A lieutenant general said excitedly

"Yes, we have tried hard for many years to destroy this camp, but it has never been successful. Yun Fan is worthy of being the king of the earth and rushed into the camp on his own!"
Another lieutenant general also looked excited.
"Ha ha is my grandson!"
Qu Yuanbao smiled heartily and was most happy. "Yun Fan, you have made great contributions this time, and it is your grandfather’s revenge to have you when your grandfather died in Japan!"
Yun Fan nodded slightly and looked at the huge pit on the ground ahead, but the shock in his heart was the combination of nuclear power and Lingwu.
Tong Xuan Jing is a powerful combination of spirit and martial arts. The strong is a level of visible strength.
Whether it’s Gu Wu style or martial arts style, it’s a great leap from the five spirits to the Yuan Dynasty, from the spiritual realm of spiritual and martial arts to the realm of tongxuan.
The strength gap is different!
"We destroyed a gene man base, which will definitely cause his gene life rage. They may retaliate against the base in Dongying Island. Let’s hurry back!"
Another major general class b mecha said
The older lieutenant general took out the combat aircraft and several people boarded and returned to the base of Dongying Island.
Destroy the Japanese gene camp to complete the military service in Yun Fan, which is enough to have the qualification to buy Class B mecha.
Chapter 22 Shang Tongtong News! (3 more commutation ticket)
Dongying Island Base
The whole army department celebrated Yun Fan’s congratulations.
Gene man has the ability to control the same gene monster.
A large number of gene people can control a large number of gene monsters to form a beast tide to attack human bases.
When the beast tide, the number of gene monsters is exhausted, and it is extremely difficult to resist like a tide.
For hundreds of years, the Japanese gene people have launched large and small animal tides to besiege the base of Dongying Island for more than fifty times.
Every time the beast tide, a large number of soldiers will die, and even the mecha will die in a batch.
For the Japanese gene people, the soldiers at the base of the Japanese island are anathema.
Now, Yun Fan has destroyed the camp of Japanese Gene People, which is highly respected by the soldiers at the base of Japan Island.
That night, Yun Fan base stayed in the northern restaurant.
The communicator rang, and Yun Fan saw that it was his father Yun Chaolai.
Put through
Yun Fan "Dad, what’s up?"
Yun Chao "Xiaofan got the news of Shang Tongtong"
Yun Fan "what? Where are you? "
Yun Chao: "Someone witnessed her appearance in the Gaos thought in Gujing today."
Yun Fan "Great! I will go to Gujing Gaojia tomorrow! "
Hang up the words Yun Fan look still excited.
I’ve been back to earth for more than two months, and I finally got the news of Shang Tongtong.
But to Yun Fan’s surprise, how can Shang Tongtong appear in Gujing Gaos thought?
"Gao Muyang, you have to give me an explanation!"
Yun Fan cold hum a glance in the heart reveals a little ShaQi.
Early the next morning, Yun Fan found grandpa Qu Yuanbao and asked Qu Yuanbao to escort him back to the hundred cities of mankind.
It is very dangerous to have no B-class mecha escort across the sea from Japan Island to the hundred cities of mankind.
However, it took only one month for the base of Dongying Island to communicate with China Shipping City to learn the news of Shang Tongtong. Yun Fan obviously didn’t have the patience to wait that long.
Qu Yuanbao readily promised to send Yun Fan to Zhonghai City.
When I arrived in Zhonghai City, Yun Fan took a six-time sonic aircraft and went to Gujing City.
Gujing gaojia
Among the nine elders, the patriarch is the gaos thought, and the gaos thought is the first of the nine elders’ families!
Be called the first family on earth
At the moment, however, there is an aircraft flying directly into the gaos thought.
This shocked several fighters. Who was so bold as to fly the Gaos thought?
The aircraft fell to the square in front of the main house. Yun Fan came from the aircraft and drank "Gao Muyang came out to see me!"

At this time, Longyou looked from the floor to the surface, and his eyebrows couldn’t help frowning. He turned and walked to his desk and dialed the guard room.

Ha novel network
Chapter 21 teaching
"What happened to the company’s door?" Longyou asked the captain of the guard room. There was some coldness in his tone-
"This is the worker’s family who was fired yesterday, calling for you." The captain of the guard room was full of Nailongyou’s tone and knew how busy it was just now.
Longyou followed by continued to say "’pay’ they filmed a person to come to my office" Longyou finished and then hung up directly.
"Hey, listen to me!" The captain of the guard room said at the sight of the’ female’ people.
"Our dragon manager came and asked you to shoot a person to go to his office." After the captain of the guard voice fell, the group of’ women’ people discussed something.
Loulongyou looked at the corners of his mouth and couldn’t help laughing. It was really a group of "women".
"I’ll go, I’ll go." After a while, a’ female’ said that he went to the guard room.
"Then I’ll take you there," said the captain of the guard room. He got up from the "bed" and took the "woman" to the building. His face was full of seriousness.
The guard room in front of the "door" of Longyou office tapped on the "door". Longyou knew that they were coming and said "Come in" directly.
The captain of the guard walked into the Longyou office and said to Longyou, "People have brought it." After that, he turned around and walked out without extra trouble.
Longyou carefully looked at the’ woman’ in front of him, and there was nothing special about it. Obviously, it was white and less sensible to know that I had come to talk about it.
Longyou didn’t make any noise after she entered, but she still had some good impressions. Then Longyou continued to say, "What are you here for?"
The’ woman’ came from the floor again and shouted abuse before she spoke.
"If you have a baby, you won’t keep it. It depends on your attitude here. The steel mill machine takes’ private’ jobs." The man who spoke was one of the men who were dismissed by Longyou.
"Without any conclusive evidence, we can’t slander our Longyou casually." The door of Longfu Company said that he still cared about the friendship when working together and didn’t want each other to be so stiff.
Longyou got up and walked to the window sill and looked at Lou’s father. Then he called and said, "Get that man out of here." Longyou’s tone was full of anger. He hung up directly after he finished.
Turned his head to the’ woman’ in the room and said, "What can I do for you? If you quit, you must know better than me." Longyou said and watched from the window sill.
At this time, Long Fu has entered the company’s office leak.
After hearing Longyou’s speech, the’ woman’ people didn’t continue to say anything. Their hearts were very clear and there was nothing to say that they were wrong. Now they are so noisy that they want to keep this job.
I was quiet in the air until the Dragon Father pushed the’ door’ and came in. He looked at Longyou in the room and said directly, "I’ll give you a sum of money to recuperate at home for a while, even if this salary is paid at home, wait for the news." After Dragon Father finished, he looked at Longyou
When the’ woman’ heard this, her heart was full of joy, her face was full of dullness, but she nodded slightly and went out.
Longyou was puzzled. He didn’t know how his father did this, and he didn’t continue to ask more questions.
Dragon father left the company directly and returned home. He was full of melancholy and depression.
"I’m back," said Longyou’s mother, and handed the dragon father a glass of water.
Father Long sighed and said, "It’s really annoying that all the workers have gone to the company to make trouble."
The dragon mother heard the dragon father say this, and the joy just dissipated. She directly sat on the sofa and looked at the dragon father and said, "Those people still came to the house to make trouble after you left. The head is the man who worked with you in those years."
The dragon mother said that she was also full of melancholy. After all, everyone was very angry about this matter.
The two men sat quietly on the sofa and didn’t continue to say anything. The program playing on the TV seems to be a pantomime, and the two people’s minds don’t know where they have gone
The dragon father looked at the dragon mother and said, "This place has grown up. He must have his own reasons for doing things, and we shouldn’t blame him."
The dragon mother nodded slightly after hearing this.
At this time, Lou Kerr came directly. She looked at the figure of Long Fu and ran directly forward, saying, "Is it all right for Long Bobo to swim there?"
Heard Chloe say this, and Long Fu also knew that when those people came home to make trouble, Chloe also.
Father Long didn’t continue to say much. He nodded slightly and said, "There is nothing wrong with Longyou. Don’t you believe in Longyou’s strength?" Dragon father quipped that the face’ dew’ came out and smiled kindly.
Chloe smiled and said "I believe"
Chloe had said that after she looked at the dragon mother’s face, those who were sad did not continue to say something.
Dragon mother looked up at the clock to one side and Chloe said, "Chloe will eat here later. Don’t go back. It’s getting late. I’ll cook for you." Dragon mother said with a strong face and squeezed out a smile.
Chloe heard the dragon mother say so and directly replied, "Yes, aunt, let me help you."
The dragon mother heard Chloe say this and refused directly. She "can’t wait for you to eat." The dragon mother talked and "touched" Chloe’s hair and face was full of joy. As the sound fell, the dragon mother got up from the sofa. She turned and walked towards the kitchen.
Chloe quietly looked at the dragon mother figure until she disappeared from sight and turned her head.
Chloe quietly sat on the sofa with Long Fu and watched as she could feel a little tired from Long Fu’s body.
Everything in the whole room is so quiet except the sound from the camera.
However, the sound of a tableware falling and breaking in the kitchen makes the environment seem crisp and loud.
Chloe suddenly got up from the sofa after hearing this, and she ran directly towards the kitchen.
Chloe looked at the ground glass and picked up the dragon mother on the ground and said, "Aunt, don’t touch it!"
Chloe said, and then she took the broom and the glass crumbs from one side and swept them away directly. She turned and looked at the dragon mother and asked, "Aunt, you have nothing to do." Chloe said, and she dragged the dragon mother to pick up the glass crumbs and looked at it.
Chloe can feel the "tide" wet from the dragon mother’s hand. She looked at it without any wound and looked up at the dragon mother and said, "Aunt, let me help you."
Dragon mother looked at Chloe and quickly wiped her face with tears and said with a smile, "It’s okay for you to go outside and there’s nothing to live for me alone."
Chloe heard the dragon mother say so and didn’t insist on asking for help. She came out directly from the kitchen and walked towards the second floor.
Chloe lay down on the’ bed’ and quietly moved towards the floor. Two elders felt depressed in her heart.
Chloe took out the mobile phone directly from the side and rummaged through this Longyou number to dial out.
The words were quickly answered, and the dragon swam through the file and stopped. He smiled and asked, "What’s wrong with Chloe?"
Chloe didn’t know exactly how to tell him after hearing Longyou sound. Chloe faltered for a long time and didn’t say anything.
This sample is really anxious. He can’t help but ask Chloe again, "What’s going on? You slowly say don’t worry. "
"Well, those workers came home to make trouble today." Chloe said softly, and she stopped. Her face could not help but leak out. Then she continued, "I think both my uncle and aunt are preoccupied. I just broke a bowl when my aunt was cooking in the kitchen. When I went in to help my aunt clean up, I saw my aunt crying."
Chloe stopped when she said this. She tried to adjust her mood and then went on to say, "I think my uncle is also a six-god. He may not even know what to play."
When Longyou heard Chloe say this, he didn’t know that such a thing would bring such harm to his parents.
Chloe listened to the words and didn’t respond to her. She couldn’t help but continue to ask "What’s going on?"
Longyou was called back by Chloe’s voice from his mind. He couldn’t say directly at the moment, so he said directly to Chloe, "When I get home, I will help you take care of my parents."

