
"So you are like breaking through the [impossible] limit?"
As we all know, the most important problem for a class to attempt to advance to the rank of Abyss Lord is to break through the impossibility.
Say you can’t, then you really can’t.
Forced pushing will lead to sudden death in situ.
Therefore, the actual success rate of promotion is purely based on whether life is hard or not.
You can’t cross it without some unique skills.
"… actually, we just broke through a little limit."
"Many key technologies are made by [Winnie’s crown] and some are helped by [Yin Weili Ruimian]."
"So the actual principle of some technologies … I don’t know clearly."
"And according to the two [crowns], if the emissary of the level unit tries to make the [forced inclusion device] [Abyss Lord level] take effect, it is best to meet some hidden conditions, including but not limited to the special conditions of fitness, otherwise it will easily blow itself up, support itself to death and become the other party’s [avatar] …" …
Smell speech
In addition, [Congressman] can feel emotion.
"Turned out to be the two [crown] stepped in? …"
Idle time
Olga’s daughters sometimes give directions to various genera at random.
Bring some breakthroughs to each other from time to time.
All the [members of parliament] are not too surprised.
Although they are doing well together.
But compared with the real meaning of the crimson kingdom [ruling class]
There is always no comparability …
The simplest example
If you need the help of surplus forces, you can’t avoid the exchange of interests.
But not for Olga’s wife and daughter.
Take whatever is inside the crimson heaven.
All tangible things can be given conditionally!
Including each guy’s life.
You can really enjoy the glory of Olga [Crimson Heaven], and everything in it can’t be hidden from them.
Even the knowledge that has appeared in the crimson kingdom is only a part of their records.
That’s the real [ruling class]
"So, did the two [crowns] say whether the overall situation meets the actual requirements when the [compulsory container] envoy specifies the [target]?"
"Didn’t say to try"
"… well, I see."
Do they dare to have an opinion at all?
Even the slightest bit
Including my heart, I dare not sprout discontent.
Because everything in the crimson kingdom can’t be hidden from each other.
Blaming leadership for such a deadly thing is bound to be finished, and it will really die miserably …
Chapter 1712 【 Chang Gong 】
[Liu Seka Huo Feng]
The whole "crimson heaven" is the core area of doubt.
"Crimson King", "Blood King" and "Eternal Evil" … are the main places.
In every short moment, there are countless worshippers from all corners of the multiverse.
Even if it is watching from a distance.
Only 【 Great Demon Level 】 is qualified to act.
Just as ordinary people will hurt their eyes if they look directly into the hot sun.
The weak will also hurt themselves if they look directly at Huo Feng.
And it doesn’t bring all kinds of minor injuries.
Directly, it is easy to become some kind of torch that suddenly burns …
This makes the basic requirements for climbing [Huo Feng] have already reached a certain level of difficulty for ordinary people.
There is no [Great Demon Level] strength.
If you can’t even touch the lowest steps, you will die suddenly.
And the number of people who are really qualified to reach the peak and try to make a wish to Olga is even rarer than it is.
Even before St. Gilles wanted to resurrect La, I thought about whether to challenge the extreme climbing [Huo Feng] so as to directly get the chance to make a wish.
But after some reasoning and hesitation,
He finally gave up the idea reluctantly.
The difficulty is indeed a little too high …
Even with the strength of 【 Abyss Lord Level Breaker 】, he is not sure.
And it’s bound to take a lot of effort on the way!
Weigh the left and right.
He thinks it’s better to find your brothers to chip in …

"This revenge will be reported!"

Qiong Qi sounds from the abyss.
"Did the two ancient ancestors really fall?"
Asked the Great Sage Xuan Yin.
"They are caused by the grievances of heaven and earth, and the gods can’t kill them. They are really broken, and I’m afraid they will wander around the three worlds. You can search for them and let them return as soon as possible."
The three saints heard that the two ancient ancestors were not completely dead, but their hearts were relieved, so that the demon palace was not in danger of extinction, and they had to keep a low profile for a few minutes.
Immediately, I sent a decree to order the demons in the Demon God Palace to secretly search for the pieces of the two ancient ancestors.
Although Xuyi Mountain was almost destroyed by the war, it was somehow the ancient mountain that eventually resisted.
King Bodhisattva was the most seriously injured this time. First, he was beaten by the Great Sage of the Water Ape, and then he was almost beaten to death. After Qi came out, the three men gambled and hurt him badly.
It can be described as horrible.
He ordered all the people to take care of the mountain gate and sent Mrs. Zhang to deal with everything else.
I was practicing this day, but I saw four gods coming into the temple together. See Synonyms at join hands.
"But something happened?"
The bodhisattva asked
The Four Gods will nod their heads. "The Great Sage of the Water Ape in Shuifu is very restless and seems to have signs of escape."
King bodhisattva smell speech where also care about a lot of immediately got up and went to see.
Poop, poop, poop.
Suddenly four swords came out.
Bodhisattva and guard against being nailed through the body immediately.
One sword pierced the eyebrows, one sword pierced the heart, and the other two swords pierced two pipa bones.
"You, you"
See the four gods will be in a dark eyes, a face of indifference.
The Bodhisattva is not dead yet, but has been trapped in the Mud Pillow Palace, and even the Yuan God can escape from those two swords, which will lock up his magic and change him.
"Who the hell are you?"
King bodhisattva return to absolute being to endure pain asked
"I’m waiting for the four gods to invite the master away."
"I have a bodhisattva fruit that is immortal. You can’t kill me. Then I will alert all the bodhisattvas and buddhas in Lingshan to escape."
The King and Bodhisattva said that he was the Great Sage and the Bodhisattva True Spirit would have a chance to return again. He was worried that these four demons would release the Great Sage of the Water Ape.
"I’ll take your place without bothering you."
Just then, a golden light came out of the Sanskrit and a monk came out.
The monk was shrouded in Buddha’s light as if the Buddha were coming.
When Wang Bodhisattva saw this, he swore, "How dare Fang Demon mess with my Buddhism?"
"Amitabha can only become a Buddha when he puts a butcher knife. If the Bodhisattva doesn’t want to put it, I will help you put it."
The monk’s voice was feminine like a woman’s, and then it turned into a canopy of the crown of the king and bodhisattva.
Snow, a bodhisattva’s golden body suddenly cracked, and the raven got into it and listened to it.
In a short time, the bodhisattva’s mouth was full of women saying, "Amitabha, I am both the Great Sage and the King Bodhisattva!"
The four gods will quickly bow down and worship "See Master"
The Bodhisattva smiled and said, "Please get up and follow me to see the jellyfish queen."
Then the four gods will lead the "King Bodhisattva" all the way to the bottom of Huaihe River to knock on the mansion door and let him in.
The Great Sage of the Water Ape is enjoying a cup of tea at the table, and I’m not surprised to see him coming.
The Great Sage of the Water Ape suddenly stared at him and immediately exclaimed, "Is that your land?"
This breath was beheaded by the Great Sage of the Water Ape when I first saw Qinghuai. The land is no different, and the Great Sage of the Water Ape is what she remembered.
"How dare you pretend to be some Mao gods? Do you dare to pretend to be this bodhisattva?"
King bodhisattva smell speech immediately laughed "pretend to be? No, no,no. The poor monk is the Great Sage, the Buddhist King, the Bodhisattva, and the Buddhist Buddha in the West. You can’t recognize me! "
The Great Sage of the Water Ape frowned. Who is this fellow so bold?
"What do you want with me?"
"naturally, you close or trade!"
Practice for thousands of years
After Wu Ming was autistic, he never went out for three hundred years.
It’s not too long for immortals, but people have been dynasties for several times.
Far from being cold and cheerless, the Taoist temple is more lively.
After going out for hundreds of years, Yuan Daniu and Yuan Shifu came back.
In the two dynasties, they were officials, worshippers, bandits and criminals. It can be said that they have realized that the world of mortals has been mixed and this time they have retired, and they have actually formed an elixir.
Of course, this is nothing for the two people who have already eaten flat peaches and enjoyed a long life. They have never taken it seriously. They are still chopping wood, chopping wood and fishing, which adds a few rays of life to Huanghuaguan.
On this day, people suddenly saw that the clouds in the east wing condensed with colorful rain and a golden light went straight through the sky.
Yuan Tiangang immediately exclaimed, "Favourite has made a golden fairy fruit!"
In the quiet room, I saw Wu Ming’s eyes closed, but his body was full of colored glaze. His chest was green, black and red, slightly weak, and white and yellow were weak and invisible.
In a flash, Wu Ming’s eyes are bright with thousands of pupils.
He has finally become a king kong!
Chapter 22 Seeking Tao Tianxian Road and Going to Flat Peach Club
Wu Ming got up and shook his fist, and when he saw that he was like a diamond, he calmed down the vision with less inclination.
"It took 300 years to become a King Kong immortal, and it was very hard for people to get this golden fairy fruit."
Wu Ming said to himself, it is not that he boasted, but that the difficulty of getting from a true fairy to Jin Xian is really beyond the reach of ordinary immortals.
He belongs to hang, but without the careful guidance of the teacher, he is at most a true fairy.
The Golden Wonderland is a place where all living beings seek immortality, and it is no longer a nobody in the Three Realms.
If you have a grudge, all the bosses will give you my humble opinion.
Knocking at the door, I saw seven school sisters, Yuan Jia, four fathers, Taoist priests, and all the bears waiting at the door.
"Congratulations to the elder brother/master/master/master for being immortal."

