth to the other side’s charming and charming face in despair.
Bite at each other’s flesh and blood soul …
Let a lot of monsters in the field look scared, and at the same time hang their heads like quails.

"Ha ha … elder sister is like this. I went out for a walk last night …"

Li Qin and Wang Yueyue listened to his explanation, and both of them were silly.
How come people go back to their parents’ house for two days and call these mouthfuls to take the initiative to divorce them?
"That’s it?" Li Qin asked some incredible.
"That’s it. What else can there be?"
"Boy, Dad Chu, this is too outrageous. A little!"
Li Chu shrugged his shoulders and then he saw his sister holding a grate in her hand and asked, "What do you have, sister?"
"Oh, oh, oh, I almost forgot that your brother-in-law just went out to buy big meat buns. You can cook some porridge again. I’ll put the buns in the pot for you, and then you can heat them again when it cools down." Then Li Qin went to the kitchen.
"I won’t cook porridge. Just drink some milk powder by myself later."
"That’s fine. You can do it yourself. I don’t care."
"I know, aunt, you don’t care. I’ll wake my parents up and boil water to make milk powder."
"Don’t call us over." Wang Jun over there has helped Li Qiaoyun out of the corridor. The cousin followed her.
"That’s just for you to eat. I’ll go first."
"Hey, Li Chu said that when did you get divorced, we didn’t know?"
Is eating Wang Jun suddenly looked at Li Chu gherardini asked.
"Dad, did you hear what my aunt just said?"
"That’s your aunt’s voice. It’s not small. It startled us to hear it clearly in the front yard."
Li Chunai shook his head. "That’s what neighbors do. When they have something to help, they really help, but when they are free, they are all afraid of chaos."
"Hey, hey, don’t say it’s interesting to live in this alley."
"Right? Why don’t you buy a small courtyard here?"
Li Chu said that this really tempted Wang Jun and Li Qiaoyun.
Especially Li Qiaoyun, when she lived here for a long time, she really felt that it was more convenient here than in their relatives’ hospital.
"How much does it cost for a small courtyard?"
"Er … now I really don’t know, but the most expensive is ten thousand dollars."
Wang Jun almost didn’t spray a mouthful of porridge on Li Chu’s face. Listen to this. Is it human? What do you mean, it’s only ten thousand dollars. How many people can pay out so much money now?
However, the thought of the wages in front of him gave him a strong feeling.
A year’s salary for brewing them may be the same as two or three months’ salary for one person. It’s really better to throw away the dead goods than the goods
"Li Chu, since you said so, I’ll leave the matter of buying a hospital to you. Say yes first. I have no money. It’s up to you." Wang Jun swallowed porridge in his mouth and joked.
"Oh, what are you talking about?" Li Qiaoyun glared at her husband.
"No problem. What a big deal. I’ll buy it. I’ll find someone to inquire about the hospital later. A few days ago, I heard that someone in the north sold a single-family house." Li Chu waved his hand.
Li Qiaoyun’s cousin and niece sat quietly eating breakfast, but her heart was a fool. This means buying a hospital without even blinking.
Seeing that Li Chu promised to be so happy, Wang Jun was a little embarrassed. He quickly shook his head and said, "I’m just kidding. Just ask around. How can I really make you spend money? What am I?"
"What’s the joke? What’s wrong with sending me to a hospital?"
"No, no, really no, this is not negotiable."
"Well, I won’t give it to you. Can I give it to my little niece?"
! ! !
The speaker meant that the listener had a heart, but his words made the four of him stare straight at the table.
"What did you say?" Li Qiaoyun sounds are shaking.
"Li Chu, what do you want to tell me, little niece?"
"Chu dad, you should not say that my mother is pregnant with a little sister, right?"
"Cough …" Li Chu knew that he had put my foot in my mouth, but he wanted to take it back, but he nodded his head.
"Yes, it should be a girl."
"No, Dad Chu, didn’t you say you couldn’t tell the sex by taking the pulse?"
"Er … I wasn’t sure before, but I can always figure it out now."
Wang Jun stay wait for a while turned to look at his wife’s belly.
Li Qiaoyun also looked at her husband nervously. She was worried about what her husband would do if he didn’t like girls.
"True … true and false, Li Chu."
"I can say almost, 70% sure."
"Okay, okay, I’m going to have another daughter. I’m telling you, Li Chu, you can’t hug my daughter to your house this time, and you won’t kiss me when you grow up."
Wang Jun’s words made the stone in Li Qiaoyun’s heart disappear with a shout.
"Dad, who said I wouldn’t kiss you?"
"Well, dad didn’t mean that. I know it was because of special circumstances. I have been in the army and I really can’t see you often, which made you lose a lot of fatherly love when you were a child."

The Jade Emperor, the Buddha, and the Buddha are all over the sky. What do you know?