Even if you don’t start the alien, his speed is enough for his bodyguard to catch the mound under his nose.

But it has a deeper meaning if you don’t know about the church plan.
The faithful implementation of Suo Tianyang did not disrupt the plan.
Now he knows exactly what he wants to do.
A teenager who is faster than others can gently push a table and a glass.
That glass of wine was smashed in the past. A bodyguard on the left side held the gunman and cracked the glass like a bomb. The man couldn’t hold the star pistol, and it was even more bloody!
At the same time
Tianyang lifted his foot and lifted the table. An ashtray hit another bodyguard on the right side in the head.
The bodyguard fainted on the spot with his head broken.
The boy’s figure flashed and he jumped to the ground and rolled next to a star pistol. Then he got up and the pistol was in his hand.
Continuous gun
The company rushed into the room of the male and female bodyguards, and its bodyguards put it down.
The situation was under control in just a few seconds.
Besides the long-haired girl, she screamed, so the sun knocked her out. The decibel of the woman was too high
Footsteps ring
Xia yuanqiao came in as a bar security guard and was not too surprised to see this scene. "I have taken care of its security."
"Just ran a bodyguard."
The sun swept through the room and found that the bodyguard with ordinary appearance was not on the scene, so he didn’t mean to pull the mound up and "take him away"
Xia Yuan came over and was going to shoulder him.
Qiu Xun groaned and turned around when he woke up.
See the status quo and shout, "Let me go! Let me go! I’m not the boss, I’m one of his body double! "
Tianyang and Xia Yuan move at the same time.
The boy jerked over the mound. "Say it again!"
"I’m not the boss! The boss has run away! "
Tianyang suddenly remembered that ordinary-looking bodyguard, that he and Qiu Xun were similar in size, and that the other side was interested in the iron cage.
"Look at him!"
Tianyang rushed out of the box on the corridor window and he saw a street.
The street is illuminated by various colors of lights. A magnetic energy car just passed by. In the car is the ordinary-looking bodyguard!
The teenager broke out of the window and passers-by exclaimed with several pieces of glass falling to the ground.
As soon as he broke the window, a light red light came from a dark alley opposite the bar and disappeared into the broken window frame.
If the sun is not jumping, then this red light is heading for his head.
There are snipers!
As soon as the teenager flashed, the idea had fallen to the ground, and he immediately swayed the stars into a sphere.
Almost at the same time, the second beam of red light disappeared into the star-aggregate sphere and touched the star-aggregate to outline its trajectory.
It can drive the sun to jump to the left, let the red light pass by and disappear into the outer wall of the bar, leaving a gap with the size of a teacup.
Beam after beam of red light came.
Tianyang kept making evasive moves, dancing in the light beam, and after seven sniper attacks, his figure disappeared without warning, and the street appeared four meters away.
Stars gather and light wings emerge.
The milky way is flashing!
When a beam of light points to Tianyang, the teenager has turned into a distant silver flash and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.
In the dark, someone scolded, "I didn’t shoot anyone!" "
Tian Anode’s rapid speed has left behind several magnetic energy vehicles that have been eliminated in urban areas, and the owners are full of doubts and thrown into the wind.
He followed the suspicious bodyguard’s departure trajectory. If he hadn’t been delayed a little by the unknown sniper, he would have stopped the car by now.
He is very familiar with the streets in the city, and he knows exactly which street the magnetic energy car can run. You know, there are not many streets in the city that have enough width for magnetic energy cars to run.
So when the teenager rushed into a street, he really saw the car that he was tracking magnetic energy and saw that the car hit a lamppost.
Tianyang stopped the car and saw a person in it, but there was blood on the steering wheel and console.
Blood drops to the ground and moves towards a lane not far away.
Tianyang had already come to the alley with a dive, and the light was dim, but he still saw the suspicious bodyguard lying down and a figure squatting beside him.
The man’s bodyguard wiped his face and took a mask. The mask was as thin as cicada’s wings. After taking the mask, the bodyguard was stunned!
The man who felt Tianyang’s eyes looked up and Tianyang saw a scar.
This person
Turned out to be a fortress iron wall corps commander Cao Gang adjutant Dong Fang!
"Is it you?"
Tianyang and the other party whispered at the same time.
"Leave that man, sir!" Yang shouted the day after tomorrow.
Dong Fang’s mouth slightly tilted up. "Did you hear me right? Are you ordering me?"
Tianyang didn’t remove the foreign body and keep a high alert. It was Dong Fang who gave birth to the killing heart, but Xuan was crushed by him.
Even so, he has to work very hard to suppress his impulse to shoot at each other.
"I’m sorry, sir, but that man has important clues about the murder of the old imam. I hope you can stay away from him and cause misunderstanding."
Dong Fang got up and said indifferently, "It’s too late. He’s dead."
Tianyang’s pupil shrank slightly. "Who did it?"
"I don’t know."
Say Dong Fang look back to leave.
The sun sank. "You can’t leave until the chief has made it clear."

It seems that the heavy swarm will soon consume one without much effort.