When Wang Xuan fantasized about Xinghai, it was a large array of secluded places that led to the northern white tiger star evil spirits. The killing power killed the evil spirits hidden in the middle. Now, it is natural that the four elephants star evil spirits are led at the same time and the power is arranged by the patrol Tianbao boat.

At that time, all the crossbows and spears in front of the sky were filled with silver and big dangers at the same time.
There are four elephants in the star array, and the power of the Dragon Crystal and the Golden Feather Arrow is also greatly increased.
Zhang Yan across the street is jealous.
Wang Xuan probably is Yong ‘an Fujun veteran who first mastered this kind of army promotion method and has been trained to be proficient. After the sergeant is high, his power will continue to increase.
This is a broad road, and his army pointed out the direction.
Of course, he didn’t dare to neglect immediately. Although the array of Yin and Yang did not show the star map, the rolling sea of clouds also vaguely formed a huge Tai Chi map, and the wind around it stopped immediately
The patrol troops are made up of elites from all walks of life, and they are well trained, breathing, and the strange entrance is also changed.
Dark shadows swarmed out, with heads as big as buckets, sharp mouths, fangs, snakes and eels, each two feet long, eyes red and Lei Guang flashing all over.
These guys are obviously uniting the blood monster, and they just rely on their own blood magical powers to gather thunder and thunder. The rapid jump in the Lei Guang snake eel group is getting bigger and bigger
However, the sky survey army is ready.
General Zhang Qi suddenly roared. air billow rolled thousands of golden lights and fell like waves at the same time.
The new tactics are different in dealing with all kinds of situations.
If the enemy’s potential feces are scattered in turn and laid into a mine array to block the enemy and attack at the same time, it will never stop.
But like this, the enemy gathered in one place and struck by strength
The dense golden light instantly disappeared into the snake eel demon group, and most of them were longjing jinyu arrows detonated almost at the same time.
They heard a violent roar of heaven and earth, and their harsh white heads were buzzing.
The white mans soon disappeared, and what demon army was left in front of them? The sea of Wang Yang and the constant distortion.
There seems to be a fracture, and a statue of ten-foot bronze statue suddenly fell into the sea from the middle with a splash and a huge spray.
Wang Xuan sharp-eyed saw that the statue was a coiled serpent, but his head was broken.
More importantly, there is a golden light residue of incense and firepower on the surface.
"It really is a wild god!"
Wang Xuan somberly This East China Sea Terran Shinto shrouded the birth of wild gods, but look at each other. This arrangement has become a climate.
Click, click!
The strange fracture sound became more and more atmospheric, and cracks appeared like ground glass.
"This is … mustard?"
Both Zhang Yan and Luo Qiong Tower were dumbfounded.
Middle-earth artifacts are not uncommon, but most of them have lost the spiritual materials needed for the ancient residual refining method. Only after excavating Tiandian Fairy City did they know that the key object was a spiritual material called "Cave Ghost Stone", but it was a pity that people could see it.
They are well-informed and have never heard of such a big mustard!
"Stand back!"
Seeing that there are more and more cracks, Wang Xuan waved the army back, but the crossbow was always vigilant
Click, click!
There are more and more cracks, and there are huge statues breaking and falling, and everyone finally sees the appearance of the statues 3.

Yang Chengzu said, "I misunderstood you. I didn’t mean to look down on you, but I was afraid of delaying you. You know, I don’t know how long it will take me to go."