Baoji is thirsty for demon blood, and the avatar also dyes the soul of Lohan.
Cleverly measure people’s position and respect the wonderful method, the great true king
Go to Shu and surrender all demons. Which demon is not afraid of me! "
The fire-faced strange handsome suddenly ha ha strange laugh. "Who am I? It turned out to be the old Taoist disciple, but the tone is big. Don’t say anything when I wait for a celebrity. Listen to me."
Gan Kun’s monarch doesn’t remember the year, and life and death are endless.
I once lived in the nether world, and millions of souls worshipped.
Poor heaven and earth have come back to life and unfortunately crashed into chaos.
Steal the avenue body and live in the ghost world.
Heaven and earth are reincarnated, and I am still doomed to destroy the true spirit.
Waiting for the ghost to have a master’s initial heart to rebel and seek mountains and rivers.
When time comes, heaven and earth work together to transport heroes, they are not free.
The height of the road is one foot, and the height of the robbery is one foot.
Stay in charge of reincarnation day which ghosts and gods don’t king! "
Wu Mingxin was shocked. Is this guy so old?
Listen to what he said, but I don’t know how many years ago, the ghosts and gods were born, but they were once ghosts. At that time, I’m afraid the jade emperor still practiced robbery.
Now it is impossible to regain the main position of the underworld, but I’m afraid this ghost handsome has a lot of connections and really has a chance.
It’s not so easy to be the master of the nether world. Even if you sweep away the nether world to resist the heaven, if you can’t get the handle of the nether world, it’s also an anti-thief. But GREAT GHOST handsome was once the master of the nether world.
Then Wu Ming shook his head. Now the ghost Lord is the incarnation of Ziwei Emperor and feng du Beiyin Emperor. These guys are also going to die.
He didn’t know that Ziwei Emperor had gone through reincarnation and didn’t sit in the underworld.
"Since we are the brother of the old Taoist priest, we won’t bully you!"
The gray-faced long-eared ghost handsome took the crescent moon double knife and cut it from one side to resist Wu Ming’s horizontal halberd.
Just then, the peach-faced witch was naked, but she saw two peaks falling on her chest, and two silver hammers were also chopped at Wu Ming.
"I don’t care if you can’t fight four hands with two fists."
See him shake shake body suddenly stretched out a thousand hands behind to pull out a few strands of hair into ten weapons in his hand.
Wu Ming, one enemy, three enemies, it was difficult to win the battle in that middle.
Many ghost soldiers who wanted to help were swallowed up by Hei Hu.
Said that the five ghost handsome led ghost pawn all the way into the nether world is prepared.
Du Renli, the southern ghost emperor, stood in Luofu Mountain with tens of thousands of Yin soldiers preparing for war. Seeing that several ghost soldiers came to the outside world, he immediately called on all ministries to go to war and believed that all foreign countries invaded from the south of the nether world, but I don’t know whether it was a diversion or not.
Yamaraja, in the tenth hall of Senluo Hall, had to report the foreign enemy’s attack, and suddenly he looked really set!
Yamaraja felt as if he had mastered life and death, good and evil, trial cycle and other handles were gradually deprived.
"Bodhisattva’s magical powers may be reduced?"
Yan Luowang eyes look forward to the earth treasure bodhisattva way.
"No, they are also ghosts, gods, and the underworld."
If feng du Beiyin Emperor is still good, it is said that his status as the master of the underworld can mobilize the power of the underworld to absolutely suppress those ghosts, but now Yamaraja, the master of the tenth hall of the underworld, is also a minister and this benefit.
It is a bit far-fetched to hear that the Yamaraja in the Ten Halls is a sigh, but they don’t doubt that there is something hidden and unspeakable about the Earth treasure bodhisattva.
And five ghost handsome also immediately found the underworld main state suddenly face upwards whistling.
"This is God’s will, and it’s time for us to take charge of the ghost killing!"
Suddenly, the ghost pawn army attacked the city and plundered the land all the way from the nether world, but it took only one day to hit several ghost towns before being stopped by the southern ghost emperor’s army.
With the occupation of the nether world becoming wider and wider, the five ghosts are also getting deeper and deeper, but the anti-Southern ghost emperor realizes that his way is dissipating a little.
Immediately, I was extremely surprised and angry, and all the ghosts in my department met for the first time.
The southern ghost emperor was defeated and lost several cities.
At that time, the nether world shook and quickly sent two central ghost emperors to support it to stabilize the situation.
Chapter 264 Enter the Heavenly Palace to borrow treasure to bring Long Bing to suppress the magic.
Wu Ming turned into a thousand armed with all kinds of weapons. Three GREAT GHOST handsome fought back and forth.
After more than 100 times, the three GREAT GHOST handsome men gradually felt their arms weak and inwardly frightened. This fellow really had magical powers, and each of them made a solution and left Wu Ming to step aside.
"I see that you are also a hero. Give me back what you stole from us. I can call all the ghosts back and never disturb this place."
Gray-faced long-eared ghost handsome said
Wu Ming’s face is a little hesitant, so it is natural to solve the disaster in Shu as quickly as possible, but I don’t know if it is to quench thirst by drinking poison.
Just then, he noticed that the handsome atmosphere of the three ghosts was increasing.
Are those five ghosts handsome when they leave?
Wu Ming laughed. "It’s just some strength if you don’t bother so much. Let’s invite three people to my view and have a cup of hot tea first."
Peach-faced witch carrying a pile of silver hammer denounced, "I think you are the hard way."
If you don’t talk too much, you will start fighting with swords.
This time, the three ghosts are chastened, and thousands of ghosts are really scattered. Ghosts will also come to Wu Ming to avoid the edge and ride Hei Hu to leave for the time being
While walking, drinking and scolding these three guys are old-fashioned, following some martial arts, but don’t want to bully more people than others.
If it weren’t for fear of scaring it away, the three old ghosts would sacrifice two cylinders of Yin and Yang on the spot to burn his ghost pawns to ashes.
If these characters are not surrounded by tight encirclement or several similar masters, they will be easily escaped by him. Although the speed is fast, there are many people.
When he went straight to the worse gate, he was going to borrow some tight encirclement to make him borrow some soldiers.
"The true gentleman is here."
"It’s been a long time since the King of Wide Eyes"
Guangmu Tianwang wrapped his hand around the red dragon and laughed. "All the immortals are in the hall of wonders. If you want to find someone, you can go here."
Wu Ming nodded and said, "Please, King of Heaven."
Immediately, he went straight to the Lingxiao Hall, and went to the front of the Tongdian Hall before entering the temple to see the Great Buddha.
"I have many eyes to see you."

A large ammunition depot was detonated, and the artillery position was severely tossed, with hundreds of casualties. These are nothing. The most important thing is that the commander-in-chief Mozali was killed. Mozali was shot several times and died on the spot. In addition to Mozali, generals at all levels were also killed or injured. More than a dozen people were important generals, and the whole command department was paralyzed