Yip hon knows that the worm is not so good for the club. First, the fighting capacity of the club has soared because of its own heavy weapons. Second, the Second Battalion destroyed a large number of giant worms, and first drew the enemy’s attention to the depths of the defense hole.
Otherwise, all the worms will go in this direction, even if they have a cannon, they may not be so easy.
After an encounter, everyone’s mentality was a lot easier, but the next battle was not so easy. From the mouth of the cave to the warehouse of the second battalion, Ye Han led a team to break through the swarm for seven times, but the worm people did not find any.
We didn’t know what the problem was until we rushed to the production area and saw the insects that were almost filled with the whole swarm and haunted the swarm from time to time.
There are so many insects in this hellhole, at least there are thousands of them, and there are many people. There are hundreds of them just by seeing them.
Three kinds of worms have been found, but the first two are not many, and the one-armed worms account for the success.
"Why don’t you call me!" Yip hon a roar loud hand machine gun first fire a short shot down a giant worm.
In a flash, the gun rained down on the swarm.
The giant bug didn’t hesitate to attack the guard company, but the bug people didn’t know where to drill and couldn’t even find a shadow.
Yip hon heart uneasy roar a way "see insect people give me to die …"
Typing just spit out half Yip Han when I saw an overturned heavy truck with an arm sticking out from behind.
There is nothing to say. Yip Han was the first to turn the gun and hit it with a string of bullets. Immediately, the arm was pierced with seven holes.
If you hit someone, you would have broken him several times, but the arm was pierced with several holes and didn’t break at all.
But these holes are enough. The worm man became disabled on the spot.
In addition, three other soldiers found that they all moved their guns in the past, which was a step slow. The bullet missed the arm and landed in the thick compartment of the truck.
When a soldier saw it, he simply gave a grenade.
At this time, another worm raised his arm with a bone blade, and a soldier fell down. Others immediately noticed the position of the worm.
This time, the soldiers didn’t shoot at each other. Just a few individual rockets went off and there were no worms and scum left on the spot … This is a good end. From then on, no one will shoot at the worms. If you find the target, you will be greeted with heavy weapons unless you can do something.
Yip hon shouted without looking back, "Who was shot?" Just after the firefight, someone was injured, which was a bad start
The military doctor just rushed to the side of the shot soldier and hasn’t come to check yet. The soldier has turned over and climbed up by himself. "Teacher, I’m fine. Monitor Ma helped me block one."
Yip hon twist a head to see Ma Hongwei barrel broken in two in amazement.
Just now, the worm fired the bone blade for an instant, and Ma Hongwei consciously used a rifle to block the bone blade and accidentally saved the life of his comrades.
"Good job!" Ye Han roared, "Can you still do it?"
"yes!" The soldier got up and joined the battle again.
Chapter 1142 Pierce the chrysanthemum
Ye Han, who can stop the bone blade at a critical moment, has a new understanding of Ma Hongwei speed
He just saw the bone blade, but he didn’t react so quickly when he saw the body, so he didn’t intercept the bone blade.
But it is an indisputable fact that Ma Hongwei actually did it, no matter how many coincidences blocked a bone blade and saved his comrades’ lives.
Ma Hongwei lost half his gun barrel, but the power dropped too much. He simply gave up his rifle and changed to a more flexible pistol.
Anyway, he is either a machine gun or a rifle, and he has no pressure except that he took one from his comrades-in-arms and a double gun in each hand.
Luo Qi really wants to vomit a sentence. Do you think you are an old woman with two guns?
Tucao belongs to Tucao. Ma Hongwei Superman really played with his double guns at the first speed. He has to stare at it. No matter whether it’s a worm or a worm, he can’t get a shot.
Although the armored pistol is not as powerful as a rifle, it is still no problem to penetrate the worm shell, not to mention the worm. Even if people change it, even a small caliber rifle can be killed by one shot. Is it a 127 mm armored pistol?
Ma Hongwei himself has a handy feeling that this is a hole prevention, not those pistols outside, which is more flexible than rifles.
However, the pistol’s range is too short, and it is difficult to hit the target at a little distance, even if it is assisted by a biochip. It is only at this low speed that Superman can aim first and then shoot.
The fierce gun was far away from the warehouse. Ouyang Ping finally found that the situation was wrong and quickly asked "Who is who?"
"Who else can it be? Me!" Ye Han said
Ouyang Ping, a big horse, organized troops to fight back. Although he lacked heavy weapons, there was no shortage of bullets. Although he dared not rush out of the warehouse, hiding in the warehouse could contain many insects.
It’s not so easy to sneak attack when the war reaches this point. It’s consumption for both sides to fight together.
The human side consumes ammunition, while the enemy consumes giant worms and worms. Generally speaking, the human side is more advantageous.
After the battle lasted for a few minutes, the worm suddenly retreated like a flood, and there was no worm left in the blink of an eye. I don’t know where to hide. I just returned my gun and shocked the sky, so it was strangely quiet.
What’s the plot of Yip Han to make trouble? "Ouyang, what’s the situation there?"
"The bugs are gone, and I can’t see them."
"Can you quit?"
Ping Ouyang hesitated "it’s not easy to do if the bug is in an ambush …"
"Don’t move yet. I ask you where the nuclear bomb is?"
"I am here!"
"Well, when my horse comes to pick you up, put the nuclear bomb away from the hole and the horse will detonate it!"
"Yes!" Ouyang Ping promised to arrange with Ma.
Yip hon didn’t delay here for a second. The horse chose the most suitable route and proceeded to the warehouse carefully.
Everyone is worried that the insects will suddenly jump out here. It’s not just a passage. Even if the swarm doesn’t come out, jumping out must be 400 square meters.
But surprisingly, until the team arrived at the warehouse, there was no worm, including Yip Han. Everyone thought it was incredible.
Seeing the guard company for an instant, Ouyang Ping almost didn’t cry. It was the first time that he followed Yip Han for so long to play so wronged.
After the two teams meet, they will leave immediately, and they can take away all the martyrs’ bodies.
I’ve seen too many giant worms gnawing at bones along the way. Ye Han doesn’t want his soldiers to be eaten by giant worms after they die.
The team came slowly, retreated quickly, and the two platoons of the guard company wrapped up the second battalion and pulled out of the hole as quickly as possible.
On the way to the evacuation, Ouyang Ping personally dug a pit and set it to bury the nuclear bomb after the explosion. The giant worms did not find it, and the soldiers also moved a heavy truck to press the surface.
After placing the nuclear bomb, everyone started to run outside, and everyone ran faster than the rabbit.

The second is Tianyuan Gate and Hell Gate, which are magnificent to the extreme. The refining device was directly reshaped by Sun Hao, which also shocked the top monk in the virtual world.

The achievements of these two refiners truly reflect Sun Hao’s several abilities.
The strength of Lunbi comes from refining the body; Rumby’s truth comes from refining gas; The technology of rumbi refiner comes from magic array method.
Relatively speaking, Sun Hao really didn’t show much power to practice, that is, Dan and Fu were few, so far, Sun Hao’s alchemy didn’t have a great effect.
In fact, Sun Hao’s alchemy is not weak. Sun Hao’s advanced Mahayana is the alchemy effect. The medicine of Heaven and Earth Furnace Ding turns into Dan and finally breaks it into Mahayana.
It is Sun Hao’s current practice that refining runes is the real power that does not show the practice. At Sun Hao’s present height, there are few runes that can help Sun Hao.
However, this does not mean that Sun Hao’s refined operator is fine.
Sun Hao developed a new sword pill technique by imitating the array pill technique of male and female witches and combining the virtual-purple-gold belt effect. It is an important method for adults to be distracted and fit together, and the Terran has cultivated many great abilities of the younger generation.
However, this sword pill technique is slightly lower than Sun Hao’s practice level, and it is not as earth-shattering as the refining device refining array.
Seriously thinking about his own practice, Sun Hao feels that there may be many intersections and many compounds after his nine veins are empty, but overall speaking, he should be divided into these categories in terms of individual progress.
Cross-influence or compound practice is always a way, and it is more reasonable for monks to practice progress or practice Tao.
Combing nine veins and inheriting nine veins
Sun Hao sumeru condensed the tower Abel Zhanxing Pingping quietly summed up himself, consolidated his own foundation, and finally sprinted to accumulate, and also incarnated and began to undertake his nine spiritual practices.
Chapter DiErJiuQi Terran nine veins
There are nine out of five hundred and forty in the great Yan number.
The great number is fifty, so fifty yarrows are taken to represent all things in the world, and that difference means that the world was not Tai Chi before its death.
This escape to one.
Putting a friar to practice requires going through hardships and climbing the peak step by step.
Sun Hao’s practice idea is to return to one after nine years, which is also the experience and achievements that Sun Hao has given to the Terran after summing up.
Jiushuji Jiuyang Zun
Before and after the nine veins, nine levels of cultivation are needed, and finally, nine paths are integrated into one, and finally, one can be turned into one.
The maximum number of nine singular numbers is the number of yang poles. Monks often call nine emperors the Ninth Five-Year Plan and emperors the Ninth Five-Year Plan.
Ancient bronzes have "Jiuding". There should be "Jiuqing" around the ancient emperor, "Jiuzhongzheng" in the ancient imperial palace and nine gates in the capital.
Terran holy land house 9,999.50
Sun Hao Abel Zhanxing Cave House has a gatehouse with a width of nine and a depth of nine.
All these are symbols of nine noble.
Sun Hao’s practice of nine veins and nine body shapes is in line with this nine-yang respect method.
Sun Hao had systematically summed up his practice context before deification and summarized his practice body before the celestial spirit ascended to the mainland.
Actually, it was not until the late Mahayana period that Sun Hao still climbed step by step according to his own nine veins, and this achievement was achieved now.
However, seriously thinking about Sun Hao’s discovery of the monk’s higher order, and simply listing that vein of practice separately, the reality is not very mature, and the nine veins and nine veins generally blend with each other, which constitutes the practice body of Sun Hao’s Ministry. It can be said that the practice has reached the height of Sun Hao, and the nine veins have formed a big net, which cannot be forcibly separated.
Don’t tell him, he said that Sun Hao’s auxiliary practice of alchemy has been firmly integrated with Sun Hao’s nine-in-one body in the process of practice, which is inseparable from it.
There is also Sun Hao Sumeru Condensing Tower, which is the peak of Sun Hao’s refining device, but this pagoda is also an important fortune treasure for Sun Hao Avenue practice.
On the other hand, the practice of avenue raises Sun Hao’s soul.
It can be said that it is unrealistic to simply judge which context of practice is actually at the height of Sun Hao.
Then, when the Nine Veins practice focuses on the high stage, it should be how to explain their interconnection and how to explain each unique practice.
Sun Hao summed up and gave out his own practice experience and practice method.
To be precise, Sun Hao’s practice is equivalent to assuming that a road leading to heaven points to the Mahayana.
The rise of Sun Hao’s nine-pulse agarwood star field has once again ushered in a rapid development stage. Terran monks, especially Abel Zhanxing people, are very clear about their spiritual goals and have started a new round of rapid progress.
Nine-pulse practice theory is difficult to solve many practice problems of Terran monks, especially to break many practice bottlenecks of Terran monks.
In the past, terran monks were secretive about bottlenecks. Many monks always accumulated enough when they were stagnant, and they always felt that they needed an epiphany.
After learning the Zen Ancestor’s Nine Veins Practice Method, the Terran Friar understood an important truth, that is, whether he will encounter bottlenecks in his practice or not, and the imbalance in development caused by this contradiction hindered his continuous progress.
If the direction of this kind of obstruction is right, it may be possible to make a breakthrough, but if the direction is wrong, maybe a generation will not make progress.
Nine-pulse practice theory has given the Terran monks the greatest help, which is to illuminate the practice direction and point out the practice context.
Then Sun Hao also left nine veins in the holy land of Abel War Star Collection according to his own practice secret method.
Abel war star people can enter the holy land to consult the corresponding information and change themselves if their contribution meets the requirements.
Abel Zhan Xing people didn’t see Sun Hao’s return with their own eyes, but with the opening of Sun Hao’s nine veins, everyone has vaguely come to Zhan Zu, and now he has returned to sit in the war star to teach practice.
Occasionally, public lectures will be held in the Zen Ancestral Hall, and many powerful monks of Zen Ancestors will come to the site to teach the practice skills and ideas to the Terran monks from time to time.
There is an upsurge of cultivation in the large area of agarwood, and the monks’ passion for practice is rising rapidly when they enter the country.
That is, in this atmosphere, Aquilaria sinensis gradually formed nine veins of spiritual practice and began to appear many powerful monks.
It was not until this time that Godsworn agarwood discovered that the original Terran Zhanzu strength was already so strong.
Zhanzu Jiumai
Nine veins have big brothers, nine veins have outstanding representatives and powerful monks.
There are quite a few powerful monks in the Nine Veins of Zhanzu. As Zhanzu Road, these powerful monks gradually surfaced, and their strength is amazing.
It is said that the rise of Zhan Zu was too short, and there is a general recognition in the high-level cognition of Terran that the individual strength of Zhan Zu is stronger than that of Brother Qi.
But the real result is incredible.
It is unknown to outsiders how powerful the Zen ancestors have hidden. It is said that this nine-pulse eldest brother has already made people sigh.
Xuanyuan Longwang, the eldest brother of refining gas, is said to be a combination of war ancestors and long ancestors. dzogchen is very half-step Mahayana, guarding agarwood for many years, and his fighting capacity is extraordinary and can be discharged into the top five masters of Terran.
Xia Chuan, the eldest brother of refining the soul, is the virtual king in the Terran and the virtual gold in the Terran. Xiu, an outstanding representative of the third generation, has reached the stage of integration. The butterfly god is still stationed in the middle of the virtual suppression according to the orders of the war ancestors, and all the families in the middle of the virtual suppression are breathless.
Xiao Yu, the elder brother of the body-building, practiced in the same vein as Zhan Zu. It is said that Zhan Zu is stronger than Zhan Zu, and the nine-in-one body-building practice has reached the middle stage of integration.
Lu shan, the brother who refined the heart and killed the devil, was quite low-key and weak, as if he had not yet entered the middle of the fit, but this weakness was also relatively weak. In the early stage of the fit, the fighting capacity of the powerful monk exceeded that of many monks in the middle of the fit, and he was as cunning as a fox.
Gerhu, the elder brother of the alchemist, is the only foreign monk among the elder brothers of Sun Hao’s nine veins. The wizard monk inherited Sun Hao’s alchemist vein and practiced swordsmanship, which was also relatively weak. At the beginning of the combination, it was quite low-key

