"Nuo Nuo, you … don’t worry too much. Hugh will be fine. He’s lucky!" Chen Haoxuan put Shen Nuo aside and coaxed Shen Nuo.

However, Shen Nuo is like a lost doll at this time, and she is indifferent to how people around her talk to her.
"Nuo Nuo seems to have lost his soul now. If anything happens to Lu, I’m afraid of Nuo Nuo …" Liu Fei and Chen Haoxuan were afraid to continue talking in the middle.
"Hugh Sifu’s life will be fine. Shen Nuo and I guarantee that Hugh will be fine!" Chen Haoxuan tried to shake Shen Nuo’s arm. "But can you talk to us?"
☆ Chapter 196 Lu Xiusi I’m pregnant!
But even if Edward chan said so, Shen Nuo was indifferent.
"What can I do?" Liu Fei watched Shen Nuo’s heart ache and shed tears.
At this time, the housekeeper has also come over. He carefully said to Shen Nuo, "Madam and the old lady will arrive soon!"
Shen Nuo eyes only turned around at this time, but she took a symbolic look at the housekeeper and then her eyes were still staring at the door of the intensive care room.
"The master is coming?" Liu Fei was worried and asked, "If he comes here, he will definitely blame Nuo Nuo indiscriminately …"
Edward chan immediately motioned Liu Fei to shut up and Liu Fei quickly banned it.
Sure enough, when Lu Fu and Lu Mu arrived, Lu Fu really pointed to Shen Nuo and swore, "You are really our Lujia Sang Men star. How many things have happened to my son because of you? Don’t you know it in your heart!"
Shen Nuo or very disappointed as usual glanced at Liu Fu eyes and turned to the door.
Section 151
"Why? You’re not happy to say something about you. I’m your father-in-law. Can’t I say something about you? I don’t think you need to be with Hugh! " Liu Fu was very rude and said this sentence in front of everyone.
"Uncle" Liu Fei was really angry, so she stood in front of Shen Nuo to protect her. "When you criticize people, you should first find out the cause and effect. This matter is that someone deliberately framed General Lu. What does this have to do with Shen Nuo!"
"What kind of onion do you dare to talk to me like this! If it weren’t for Shen Nuo, the Sang Men star, Hugh would be lying in the hospital now? " Liu Fu was very angry when he saw Liu Fei being so rude.
"Uncle Lu" Chen Haoxuan knew that Liu Fei was really reckless, so he quickly pulled Liu Fei aside to apologize to Liu Fu. "I’m really sorry. This is my wife, and she was in a hurry to contradict you. Please forgive me!"
"I said who! It turned out to be Hao Xuan. "Lu Fu’s tone was got." I said, why didn’t Lu Xiusi learn well recently? I used to be with you all the time! "
"I still call you an uncle. Do you talk like that?" See Liu Fei Liu Fu spray Edward chan is not this tone.
"Liu Fei, stop it. Chen Haoxuan stopped Liu Fei." You talk back to Lu Xiusi’s father like this. How can you let Shen Nuo face him? "
Liu Fei heard Chen Haoxuan say that it was really reasonable, so he left Shen Nuo a face and was angry and hid away.
"Son, what’s the matter with you!" At this time, Lu Mu is also possessed and will rush into the intensive care room.
"Madam, please calm down first-this is a hospital and the young master will be rescued!" Butler had never seen Lu mother so irrational that she quickly stopped her.
"How did this happen?" Mother Lu was put aside by the housekeeper and wept bitterly.
At this moment, the emergency room door was pushed, and almost at the same time, everyone rushed in.
"What happened?" Take the lead in saying that Liu Fu is the owner of the Lujia family. Everyone pays attention to the doctor’s expression.
But to everyone’s great disappointment, the doctor shook his head.
"Sorry, we tried our best!" The doctor sighed naively.
"What did you say? How is this possible? " Lu Fu didn’t believe what the doctor said. He shook the doctor’s shoulder angrily.
"You go in and have a look!" Because the doctor really tried his best, he let them in to see Lu Xiusi for the last time.
At this time, Shen Nuo pushed the crowd crazy like crazy, regardless of everyone’s obstruction.
"Lu Xiusi, how can you do this to me? How can you do this?" Shen Nuo is crazy, holding Lu Xiusi’s body tears like broken beads.
"Shen Nuo" Liu Fei was very distressed and grabbed Shen Nuo’s arm. "People can’t be resurrected after death. Don’t … it’s so sad!"
At this time, however, Lu Xiusi was lying in the cold bed, and the pale blood covered his handsome face.
"My son!" Liu Fu saw Hugh Lu lying in bed and couldn’t help but feel weak in his legs. Chen Haoxuan looked at him and quickly held him.
"Uncle Hugh … I’m sorry for your loss!" Edward chan looked at lay Lu Hugh thought the in the mind is unspeakable guilt.
"Lu Er, you have survived so many big winds and waves before. Why haven’t you passed this hurdle?" Lu mu can’t bear the pain of her heart, and keeps herself upright by supporting the wall.
"Shen Nuo" Lu Fu suddenly pointed the finger at Shen Nuo. "It’s all because of you. Do you know that the person lying in front of you is killed by you!"
"Uncle, how can you say that Shen Nuo doesn’t want manager Lu to become like this? After all, manager Lu is Shen Nuo’s husband. How could she do such a thing!" Liu Fei was very angry when he saw Liu Fu pointing this matter at Shen Nuo.
Why care about those who have nothing to do when Lu Xiusi is already lying here?
However, Shen Nuo went straight to Lu Xiusi as if she couldn’t hear the people around her swearing at her.
"What is this crazy woman … going to do?" Liu Fu was surprised to see Shen Nuo look abnormal and walked over to Lu Xiusi, so he thought about stopping her quickly.
Shen Nuo first took one look and turned into a linear monitor, and made something that surprised everyone.
"Lu Xiusi, I am pregnant!" Shen Nuo this time when landing Hugh personally said to Hugh Lu.
Shen Nuo kept his eyes fixed on the monitor. Just when everyone was crazy, an unexpected thing happened.
In the monitor, Lu Xiusi’s heartbeat actually jumped again.
"This is …" Everyone looked at the monitor screen and was very surprised.
"Go and call a doctor!" Liu Fu looked at the sudden appearance of the picture and was so excited that he didn’t know what to say, so he quickly asked Chen Haoxuan to call a doctor.
"I’ll go!" Chen Haoxuan hurriedly ran out after hearing Liu Fu’s command.
"Son, if you want to hold on to the doctor, the horse will come!" Liu Fu stumbled to the front of Lu Xiusi and looked at Lu Xiusi very nervous and said
"Hugh" Shen Nuo watched Lu Hugh suddenly recover his heartbeat because of her speech. "I knew you wouldn’t lose me."