Panduoyom narrowly escaped a bullet. The two men looked at each other stupidly, and even the commander-in-chief died in the same place. How can these useless mercenaries call this battle? It is difficult to resist the attack of others, and the failure of these command systems is even more unbearable!
Failed. This war is doomed to failure.
Pando lamented, "It’s a little strength to make the troops retreat …"
One side of the British general Close quit and roared, "How can we retreat at this time? Don’t forget that General Hurley is still fighting to the death with the Chinese revolutionary army ahead. If we run away, they will definitely be cut off! When the time comes, their isolation and reinforcement will be their only end, and then we will really be the end! Never retreat! "
Yom shouted, "If you don’t retreat, can you withstand the attack of the Chinese Revolutionary Army? Now our officers at all levels have died, and dozens of them are critical positions. Our artillery has suffered heavy casualties after a sneak attack!"
Pando was silent for a moment and said, "Tell General Hurley to retreat immediately. Let’s meet them here and retreat. I hope we can return to India safely …"
Chapter one thousand four hundred and thirty-nine Pig team
The newspaper soon reached Hurley.
Hurley almost lost his pulse when he learned the news. The commander’s deputy command was killed. Now the highest rank of the whole mercenary is himself, the chief of staff. Without two commanders, even if they are capable, they can’t control the whole mercenary. What’s worse, the whole command level of the mercenary is destroyed now. What’s the point of fighting? The Chinese revolutionary army is fierce and abnormal, and it is attacking itself. At present, the partial division has some strength. Although it has been occupying the wind, there is no progress at all, and even the first line of defense has not been touched!
Now the mercenary command layer behind is destroyed, and it is not afraid that the Chinese revolutionary army will collapse when it violently attacks in two or three days. It is very possible to attack our own army before and after then!
Hurley swore a Robert first, and then this Mozali was also a useless man who was afraid of God, and his opponent was afraid of his teammates like pigs. You said that you were in control of the 120,000-300,000-strong army, and you even let people take over the headquarters. I have never seen such a waste!
Now the whole mercenary is really riding a tiger and withdrawing troops now? It’s not shameful enough. It’s only been a few days, and it’s not ten days in total. Let people return to India in a despondent way, and it’s a case of playing less and playing more, and their reputation is ruined. Continue to attack? That’s pure death. Then the Chinese revolutionary army will attack before and after, and that’s a dead end!
Hurley has no idea now, but no one will give you full consideration at this time. Maybe now the Chinese revolutionary army has begun to prepare for a general attack on the mercenaries behind, which is a little late, and the defeat will be lost!
Hurley bullet sink a way "command immediately blocked the news that we will temporarily back to the army to meet behind and then launch a general attack on the Chinese revolutionary army. After the break of the international mercenary division, the British and French allied divisions immediately retreated to the rear. It is necessary to break through the Chinese revolutionary army and surround the two armies. Once the Chinese revolutionary army attacks behind, give me strength to resist and fight and retreat! If we want to meet the army, we will still have a chance to turn over! "
You must never say anything discouraging. Once you say something discouraging, it will be over. The morale of the army will be in chaos, and he will definitely help the sky one day!
The whole army immediately took action.
But he played well in wishful thinking, but Zhang Xiaohuai didn’t give her such a chance!
After Meng Xianzhu returned to the temporary headquarters in Guo Ye, he reported everything to Guo Ye. Guo Ye was so happy that he went crazy. He not only killed the enemy headquarters, but also killed a large ammunition depot of the enemy, and there were also huge casualties.
Then why hesitate to strike while the iron is hot!
Now that it’s dawn, it’s a good time to start work!
Guo Ye ordered a fierce siege against Indian mercenaries. It was a siege!
First, the artillery regiment began a volley of fire, and then the tank brigade jumped at the Indian mercenaries like a tiger out of the box, and nearly 50 thousand people from two divisions of the Chinese Revolutionary Army began a siege!
Pando and other people have not waited for the mercenary command to straighten out the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army.
Gunfire came from all over the sky, and the sound of tanks marching in the distance had already come, and explosions kept ringing. Indian mercenaries were completely out of control, and they could be passively beaten without command, even if they wanted to fight back, they didn’t know what to do
When Pando died, he was anxious and shouted, "Order the military to fight back!"
It was at this time that the Chinese Revolutionary Army’s offensive was unstoppable. Tanks and tanks rushed over before the Indian mercenary artillery fire started, and went straight into the Indian mercenaries and launched a wanton killing!
Cried the middle route army, and even the tank brigade didn’t specifically target infantry mercenaries. They were scared to death. This is a real killer, not to be taunted. Run!
Indian mercenaries began to be defeated by the establishment!