"I don’t care! I’ll show it to my dad later and let him know that I’m already yours. I can’t marry anyone but you. If you don’t want me, I’ll live for a generation by myself. If you have a baby, let him take my family name. "
Yang Chengzu, her first wife, also used means to push her around, unable to distinguish between east, west, north and south, and felt intoxicated with judo.
"We women in the mountains really don’t talk about keeping chastity. Women can’t live without a man. It’s hard to live in some people’s mouths. We are human beings. It’s true that we have to live. But don’t worry, I won’t look for anyone else if I have you. I can support myself. Even if I can’t support myself, I will stay with you until I die."
"Don’t worry, I won’t fail you," Yang Chengzu whispered in her ear. "If I fail you, you’ll cut my heart out with a knife, and I’ll never complain. It’s true. I’ve always thought that it’s inconvenient for you to be a mountain. If you love me today, I won’t fail. If you say a word, I won’t leave, and I’ll follow you as a robber if I don’t have a big future."
His sweet words and kung fu have been practiced for a long time, and even those who are as well-informed as immortals can be fooled around by him. Hao Qingqing is a mountain king after all. Seeing that Jianghu guests have never learned such a thing as powder Yuanrong, a few words and adding the water mill kung fu to display Hao Qingqing’s heart have long been confused and breathed heavily.
"I know … I know that I’m ugly and a few years older than you, and I’m born a mountain thief, so I don’t deserve you. Even if we are destined to have this night, I also recognize the situation. This cottage is not the place where people like you live for a long time. In the future, you will achieve great things. If I force you to stay, you won’t be happy. If you are unhappy, I will be sad. You are my man and everything I have. I won’t force you to remember that this Qinglong Mountain has your woman."
The next day, Hao Qingqing thought of yesterday’s boldness and absurdity, and her face turned red. She struggled to get up and didn’t want her waist to be hugged by Yang Chengzu. "Sister Qingqing is still early to lie down for a while."
"Stop that now … it’s dawn. Not now." She begged for mercy as she struggled gently. "I’ll come back later if it’s a big deal." She always felt that she was not worthy of this little husband. She felt sweet when she saw each other so obsessed with herself and felt that her body was not given to the wrong person.
"I’ll get you something to eat. Although I cook badly, women in the mountains always serve their men like this. This is our rule. I’ll get you something to eat and serve you. If you are angry, you can hit me."
"Hit you? How can I be willing to give up? "Yang Chengzu kissed her a few times." You just broke your application last night. It’s not convenient for me to cook for you. "
"That’s not like that, it’s out of order. There are women who serve men, and there are men who serve women." Hao Qingqing stubbornly holds him down and puts on his clothes. Although the action is not very neat, her excellent physical quality is not weak, but she has to rest for a while
"We have the best feelings here. Couples and men also want to beat their wives. If they are unhappy, they will be angry. If they are happy, they will also beat their wives when they want to be close to their wives. Then hold them down. Otherwise, you can beat me once tonight."
She stared at Yang Chengzu with big eyes flashing. "You are going to the mountain in three days. I want you to let me wait on you like a wife in front of the mountain, and you will treat me like a husband. I will feel that we have made a real couple. Do you like it?"
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Stealing incense (3)
"What? You said you wanted to marry Qingqing? " Hao Yunlong listened to his eyes and ears early in the morning, and the young lady seemed to have stayed with Yang Chengzu last night. He was already mentally prepared for such a thing, and it was only a matter of time before his daughter became infatuated with Yang Chengzu.
The fact is not only that Hao Qingqing’s women in this mountain are afraid that many of them have similar thoughts to ask Yang Chengzu to show that they won’t mind taking him to drill once in the Woods and have to learn to accept what has happened, so he didn’t go on the rampage or grab Yang Chengzu for an explanation, but waited for him to tell himself.
He has thought about a number of possibilities. The biggest possibility is that everyone will never appear in their own lives after this Yang Chengzu mountain. After the daughter ate this yabakui, she will probably put away those unrealistic fantasies and find an honest man who doesn’t mind her past. But I didn’t expect Yang Chengzu to appear in front of her eyes after breakfast and come to kiss.
"Old master, you can’t hide what happened in this mountain from your old eyes and ears. Qingqing and I slept together last night. I think you should know about this. I must say that last night was the first time for us and also the first time for Qingqing."
Although he pulled him together, Hao Qingqing didn’t expect the other party to kiss her. She had done everything in vain and could finally be disappointed by a man. I didn’t expect him to kiss and feel that he was dreaming and secretly twisted his leg … It really hurts.
"Yang Gong, you should know what you mean by this request? Married to Qingqing, you have an extra burden. This burden is not just a girl, but hundreds of brave men and thousands of family members in the uneven village of Qinglong Mountain. Are you so provocative? Last night, the girl volunteered, and I won’t say much. Even if you don’t marry her, I won’t force you, let alone ask you to give her a name. It doesn’t matter if you want to sleep, but if you marry her, you must bear the responsibility of your husband instead of setting the table and banquet. "
"You always call me white, and I never thought it was to set the table for a birthright. She gave me a banquet to worship heaven and earth. When I was not there, she was also my woman, saving others from wanting to marry her. Although the weight is not light, I still ask myself."
It’s not like sleeping casually to get a wife. Hao Qingqing has become a Yang family member. Yang Chengzu has a responsibility for her. Even if he doesn’t join in, he should do something about the safety of the cottage. From the moment he decided to marry Hao Qingqing, he was doomed to be involved in this cottage. If the cottage is broken in the future, he can’t get away from it.
According to the rules of the stockade, Yang Chengzu kowtowed before burning the yellow paper and beheading the head of a lion’s head, vowing that he was willing to share life and death with the people in the cottage. From this moment on, even if he joined in, he became a middleman in the greenwood. The cottage owners saw that he was willing to be responsible for the big lady, and they had a good opinion of him. Many people kindly came over. He called him brothers and became one of their own, and they were the companions. They wondered if they really wanted to marry a thief as a big woman. This identity is too bad.
As soon as the shanzhai middleman heard that the big miss was going to marry the young "xianggong", many girls cried to congratulate Hao Qingqing, and several aunts and aunts came to help Hao Qingqing clean up his head. Others took out the bride Ji and Dahong hijab.
"This is what I just grabbed from the mountain last year … and brought it once. It’s a new thing to do now. Don’t you just make do with it?"
This mountain is no better than many rules in the city. You can’t pay attention to all the formalities. From the wedding ceremony in the afternoon to the evening, everything is in order. Everyone is eating and drinking. Yang Chengzu was top-heavy and entered the new house.
I have done everything yesterday, but when I heard his messy footsteps, Hao Qingqing was still nervous and her heart was jumping. She was always lively and active. She rarely sat on the bed with her legs together like a good baby and didn’t dare to move.
Hearing a table ringing, she hurriedly asked, "How are you? Did you drink too much? Do you want me to wait on you for a drink? "
"Nothing is that you mountain people are a little fierce and a little overwhelming when drinking." Yang Chengzu staggered to the bed and picked the big red veil. "It’s wronged you to sit here for a long time. It is supposed that you should appear in the hall and fight with them before those castellans say that you are much better than me."
Hao Qingqing shyly bowed his head. "I will never drink again from today. I am your mother and I am no longer the wild girl in the past. I will definitely not do these things. You lie down first and I will let people prepare hangover soup for you."
When she tried to move, she was pulled by Yang Chengzu. "Don’t go, let me have a good look at you and my bride …"
"See what I didn’t see enough last night?" She said, but he still looked at "Zhenjun" with his own bar. Yang Chengzu praised this two word and let Hao Qingqing collapse out of bed.
"I know I’m ugly, and you don’t take good things to fill me in. This happy event is that Shanban has an explanation. From today, no one can force me to find a man, but that’s what counts in the mountains. It doesn’t count out of the mountains."
Wait until the calm Hao Qingqing clung to Yang Chengzu and said, "It’s not my turn to do this big woman. I know in my heart that you are a big woman with wealth and status. A decent person can’t be a female mountain thief. If you let me do a big room, you will laugh yourself to death … So after me, your side room is the same as yours."
Yang Chengzu didn’t make a positive answer, but smiled. "I don’t have a big wife now, and you don’t worry about who bullied you at home. In the future, you will have more snacks in this cottage. This is our children’s industry in the future. I originally wanted to leave early. This time, I have to delay the planning of the cottage for a few days, so that the changes here will be more promising and more developed. Only in this way can we have a good son."
"No, our son is going to be a big official, not a thief." Hao Qingqing touched his belly. "I don’t know if we have a baby in the stomach these two days. If you have any words, please listen carefully. When you grow up, you will be an official or your mother will beat you." She said to Yang Chengzu, "Don’t you want to go to Shaanxi to take me with you?"
Chapter one hundred and fourteen Unannounced visits (1)
"Do you want to go with me? Is the old master willing to let people go? Besides, this mountain can’t be separated from you, the woman who is in charge of Mr. Li’s side. Although it’s good, the old man still has to support you. What if you leave the cottage? "
"Then I don’t care if my married daughter throws out water. I’m already your person. I have to consider your safety instead of the fake. You are my man. You are much more important than the fake to me. The situation in Shaanxi is complicated, and the governor of Luozhu and the company commander of the prince’s maternal uncle are always a bunch of bastards. I’m afraid that when you get to that uneasy father, Mr. Li is in good health. Most of them can keep the fake running. Shaanxi needs more manpower."
Yang Chengzu’s attendants are all from Shaanxi. Before entering Shaanxi, she also learned about the situation in Shaanxi from their mouths. She said that the company commanders of the Prince’s Uncle, the governor of Luozhu, are two important angles in the northwest. They naturally know the roots. One is the right deputy of Duchayuan, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, and Zheng Yang, the governor of Shaanxi. The other is the right army. The commander-in-chief of Guyuan was granted Maang from the same commander.
Great Shaanxi is an important border area because it is close to the Mongolian border in Hetao. When Hongzhi was promoted, a trilateral governor was set up to control the military forces of Yansui, Gansu, Ningxia and Guyuan to prevent the Mongols from invading.
Even the trilateral governor, the governor of Shaanxi but Gansu, is not appointed. Now this position has been revoked and the Shaanxi administrative university is in the hands of the Shaanxi governor
The most important part of the big nine-sided body, three sides and one town, has a total of 300,000 soldiers. The place with the largest number of soldiers in the DPRK consumes more than 4 million mangoku every year. If you are a governor, you can be a rich man.
However, since the fall of Hetao, the conflict between Shaanxi and Mongolia has become more and more acute, and it has become a top priority to guard against the northern Lu. Being a governor here has to bear the burden of resisting foreign invaders, and he has a heavy military responsibility. In those days, when Yang Yiqing Town was on the three sides, it built a side wall and set up a beacon tower, and it was also a serious business in Daxing.
However, when the governor of Zheng Yang, Shaanxi, both military and civilian policies were abolished, the whole situation in Shaanxi became increasingly eroded. In those days, Zhengde Day patrolled Shaanxi Zheng Yang, Shaanxi Province, and the middle officials took over the driving duties. He deliberately put the chopsticks prepared by the imperial banquet emperor in his sleeve and waited for the day to come, so that God could remember himself.
But he didn’t know Zhengde’s appearance, so he asked the eunuch guarding the eunuch to tell him to recognize the dragon robe. The open governor himself went to the middle of the road and waited for Tianluan to drive over to recognize the dragon robe. I didn’t know that there was an army coming head on, and everyone was dressed in armor. Where was a dragon robe?
Zheng Yang’s search for people in the road, these army men, no matter who he is, just went on the rampage and knocked over an open three governors. An army man directly came to the imperial banquet and sat patting the table and asked, "What are the rules in Shaanxi?" Why don’t you prepare chopsticks for the lonely when you have a banquet? "
Zheng Yang struggled to get up, only to know that Viva didn’t wear a dragon robe, but was wrapped in armor. In the army, he was afraid to send chopsticks to Zhengde, but he didn’t let it go. He said, "If I do it, I will never be so negligent."
From then on, the name of the governor of Luozhu gradually became more and more heard by Shaanxi military and civilians.
Yu Maang, a company commander of Yansui, was impeached to go to the official because of the defeat, and his younger sister Ma Shi married Shaanxi and commanded Bi Chun’s wife to be superior in appearance and to ride well in ejaculation. This news was known by Jiang Bin and was introduced by Jiang Bin, who sent her to the leopard room to serve as a maid in Zhengde Day.
Ma was pregnant when she entered the leopard room, but Zhengde was not surprised. Instead, Ma Angxiong was particularly fond of her. With her younger sister, she changed from the company commander of Yansui to the company commander of Guyuan. Ma Jin was a leopard room and had no official title, so there was no concubine. However, the eunuchs in the palace all called Ma Angguo’s uncle, and the title of his uncle’s company commander was very famous in Shaanxi Sanbian.
Hao Qingqing said, "If he gave his sister away, there is nothing more hateful. At the beginning, when he visited Shaanxi, he went to his house to eat wine and saw his concubine room. Du Shusheng was beautiful and asked him to send Du Shusheng to the bedroom. At that time, Maang hesitated and left with Zhengde. This fellow was afraid afterwards, but he sent Du Shusheng to the palace to enjoy Zhengde. As a result, he was promoted from a viceroy to Tongzhi."
"This fellow is a cuckold company commanders. What’s the prince’s maternal uncle company commanders? It’s not a man to send his woman to the emperor to sleep. "

Ito Bowen frowned and said, "What fatal mistake?"

Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "That is, we kept North Korea and returned Taiwan Province to Ito Pavilion in the Republic of China. The strategic position of Taiwan Province is too important, especially for China and Japan. China is the most favorable strategic barrier along the southeast coast of China. For Japan, Taiwan Province has caught our throat in South Southeast Asia. Look at the map! "
When talking, I saw that Shang Wen pointed the’ stick’ in his hand at the military map and said, "Gentlemen, whether we launch the Java War to invade Java or transport the Indian Ocean resources back to Taiwan Province, it is the only way for us! If the Chinese tiger wants to send warships back and forth here, then we don’t even have a chance to breathe. This is our fatal flaw! "
Li Jian Shang Wen went on to say, "This is the original intention of the Chinese tiger who would rather give up North Korea than take back Taiwan Province Island. From this point of view, all of us have lost to the Chinese tiger. We have released North Korea’s status to Taiwan Province Island, and now we can reap the consequences …"
Ito Sukeyuki disdain "warship cruise? Then we will send a joint fleet to escort or directly destroy Taiwan Province! "
See ShangWen a face of nai looked at Ito Sukeyuki said, "the east pavilion you are too arrogant escort? We can protect it for a while and we can protect it for a lifetime. Don’t we join the fleet and say goodbye, guarding the waters of Taiwan Province every day? Kill Taiwan Province? Don’t you dare to think about it! At present, the Taiwan Province garrison has reached three army divisions, and the Kaohsiung military port is being built in the Republic of China. In the future, it will be the most powerful base of the Chinese navy, much more than Lushun. Can you destroy it if you want? "
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Dead ambition to see
Ito Sukeyuki heard Li Jian Shang Wen say that his face would have some "Li Jian". What do you say? Anyway, now that Taiwan Province has fallen into the hands of the Republic of China, it is too late for us to say anything! "
Ito Hirobumi’s face suddenly sank and he shouted, "Ito Jun, we are discussing the important issues of our country. Don’t be angry. On the contrary, I feel that it is very reasonable to see what Jun said. Listen carefully!"
Ito Bowen, the leader of the military and political circles in Japan, has an absolute handle here to suppress Ito Sukeyuki
Li Jian Shang Wen went on to say, "Ito Pavilion has a solution to this problem at present, but it is also a temporary solution that cannot be cured …"
Ito Bowen replied, "Tell me your opinion immediately. It’s better to have a way than no way."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "Ito Pavilion’s way is to’ draw’ the salary from the bottom of the pot and completely’ chaos’ China so that Zhang Jian can’t reunite China in a short time or prolong his reunification with China!"
Ito Sukeyuki disdained, "Li Jianjun, our influence on China’s political situation is very limited. Now it is not six or seven years ago that our China spy machine was badly damaged …"
Ito Bowen gave Ito Sukeyuki a hard stare and then looked at Rijian Shangwen and said, "Tell me about your specific ideas."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "Two ideas. First, we sent’ elite’ cadres to Wuchang to meet Yuan Shikai, now the majority of the Qing court. Yuan Shikai took out certain benefits and said that Yuan Shikai formed an alliance and we supported the joint fight against Zhang Jian. I want to face Zhang Jian’s rapid growth. Yuan Shikai is the most frightened one. He will definitely agree to our alliance discussion. The second Taiwan Province is the most important two people. One is Governor Shi Dakai, and the other is Chief of Staff and Taiwan Province First Division Teacher Zhang Lin. Shi Dakai is old and doesn’t manage daily affairs very much. Most things fall to Zhang Lin. Zhang Lin was born in the northeast. Our imperial spies were close to each other. This person has always been ambitious. If we dispatch spies, we can say that Zhang Lin encourages him to push * * * * * * * at all times, it will be the most fatal blow to the Republic of China! "
Everyone took a breath in a gasp. The first way is to say that the second way is too vicious and the risk is too high. Since Zhang Yi is willing to hand over Taiwan Province to Zhang Lin, it must be very convinced that it is difficult to succeed in poaching!
Ito Bowen’s eyes flickered and said slowly, "The first way to see you is easy. I think Yuan Shikai will promise us to help Yuan Shikai support for a while, but there is still no big problem; But the second method is too risky. Once something goes wrong, it will kill you. "
Li Jian Shangwen took a deep breath and said, "High risk also means high return. If we can successfully convince Zhang Lin, it means that Taiwan Province will fall into the hands of our Japanese empire in the future, and then it will become passive and active. Although the risk is high, we believe that we can try it. Isn’t there an old saying in China that we can’t bear to be a wolf!"
Ito Bowen looked at Yamagata Aritomo. The two men looked at each other and nodded to each other. It seems that the two Japanese people were finally set up to see Shangwen and said that they were moved.
Yamagata Aritomo sink a way: "We are in favor of this plan, but it is very important for us to send people. We need a very’ fine’ capable person, which is impossible for ordinary people."
Li Jian Shang Wen replied, "There are many candidates that Zhang Lin is familiar with in the first regiment of Shanxianjun. We can choose one of them to make contact with Zhang Lin first. When the time is ripe, I will personally come forward to talk with Zhang Lin, hoping to say that he is always rebellious!"
"Are you going in person?"
Ito Bowen was shocked and replied, "Li Jianjun’s trip is too dangerous. You are now the pillar of our emperor’s world. How can you make risks yourself?"
Li Jian Shang Wen smiled. "Ito Jun, if this thing is done, we can completely occupy the strategic initiative in China in the next ten years. If it fails, we will also struggle to completely withdraw from the competition for Asian hegemony. Compared with the future of the empire, my life is nothing. Please approve my request and please Ito Pavilion!"
Seeing that Shang Wen is full of talent is because he was born in a buffer region and once ruled the emperor for a long time, it was difficult to win the letter of ruling the emperor, which also led to his long-term depression in the Japanese military field. No matter how hard he worked, he could never really squeeze into the core circle of the Japanese military and political circles. These bosses respected him the most and secretly kept away from him.
It’s hard to stand up for a long time to formulate a national defense development strategy on our own, but it’s a perfect seam, but we will encounter great resistance every time we implement it.
Now it is found that Shang Wen is in despair and pain of the empire every day, and he is unable to stretch his ambition to himself. He came up with this way, either to die for his country or to benefit from this opportunity. The empire has won a great turn. This is a real politician and strategist’s choice for the future!
Ito Bowen sighed in his heart when he saw that Li Jian Shang Wen was firm in God’s’ color’. He didn’t know that Li Jian Shang Wen was the only way to cure the emperor’s opposition. Seeing Shang Wen has never been very cold. What can he do? He has persuaded the emperor for many times, and there is no effect. He has made up his mind and will definitely be his confidant!
Ito Bowen sighed and said, "Well, I must make sure that you are safe. If this opportunity is really successful, I think the misunderstanding of you in the emperor’s heart will be solved. I look forward to your success!"
A tense high-level meeting of the Japanese Ministry finally made it clear that Shangwen’s proposal had come to an end. If it was not successful, it would be a success or failure. This is the final creed of Shangwen.
Li Jian Shang Wen bowed to Ito and others one by one, please, I hope the empire can work hard to reach the peak!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Shi Dakai was seriously ill.
Beijing, latest chapter visit:
Zhang Yi and others just returned to Beijing from Jinzhou via Tianjin, and they did not disperse but went straight to the presidential palace.
A few people have just stepped into the presidential palace, but they haven’t come into the courtyard yet. A staff officer was about to run out in a panic when he saw Zhang Yi and others come in and hurriedly called, "President, you’re back. I’m going to send you a telegram outside!"
Everyone is surprised!
Zhang yi faintly felt a little bad and hurriedly asked, "What’s the matter? What happened? "
Staff have calmed a mood replied, "President Taiwan Province has just come to quote the stone master old illness is hanging by a thread! Please hurry to Taiwan Province with Miss Shi. If you are late, I’m afraid you won’t be able to make it! Miss Shi is crying in the room now. Please go and have a look! "
All the people were taken aback. Shi Dakai is in danger?
Now that Shi Dakai is over ten years old and has been seriously injured several times in his early years, his body and bones are really worse than before. I didn’t expect his illness to come so quickly!
Zhang yi heart flame hurriedly drink a way "you several departments waiting for me to go to the backyard! Let’s start the discussion later! "
Say this, Zhang Yi rushed to the backyard and left Xu Huaijin and others looking at each other. Although several people are very familiar with Shi Yun, at this moment they are not good at going deep into the backyard and have to wait in the front hall.
Zhang Yi went straight to Shi Yun’s boudoir’ door’ and heard Shi Yun crying. There were’ female’ soldiers around him constantly exhorting him.
Zhang yi directly pushed open the "door" and came in.
Shi Yun looked up and saw Zhang Yi still crying.
Zhang Yishen said, "Don’t worry about rhyme, my Lord. Let me see it!"
The’ female’ soldier handed the newspaper to Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi took it and carefully read it. It was sent by Zhang Lin and said, "Shi Gong is critically ill, please ask the President to hurry south!"
Now Taiwan Province and Beijing have not answered the phone, even if they want to know the details, it is impossible.
Zhang Yi went on to say, "Yuner, let’s go back to Yuting and ask your master if his illness is really serious, and I will accompany you to Taiwan Province in person!"
Master treats himself with sincerity. I don’t know how many problems I have solved since two people met in western Liaoning. Without master’s fear, Germany would never be so harmonious now! Now the old man is seriously ill, and he will go to Taiwan Province for both public and private purposes!
Shi Yun said with a hard face, "You have to let Grandpa run to such a remote place in Taiwan Province. Now Grandpa is ruined by your life …"
Zhang Yi’s face is like Naixin’s way. Isn’t it that you suggested that the master should sit in Taiwan Province? Now he is not himself, but now the six gods of Shi Yun can’t refute Zhang Yi’s kind words and comfort.
After a long time, Shi Yun was quiet and hurried to pack things. He said, "No, I’m going to Tianjin to take a boat from Tianjin to Taiwan Province!"
Zhang Yi rubbed his hands and said, "Don’t rush to rhyme. I’ll settle down in Beijing for a while and we’ll go together at noon …"
Shi Yun is still crying hard.
Zhang Yi patted Shi Yun’s shoulder and said, "Okay, rhyme, don’t cry. Shaochuan and others are all outside. I’ll arrange things one day and go to Taiwan Province with you! Come on, let’s go out together and don’t let everyone worry. "
Shi Yun gradually stopped his sadness and followed Zhang Yi out to the front desk.
At this time, Xu Huaijin, Tang Shaoyi and others in the front office are waiting in the hall. Some are sitting on the sofa and others are walking back and forth in the hall.
See Zhang Yi Shi Yun came out and hurriedly gathered around to ask.