Zhong Yingtian’s mouth flicked a few times and then smiled. "Mr. Mu, you’re right. I owe you three million."

"Well, bring it!"
Mu Haiteng stretched out his right hand together.
Seeing the Muhai-like clock should be a great day, and the mood is transient.
Is that it? Is it that urgent?
A mass of magic thoughts poured out from Zhong Yingtian’s head to Muhai.
"Mr. Mu will give you this money afterwards," Zhong Yingtian said softly, attaching it to Mu Hai’s ear. "Today, you won the first place and can enter the Dragon Net. Please come with me."
"Please go back today!" Zhong Yingtian looked back at the crowd and said
Then he went straight to the stairs and walked briskly.
Muhai’s eyes showed a sharp light and quickly followed it. This can finally enter the dragon net.
Muhai suppressed his excitement and calmed his mood.
Soon a group of people returned to the hall.
"Rain is falling all, just wait for me here."
Say that finish MuHai followed Zhong Yingtian out of the door.
Zhong Yingtian turned around with Muhai seven times and almost fainted Muhai.
Zhong Yingtian stopped in a piece of greenery.
He took out a tablet brain and pressed the hand print to drill a thick arm column on the ground.
There is a scanner in the column.
The ground shook after Zhong Yingtian aimed his eyes at the scanner.
A wide underground staircase appeared in front of Muhai.
Chapter 14 Confidentiality Agreement
Muhai Zhong Yingtian is located in a stone room.
It’s as dark as ink and opaque.
"Hum …"
Suddenly, when the lights came on, Muhai closed his eyes slightly.
There are two chairs in the stone room, and a table looks like a conversation place.
"Zhong Lao, who are you?" Mu Hai said
"Look at it."
Zhong Yingtian took out an agreement from nowhere and handed it to Muhai.
"Confidentiality agreement! ?”
I was slightly surprised to see the front four characters.
Patience MuHai looked at that need a magnifying glass to see clearly word by word.
That’s why he has a strong knowledge of God. Ordinary people have long abandoned it for fear of dizzy eyes when they see such dense words.
"Let me join dragnet is to be a dragnet agent? Why are there so many rules and regulations that bind me? Can’t you enter the house once a year? "
"Girlfriends can’t meet?"
Muhai called out to show more anger than to throw the confidentiality agreement to Zhong Yingtian.
"That’s right!" Zhong Yingtian looked at Mu Hai calmly. "Mr. Mu’s entry into Dragon Net is something that others dream of."

Wei Cang saw this scene but frowned and stopped in the same place for a moment, then he did not hesitate to change a direction.