Pei Wende’s impression is that there will be a special protector at the entrance of the temple.

Depending on the size of the temple and the method of holding it, there are either two or four deities, or there are different numbers of them
Respectively corresponding to different immortal images such as Wei Tuo’s Lohan, Hum and Ha, and Four Heavenly Kings.
Theoretically, even if it is humble and lonely, the position of the protector at the entrance of the temple is definitely indispensable.
Of course, Pei Wende doesn’t know whether this kind of temple, which lacks the protector in the eyes of knowledgeable people or practitioners, is generally called wild temple and demon temple.
A temple with a protector may not be able to resist the invasion of evil spirits, but a temple without a protector will certainly breed evil spirits.
This yogi’s eyes are common sense.
After all, in a sense, the temples where all sentient beings gather incense are the places with the most abundant spirituality, and the possibility of giving birth to evil spirits is naturally greater than that of ordinary places.
"Well, should I go in now?"
Although I don’t know the specific meaning of the protector to the temple, Pei Wende is not stupid and can naturally realize the subtleties of the temple opposite.
Not to mention that there is a man-eating giant tiger hidden in this temple, and he can’t be too cautious.
Just when Pei Wende wanted to pay attention to this strange temple, a panting girl, supported by two or three maids, slowly appeared at the end of the road.
Judging from the girl’s dress and bun, she seems to be a well-off country squire who has not yet reached the age of marriage.
It’s not unreasonable for a girl who hasn’t married yet to appear in front of an ancient temple in the middle of nowhere.
You know, even if this concept is very open, such a situation rarely occurs in the Tang Dynasty
"Who? Who is it? "
However, before Pei Wende continued to think about the specific reason, a girl who was wearing Tsing Yi and kept a high vigilance at all times suddenly shouted at 1.
For a second, everyone, including the girl, turned their attention to Pei Wende’s hidden tuft of grass.
I didn’t expect that I would expose Pei Wende in this way. It took me a long time to react, and I seemed to be exposed inexplicably.
"That … this … I …"
Pei Wende hesitated for a long time, but he didn’t know how to explain himself hiding in the grass.
According to Pei Wende’s original plan, he is going to lurk outside the temple and find out what is going on in the temple.
If we can successfully find the Taoist priest disguised as a giant tiger with white eyes and white forehead, Pei Wende must shoot an arrow at it at a distance of 100 paces first, no matter how good or bad.
Who knows that the plan has not changed quickly?
Pei Wende’s side has not yet found out the specific situation of the temple, and a group of young ladies and maids who have inexplicably appeared here have exposed him.
It must be the worst idea to continue to lurk or play dumb.
After all, this group of young ladies and maids show up at this temple, and when they come, they will definitely host themselves in the temple.
"Ahem, I’m lost."
So Pei Wende gave a reason why she didn’t even believe in ghosts in her surprised eyes.
"Lost? True or false? "
"Next to the road? Can this also get lost? "
"Even if you want to talk to our little girl, find a better excuse!"
Although the girls were polite enough to suppress their laughter, Pei Wende heard ridicule from their whispering voices.
It seems that Pei Wende, who is wearing a long bow and holding a short knife, has no deterrent at all because of his unique way of appearing and poor reasons.
Of course, it’s more likely that Pei Wende’s face is too immature, and it doesn’t look much bigger than her own unmarried young lady.
All the girls can regard Pei Wende as the kind of juvenile who is harmful to people and animals after a short period of consternation.
Even the most vigilant servant girl in Tsing Yi stared at Pei Wende with a look on her face, and she was ashamed to write "How could this be stupid?" Quasi-dialect
"Little husband, if you really get lost …"
"You can find the official road when you walk in the direction where we are coming for about half a wick."
After an awkward silence, the girl who was surrounded by the maids finally took the initiative to rescue her with a smile.
"But it’s getting late now. When you get to the nearest town, it’s estimated that it will be dark."
"If you don’t mind, Xiao Langjun can come with us to the Mulian Temple for a while, and then find a way to go home at dawn."
Judging from the girl’s tone, she obviously didn’t really believe what Pei Wende said, just because she didn’t want Pei Wende to be too embarrassed
"It happened that my family and the old host of the temple were a little bit incense, and his compassion would definitely not refuse."
Chapter 13 Tsing Yi Maid
A moment later, the front yard of Mulian Temple
"Get lost? Want to stay in the temple for one night? "
Slightly frowned, the old abbot of Mu Lian Temple glanced at the girls with a slightly embarrassed expression behind him, and Naipei Wende finally did not refuse the girl’s request.
"Since it is Li’s benefactor who requests the poor monk to be duty-bound."
"But there is already a mage staying at the temple today. If the layman doesn’t dislike it, let’s live with that mage for the time being!"
Although it seems to be talking to a girl, the words in the old abbot’s words are obviously explained to Pei Wende.
"No problem, no problem"
Seeing this situation, Pei Wende nodded in agreement and didn’t ask the question of "why not let yourself live alone"
After all, when Mulian Temple comes, there is not much temple monks and this group of girls come.

Road flyover Dayan Camp Clear Water wiped her forehead and looked at Huang Puji Su Chi with a cold sweat. "That wonderful show of children would be strong if it weren’t for the protection of sea animals, even today’s seat would be run."