Ge Shilie Liangbi quickly reacted and said, "It’s not a matter of how much loss if the route for providing foodstuff is cut off. If you don’t withdraw, the army will be wiped out."

"How do you know that will be wiped out? Hmm? What if it’s not? What if the army can break through Licheng before the food and grass are exhausted? "
Yan hong Liang avenue "you will know that you drag out an ignoble existence one by one! But you don’t know how to kill yourself and make sense later! I knew it. Get out! Even if the retreat is successful, will it be better than not retreating? Nothing will be lost?
When Cao Mengde was short of food and grass, the army complained that Cao Mengde killed the grain officer and pushed all the blame on him. Then he opened the warehouse to let the army eat enough and beat Yuan Shu with one puff! This is death and afterlife! "
Six people looked at Yan Hongliang and listened to his confused speech. At that time, they couldn’t say anything to refute the truth.
However, Li Tong, the deputy commander-in-chief of Zuojun, soon realized that something was wrong.
"Cao Cao didn’t get cut off when he was short of food. He really didn’t have any food to eat, but he could still withdraw it. He didn’t want to fall short, and our army … really had been cut off and the retreat was in jeopardy!"
Seeing that his nonsense was punctured, Yan Hongliang became angry from embarrassment.
"This kind of thing I don’t know need you? Are you motivated? !”
Yan hong Liang reached a finger Li Tong "before I show off your knowledge what do you want? Do you want to rebel? Somebody! Drag me out! Get up! "
Yan hong Liang ordered QinBing to come in immediately outside the account and dragged Li Tong out with a face of consternation.
More than five people watched this scene happen in shock and thought the world was crazy.
What’s wrong with retreating at this time?
Why didn’t the emperor retreat?
Doesn’t he know that once the army runs out of food, it will collapse by itself?
He doesn’t know that a tall war horse is worse than a little donkey without food to eat?
More than five people have gone over this question in their heads, and finally Yan Hong ran to see it, and Shi Lieliang reacted first.
But the right leading deputy viceroy moved into or didn’t respond to come over immediately Li Tong excuse.
"Li Tong is loyal and has no rebellious mind. Please examine him!"
Yan hong Liang glared round and glared at each other.
"Help inverse thief speak I see you are malicious! Somebody! Pull it out! Get up! Dismissed! Give me a good reflection on my mistakes! "
So he was pulled out and relieved of his post for no reason.
There are six people at the top decision-making level, and there are only four left.
The left leading viceroy Yan Hong ran to see the right leading viceroy Shi Lie Liang Bi, the right overseer Shan Yongnian, the head of Hedong Military Forces, Yan Hong Yiying.
In addition to reacting, Yan Hong ran to see Shi Lieliang’s disciples Shan Yongnian and Yan Hong Yiying were too scared to say anything.
"Can’t withdraw! We can’t tell the foot soldiers about it. At present, the only vitality of our army is to conquer Licheng before the food runs out! Defeat the thieves! This is the only choice! "
Yan hong Liang forced four people to organize an army to storm Licheng with one hand of cutting.
The Guangfu army tried to cut off my logistics and threatened me to withdraw. I wouldn’t withdraw! I must make them pay! !
Yan hong roared with bright red eyes and then drove four people out of the military account to organize an attack.
After four people left the chancellorsville in shock, Yan Hongliang collapsed and sat in the chair for a long time before returning to absolute being, clutching his chest and gasping violently.
be over; be doomed
be over; be doomed
be over; be doomed
It’s over. It’s all over.
The route for providing grain was broken, and the back road was broken. Hebei Guangfu army counterattacked and his troops were defeated.
At this time, even if he retreats, he may not be able to withdraw, but the key is that once he retreats, his fate will be in his own hands.
You will die if you go back.
If you don’t go back, there’s still a chance, and you can master the army to make a last-ditch effort!
Nothing can be withdrawn! You must take Licheng immediately!
Yan Hongliang clenched his teeth, his face turned red and the veins stood out suddenly and violently on his forehead.
He is not like a gambler now, but a gambler who has lost his eyes and can’t give up the last hope of turning over.
He can’t retreat from his own interests, and the interests of the emperor can never retreat.
Whether the emperor or the minister, this kind of dynasty rulers never put the national interests before their own interests. If something goes wrong, the interests of dynasty rulers will always come first, and they will always come first anyway.
It doesn’t matter if the country is damaged.
It doesn’t matter if people die.
It doesn’t matter that the famous minister and general died here.
As long as the palm-grabber is still alive and can continue to palm, nothing is important to him.
I’m the only one in the world. If I’m not the only one, I’ll take care of your waves!
Yan Hong brightened up his position and position, and he decided to tie the whole Jin Guo and Jin Jun to his chariot and make a gamble with him with a very low winning rate.
Of course it’s good to bet if you win …
Then go to hell with me!
But everyone knows that this glimmer of hope has disappeared with the interruption of the route for providing foodstuff.
Yan Hongliang expected [defeating the main force of the Guangfu Army and conquering Licheng before running out of food and grass] This kind of thing can’t happen unless he is also a great care teacher, and a meteorite can just hit Su Yonglin’s head. That’s really something to say.
But Yan Hongliang is not Liu Xiu.
After being kicked out of the chancellorsville, Yan Hong ran to see Shi Lieliang. Because the disciple Shan Yongnian was Yan Yanliang’s relative and absolute confidant, he deliberately excluded the disciple Shan Yongnian and took Yan Hong Yiying together to meet and have a meeting.
"Do you really want to continue playing?"
"That’s death."
"I think so, too."
"But we won’t retreat."
"Why are you like this?"
"Yeah what don’t withdraw? Don’t withdraw when your eyebrows are on fire? "
Yan hong yi ying hasn’t understood the first festival here yet.

"I just know one."

Waved his hand
Then take out a cellular phone and open it.
"Sure enough, let’s exchange numbers."
The little girl turned and left.
"Feed …"
Called two
I didn’t stop, so I just chased it.
"Don’t go in a hurry. Let’s go to dinner together. You know, meeting is fate. It’s fate."
"What’s your name? My name is Seven Nights. Call me Brother Seven Nights if you don’t mind. "
"Don’t don’t talk or brother take you to buy lollipops? Still want to see goldfish? "
The little girl acted with her teammates.
Mai Ye Shen Li, Flanda and Takitsubo Rikou are her teammates.
Her name is Kinuhata Saiai.
There was no reaction until I saw Flanda.
Seven nights …
Isn’t it the Flanders?
It’s a little inaccurate to say it’s family, but it should be the person who adopted her and her sister.
These things are known to teammates, but no one has ever seen them for seven nights, which is not something you can see if you want to.
They say seeing is believing.
Now I have seen it with my own eyes and found that Seven Nights is just like a lolicon.
After all, many girls are drawn.
"Flanda …"
"it’s nothing if it’s not super."
Shake your head
I came to ask a question, but I thought it might not be a good idea to ask such a question.
Maybe find the answer yourself?
Kinuhata Saiai thoughtfully.
And Flanda is a little confused. Looking at her, I don’t know what she wants to say.
But if you think about it, it’s probably no big deal, so there’s no struggle
"All right, let’s go."
In the shrine
"Kinuhata Saiai …"
Lying on the table for seven nights, biting my nails and thinking
You can guess from the fact that you are "super" and like B-movies.
Prop core member-Level4 nitrogen armored Kinuhata Saiai
A 12-year-old girl who works in the dark.
No matter what age it is, you can’t be like ordinary people, little girl
This is also the first time to meet Flanda’s teammates.
"Looks like a good girl, Flanda. It’s good to have such teammates."
Or the object to be careful is just Shen Li of Maiye.
Mai Ye Shen Li has a bad temper. It doesn’t matter whether you are a teammate or not when you get angry. Just cut the waist and show it to the public.
This is how Flanda died in the original book.
Although it was Franda’s fault first, it was understandable. After all, Franda had to take care of her sister.
So she can’t die. If her ten-year-old sister dies, there will be no one to take care of her.
Unfortunately, in the end, he died at the hands of his leader.
But not this time.
She doesn’t need to protect her sister by herself, and she can’t rely on herself for everything.
She stayed behind for seven nights.
Seven nights will not allow her to die.
"But then again, the world is really dangerous!"
Although it is a modern world, it seems to be relatively peaceful.
However, three wars broke out soon after.
"But it seems that there is no Chinese participation in World War III …"
Don’t whisper at the thought of this for seven nights.
It seems that we have been deliberately avoiding the rising power, although many of them have Chinese elements.
"Who cares?"
Yawning without too much entanglement.
The door suddenly opened.
Qiu Sha, the goddess of Ji, walked in and still had no expression.
"Brother Seven Nights should take a bath."
Should come together.
Stretch and leave the living room with Ji Shenqiu Sha to go to the bathroom.
Although I said I would wash them separately, I still wash them together occasionally, and I don’t think it’s strange.
Occasionally, there will be a third person, Fremeyer.
When I walked into the bathroom, I found that Fremeyer had been playing with the little yellow duck in the bathtub.
Looking at Fremeyer and looking at Ji Shenqiu Sha.
Think of Franda and think of some teenage girls in the ninja world.
"Ah? !”
Suddenly I seem to want to know something.
"It seems that I have lived like an emperor unconsciously. Is it an illusion?"