However, the tank brigade ignored the rout of the mercenaries and rushed directly to the mercenary artillery position. In a blink of an eye, it reached the front of the artillery position. At this time, four or five artillery regiments in the entire artillery position were numb with thousands of people. What’s the matter? People have already ran to the front and stayed here to continue attacking the Chinese Revolutionary Army. That’s death.
A large number of artillery throw cannons and start to run away as far as they can. Anyway, they can’t get close to each other or they will be directly pressed into patties by tanks!
Losing artillery positions to cover Indian mercenaries is not an opponent of the Chinese revolutionary army, even though the strength is still twice that of the Chinese revolutionary army, and it is still not an opponent!
Indian mercenaries are now a group of lambs to be slaughtered, full of despair, fleeing everywhere, Pando and others desperately restraining the army, which can estimate a small number of troops around them, and others have already taken the opportunity to slip away.
In a blink of an eye, the infantry of the Chinese revolutionary army has already rushed over and started to break into the ground, and the Indian mercenaries who have been frightened have launched a fierce fight!
The Indian army fled to the back after a crushing defeat.
It took less than an afternoon from the attack to the disintegration of Indian mercenaries, and more than 20,000 prisoners were killed. Without counting the remaining troops, Pando and Yom Klose led a breath and ran out for more than 30 miles before staying.
The Chinese revolutionary army did not continue to fight, and quickly withdrew its troops, because now the elite troops of Britain and France have come from the mountains!
Forty thousand British and French troops did not move slowly. Hurley figured out the key and immediately organized an army to retreat, but Zhang Xiaohuai sent an army to entangle his army.
It took a whole afternoon to break away from each other and run towards the snowy surface.
At this time, it was precisely Guo Ye, the main force of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, who led the occupation of Indian mercenary positions and was urgently deployed.
Enemy meet particularly jealous Hurley is now trapped beast still fighting dying army of more than thirty thousand people began to desperately toward the Chinese revolutionary army position launched a * * offensive in an attempt to break through the Guo Ye organization defense Guo Ye 19th division like nails nailed the position!
Chapter one thousand four hundred and forty Win the battle
Even when Hull’s interest rate led the army to launch a fierce charge to Guo Ye in an attempt to escape, Zhang Xiaohuai led the army behind him and drove it out.
In tandem, 70,000 people wrapped Hurley’s army, and Hurley felt a burst of despair. So many troops were so powerful that this time he was really planted home!
However, the more this time, the more it aroused Hurley’s bloody Hurley’s death order. Either he rushed out of the encirclement and escaped from the birth or he was wrapped in dumplings! It’s time to fight hard when you meet the brave in the narrow road!
Hurley commanded the army to continue its onslaught toward the surface, so we must open a gap, even if all the departments are dead, we must also make a hole in the Chinese revolutionary army! At this time, Hurley’s 30,000-40,000 people are really elite, tough and desperate, and it really made a hole in the southwest.
Hull’s interest rate led the beaten army and dared not go back to flee desperately. Guo Ye was so angry that he ordered the army to chase me!
The Chinese revolutionary army chased after the mountain.
I chased it out of Qiuheli in one breath for twenty or thirty miles.
Hurley was really lucky. Pando and Yom Klose had just gathered up the defeated Indian mercenaries at this time. Almost 60,000 to 70,000 people were preparing to take a breath. Hurley also fled here.
Close is frightened to disgrace. No, we have to repel the Chinese Revolutionary Army for a while to get our way. Charge and cover the international mercenaries. Come back!
Three men commanded some troops to launch an offensive novel against the Chinese revolutionary army/
The snowfields between the two sides are extremely fierce, and Hurley and others are desperate to resist the Chinese revolutionary army before it gradually recedes.
At this time, Hurley was just shocked. It took only a few days for the two commanders to die, and the Gurkha mountain soldiers lost more than half of their casualties. Together, there are only * * ten thousand people. What’s the point?
Pandoclus looked at Hurley. Now Hurley is the supreme commander of the army. Please ask him to make up his mind.
Hurley waves disheartened and sighed, "No way out, immediately order mercenaries to temporarily withdraw from Nepal to rest and immediately request further instructions from Guobao. With our strength now, we can’t resist the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army …"
Few of him had any idea. He retreated to Nepal after a while.
Now, the Chinese revolutionary army is in a state of rapture. This battle was played so happily that nothing escaped from Zhang Xiaohuai’s calculation. Although Hurley finally got away, now the mercenaries have been weakened and more than half of the casualties have been killed. This battle is definitely a complete victory!
Zhang Xiaohuai asked, "Has the newspaper been sent out?"
Guo Ye replied, "The commander has sent it to the president and the chief commander, and I think I will be able to get their reply soon."
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded. Now they must have seen the good news by this time.