"The Taoist priest is no match for that wonderful child?" Huang Puji frowning way
Road flyover Bishui shook his head. "Although the magical power has not yet been used, it is somewhat unconfident in my heart. I don’t know who wins or loses. But some time ago, I heard that the child has a magic weapon of fire to restrain me. Although my magical power is great, if I have a magic weapon of fire, I may not be able to compete today. I want to use my magical power to capture the child, but I have never thought about it. I still want to wait for a good opportunity to use my magical power to capture the child and scare him."
Su Chi Huang Pucci’s eyes flashed with concern. "If the Taoist priest even you can’t restrain the wonderful show of children, wouldn’t it be possible to take the opportunity to cross the river? My Dayan army is exhausted and invincible, but the children’s hands are elite."
Road flyover Bishui laughed when he heard this. "The two generals need to worry that being original can’t compete with the child, but they didn’t say that the child can stand being original and dancing like a sea animal. Even if the child is severe, he can’t take the whole river. If he wants to be original, the child can’t cross the cold river."
"It’s good to be so sure of being a good Taoist priest. Now it’s good to wait until the South Yuan Dynasty decides the winner." Huang Puqi was overjoyed
The Taoist Bishui was stunned. "Is there any change in the Southern Yuan Dynasty?"
Su Chi said, "Where is the South Yuan now in fierce fighting? If the South Yuan defeats our Dayan Empire, it will be attacked between Scylla and Charybdis. If the South Yuan defeats naturally, there will be South Yuan reinforcements, and the wonderful children will be attacked on both sides."
Liang Yuan of Dayan camp looked at Yu Duxiu’s eyes with a flash of urgency. "Brother’s cold river is hard to restrain him from moving mountains and moving to a big mountain as a bridge to let hundreds of soldiers pass."
Jade Duxiu has the magical power of moving mountains and filling the sea, or the whole practice world is well known. Liang Yuanyu Duxiu is not interested in jade Duxiu, and its dynamics are normal. This news can’t be concealed from him.
Yu Duxiu thumped his fingers on the table, then returned to the former rhythm again. After a while, Yu Duxiu shook his head with his eyes closed. "No, if Dashan Town is cut off from the cold river, the cold river will be blocked, and the creatures on both sides of the river will inevitably be changed. If the karma is too great, it will be difficult to make a fairy road."
Liang Yuanwen’s eyes were dark. That is to say, he just tried it. He knew that Jade Duxiu was bent on fairy tales. This kind of thing would never be done. It was just a fluke.
"Brother, did you think of breaking the big swallow soldier across the cold water river?" Liang Yuan looked at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "It’s difficult to cross the river like the next day. If I need a few mountains by myself and rely on his millions of military forces, I will bow down and capture them. Unfortunately, this is because the karma of the two armies’ conquest is too great and there is a struggle for national luck. This kind of power can activate the laws of heaven. If I dare to do it, I am afraid that heaven and man will fail in the near future."
Just then, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the big tent, but I heard a running sound and quickly approached this place.
"Report South Dollar Express"
The hoarse voice reveals a deep fatigue, obviously because of the long journey.
"Did Nan Yuan write?" Liang Yuan frowned at the big tent outside the door and said, "Please come in as soon as possible."
When the curtain of the big tent was lifted, I saw a Taoist shambling in his clothes. This man was covered with mud and wrinkled clothes, so I couldn’t tell where the real Taoist was or where he was a beggar.
"Met Brother Miaoxiu and Brother Miaoyuan," the Taoist plopped down.
Liang Yuan hurried forward to hold the Taoist priest just once, but exclaimed, "Teacher Wang, what’s wrong with you? Who came after you to make such a mess?"
The Taoist named Wang, his eyes were full of scarlet blood, and he trembled and said, "Brother Nan Yuan’s soldiers lost. Nan Yuan’s soldiers lost."
At some point, I cried.
"What?" But see Liang Yuan suddenly if lightning struck a stiff body.
Jade Duxiu is also suddenly open your eyes, and the black and white light in your eyes is straight out and twisted three feet away.
Moment but see Liang Yuanqing tendons suddenly and violently up his hands and grabbed the king’s shoulder eyes are full of ferocious unbelievable "teacher younger brother, are you lying to me? Are you lying to me? "
At this time, Liang Yuan’s eyes were red and stared at the king’s eyes, full of incredible color and hoarse voice, and asked
Jade Duxiu frowned and slammed his finger on the table. If it is like thunder and auditions, Liang Yuan feels that his soul is shaken and ferocious, and gradually recedes. He replies to the clear color and slowly loosens the king’s shoulders and slowly gets up. "Teacher younger brother has come from afar and washes himself first. If you have something to say later, it’s not too late or too bad."
The king’s language is to see Liang Yuan’s undoubted eyes swallow all the words to his mouth, turn around and follow the pro-guard and go out.
When Wang walked away, Liang Yuancai pounced on the table and rummaged through the map.
Chapter 262 The situation is out of control between Scylla and Charybdis
Sparse Li Hua pen holder, paper and inkstone department all fall to the ground, but Liang Yuan dug up a map regardless of the seat.
Looking at digging out the map, Liang Yuan was short of breath and played the map for a long time before he said to Yu Duxiu, "Brother, the situation is not good."
"Don’t worry, the sky won’t fall." Jade Duxiu’s tone is indifferent. At this time, the operation is too forgetful. Look on coldly and shield all feelings. Everything in heaven and earth slowly and deeply came to the table and looked at the map for a long time. "After the defeat of Nan Yuan, we have to be attacked between Scylla and Charybdis. Now the only way is to defeat the big swallow foot soldiers before the other army comes."
"Extinction, national subjugation and destruction of the country" means Liang Yuan’s heart andao "Miao Xiu is so angry in this sentence that it is obvious that he is not as calm as this time"
"I can’t afford to delay. I’ll immediately inform Zhang Jiao about the situation here. Please teach Zhang Jiao to give people hands, or we can fall into the magic weapon of sea animals. Let’s break into Dayan early and cross the hinterland of Dayan in this cold river, that is, meet the enemy again." Speaking of this, a symbol in the hands of Jade Duxiu flew out and turned to the sky.
The two men looked at the map to discuss countermeasures. Just then the camp was lifted and the king came in. At this time, the king was well dressed, and only a pair of eyes were flashing scarlet.
"Teacher younger brother, sit down quickly." Liang Yuan asked the king to sit down and then said, "Teacher younger brother, tell me how Nan Yuan was defeated. I’m trying to plan everything in Taiping Road. It’s hard to understand how the elders in the middle school were defeated in person."
The king’s words were slightly choked with emotion and suddenly got excited and roared, "There must be a traitor in the traitor Taiping Sect who leaked the planning information of Nanyuan. That’s too Yi Dao seems to know that the information of Taiping Dao’s going to Nanyuan Long Bro’s Department just happened to be restrained by the other party at the first hand without any resistance. Too Yi Dao must have known the details of the elders in advance and made targeted arrangements. Otherwise, the elders can and won’t be defeated with one blow."
Jade Duxiu frowned traitor. It’s not the first time he heard the word "traitor". He heard the story of leaving the world. It seems that a traitor leaked some news. Didn’t Taiping Road remove the traitor?
"The brothers and elders of Nanyuan are now?" Liang Yuan looked at that brother.
The younger brother’s eyes were red. "All the elders should have robbed all the senior brothers and fled desperately, and some of them were captured. If the elders hadn’t let me hide out early, they told me to believe in Zongmen if I didn’t play it by ear. I was afraid that Taiping Road would be caught in the net this time."
"bang!" Liang Yuan’s front desk instantly shattered "Damn traitor, damn it, if I know who it is, I can’t beg for death."
Jade Duxiu frowning daoist magic’s rapid deduction is daoist magic’s skill in mathematics, which is mainly due to the military’s skill in deduction and prediction. It is not too difficult to infer traitors.
"I have a precise layout of Taiping Road, and now the defeat of Nan Yuan will have an unpredictable impact on the whole situation, which is more difficult than my Taiping Road’s turning from wind to wind. It is hard to say that the victory or defeat of a battlefield will affect a battlefield and trigger a variety of chain reactions more than the involvement of the bureau. If we can destroy Dayan, we may be able to pull back a game, but we will not find traitors for a day. My brothers and elders in Taiping Road are suspicious of each other and have a gap. We can’t work together as one, if we can beat more than a few clans." Yu Duxiu sighed.
"Alas," Liang Yuan sighed. Now he can think of some way to conquer Dayan.
"I Taiping Road has lost a lot of long brothers this time, but it is a lot of energy-sapping. In the future, the development of the situation has emerged from my Taiping Road." Yu Duxiu let go of daoist magic and sighed.
Taiping Taoist palm teaches a grim-faced look at the hands of Fuofu, and the veins stood out on his forehead, and his hands trembled. Fuofu’s power was too stirring and instant.
"Who the hell is the traitor?" The words popped out through the palm’s teeth.
Who is the traitor of Taiping Road? Zhang Jiao doesn’t know how to plan one thousand mistakes with the help of a cave in the dust, but the remaining clans seem to have got some wind, sensed clues and had to stop Taiping Road, and the plan was completed by more than half.
But later, those clans let their guard down because of negligence, otherwise, Taiping Road’s plan will definitely fail.
Also, if a normal person, who would think that Taiping Road wants more than nine wars?
After the other side relaxed its vigilance, Taiping Road launched a thunderous attack. Unfortunately, there was still a change, and the traitor in teaching actually appeared again.
This time, not only did the information of Nan Yuan’s brother pass, which caused heavy losses to Taiping Road, but also the situation in China took a turning point, and it was gradually out of Taiping Road’s control.
"Who has secretly sent someone to investigate, but I haven’t found any trace? This traitor is too hidden. Now I, the elders of Taiping Road, have fears and scruples. I can’t unite as one again, as if I were fighting against several clans." Speaking of this, I shook my hand. "No matter what, I have to find out this traitor, otherwise my Taiping Road will be even more like a fishbone. If I am found by the seat, I will give you the clues to dispel my soul and never be able to live again."

That harsh, dazzling, thick gang gas looks even stronger than ordinary experts! The root is not like the level of vigorous spirit that a master at the peak of realizing the truth can have!