Your honor is really great! That’s amazing, my Lord. It’s really murderous. At first glance, it’s a powerful monk climbing out of a sea of blood.

However, adults are really kind and kind-hearted. With adults in charge, the medicine family is really calm and clean, and no one dares to bully them casually anymore.
After kowtowing respectfully in front of Sun Haofang, the Antarctic old star just flew away and announced several laws of Sun Haofang.
Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged in the training room, did not enter the training state without a horse. His eyes looked straight ahead and his mouth said faintly, "Don’t Taoist friends feel tired after watching it for so long?"
The ripples in the room flashed like a mirror. A naked man was surrounded by a piece of animal skin, and his face and body were full of tattoos. The strange monk appeared in the mirror.
The friar swaggered into a small stool with an unknown animal in his hand and chewed his thigh with a shiny face.
In the room mirror, this monk doesn’t look particularly tall, but Sun Hao couldn’t help but narrow his eyes slightly after seeing this monk’s modeling and said, "The waist is a hundred feet high and the road is friendly and majestic."
The monk’s face was slightly surprised and he said, "Do you see my real body now?"
Sun Hao pointed his finger at his side and said, "There is a fairy mountain next to you, and it seems like a toothpick in front of you; The animals in your hand should be virtual beasts, pale wolves and thighs. I really didn’t know that your appetite would consume a lot of heaven and earth resources. "
The friar grinned. "It is said that Sun Haosun is a real rising star in the virtual world. The first person in Mahayana is really famous. It is better to meet you than to give me a great surprise."
Sun Hao leaned down slightly to face the mirror and said, "There is a big multiplier in the virtual world, but ten people can be so mighty as adults. It is also the only Terran in Mahayana. Sun Hao, Sun Chenxiang, has seen the ancestors."
According to the information revealed by Hao Anyi, the monks of Zuwu, Wuzu and Zhenzu ranked in the top five.
Chapter 2543 Zuwu invitation
Zuwu’s eyes flashed with a thumbs-up sign. "I recognized the origin of the seat at a glance, but you are quite rare. It seems that the guy at ease is afraid that you will suffer. He has already told you something, but it is Zuwu who knows a Zuwu dream."
Sun Hao looked solemnly and said, "Sun Hao Sun Chen Xiang"
Zuwu Menghan said with a smile, "Welcome, Aquilaria, welcome to Mahayana and become a virtual world. Another statue of top power, you can have more words in the virtual world from now on, and of course congratulations. You must also take more responsibilities in the virtual world from now on."
Sun Hao looked as usual and said in his mouth, "There are seniors. I just advanced, and the younger generation needs to follow your rules. It is not stressful, but Aquilaria wonders, why are you so idle to witness the whole development from beginning to end without intervening?"
A Mahayana can come and eat melons!
In the whole process, Sun Hao had to be extremely alert to the sudden intervention of Zuwu even when he was angry.
Zuwu haha laughed. "I said that agarwood, you won’t have such a big event in the virtual world. If a new Mahayana appears, it won’t disturb his friar. Hahahaha, this ten thousand years is just the turn of someone who is on duty to cross the Mahayana robbery. I naturally want to see it. What’s so strange about this?"
Corleone nodded and said, "So that’s it. So the dragon goddess and phoenix mother are on duty before adults."
Zuwu burst out laughing. "Bugs and birds have been on duty together for ten thousand years. Ha ha ha, laughing me to death. Two Mahayana Johnson actually didn’t recognize you. Instead, they told me that there was a stunning junior in the medicine family. Ha ha ha these two idiots."
Sun Hao said in a low voice, "It is normal that Aquilaria sinensis completely closed all its breath and closed all its senses that day."
Zuwu’s face showed a sigh of emotion. "To tell the truth, I admire you before and after seeing Aquilaria Du Jie. Advanced Mahayana, you are really extraordinary."
Sun Haoyou sighed, "I didn’t expect so many things to happen. Many things are not what I hope or want to see."
Zuwu haha laughed. "Come on, don’t get cheap, but also tell me how to practice at our height. Who can do ten beauties without a story? Maybe after waiting for tens of millions of years, you will suddenly find that these sadness and truth are precious memories."
Sun Hao said sincerely, "Thank you for your guidance."
Zuwu Ha ha smiled a few times and said with a straight face, "Aquilaria sinensis finally chose to shelter the medicine family, which is a lot of causes and effects. As you choose the taxiing medicine family, you are stable because of you, and you have benefited a lot from the worship of the medicine family monks."
Sun Hao said in a low voice, "My friends have entrusted me with my duty."
Zuwu nodded. "The friar world can be as affectionate and righteous as agarwood. There are really not many friars. By the way, agarwood, I’ll tell you one thing."
Sun Haogong hand "please adult advice"
Zu Wulang said that "Mahayana has got rid of racial restrictions, except for the feelings in his heart, Mahayana can be regarded as a monk with great racial power, but there are unwritten rules in the virtual world. A Mahayana monk can pretend to be the mother of five races."
Sun Hao paused slightly and said, "Is there anything particular about this?"
Zuwu touched himself and said gently, "This requires you to gradually realize yourself in the future. In a word, your mother needs to carefully choose the future, which may be beneficial to your Mahayana practice."
Sun Hao bowed down and thanked him. "Chen Xiang is white. Thank you for your advice."
Zuwu’s face showed a little bit of laughter, and his hands put in his mouth and said, "Thank you is not necessary. I was found out by you this time, but I won’t come back here with my hands. I am trying to get rid of Aquilaria sinensis."
Corleone said slowly, "Please ask adults for advice."
Zuwu’s eyes widened and he said, "If my perception is not wrong, your body is inextricably linked with my witch, and I feel my ancient sacred blood in your blood. I wonder if I feel right?"
Sun Haobai understood that the ancestral witch had referred to a slight shock in his heart. Sun Hao’s body changed instantly, and Xingtian’s witch spirit stood proudly in the room.
If it weren’t for the tall rattan sour public houses and certain attributes, Sun Hao’s tall body has directly overturned the roof.
Head Xingtian body belly button mouth Sun Hao buzzed and said, "Yes, this is another form of my body, Xingtian Witch."
The ancestors were dying in a cold dream, and their eyes lit up, and they clapped their hands and said, "Great! It’s great! The ancient wizard Xingtian is a great blood wizard, and Xingtian is a famous witch. Although he is a great wizard, he can really fight. I am in the top five. Hahahaha! Xingtian has a good blood, and it’s great that you are Xingtian’s blood."
Laughing and laughing for a while, Zuwu was in a good mood. This just said to Sun Hao, a witch’s spirit form in Xingtian, "I am due to the fact that you are in front of you. Didn’t I say that? Friar Mahayana in the virtual world can have the strength of five matriarchal theories, and my sorcerer’s virtual world ranks among the top ten. Now, on behalf of the sorcerer, I carefully invite you to join my sorcerer camp and become my sorcerer’s ancestor. I wonder what you think? "
Cheng Zuwu? Will the witch family also be listed as their mother family? Sun Hao heard that Zuwu’s proposal was not from one leng.
So far, Sun Hao doesn’t know much about the mother family, except that once he becomes a town monk, there is no doubt that he has assumed the corresponding responsibilities.
I really don’t know if I’m suitable to bear the second ancestor wizard because the strength of the witch family is not weak and there are ancestors sitting in the town.
Zuwu seemed to perceive Sun Hao’s mood and said with a smile, "First, you are a member of the Xingtian Witch clan and an important member;" 20% of the ancestors are good for you. There is no harm in allowing you to quickly dominate the virtual world. Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, if you don’t feel the blood of your witch family, whether your drug family planning can be so successful is really two words. I have to intervene in some things a little, and it will be difficult for you to finish. "
Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of some past events when he heard about the ancestors. It’s true that he and the witches have many origins, not only his own blood is Xingtian’s blood, but also he was sheltered by the male and female witches when he was in vain, and the male and female witches who were in vain were the virtual forces among the witches.
There is also the fact that Girlan seems to have entered the virtual witch clan to practice himself. At that time, he planned to visit Girlan in the future when he was in the virtual witch clan. There is no doubt that it would be more convenient for him to go to the witch clan as his ancestor.
After all, it has been a long time since Girlan entered the virtual world, and it is not necessarily easy to find it without help.
I hope she can do well.
Wanted to think Sun Hao also felt that he was destined to be alms with the Wu family, but he also showed a sincere expression on his normal face. Sun Hao leaned down slightly and said, "It’s better to be respectful than to do it because of the respect of adults. When the overall situation of the medicine family is stable, the agarwood will go back to the Terran report and then go to the Wu family to visit the Zuwu adults."
The ancestral witch died in cold laughter. "Good, that’s good. Then I’ll expect you to come back. Hahahaha, when you go back to the Terran, you will be able to become an ancestral witch, which is not only beneficial to my witch, but also a great help to yourself."
Sun Hao said, "OK, then it’s a deal. Besides, no matter your honor, believe it or not, no one can stop Du Jie from entering Mahayana. No one can stop me from killing Fujitsu!"
The ancestor Wu Meng died in the cold and suddenly burst out laughing. He said to Sun Hao with a thumbs up, "Good Mahayana bearing is really Mahayana bearing, so I won’t bother you. I’ll see you when you come back."
Chapter 2544 There is fate
The ripples in the room gradually faded, and the ancestral witch’s body returned to normal slightly. Sun Hao felt that the ancestral witch’s breath disappeared and he really left.
Whether or not you choose to become an ancestor or a witch will have to go there sooner or later. I don’t know what happened to Girlan after all these years.
I need to go to the witch clan to find out.
After so long, the situation in Girlan may fall, become a family or practice, which are all possible.
Sometimes, even if Sun Hao means something, it is still the ability to happen to some things, and nothing can be changed, right?
There is another reason why Sun Hao wants to find Girlan, that is, many incomprehensible things have happened around Girlan.
Sun Hao has been puzzled for several times before and after until now.
I remember that when I was a leader and I didn’t meet Girlan, there was a mystery, so I could tell myself to be kind to take myself to Brother Zhong Xu, that is, Girlan.
Sun Hao, who wanted to break his head, didn’t know who told himself such predictive information. Later, there were several similar experiences. For example, Sun Hao still didn’t know when it was and whether it was an illusion or not.