Followed by the old emperor, the generation of Gu Hua, the big emperor and others, they also broke through or set foot on the Great Sage one after another or achieved brilliant and brilliant quasi-emperor.

It’s still more Ren Huang ethnic groups. The blood of the King has revived and sublimated. Recently, a group of people’s physique has changed into a real person, Wang Ti!
"Oh, my god, special physique can evolve like this. Is this how the protoss formed earlier? Or is it that Ren Huang’s immortal blood has changed to another level than bullying? "
"This is a horrible blood source, and the level of strength is too high. Wang Ti is the most basic for that kind of blood, but it is accompanied by changes. This is the scene!"
"If only I could be born in the imperial race, the starting point is so high that it is incomparable to add up his extreme forces."
I don’t know how many people envy and are so excited that they can’t be the breakthrough candidate.
More people are eager to join the ranks of ethnic groups in Ren Huang. It is a glorious thing to find an ethnic marriage in Ren Huang.
You know, it’s quite a fate to derive physique from the source of blood, and it changes directly from blood to flesh. It’s hard to imagine that a person needs strength and must be immortal and powerful
"King’s blood recovery is this Wang Ti? It is in direct proportion to practice the imperial court’s humanitarian law!"
The blood vessels are approaching, and the jumpers are happy to feel the transformation of the strength level, and they are not ordinary people, Wang Ti. It is the new king’s blood that Ren Huang inherited from the combination of Hengyu’s blood essence, which can also be called Heng Wang Ti!
His people are also very excited. They are the first generation of people. Everyone has a king’s blood, far more than before. They can sublimate into two kinds of blood, and Wang Ti has poor transformation potential.
"Even if such an ethnic group is dispersed, it is also a sublime Wang Shijia; It is more terrible than the protoss in those days. There is a difference between the blood sources of both sides. "
A few people are shocked. If you think about it, you can know that the ethnic group is terrible. Everyone is strong. Even now, Wang Ti is also a human body.
But with the passage of time, Ren Huang’s ethnic owner, Wang Ti, will naturally become more and more, which is a huge base. In the end, all the ethnic groups are Wang Ti!
At that time, you can be called a real person and the kings of the royal family will rise together!
"It’s a brilliant achievement of the brilliant ethnic group. If Ren Huang goes further in the future, I’m afraid everyone is a constant Wang Ti, and the blood of the enemy king is terrible for the family."
Even a few people of Wanlong Emperor can’t help but admire that this is much better than their ancient royal family. I’m afraid only pure blood can compare one or two.
However, this is also a good thing for them. After all, it is now an immortal imperial court. Ren Huang ethnic group is the main vein, and they are the branches. Although their status is worse than that of former’ hardcore allies’, it is also a brilliant achievement.
At least they can’t reach such a level at the peak.
"Is this the end of the post-Wang Shijia Alien Terran?"
Li Yu’s heart moved and thought of a lot of ripples that he stirred up when he was alive. When he handed them to swim, it was naturally stormy waves, but some things became more and more clear, that is, from himself.
Perhaps this is also a means of self-protection in history.
Gradually, this noise gradually calmed down all beings, witnessing the glory of Ren Huang’s ethnic group, more Yan Emperor’s testimony, and an extra contemporary emperor.
This made many Zhijilu Tianjiao people’s eyes twinkle. They had seen the immortal imperial court. Although they failed to see Ren Huang’s respect, they still got the response from the venerable people.
Although the seal of the heavenly heart is consistent, they still have many ways to try. The most difficult thing is to break the suppression of the contemporary emperor and become an emperor, but this difficulty is not generally great; What’s more, it’s not so simple for Yan Di past lives Daoguo to gather fighting power.
The remaining method is Ren Huang’s poor evolution road, Xianxian Road and Zhuxian Road; They can try to transform themselves or practice the five secret realms, which are the seeds of Tao, and then they can become Tao by themselves.
It is not that no one wants to try to break all kinds of repression and become an emperor. Some people are considered to have such potential, such as tyrants and gods. If the holy king can break the shackles, he will have earned the double chain strength of "the body is suppressed by all means", which will be terrible.
On quiet days, Li Yu occasionally travels to the world of mortals to purify his body and mind and construct the universe. However, there are several great robberies to help him complete the practice, which is equivalent to nine times that he drives all beings to evolve at the same time, and the practice efficiency is very high
The tyrant, God-killing worm, who was trained by him, has been able to take charge of himself. Now the main training object of the imperial court is Xuanwu Emperor, who brought out the immortal, tearful, green, golden and holy spirit. Although it is still pregnant, once it is born, it will be a proper high-end combat force.
Li Yu also has some impressions of it, that is, a fierce man who lived a second life on his own and succeeded in the fist of the Emperor of Heaven, which is really worth cultivating.
Yaochi Stone Fetus Holy Spirit Road is somewhat similar to chaos. She absorbs a lot of special physique, Jingxue, and is naturally different from the Holy Spirit. But for the immortal imperial court, it’s nothing. There is no shortage of roots for the master of the imperial way
In the past thousand years, I have also been pregnant with the nine-story, nine-horned emperor tower and added another battle force; The demon emperor misses the demon emperor’s ruler, blood and essence. There are also signs of metamorphosis. After all, he had a lot of obsession.
The thoughts of Ren Huang in the lunar calendar and the Holy Emperor of the Sun on the Eucharist of Mars were completely stabilized, and another special way of practice was for Duan De to find out the nine-day spiritual practice from his memory.
Li Yu once again found out that Qing Di was coming, and then he came to the strange world to find some complete little guys and asked about it.
There are some ups and downs in the level of true immortals, and there are great differences. According to the past, ordinary true immortals need a star field to support them, otherwise it will be enough for him to practice and swallow the essence of heaven and earth, which will dry up Gan Kun.
However, those tianjiao who are perfectly cultivated into immortals have different combat power, far exceeding that of ordinary true immortals, and their contrast volume is also different, visible or different from person to person.
"Is the development direction different? After all, it is normal for some fairy kings to create different levels of true immortals. As far as orthodoxy is concerned, I’m afraid that the secret realm left by the Emperor of the Wild Heaven should be the world of mortals, which is different and more powerful than the quasi-fairy king. It seems that it is not completely influenced by the realm. "
Li Yu pondered and measured the difference of several kinds of so-called true immortals, so that later generations also had Daewoo or extreme comparison, and the combination of the two was the quasi-fairy king; The Daewoo level includes the true fairy of humanity.
Strictly speaking, his earnest immortal road is still suitable for those who have got the perfect kind of immortal seeds, and many aspects will continue this road. If anyone is willing to go to the immortal imperial court, there are immortal seeds to give.
He also wants to try the elixir. Can it be planted perfectly to achieve enlightenment? Or is it that the things changed after the fall of these fairy kings are stronger than the perfect species? It may be even more horrible to achieve a true fairy.
"Buried out the immortal ancient method in the years? True fairy road? You need fairy seeds. "
After all, there are some interests in this road. After all, the perfect species are ready-made, but they are all arrogant people. They must first try Ren Huang to leave Jin Xian Road. After all, humanity and Yin Xian are the five secret roads, and they are the most suitable.
Later, Zhang Bairen, who joined heaven, had no scruples. He thought it would be good to grow into an immortal perfectly. Anyway, the original practice was to mess with the ancient method, but his realm still needed polishing and he put it on hold for the time being.
500 years have passed in a hurry, and the reincarnation disk has passed for 5,000 years. The nine major humanitarian forces have once again built a cosmic structure, reaching ten levels and becoming more and more vast.
And Li Yu once again came to the strange world and grabbed the world. The mark of the ancient world also flew out and merged into a sea of thousands of ways. He walked into it to become a multi-level robbery.
I ignored it earlier, but now I have a flash of light, so I have to try.
A hundred years later, the strange world, Tianxin, was torn apart and suddenly came out of it, bringing out the mark of the ancient world. The whole body was surrounded by thousands of roads and countless traces intertwined.
He stood there floating and exhausted the Tao, and the Tao was too vast, giving people an unreal feeling. The vision in a pair of golden eyes made everything in the world rise and fall, if it covered the long river of years!
"Let’s call Heaven of Science a robbery."
Li Yu clapped his hands and smiled with satisfaction. After that, there was a fairy light in the cosmic community that blended into the imprint of the heavenly heart, which greatly strengthened the repair of the defect, and it was also a reward.
This robbery was born from the birth of Tianxin, and the name of Heaven is perfect.
Hao is boundless, majestic, magnificent, ancient and so on. Heaven of Science means boundless and desolate, and when it was born, it was boundless and ancient.

Avatar and cultivation techniques?