"Come on"
Su Yu muttered a pair of bright eyes.
Su Yu’s right palm suddenly swung into his chest, and the blood shot out of his chest, causing pain, which was resisted by Su Yu, who was already prepared.
"Hey ~!"
"Hey ~!"
"Hey ~!"
Nine reiki whirlpools suddenly appeared on Su Yu’s head, like nine bright suns, and began to breathe around the reiki crazily. Su Yu’s body cultivation law began to work hard and kept gathering reiki!
"Hua ~!"
Thick aura is like a flowing water, giving off a crisp and smooth sound.
Of course, after the aura reaches a certain level, Su Yu will absorb the condensed aura and compress the right palm.
"boom! ! !”
Vigorous explosion! Body explosion!
Powerful body and meridians are constantly absorbing vigorous qi and desperately compressing every trace of vigorous qi to support more and more vigorous qi influx!
Forcing * * all potential!
Threatening the brink of death to stimulate the human body to explode into Jedi survival * *! Let the threat of life and death of the great treasure of the human body erupt constantly!
No, not death as a threat.
But really die!
Die once!
Strong aura is too strong. Su Yu only supported for three hours.
"bang! ! !”
Suddenly exploded!
Su Yu’s whole person was blown into flesh and blood powder, strong gang gas and aura flame, and everything was burned into fly ash!
There are nine reiki whirlpools that are still bright and continue to swallow a lot of reiki.
Chapter 394 Nine turns of life and death! Reshape the body of God!
"Hey ~!"
"Hey ~!"
"Hey ~!"
Nine reiki whirlpools keep whistling, and a large number of reiki quickly gather here.
A faint light flashes, and Su Yu drifts out. He can clearly feel the pain from the depths of his soul! He is being mentally exercised!
Reiki keeps tearing, instilling, washing and tempering him!
This kind of pain from the soul body seems to be that there are 10 thousand knives slowly cutting, which is very painful!
It happened that Su Yu had to grind his teeth to resist being tortured by exercise, and tried hard to gather his spirit and began to practice aura, constantly condensing his flesh and blood.
Scientifically speaking, human beings are composed of several groups of components and quarks or smaller components, and the result is as small as energy! All physical bodies are composed of several energy combinations, including people!
And reiki is the purest energy of heaven and earth!
In particular, the aura of the super-high-level cave is enough to cultivate a saint with a strong spiritual temperament!
Reiki people began to slowly gather Su Yu’s concentration, while supporting the powerful reiki tempering, and constantly controlling every detail structure of the new body.
From blood vessels, dirty, bones, muscles, skin! From hair, facial features, limbs!
Su Yu has to personally participate in every detail, which also gives him a different understanding of his body.
Su Yu’s spirit ignores the passage of time.
A large number of aura shimmers gather together, and a bronze male body full of explosive power is slowly born.
Su Yu’s face is still a long hair, but his height is slightly higher and some muscles are more symmetrical.
The first life and death nine turns over!
Su Yu spent seven days remodeling her body for the first time!
Su Yu is forced!
"Didn’t the system say that a life and death process should be completed in one day? What? It took me seven days to rebuild my body! "
Su Yu hurriedly asked about the system
The process of nine turns of life and death has begun, and it is impossible to end, but Su Yu’s first nine turns have a situation!
[drop! Unified emergency analysis! 】
Tong started to alarm crazily, and it didn’t know what Su Yu’s appearance was. He didn’t remember the real imperial scroll. This is a special case!
However, there is no time to prepare a lot of reiki for Su Yu and gather nine reiki whirlpools crazily. The light is getting more and more intense!
Su Yu must make a second turn now! Otherwise, his body will be directly impacted into a basket case by massive reiki, and his mind will be greatly affected.
Su Yu gave an indication when he was almost unable to hold on.
[According to statistics, the host suggests that you delay the support reiki acceptance! At the same time, reshape the body more carefully without worrying about the passage of time! 】
[It takes nine days for normal life and death to turn nine, and the situation of the host is just the most special! According to the overall analysis, this is a good change! It is much better for the host to support it for a longer time to reshape the soul and body. But the pain in this process will be more intense! 】
Unified tone is very serious.
Su Yu bit his teeth and chose to believe in the system.
The palm of your hand was once again inserted into the heart, and Su Yu’s eyebrows were tightly wrinkled with the crazy influx of reiki.

Maybe his throat is covered with fatty oil. His voice has become shrill and thin, and his personality has become difficult to get along with. He always loses his temper and knocks impatiently on the floor with his cane when he is treating patients.

You answer my question and don’t talk nonsense.
He lives alone and talks about life, and nothing interests him.
He lived in Jialige these years, and his love for Kotik was his only fear and last joy. Every night, he played cards in the club and then sat alone at a big table for dinner. Ivan, the oldest and most stable waiter, waited on him and sent him a meal. The chef in the No.17 lafayette Red Wine Club knew that he didn’t do anything, and everyone tried his best to satisfy him lest he suddenly lost his temper and knocked on the floor with a cane.
At dinner, he turned around and cut in a few words with others.
What are you talking about? Who?
When people at the next table talked about Turkin’s family affairs, he asked
Which Turkin family do you think is the one whose daughter can play the piano?
In his case, that’s all.
What about the Turkins? Ivan petrovich doesn’t look old at all, and he still likes to make wisecracks and tell all kinds of anecdotes. Vera Iosifov still reads her novel happily, enthusiastically and simply. Kotik still plays the piano for three or four hours every day. She is obviously old and often falls ill. Ivan petrovich always goes to Crimea to recuperate with her mother every autumn, and then goes to the train to see them off. When the train moves, he wipes his tears and shouts.
And waved a handkerchief
In 1898
Chronicle of diagnosis
The professor received a report from the Lyalikov factory that he immediately went there. This report went on and on, and I didn’t know if the cloud could barely see Mrs. Lialikova, who was obviously the owner of the factory. Her daughter was ill, and the professor refused to send the attending physician korolev.
From Moscow, you have to take two trains and then take a carriage, and then walk about four miles. A troika is waiting in the car. The driver of korolev wears a peacock feather hat and answers the question of korolev like a soldier. It is by no means or at the end of the day. On Saturday evening, workers from the western hills came to the car from the factory to see korolev take a carriage and bow repeatedly. The quiet atmosphere around the birch trees on both sides of the villa at dusk doesn’t make korolev ecstatic. At this moment, on the eve of the holiday, the fields, forests and the sun are all ready for the workers to rest together, and maybe they should pray.
Korolev was born and raised in Moscow, unfamiliar with the countryside and not interested in the factory at all. He has never been to the factory, but he has occasionally read the factory membership. He has been a guest at the factory owner’s house and talked with them. Whenever he sees the factory far or near, he often feels so quiet and flat outside, but inside the factory owner, he may all be embarrassed to talk, knowing that the ignorant and selfish generation of workers are boring and hinder healthy labor. Now he sees that the workers have quarreled, bickered and drunk, and insect companions have retreated to one side to make way for the car. However, from their faces, hats and gait, they
The car entered the factory gate. On both sides of the road, there were workers’ cabins. When I saw women’s faces hanging on the porch, I was careful that the coachman didn’t rein in the horses. He shouted to a yard where there were no weeds. There were five large factories with chimneys not far from each other. In addition, everything in the yard was covered with gray powder like dust. Small gardens were scattered in several places, like oases in the desert. There were also some red or green roof houses. That was the manager’s house. The coachman suddenly stopped the carriage and stopped in front of a house. The room was repainted gray.
Doctor, there are several women’s voices in the front room of the aisle, and at the same time, we hear a sigh and whisper. We have been waiting for you for a long time. It’s unfortunate. This way.
Mrs. Lialikova is an old and fat woman with fashionable sleeves in a black silk dress, but judging from her face, she is vulgar and uneducated. She looks at the doctor with anxiety and hesitates to reach out to the doctor. She is surrounded by a woman with short hair cut, wearing pince-nez 15 and a gorgeous blouse. She is not very thin. Young people call her Hellis Jingna Dmitrieff Na korolev. I guess she is a governess. She is probably the most asked person in this family to meet the reception doctor, and then she falls on her shoulder. You see her, as soon as she sees the doctor, she eagerly talks about the cause of the disease, saying it in detail
The doctor and tutor sat together talking, while the hostess stood motionless by the door, waiting for korolev to learn from the female teacher that the illness was Mrs. Lialikova’s only heiress, Lisa, who was 20 years old. She had been ill for a long time and had seen various doctors from the evening before, so that her family stayed up all night for fear that she would die.
She can be said to have been ill since she was breast-fed. Hellis Jingna Dmitrieff Na has a sweet voice and wipes her lips from time to time. The doctor says that the problem lies in the nerves, but she suffered from lymph node tuberculosis in children when she was a child. The doctor forced the disease into her heart and didn’t come. I think this is the cause.
Let’s go to see the patient. The patient is an adult. He is tall but not beautiful, like her mother. Her eyes are thin and her face is half too big. She lies with long hair and is covered in Ba korolev. At first glance, she thinks that this is an unfortunate person. It’s hard to believe that such a person is the heir of those five big factories.
We came to see you. korolev said it was to treat you. Hello.
He gave his name and held out his hand. It was a cold and not beautiful big hand. She sat up. Obviously, she had seen more doctors. Facing the doctor, she casually showed her shoulders and breasts and was auscultated by others.
My heart is beating fast. She said that the night jump not only scared me to death, but also gave me some medicine.
Don’t worry about it
Korolev listened to her heart and shrugged.
The heart is quite normal. He said it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with it. Maybe it’s a neurological problem, but it’s also some common ailments, and it’s okay. Just lie down and rest.
At this time, a lamp was brought to him. The patient squinted at the light and suddenly burst into tears with his hands on his head. The ugly impression that the patient left on korolev disappeared with him. When he saw that it was no longer those thin eyes, he no longer felt that the face was half too big. He noticed that it was the painful and gentle expression that looked so smart and moving. In his mind, she was slim, graceful and beautiful, but very simple. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn’t want medicine and doctor’s advice. His mother hugged her. Hold her tightly to her chest. The old lady’s face is so desperate and painful. Mother, she nursed her daughter and brought her up. She spared no effort to make her go to French, dance and music. Dozens of teachers have taught her the best doctors to treat her, and she has a tutor. But her eyes are not white, and her daughter’s tears are so painful. She just feels confused, feels guilty, and seems worried and desperate. It seems that she has neglected something important. She should have done it but who didn’t come? She doesn’t know.
Lisa, you and you and she hugged her daughter tightly and said, my family, baby, my child, tell me what’s wrong with you. Have pity on me and tell me.
Mother and daughter both wept bitterly. korolev sat on the edge of the bed and held Lisa’s hand.
Well, there’s nothing to cry about, he said angrily. You know, there’s nothing to cry about. Well, stop crying. There’s no need.
He thought to himself
It’s time for her to marry
The doctor in our factory gave her potassium bromide, and the tutor said that the worse I found her, the worse she got. I want to say, if it’s for the heart, what’s the name of the potion? I forgot it should be Lily of the Valley drops, right?
She said all kinds of details again, and she interrupted the doctor from time to time, which made her face speechless, and she had a strange expression as if to say that one of the most cultured women in her family was constantly discussing medical matters with the doctor.
Korolev is impatient.
I can’t say anything particularly serious about her illness. He came to his mother from the bedroom and said that since your daughter has been treated by a factory doctor, she might as well continue to be treated. Today, he is treated correctly. I don’t think it is necessary to change doctors. This is a very common disease, but it is not too serious.
He wore gloves and looked at him from Mrs. Lialikova’s motionless tears.
It’s half an hour before the ten o’clock train, and he said, I hope I can catch it.
You’re leaving now, she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. I’m sorry to bother you. Look at Di Fener. Be kind. She looked at the door and said softly, Stay for the night. She is my only child. She scared me all night last night and still hasn’t recovered. Don’t go. Look at Di Fener.
He wanted to tell her that he had many things waiting for him in Moscow, and his family was still waiting for him to go back. He felt that it was unnecessary to spend a night in someone else’s house, and he couldn’t stand it, but he sighed and silently took off his gloves when he saw the other person’s expression.
He lit the candle in the sitting room of his living room, sat in front of the piano and turned over the music score. Then he looked at the picture of the wall painting, which was framed in Phnom Penh. The oil painting was a boat in the rough scenery of Crimea. A Catholic priest held a glass in his hand. The picture was too dry and carved, but the mediocre photo was not beautiful and attractive. Everyone had high cheekbones, and his eyes showed surprise. Lisa’s father Lyalikov had a low forehead and a stained expression. His fat and vulgar body was covered with a cloth bag. There is a medal on the chest of the ceremony, the Red Cross medal, and the room is not luxurious enough. Those decorations are also seven pieces, which are not carefully conceived. On the contrary, the beauty is like that ceremony. The floor is too bloated and inconvenient, and the dazzling chandelier is also very unsightly. People can’t help but think of a businessman who actually wears a medal to take a shower.
In the front room, people were whispering in a low voice, and suddenly there was an intermittent harsh metal sound, which was unheard of in korolev. Now it sounds strange and uncomfortable.
I don’t think I should stay here, he thought, and picked up the music again
The doctor went to dinner and the tutor called him gently.
He went to dinner. There were many dishes and wines on the big table, but there were two people to eat. He was Hellis, Jingna, Dmitrieff, and she ate red wine quickly. She talked while eating and looked at him from time to time through her nose.
The workers are very satisfied with us. Every winter in our factory, the workers perform their own plays, and the slide show is very good to accompany the recitation. The workers should be loyal to us. When I heard that Lisa was seriously ill, she prayed that they had no education, but they were all very emotional.