"Nuo Nuo, you … don’t worry too much. Hugh will be fine. He’s lucky!" Chen Haoxuan put Shen Nuo aside and coaxed Shen Nuo.

However, Shen Nuo is like a lost doll at this time, and she is indifferent to how people around her talk to her.
"Nuo Nuo seems to have lost his soul now. If anything happens to Lu, I’m afraid of Nuo Nuo …" Liu Fei and Chen Haoxuan were afraid to continue talking in the middle.
"Hugh Sifu’s life will be fine. Shen Nuo and I guarantee that Hugh will be fine!" Chen Haoxuan tried to shake Shen Nuo’s arm. "But can you talk to us?"
☆ Chapter 196 Lu Xiusi I’m pregnant!
But even if Edward chan said so, Shen Nuo was indifferent.
"What can I do?" Liu Fei watched Shen Nuo’s heart ache and shed tears.
At this time, the housekeeper has also come over. He carefully said to Shen Nuo, "Madam and the old lady will arrive soon!"
Shen Nuo eyes only turned around at this time, but she took a symbolic look at the housekeeper and then her eyes were still staring at the door of the intensive care room.
"The master is coming?" Liu Fei was worried and asked, "If he comes here, he will definitely blame Nuo Nuo indiscriminately …"
Edward chan immediately motioned Liu Fei to shut up and Liu Fei quickly banned it.
Sure enough, when Lu Fu and Lu Mu arrived, Lu Fu really pointed to Shen Nuo and swore, "You are really our Lujia Sang Men star. How many things have happened to my son because of you? Don’t you know it in your heart!"
Shen Nuo or very disappointed as usual glanced at Liu Fu eyes and turned to the door.
Section 151
"Why? You’re not happy to say something about you. I’m your father-in-law. Can’t I say something about you? I don’t think you need to be with Hugh! " Liu Fu was very rude and said this sentence in front of everyone.
"Uncle" Liu Fei was really angry, so she stood in front of Shen Nuo to protect her. "When you criticize people, you should first find out the cause and effect. This matter is that someone deliberately framed General Lu. What does this have to do with Shen Nuo!"
"What kind of onion do you dare to talk to me like this! If it weren’t for Shen Nuo, the Sang Men star, Hugh would be lying in the hospital now? " Liu Fu was very angry when he saw Liu Fei being so rude.
"Uncle Lu" Chen Haoxuan knew that Liu Fei was really reckless, so he quickly pulled Liu Fei aside to apologize to Liu Fu. "I’m really sorry. This is my wife, and she was in a hurry to contradict you. Please forgive me!"
"I said who! It turned out to be Hao Xuan. "Lu Fu’s tone was got." I said, why didn’t Lu Xiusi learn well recently? I used to be with you all the time! "
"I still call you an uncle. Do you talk like that?" See Liu Fei Liu Fu spray Edward chan is not this tone.
"Liu Fei, stop it. Chen Haoxuan stopped Liu Fei." You talk back to Lu Xiusi’s father like this. How can you let Shen Nuo face him? "
Liu Fei heard Chen Haoxuan say that it was really reasonable, so he left Shen Nuo a face and was angry and hid away.
"Son, what’s the matter with you!" At this time, Lu Mu is also possessed and will rush into the intensive care room.
"Madam, please calm down first-this is a hospital and the young master will be rescued!" Butler had never seen Lu mother so irrational that she quickly stopped her.
"How did this happen?" Mother Lu was put aside by the housekeeper and wept bitterly.
At this moment, the emergency room door was pushed, and almost at the same time, everyone rushed in.
"What happened?" Take the lead in saying that Liu Fu is the owner of the Lujia family. Everyone pays attention to the doctor’s expression.
But to everyone’s great disappointment, the doctor shook his head.
"Sorry, we tried our best!" The doctor sighed naively.
"What did you say? How is this possible? " Lu Fu didn’t believe what the doctor said. He shook the doctor’s shoulder angrily.
"You go in and have a look!" Because the doctor really tried his best, he let them in to see Lu Xiusi for the last time.
At this time, Shen Nuo pushed the crowd crazy like crazy, regardless of everyone’s obstruction.
"Lu Xiusi, how can you do this to me? How can you do this?" Shen Nuo is crazy, holding Lu Xiusi’s body tears like broken beads.
"Shen Nuo" Liu Fei was very distressed and grabbed Shen Nuo’s arm. "People can’t be resurrected after death. Don’t … it’s so sad!"
At this time, however, Lu Xiusi was lying in the cold bed, and the pale blood covered his handsome face.
"My son!" Liu Fu saw Hugh Lu lying in bed and couldn’t help but feel weak in his legs. Chen Haoxuan looked at him and quickly held him.
"Uncle Hugh … I’m sorry for your loss!" Edward chan looked at lay Lu Hugh thought the in the mind is unspeakable guilt.
"Lu Er, you have survived so many big winds and waves before. Why haven’t you passed this hurdle?" Lu mu can’t bear the pain of her heart, and keeps herself upright by supporting the wall.
"Shen Nuo" Lu Fu suddenly pointed the finger at Shen Nuo. "It’s all because of you. Do you know that the person lying in front of you is killed by you!"
"Uncle, how can you say that Shen Nuo doesn’t want manager Lu to become like this? After all, manager Lu is Shen Nuo’s husband. How could she do such a thing!" Liu Fei was very angry when he saw Liu Fu pointing this matter at Shen Nuo.
Why care about those who have nothing to do when Lu Xiusi is already lying here?
However, Shen Nuo went straight to Lu Xiusi as if she couldn’t hear the people around her swearing at her.
"What is this crazy woman … going to do?" Liu Fu was surprised to see Shen Nuo look abnormal and walked over to Lu Xiusi, so he thought about stopping her quickly.
Shen Nuo first took one look and turned into a linear monitor, and made something that surprised everyone.
"Lu Xiusi, I am pregnant!" Shen Nuo this time when landing Hugh personally said to Hugh Lu.
Shen Nuo kept his eyes fixed on the monitor. Just when everyone was crazy, an unexpected thing happened.
In the monitor, Lu Xiusi’s heartbeat actually jumped again.
"This is …" Everyone looked at the monitor screen and was very surprised.
"Go and call a doctor!" Liu Fu looked at the sudden appearance of the picture and was so excited that he didn’t know what to say, so he quickly asked Chen Haoxuan to call a doctor.
"I’ll go!" Chen Haoxuan hurriedly ran out after hearing Liu Fu’s command.
"Son, if you want to hold on to the doctor, the horse will come!" Liu Fu stumbled to the front of Lu Xiusi and looked at Lu Xiusi very nervous and said
"Hugh" Shen Nuo watched Lu Hugh suddenly recover his heartbeat because of her speech. "I knew you wouldn’t lose me."