Zhao Xiaocai got excited as soon as he got up. "Master, so you’re going to give me the magical power to practice martial arts?"
That’s the avatar! If I can practice successfully, I am afraid that I will break through the opening period and I will be able to open my orifices one after another!
"I’ll give you the skill of practicing magical powers, but you can’t practice it rashly. Because you don’t have enough immortals, you will be consumed to death!"
Zhao Xiaocai, it’s better to say that it’s impossible for him to cast his avatar rashly because he is consumed by it.
Now Zhao Xiaocai finally understands that the so-called magical power of Charm Ji is a kind of magical power of Heaven, and it is also seventy-two kinds of small magical powers, which can be said to be pseudo-magical powers strictly speaking.
It is still difficult to practice the avatar successfully, but although it is still powerful, it is also good, and it will not be exhausted by the true qi when it is put into use!
It’s not directly that Zhao Xiaocai can be cultivated into an avatar, but he must be cultivated into an avatar first, and then he can really be cultivated into an avatar when the realm of cultivation is reached!
In my mind, Master Cha Tong gave him seventy-two methods to cultivate the magical powers of the earth demon. This time, he said seventy-two magical powers of the earth demon are actually secluded, exorcizing gods, carrying mountains, forbidding water, borrowing wind, spreading fog, praying for sunshine, praying for rain, sitting on fire, entering the water, covering the sun, keeping out the wind, boiling stones, spitting flames, swallowing knives, making pots of heaven, walking in the water, walking with a stick, being in two places, being invisible, and being untied. Shooting and covering, earth walking, star number, array, false shape, spraying, fingering, autopsy, scene shifting, attracting, going away, gathering animals, adjusting birds, forbidding air, vigorously, penetrating rocks, generating light, obstacles, guiding, eating, jumping over rocks, sprouting heads, boarding, drinking water, lying in snow, and stormy days.
Zhao Xiaocai went straight to a big bedroom, and then the whole person was a little embarrassed!
Isn’t this 72-year-old little magical power the famous Sun Wu’s 72 changes!
Oh! By the way, Sun Wu’s cultivation is the Nine Xuangong, that is, the Seventy-two Dungeon Skill in the highest day.
"Master Tong said that Sun Wu’s character is true!" Zhao Xiaocai asked
Every child once had a dream of being a Monkey King, which may be shattered by the real society, but it must be said that this dream is true!
"Sun wu! The little monkey can meet him naturally when you are successful in uniting, "said Tong Jiao.
"Really, master? So what is Sun Dasheng’s realm? It won’t be the period of enlightenment! " Zhao Xiaocai asked
The famous Monkey King wouldn’t believe Zhao Xiaocai if he killed him during the enlightenment period.
"How is it possible! Although the little monkey is hard to make, it is much better than you think. You’d better not think about it and practice quickly! " Unified theory
Knowing that Zhao Xiaocai, a character in Chinese mythology, was really excited, he vowed to practice hard and say that Zhongda Shenggan had a fight.
Zhao Xiaocai went to Anya with the pulse he swallowed and spit out!
Since you can’t refine the spiritual pulse and enter the abdomen, you can put it aside for a while and find another way to simply give this spiritual pulse to Anya!
Anya is very excited to get the spiritual pulse. It’s no problem to have the extremely spiritual pulse to save the moon tree!
After Luna Tree was revived, the Elves no longer worried about being trapped and lost in this terrible place!
In the future, even if the lost land is to destroy Anya, you can move out of here with the whole Elves.
Luna tree has the ability to cross, not with one person but with millions of people.
Resurrection of the luna tree means that the fate of the Elves will not be tied to the lost land, which is indeed a kind of luck for the whole Elves!
According to Anya’s instructions, Zhao Xiaocai put the whole spiritual pulse into the spring of life. It was difficult to produce spring water. The spring of life is like a dead spring eye coming alive. Look at the spring of life!
Zhao Xiaocai’s eyes are straight, so many life springs are about to overflow from the wellhead!
Zhao Xiaocai wondered if she and Anya had let herself soak in the spring of life again and again after saving the moon tree.
This is Anya’s saying that the spiritual pulse broke through Yi Long and then flew out of the fountain of life.
Zhao Xiaocai saw the spirit pulse and wanted to escape, but Anya stopped him. "Don’t shoot it. This is the stage of getting the life spring to become a dragon after its nourishment has risen!"
Chapter 247 The reason of Luna Tree
A Chapter 247 Luna Tree Origin
Spiritual pulse taxiing is a rare sight, even those hundred-year-old monsters may not have seen it!
Fortunately, Anya stopped Zhao Xiaocai’s action sometimes, otherwise even a little accident during the spiritual pulse taxiing may lead to their failure.
If you want to save the luna tree, it is impossible to rely solely on the extremely spiritual pulse. Although the extremely spiritual pulse is huge, it lacks spirituality. It depends on the nourishment of the life spring to give the spiritual pulse the opportunity to transform into a dragon luna tree and merge with luna tree to revive!
Anya Youyou said, "Tens of millions of years ago, there was a pair of lovers, a male dragon, a handsome genius and a beautiful young girl, and an elf queen. They met and fell in love;
It’s a pity that the dragon was already a deterrent race to the heavens and the world at that time, while the Elves were still a subordinate race with weak strength!
How can a dragon genius be combined with an affiliated race! Even if the woman is a race king.
Being oppressed by the dragon, the genius of the dragon and the queen of the elves can avoid the vain attempt to give birth and bring their children back to the dragon to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors!
Although there are dangers everywhere, the chances are dangerous and there are also many big opportunities.
Unfortunately, the dragon genius and the elf queen suddenly encountered virtual turbulence one day, which is more dangerous than virtual cracks!
If the virtual crack is a single spell attack, then the virtual turbulence is a large-scale group attack spell!
Compared with the virtual turbulence, the chance of surviving a virtual crack in the virtual reality is simply a drop in the bucket!
Two people constantly fled in the virtual, avoiding the virtual turbulence has not considered so much!
It’s a pity that the dragon genius suddenly felt a palpitation during their escape, and quickly reached out to test whether there was any danger ahead!
As expected, there seems to be no danger in front of him, but the dragon genius just reached out and heard a scream. The whole arm was immediately ground, but when he pulled out, he was afraid that the whole person would be dragged in and turned into slag!
The elf queen’s face turned pale and supported her lover to retreat. She was frightened by the "virtual crack!"
There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind, and they feel desperate!
Is the virtual turbulence behind approaching the virtual crack in front and I don’t know if it’s still in place or if it’s shifted there?
At that time, the two can be in a dilemma and in a hurry!
Nai two people can take out the things in the ring and throw them forward. If the things are not destroyed, it is said that the front is Ann.
Maybe they were really unlucky. This method had a little effect just now, but in the end, they seemed to meet a virtual crack party, because no matter where they threw things, they were ground without slag!
Two people are desperate! There are too many virtual cracks in front of the virtual turbulence, which is simply an attitude of never giving up until they are strangled!
However, when the two men hugged each other and died, a scared tree suddenly appeared behind them, and the virtual turbulence suddenly turned around as if it were induced, saying that the virtual cracks were few and did not move to their side!
I haven’t seen myself dead for a long time. The two of them opened their eyes and finally found a big tree around them!
Trees are treasures! Both of them raised this idea!
Being able to live in vain can make virtual turbulence and virtual cracks retreat. What can it be if it is not a treasure?
It’s a pity that their excitement has not passed yet. Incredible and tragic things have happened! "
Anya said that the mood here is fluctuating!
"Dragon boy because of the virtual crack before wringing his arm, he was bleeding. In principle, the strong at that level can’t be reborn, but it’s no problem to stop bleeding!
But what, that sacred tree, they will appear when they are about to die?
The reason is very simple, that is, the blood of the dragon genius boy attracted it from other places!