Haven’t come to think much about the huge ice pick, which is directly bombarded by the cover power. The meteor hammer bears the brunt, which is directly knocked off by the ice pick, but the ice pick’s power has not been weakened at all. It is still so forcing people to frown, and the body armor is crazy. At that time, Guanghua General’s defense power has risen to the extreme. This is also a good thing. The sky is slightly more emboldened, and then the arrival of the ice pick is directly to bombard the sky towards the back, and the roots are just unbearable. There was a terrible pain in the’ chest’ mouth. The whole’ chest’ mouth was squeezed and sunken. Fortunately, it had armor defense first, or even it would be nailed to the ground directly by this ice pick. But the strength that armor can bear at this time seems to have reached the limit, but it has a faint trend of going to pieces.

The day after tomorrow, the true balloon with the size of a disk was directly poured out. It was directly bombarded by an ice cone from this side, and it was just a natural blow. It was just that the ice cone was knocked off the sky’ chest’ mouth, and it flew to one side and hit a small hill not far away. It was directly submerged in the mountain and then collapsed. The hill was directly shortened by three or four meters.
The sky vomited one mouthful blood, and then it rushed towards Cather again. At this time, it was already red-eyed, and the whole thing was ready to go all out. At this time, Cather was not much better. Just now, the huge magic consumed his body very much. At this time, it was a weak time, but then another bombardment scared both of them, but one was happy and the other was depressed.
Boom! Once the magic circle of the high-ranking sorcerer outside is bombarded again, it is forbidden to have a protective layer. At this time, it is like being hit hard and the ice is crashing and breaking.
See this wood pass family several high-order wizards at this time is already a burst of smile and refining device of several face’ color’ is ugly to the extreme.
A large number of high-order wizards rushed in and rushed towards the refining institute
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
[37] massacre
? Banned once broken a large number of high-order wizards like "tide" water poured into the refiner’s ancestral roots, which was unable to resist Cather’s cruel big order.
"Kill one and don’t stay!"
Wizards get orders one by one, and they are even more concerned about the whole refining clan’ door’. At that time, they killed and shouted the big refining clan, but there were more than 20 martial arts strong men who could resist it, and then the wind flying technique could float and fly. Magicians took advantage of all the’ color’ magic, and there was a refining clan whose younger brother fell to the ground and was killed. There was no way to get out of the martial arts strong men’s roots, but they couldn’t touch those magicians. A simple fire dragon technique or a lance attack by magicians was to directly slay one or two younger brothers.
"ah!" Refiners of several King Wu’s strongmen were in a hurry to crack their hands, and they kept getting up and watching their brothers and their families die from the sorcerer’s butcher’s knife. They were all desperate, but the other party kept walking, blocking themselves but refusing to contact themselves, so that their roots could be from exerting their strength and watching their own troops be slaughtered by the other party.
"This is the price you kill my son! Whether you are the murderer of my son or not, you are to blame! " Cather sneered at his son, and he was almost crazy. He vowed to refine the blood of the whole clan’ door’ to pay homage to his son, the little chief of the Mupas family.
"kill!" The sky was red, and the meteor hammer kept flying around him. Some high-ranking wizards unfortunately bumped into his gun. The wizards were weak, and they could bear it. Those wizards who were hit by him didn’t even say a last wish, but they died directly! Both sides are red-eyed, but there is no scruple. Cather is naturally unwilling to lag behind. A lance directly swept through a large number of refiner brothers. Once these refiner brothers were "wave" by the lance storm, they also died beyond recognition.
The two sides are "mixed". Either you die or I die. A magician just burned two refining brothers to death by fire dragon technique, and then his back was also killed by refining brothers. The red-eye brother stabbed a heart-rending show that he could not live, but the refining brothers had not yet come to be glad that he had another weapon directly "inserted" in his heart … It was a desperate play.
The whole refining device Zongzong’s’ door’ is bloody, and it has already been dyed red with S-curve blood. Even the plants inside are covered with blood.
Both sides have their own winners and losers, but it’s doubtful that the refiner is always the case of the refiner. There are many repairs in this fashion, but some of the younger brothers of the fighters in the early Jin Dynasty didn’t even react when they were killed directly, and the high-order wizards of the Mupas family suffered losses. At this time, they are no longer close to the refiner, and Kaiser several people dragged the three of them to make their roots come from the hand.
"You! I swear to god, if I don’t die today, I will destroy you someday. The Mupas family is full of doors! If this oath is willing to soul town in ten hell forever! " Anger, rage, crazy dance, a mouthful of blood gushing out, mumbling something, but actually swearing a blood oath. When the blood oath comes out, his life must be the goal of this oath, vowing to destroy the Manchu of Mupas family.
"You have no chance!" Cather’s eyes’ color’ has also changed. He knows that blood oath is also a blood oath in the West. Once a blood oath is made, it must be irrevocable and it is the most poisonous oath.
With a wave of his magic wand, Kaiser’s hand was condensed by large tracts of red clouds, and then by large tracts of ice arrows. Two kinds of "sex" are mutually exclusive, and in Kaiser’s hand, they actually complement each other and "mix" together and impact towards the sky.
Just now, the magic wand in the hand of the Dark Magic Caregiver was also murmured in Guanghua’s mouth, and the sun was fading rapidly, so it was difficult to’ shoot’ in and then a huge black’ hole’ was formed in the void. In the black’ hole’ with a wave of his wand, there were a large number of white’ color’ skeletons pouring out from the inside, which was actually a magic call. I don’t know where to call these skeletons to help out.
The other two care division also formed a large number of lance meteorites bombarding the refining clan.
With Blue Haizhu, the root of heaven is to be afraid of Kaiser’s fire, but the cloud of fire is mixed with a lance, which makes him have to deal with it carefully. But at this time, he has just made a blood oath, which is fatal. Not only did he not evade it, but he actually rushed directly towards Kaiser. Blue Haizhu formed a huge light group to block the cloud of fire, but he’ shot’ it through the light group every day. He was fearless and evaded the key parts, and the lance crossed his body to get close to Kaiser and gave him a fatal blow.
The weapon kept crossing the sky, and the body endured severe pain and rushed to the front. The whole person became a bloody person from the sky to the outside.
Kaiser root just didn’t expect that the sky was so desperately rushing towards him. He simply forgot to flee. By the time he came to his senses and wanted to flee, it was only three meters away from him. There was no’ flower’ move and no weapon. The sky was just a blow to Kaiser’s chest. Kaiser jumped to avoid the rich combat experience, which made him make a correct judgment and let him escape the important part of the chest. The fist was directly blasted on Kaiser’s shoulder, and the whole shoulder was hit by a steel fist. Head should be broken, blood’ flesh’ fuzzy is almost directly blown off by the blow of the day, holding a magic wand in his hand. One is out of control, and the day is actually picking up Cather’s magic wand without a 56-point thrashing. Holding it with both hands is actually going directly to the knees, and it is actually trying to break Cather’s magic wand directly.
With a crash, the magic wand fell to the sky, and there was a pain in the knee. The magic wand didn’t break.
"Ha ha hubris ACTS you this is a stick? This is a magic blessing made of Cycas, and you want to break it directly. "Cather laughed when he saw this irony, but then he couldn’t laugh when he tried to summon the magic wand. Although the magic wand still listened to his call and wanted to leave the hands of heaven, it was grasped by the sky like iron tongs, and then a crack appeared in his knee again, and the magic wand was broken. The day after tomorrow, it was broken and fell into two pieces, losing its effectiveness.
The sky stared at Cather like a wounded beast, eager to spit out his’ meat’
Cather felt a chill in his heart, and the physical strength of the Eastern fighters was too shocking. The root was not comparable to that of the Western wizards. If it was not for the slight advantage of speed, I was afraid that several of them would have to throw their lives here today.
The sudden outbursts of heaven have made you and the real people in Holland generally angry at this time, just like rushing rivers. they nest’s hand is getting more and more fierce, and he keeps rushing towards the three care teachers. If you want to rein in the western wizards, you can’ force’ them to melee.
At that time, the three care teachers were all in a hurry, taking care of themselves and running around in chaos. These two crazy people sometimes summoned magic to the enemy’s department, and they were stunned by the deadly style of refining.
At this time, the family members of the Mupas clan were almost slaughtered, and the Mupas clan brought more than 70 high-order wizards with about 40 losses. The Mupas clan is worthy of being a hermit sect, although it can be in the middle of combat effectiveness, but its strength is still there to occupy such an advantage. When the overall situation of the Mupas clan strikes, it is even more than half of the casualties. This shows that westerners must deepen their definition of eastern fighters.