It’s very peaceful to go through the sandy land where thousands of dead insects scorched the corpse, except for a few piglets who ran out halfway and ran there at a great cost without encountering traps and attacks.

Further on, the stone steps look like a sky. The road is not too narrow, and the two people will lead to it. The difficulty is that from time to time, the stone thorns will come out from the nearby mountain wall, and they will be pierced if they don’t have enough reaction ability.
Weichi Hanyu walked in the front and looked at the entrance of the first sight. He took out his sword and even split it three or five feet wide. The sword gang was very domineering and slipped from one side to the other side against the mountain wall. The stone thorns were cut off and crackled on the stone steps.
Although there are still stone thorns that have not been solved, there are enough before and after to make people who enter the first sight easily avoid the stone thorn attack. Hu Yingxue and others’ skills are of course easy to pass through with great pressure.
There are many obstacles, and the results are all the same. Every obstacle is either very troublesome or very dangerous, but every time one of them is just able to solve the most troublesome part.
It is very embarrassing for Hu Yingxue to be responsible for solving the obstacles when he is near the top of the mountain.
It’s a pool of water. As soon as they get close, they float with large mouths to feed, or golden or red carp want to fly over. Even if it’s Mahayana, those carp spit out golden light and water arrows, which will turn you into a honeycomb.
To solve them, it is very simple to pick a kind of red fruit next to them and feed them. Just two small trees with red fruits are hung with a few stars. It is not enough to feed a few carp. How can they feed all the carp?
Then the secret government sent a small tree with red fruits, which was planted by three spirits, to dig a tree and send it to the house without a cup of tea. In a short time, there was an extra branch covered with red fruits, and after a little time, all the carp sank to the bottom of the pool to digest, and then the group passed smoothly again.
This card seems simple, but it’s actually very difficult. If Hu Yingxue can’t quickly give birth to the secret house of spiritual planting, he can accumulate the number of red fruits a little bit by wood ability, so I don’t know if he can finish feeding before the island is closed.
When everyone passed the pool for verification, Hu Yingxue picked up a stone and threw it in the past, just like a drop of water falling into rolling oil. The pool was quiet and the carp opened their mouths one by one.
Hu Yingxue’s mouth shook. "Which brain-twitching guy came up with so many things to toss people?"
Atchoo! Mu Tianxuan raised his hand and touched his nose. He touched a piece of poultry fluff from the surface and looked up to see a large piece of larks chasing each other. They rushed to them and released tight encirclement to stop them.
Through chasing larks, we can see that there is a circular stone platform in the middle of the peak. There is a sword in the middle of the stone platform. The black sword body is rolling with red fog. This sword is hanging sideways and floating. At the same time, it is wrapped in thunder and flame, and a ring is hung on the hilt of the sword.
The mysterious black sword has a red fog that churns from time to time. Whenever there is a red fog, the sword will be separated from three thunder and flames. At this time, Huanpei will be given a dazzling white light, which looks like the sword is suspended in the middle as a spiritual source.
I don’t know if it’s been too long. There isn’t much spiritual power around Perry, and it’s floating in the half sword with the handle, which has discounted the suppression of the black sword and made red mist run out a lot.
I noticed that every time red mist ran out to stop them from chasing larks near the stone stage, it seemed that they were unusually close together, so they could fight to the death. Hu Yingxue spread a layer of chasing lark bodies.
At this time, a broken wind struck Hu Yingxue, and when he turned around, he saw that it had been a long time since he saw the five spiritual swords rushing over with colorful huaguang and blinked. "Why are you here?"
Ah Kin’s figure flashed a "feud" on the blade.
There is no head and no tail. Hu Yingxue is a little eager to ask more questions. There is a sudden sound behind him. The sword sound of Qingyue is faint and tired, but it is joy to hear it.
Then their feet and the ground trembled violently, and they circled around their heads, chasing larks like crazy, and rushed to the stone stage one by one, hitting the mysterious black sword. Don’t look at chasing larks, they are not big, but they can’t hold their numbers, leaving a lot of bleeding, and soon they dyed the stone stage red.
Red mist, who was watered by blood and the black body of the Xuan sword, even crashed and suspended in the square sword, like a heavy blow, and flew out with a ring hanging on her face. She was dumped and the five spiritual swords were broken, and Mu Tianxuan got out. tight encirclement just hit Hu Yingxue’s head.
Reaching out and catching the ring, she looked down at the eye pattern, and Hu Yingxue felt a sharp pain in her head. But this time, it was not a study. At this time, she conveniently lost the ring, and her eyes followed the Five Lingjian.
The mysterious black sword in the stone stage has been pulled out of the stone stage by itself. It is wrapped by red mist, and two big seal characters write "Slay God". The light shaking of the sword body seems to be very satisfied with getting rid of the suppression of the sword suspended in the sword before, so the Five Lingjian is very dissatisfied and rushed at once.
Falk and Bing Yi’s competitors joined hands to condense out a barrier, which enveloped all of them. Or was it a little late? It was the five spiritual swords and the excalibur that gave off power and swept Hu Yingxue. Everyone in the line gave a stuffy hum, except for Falk, Bing Yi, Jiu You and You, the Secret House and Gan Kun, who protected Hu Yingxue. Everyone else took out healing pills and immediately sat and meditated to speed up their recovery.
Not recently, this group of people have been hit and entered the lost island. At that moment, their blood surged. Because of some weakness at some distance, they vomited blood or simply fainted. At this time, you can see the full importance of preparation. Put the corresponding healing medicine into your mouth or your partner’s mouth to exercise carefully or help exercise, and it won’t be long before you are alive and kicking again.
"Are those two swords? !”
People in different places shouted this way, which made everyone lift up their faces. A black sword wrapped in red mist was chased by a silver sword wrapped in colorful lights. It was two swords that could feel all kinds of emotions that were no different from people from them.
A sword can blur the resonance of its owner, so it can be said that it is very spiritual. If it can clearly express various emotions, it should be that it already has a sword spirit, whether it is born by itself or sealed directly when refining. There is no difference between having a sword spirit and having spirituality.
Two swords with sword spirit will slobber even if they are not Jian Xiu, but not everyone is very excited when they see them, for example, they are so excited that they feel that they are stuck in the mountains.
He is thinking about how to cross the sea of fire at the foot of the mountain and find two lights coming out from the summit in tandem. What do you think of one sword? How do you look like someone described that two swords, such as Excalibur, are confronting each other? Which one is like a root or a face? Two big seals mark their identities directly.
Someone told him that although killing Excalibur means hitting the pinnacle weapon, it has been sealed and polished for many years, and now it is still a treasure. If it is not weakened to such a degree, it will not let him fight for it, otherwise it will harm him. If you want to control the root, you can’t control anything, and you don’t say it. You will explode in minutes.
I saw a spiritual sword with a high order, chasing Excalibur and chopping Dai Su, and immediately I became nervous. The order of Excalibur will rise bit by bit because of the owner’s cultivation, so I don’t know if it can be repaired. I have the heart to grab it, but I am afraid that the power displayed by another sword seems to be that he can’t stand it for a while and it is difficult to make a decision.
Close-up watching the slaughter Excalibur burst out and the attention of Hu Yingxue and others, such as the Five Spirits Sword, is not there now. Before the Five Spirits Sword chased the slaughter Excalibur from the summit, it was bounced aside, and the sword flew up and waved in front of them one by one, and finally settled in front of Mu Tianxuan.
Swing left first, then right, then wobbly … It seems that Mu Tianxuan was seriously looked at several times from head to toe, and finally gave a very crisp sneer at "so weak"
Mu Tianxuan jumped with the veins standing out on his forehead. "You said I was weak?"
The sword shook "wrong is very weak"
Mu Tianxuan suddenly seized the hilt of the sword and said with a cold voice, "Now I am weak, but it is enough to tidy up you." Then he injected his own thunder force and fire force into the sword.
"Ah ah! Bully the sword! "
Others sobbed at the corners of their mouths to varying degrees, accusing Mu Tianxuan of atrocities, but the small tone was that they felt very cool and wanted to work harder.
Looking at that sword and shaking it, did Hu Yingxue see Ruan Zhen, Xun Xiu or Jing’s sense of sight? Because they are all typical figures in the second-rate goods, I wonder if anyone has found out which sword spirit has less second-rate properties before. She definitely did.