Zhong Yingtian’s mouth flicked a few times and then smiled. "Mr. Mu, you’re right. I owe you three million."

"Well, bring it!"
Mu Haiteng stretched out his right hand together.
Seeing the Muhai-like clock should be a great day, and the mood is transient.
Is that it? Is it that urgent?
A mass of magic thoughts poured out from Zhong Yingtian’s head to Muhai.
"Mr. Mu will give you this money afterwards," Zhong Yingtian said softly, attaching it to Mu Hai’s ear. "Today, you won the first place and can enter the Dragon Net. Please come with me."
"Please go back today!" Zhong Yingtian looked back at the crowd and said
Then he went straight to the stairs and walked briskly.
Muhai’s eyes showed a sharp light and quickly followed it. This can finally enter the dragon net.
Muhai suppressed his excitement and calmed his mood.
Soon a group of people returned to the hall.
"Rain is falling all, just wait for me here."
Say that finish MuHai followed Zhong Yingtian out of the door.
Zhong Yingtian turned around with Muhai seven times and almost fainted Muhai.
Zhong Yingtian stopped in a piece of greenery.
He took out a tablet brain and pressed the hand print to drill a thick arm column on the ground.
There is a scanner in the column.
The ground shook after Zhong Yingtian aimed his eyes at the scanner.
A wide underground staircase appeared in front of Muhai.
Chapter 14 Confidentiality Agreement
Muhai Zhong Yingtian is located in a stone room.
It’s as dark as ink and opaque.
"Hum …"
Suddenly, when the lights came on, Muhai closed his eyes slightly.
There are two chairs in the stone room, and a table looks like a conversation place.
"Zhong Lao, who are you?" Mu Hai said
"Look at it."
Zhong Yingtian took out an agreement from nowhere and handed it to Muhai.
"Confidentiality agreement! ?”
I was slightly surprised to see the front four characters.
Patience MuHai looked at that need a magnifying glass to see clearly word by word.
That’s why he has a strong knowledge of God. Ordinary people have long abandoned it for fear of dizzy eyes when they see such dense words.
"Let me join dragnet is to be a dragnet agent? Why are there so many rules and regulations that bind me? Can’t you enter the house once a year? "
"Girlfriends can’t meet?"
Muhai called out to show more anger than to throw the confidentiality agreement to Zhong Yingtian.
"That’s right!" Zhong Yingtian looked at Mu Hai calmly. "Mr. Mu’s entry into Dragon Net is something that others dream of."

They met earlier, when he couldn’t see her. She thought she was too young, and then she would stick to him all the time.

Because when I was a child, gentleness was actually very active, and I would chase after it when I liked it.
At that time, it must be hard for her to resist Teng’s heroic spirit.
Suddenly I thought of my brother and Belle. Did they really end up like that?
Gentle is waiting for him in the car. He said he would go back, just wait and wait, and he couldn’t help wondering what he was doing.
Seeing that the weather is going to rain again, he mustn’t get wet.
When she was thinking about Teng Yun, the phone suddenly rang. She glanced at Wen Yi and actually guessed what Wen Yi was going to ask her or picked it up.
"Elder sister, what time do you arrive? Xiaoliang stewed black-bone chicken soup for you? Oh, come here early, "said Wenyi, as she made a hissing gesture with the girl next to her. The warmth immediately dared not come out.
"I’ll be right out of the supermarket" whispered softly, and then my eyes looked out again.
"Is that true? Did you buy us roast duck? Elder sister said that her horse will come. Ha ha, the horse will come. "When Wenyi got excited, she forgot to say goodbye. Holding her mobile phone, she danced and celebrated with warmth.
Excited like a child, Wen Liang came out of the kitchen and saw that it was not very big. In the living room, two women hugged and jumped like children.
Gentleness was noisy by the sound coming out of the mobile phone, and Nai sighed and then dropped the mobile phone to prepare the car.
I just grabbed the handle and tried to hit it when I heard the door being hit from the other side.
The apex swings and then turns to smell a familiar fragrance …
Recommend the end of the article "The Giants Take a New Wife by Flash Marriage". On that day, at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she held a red static in her hand and looked at him far away.
Twenty-three-year-old Zhuo Xing married 29-year-old Fu Zhi, and this commercial flash marriage surprised everyone …
The pain of her first meeting with him is her deepest memory.
In the middle of the night, a calculation created a pair of cute cute bags …
The second time she married him was after giving birth to a baby.
Dark room, narrow bed, he’s overbearing, leaving no room …
☆, 159 personal company
"You just went to buy milk."
"For your honesty."
Gentle with warm milk in his hand and then turned to look at his head, the man raised his hand and patted his hair gently.
It’s still cold in Mao Mao outside.
"Fool, I regard the roast duck chef as an elder, and my husband with such a high value will never compare you together."
Manager Teng …
What’s the feeling of being played?
"To apologize, let me stay and have dinner with you tonight?"
Teng always said when he started the car
Gentle immediately promised to come.
Warm, excited and nervous, Wen Yi has been waiting at the window, almost eager to see them. When their car drove to the building, Wen Yi excitedly shouted that she was coming.