High-order wizards have nothing to do after killing people, but they dare not come and help a few care teachers. In fact, they can’t help. They can only increase losses, but they can make things cool.’ Sex’ sets fire to refining devices. Gas fires are everywhere, and they are already surrounded by fires.
A white-haired old man suddenly appeared in the ancestral temple of the refining vessel, shot a magician who was about to light the ancestral temple with a palm, and then drank a lot.
"Ten breath don’t leave the department to die!" Roar with great pressure is specially joined the old soul attack inside log pass family left more than forty wizards department is nose and mouth bleeding on the spot! And Cather and the other three care division also vomited an one mouthful blood in their heads. They looked at each other in amazement and then looked at themselves with high-order wizards. They were all shocked to death by this big drink.
Without hesitation, the big horror in my heart turned and fled far away, and nothing was taken care of. It was rare for me to see you. Suddenly, a mysterious strong man came out and was about to kill him, but he was stopped by the old man’s divine voice.
The white-haired old man’s god’ color’ is mournful and lonely. He looks at the ancestral temple and waits quietly for heaven and others in the ancestral hall.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
[3] Medicine store (delivered in the second watch)
? The mighty warrior!
Great prestige shows the identity of the white-haired old man. He is the guardian Xuan of the refining clan. A warrior in the early days of the martial arts chose to stay in the refining clan instead of entering the longevity palace after being invited by the longevity palace. He also didn’t expect that the refining clan actually caused such a big trouble at this critical moment, but he was afraid to make moves easily. Even if the clan came to the longevity palace for instructions, it was necessary to start work when he got the news. When he got back, the clan was already so miserable, except for transferring out in advance.
Xuan’s wrath is to directly solve these high-order wizards. If he hadn’t left, the people in the Palace of Eternal Life wouldn’t have killed those care teachers, or it would have given the West an excuse to wage war. The East side is not ready yet. It’s not appropriate to fight at this time. Xuan is afraid that the four care teachers would have been solved once.
"And you are?" Day three people helped each other into the ancestral temple and looked at the front with a sad face and white hair. The old man in front was surprised and asked, "It’s too much for this old man. It’s just a big drink. It’s a direct shock to more than forty high-order magic teachers and students. Does he already mean the realm of martial arts?" The three people guessed in their hearts, but no one was sure.
"Hey, I am the 17th generation patriarch of the refining clan!" The old man turned around and looked at the ancestral temple. The 17th memorial tablet was engraved with the name of Xuan.
"What? !” The three-person department of Heaven looked at the white-haired old man with a face of shock and an unbelievable expression. According to this algebra, if this old man is really the seventeenth patriarch, wouldn’t it have lived for three or four hundred years?
"Is this a joke?" Lotus scattered first spoke, although the other party saved their lives, but the refiner can’t just trample on it at will.
"Who has time to give you a joke? Haven’t you heard that every major sect has a guardian? I am the guardian of the refining clan! " White-haired old man not anger since wei looked at three majesty said
"Since you are the guardian of the refining clan, why did you watch the refining clan’s younger brother be killed before you shot?" It’s said that there are only three of them left in the whole Sect at this time. The refining clan is bound to be weakened, and it must take a hundred years to develop again.
"You things as simple as that old want to sell is to be able to sell? There are some things you can’t know now, and when you know them later, you will be white, "said the white-haired old man with a sad hand."
"The younger generation paid a visit to the elder", and these three talents believed in Xuan’s words, and each made a ceremony and said.
"All right, don’t stand on ceremony. Go and transfer the Zong you out and the outstanding brother department back to me. No one dares to be presumptuous after I sit in this place!" Xuan waved his hand as if he didn’t care much about these vulgar rituals, and then he ordered the three people to wait for people to be brought to this place. With such a small level of martial arts, the strong are afraid of what day they will feel their shoulders lightly. After all, they can have a backbone after they have a martial arts strong leader.
At this time, the south mountain of Jinling, Chu is already full of excitement. This year, the annual Young Strong Competition will be held here again! All kinds of rare’ medicine’ materials were transported from far away by Chu State to build a competition platform and watch the competition stands. However, this year’s young strong competition is not the same as before. This year’s strength can be said to be far greater than that of the previous one. All the outstanding brothers of the major hidden sects were born and went to the competition, and even the young people in Wuling realm have never been there. This year, because of the outstanding brothers of the major sects, I heard that there are several strong kings of Wu. Although the strength of many sects has not been fully understood, it is obvious to the eye. However, I know that this young strong competition is very interesting, and the organizer of this competition, Chu, has not restricted others from coming in to watch the game. It is not like going to the semi-finals that the family is eligible to come in to watch the game. This time, the grandstand is put for the public and it is very wide. If you can afford it, you can come in.
In this regard, it is to let those rich families who are not strong enough to come in and watch the game. At the moment, there are still nearly half a month before the game. Many outstanding brothers have come here to know some young and powerful people in the contemporary era, but some people have fought, but later they have been reconciled by some older people.
Lin Sheng and Duan Xin stayed in the Lin Fu for a few days and chatted suddenly. Then they also set off with small flowers to Jinling City, which is the most prosperous city in Chu and the whole fairy continent. There is a large population here and a well-developed business. Lin Sheng went to the streets and crowded with people. I wondered secretly when the Northern Zhenghe Huiyang City would be able to reach this prosperous level, even if it was possible to recuperate after a hundred years.
From time to time, there are one or two fighters with long swords or broadswords in the street. These fighters have the root of the martial arts realm at first sight, but they are not qualified to participate in this young strong competition. It seems that they should come to watch the fun. Lin Sheng is holding Duan Xin’s hand and walking on the street. From time to time, Duan Xin is dragging them to buy some gadgets at some stalls.
Suddenly a god swept to Duan Xin oblivious but Lin Sheng is in the mind a surprised.
"Wu Sheng God knows!" Is it the guardian of Liu family that there is a strong warrior in Jinling city? Lin Sheng was amazed in his heart, but the surface remained the same. He didn’t disturb the gods. The gods just stayed in Lin Sheng for a moment and disappeared.
Lin Sheng is lost in thought and secretly thinking that this young strong competition will not be anything unusual. Duan Xin patted Lin Sheng, who was absent, to call Lin Sheng back to God.
"What’s the matter? Elder brother "Duan Xin pull Lin Sheng asked.
"It’s okay, let’s go." Lin Sheng took Duan Xin and walked towards the post to entertain the contestants. The little flower was lying in Duan Xin’s arms and fell asleep. Just now it came to the door of a medicine shop. Suddenly Duan Xin woke up and stared at the big door of the medicine shop. Then he waved his paws at Duan Xin and Lin Sheng and pointed to the medicine.
"hmm? What happened to the little’ flower’? " Duan Xin suspected "confused" and looked at where the little "flower" was jumping around.
"Is it found? Go in and see "Lin Sheng pulling Duan Xin is looking at the" medicine "material shop, and the small" flower "is also sleepy and excited at this time. Where is Lin Sheng’s shoulder atrophy? Others can’t see whether it is a holy dragon or a lovely pet.
It seems that the’ medicine’ material store has been in a state of decay for some years, and the signboard gold-lettered paint has become deformed. At this time, a wooden’ door’ is also tattered. It seems that it is almost across. Looking at this dilapidated sample, Lin Sheng and Duan Xin frowned at the same time, wondering what good things this poor place can have.
Entering the big door is a bright eye. Although it is still very shabby, it is spacious and bright inside. There is a strong’ medicine’ fragrance in the whole’ medicine’ store. Three or two small pages are dot some’ medicine’ materials inside. Lin Sheng looks at Tianqi Gastrodia and Ganoderma lucidum, but they all look like ordinary goods. The’ color’ roots are nothing big.
"Aye, two guests, but what kind of medicine do you want to buy? This is an old shop. It’s all excellent’ medicine’ materials. We have several plants here. I don’t know what the guest officer wants? " The shopkeeper is a little old man with half black hair and half white hair and a small goatee. He looks like a "traitor" and makes both of them very funny. If it weren’t for politeness, they would have laughed.
"Boss, I think you are all ordinary goods’ colors’ here, so you can’t see them." Lin Sheng looked at the ordinary’ medicine’ materials around here and deliberately disdained to say that he was ready to go out. When’ flowers’ came in, he just stared directly at a curtain behind the shopkeeper. It seems that all good things should be in the room behind the shopkeeper.