"The greed of human nature and the limited resources have finally overwhelmed the planet Hubei, and the resources have almost dried up, and everything has returned to its original state," Kun Jian explained

"The struggle for this limited resource has caused great chaos, right?"
Kunjian nodded. "In order to survive better in this troubled times, martial arts is prevalent again. Our Wulin Sect has also ushered in a blowout development, but the six sects are harsh. Many people choose to join the army and aspire to be the mighty side of the mecha, but some like to steal camp and drill homo habilis to join those small sects without thresholds."
Lei Sheng is worried that "the small sects, three religions and nine streams are mixed, and the more people join in, the more chaotic the sky will be, or the weaker ones will suffer."
Kun Jian said, "I don’t understand these things. I don’t care so much about practicing foreign affairs in my life."
"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the sky, but everyone has his own will."
Kun Jian looked at Lei Sheng in astonishment. "I don’t understand a word of what you little guy said."
Well, I can’t help talking a lot today.
Lei Sheng smiled shyly. "I don’t know what I learned in the earth training ground, but I’m very interested in the history of the planet Ersi. Do you have any qualifications in this field?"
"Yes, but are you sure you know that many words?"
I don’t know why your characters are exactly the same as Chinese characters. If these characters are written, of course I know them all, but …
He thought of his age again. "I can ask you if I can’t read, but don’t worry, I know a lot of words earlier. This shouldn’t bother me."
Kun Jian looked at Lei Sheng like a monster. "Well, I’m going to see Master and recommend you to his old man’s house. You have to prepare with me."
Chapter 29
Leisheng nodded his head.
Kunjian left here
After walking for about an hour, Kun Jian turned back and found it. Lei Sheng signaled him to go with himself in Zamabu.
The two men went through the small forest full of buttonwood trees on the mountain to Kunjian, the mountain pass, and took out a warrant to guard their younger brother before they were released.
Winding all the way, the air is more fresh and pleasant, and after three mountain passes, I came to an altitude of 2400 meters and saw a row of magnificent buildings built on the mountain.
Whether to visit the scenery here or not will lead Leisheng to a slant hall.
Through several crescent doors, I came to a small courtyard with a quiet environment. Kun Jian put light steps and gently pushed the door and entered a room.
An old man with white hair and beard sat quietly on the futon and opened his eyes gently without waiting for Kunjiankou to report.
The essence of mans eyes flashed and showed a kind face. After studying Leisheng, he touched his jaw and beard and nodded. "Good indeed, it was a good seedling."
"Would you like to worship my teacher?"
In fact, it doesn’t matter who the teacher is in Wutong. Lei Sheng came here to seek a quiet practice environment. He has practiced martial arts in the divine realm on earth, and he has thoroughly understood the yin and yang forces. He broke through the black hole at the beginning, exhausted what he had learned all his life, not only lost his strength, but also became a baby. Fortunately, his meridians were not damaged, so he can practice martial arts. When the time comes, he will naturally practice again according to the previous method.
Although he is curious about this world martial arts, he doesn’t have to practice this world martial arts.
He doesn’t know and doesn’t care about the status of Kunjian master in the Wutong Sect, but judging from Kunjian people, his master must be no worse.
So Leisheng bowed to the end and said, "Brother Leisheng, meet the master."
"Well … after that, you will be my younger brother who understands the world." People who understand the world raised their hands and gave a virtual hand.
Leisheng straightened up and waited for a question.
The enlightened Taoist looked at his face full of flowers and Lei Sheng couldn’t help asking, "What made his face so dirty?"
Lei Sheng explained, "I don’t know why I can’t get a tan. My skin color is different from everyone else’s. I don’t want to be different and get my face dirty."
The enlightened Taoist laughed. "You’re an interesting kid, and you’re not the only one who has never been to the mountain. Which one is not fair-skinned? You’re not worried that it’s different from everyone, but it’s quite strange that you come from the mountain to get a little tan."
"I’ll personally go to the head teacher younger brother and say that I will bring you this piece of Yu Pei in your name register so that you can prove your identity."
Leisheng took it with both hands.
"Although you have been appointed by me, you are still young and need to learn from your brother Kun Jian."
"brother Bai"
"Well, go to your mountain."
They walked to the mountain in accordance with the words.
However, just out of the Pian Temple, a few people dressed in phoenix tree door ornaments came face to face. A bitter-looking man saw the deliberate avenue after Kunjian. "Hey, who is this? Who is this? I haven’t seen him for a long time. I forgot his name."
People around him burst into laughter.
Kunjian looked at each other with an expression and ignored them, so he took Leisheng away.
It was the other party who wanted to find another project and stretched out his hand and stopped Kun Jian’s way.
Kun Jian glanced at each other coldly. "What do you want to do, Yuduo?"
Yu Duo smiled contemptuously. "This is not to see if you are familiar. Come and see who this acquaintance is. How was your day?"
"What’s it to you?"
Yu Duo stared, "Watch your attitude, you eliminated garbage."
Kun Jian clenched his fist and was about to send Lei Sheng but gently pulled him. "Will fighting here be punished?"
Yu Duo glanced at Lei Sheng. "Who is this dirty little thing? It can’t be your illegitimate child. You didn’t bring him here to make enlightened scholars accept this little disciple. Isn’t that a mess?"
Like seeing the most ridiculous thing in the world, Yu Duo and his companions laughed.
"Do you have any students?" Leisheng suddenly asked
Yu Duo was stunned and suddenly pointed to Kunjian and sneered, "Only a waste like him who can’t get through the seventy-two acupoints can be a teacher. I want students."
Lei Sheng said, "Then you are wrong about a student, that is, a good relationship. As the old saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before us. We are the phoenix tree school. The foundation is hope, and you will get old. You can’t stay at the top of your game that day."
Yu Duo laughed more after listening to Lei Sheng’s words, and tears almost flowed out. "What waves are there? What are you talking about? I can see that you are just a registered brother of the mountain. You are the foundation of the Wutong Sect. Is it hope? Don’t be ridiculous, okay? People like Kunjian are still rubbish. You don’t even deserve to work for us. You are Kunjian’s teasing. You know that we are boring and sent you to bring us joy. Brother Kunjian has a heart. "
"Laugh as much as you can now, but after laughing, please remember that the Wutong Sect doesn’t depend on your life. My name is Lei Sheng and you’d better remember this name."
Leisheng a serious said
"It’s meaningless to teach them to be brave, to be ashamed and then brave."
What do you mean by that? Everyone present was a little intimidated. They found that the child spoke in a different way.
Kun Jian knew that Lei Sheng was looking for steps for him. He despised a line "Go back and read more if you have no culture."
Say that finish, he flickered past Yu Duo and ran to the mountain with Leisheng.
"Mom, how educated are you?" More than slow lead to god swearing way
Lu Kunjian thanked me for helping me out.
Lei Sheng asked, "They look down on Shanji’s younger brother. Isn’t that how they came?"
Kunjian shook his head. "They were born destined to be Wutong people."