"Elder Wei, will you be too cautious?"
Xu Ping some unhappiness unexpectedly eyes Zhang Dan questioned Wei Cang decision.
"I have a fairy device that can sense some mysterious breath. I feel great danger when I pass through the fairy device in this ancient restricted area. It is always right to be cautious."
Wei Cang dare not offend Xu Pingnai can explain and say
In fact, Wei Cang has been able to practice until now and has become the third elder of Taiyin Sect. He said that this fairy instrument has contributed a lot! It is because of this mysterious function of the fairy and his caution that Wei Cang can live safely to the present.
And it is precisely because Wei Cang is cautious that Grandpa Xu Ping will agree that Xu Ping will follow Wei Cang into the realm of cultivating immortals in order to compete for the immortal mansion.
Moving on in another direction, Wei Cang has accelerated a lot this time.
The deeper you go, the more plants and animals there are in the ancient forbidden zone, and they all have the same feature, that is, they are getting bigger and bigger!
After a day’s progress, almost all monks felt wrong.
The ancient forbidden area is not very large, and it is absolutely impossible for the deification period to enter the depths one day!
"This box is a bit odd! I suspect that this forbidden zone is not the same world as the cultivation world, but a separate world, which is connected with the cultivation world at the entrance! "
Wei Cang face became dignified slowly mouth way
"Another world? There are creatures here. Is it a mysterious world? " Xu plane suddenly revealed joy color mouth asked.
"It’s not the Xuanjie Xuanjie, but it’s still the Great Avatar Godsworn, who has arranged the law of heaven and earth to draw on the spiritual power of the outside world to become a holy place for cultivation, but it’s obviously not here, and I can feel that this side of the world is very old, and it may have been left over from ancient times."
Wei Cang low mouth frown up.
"This place is so old that it may really be where the Xiandi mansion is!" Xu Ping still has a face of excitement.
"Come on, let’s be careful. There may be a big crisis here." Wei Cang did not refute it. Obviously, the general idea is to be careful when you wake up.
The next journey became a little silent, that is, Xu Ping seemed to feel a little depressed and silent.
So fast, after a day, I haven’t seen the edge. Xia Qi and Wei Cang are wondering if they haven’t entered the depths of the ancient restricted area!
By this time, it is certain that this forbidden area is definitely a world root and does not belong to the cultivation of immortals!
Moreover, nowadays, the wild beasts around the restricted area are becoming more and more powerful, and many of them are comparable to the wild beasts at the beginning of the deification period, which also makes the group nervous.
Just after Wei Cang just managed to slay a huge savage beast, there suddenly came a tremor in the depths of the restricted area, and the anger of heaven and earth suddenly roared!
This violent roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the clouds were shaking, and the earth was shaking, and the branches and leaves of the ancient trees shook violently, and the power was terrible.
"I’m afraid this kind of power is comparable to the peak of the gods!"
Wei Cang looked at the distance with horror and looked a little scared!
Wei Cangxiu is in the sixth floor of the deification period, which can make him feel scared and say that this brute is powerful.
"Come on, let’s go and have a look."
But deep in the eyes, although there are some fears, Wei Cang still doesn’t hesitate to drink low and rush in the direction of roaring.
Xia Qi several people can naturally follow.
Soon Xia Qi knew what Wei Cang knew about the brute beast and dared to rush over, because there were many strong people rushing to the roaring place along the way.
Chapter three hundred and forty Broken temple
The roar resounded through the sky
Although hundreds of miles away, you can feel a strong horse breath just listening to that roar, which is daunting.
It’s such a power, but many strong people who have entered this place have roared at the beast like the tide, and the direction has swept away.
Xia Qi followed Wei Cang several people and was among many monks.
Soon Xia Qi’s eyes changed, and the ancient trees suddenly disappeared and replaced them with a desolate place!
There are many broken temples in this desolate place, and the desolate land seems to tell the vicissitudes of time.
And beside these broken temples, there are many wild animals who seem to be waiting for these broken temples.
At this time, the battle was disturbed by the intrusion of many monks, and the savage beast was regarded as an intruder, and a fierce battle took place.
Xia Qi suspended in front of Wei Cang and others, and his eyes looked to see that there was a war going on around the broken temple at the moment.
An elephant with a huge body like a mountain is covered with a layer of armor, but its eyes are shining with golden light, which is very strange, while two ivory tusks are tens of meters long and glittering like jade.
At this time, this elephant was entangled in the huge body of the three strong men, and they were afraid of rampaging. From time to time, their golden eyes shot a golden light into everything, which made the three strong men flustered.
What’s even more frightening is that the elephant ivory shines like jade, and the light is very beautiful, but it is the sharpest weapon of the elephant. If it is gently lifted, it will directly pierce the three gods and dare not collide.
"It’s from Qingfeng Valley!"

Maybe his throat is covered with fatty oil. His voice has become shrill and thin, and his personality has become difficult to get along with. He always loses his temper and knocks impatiently on the floor with his cane when he is treating patients.

You answer my question and don’t talk nonsense.
He lives alone and talks about life, and nothing interests him.
He lived in Jialige these years, and his love for Kotik was his only fear and last joy. Every night, he played cards in the club and then sat alone at a big table for dinner. Ivan, the oldest and most stable waiter, waited on him and sent him a meal. The chef in the No.17 lafayette Red Wine Club knew that he didn’t do anything, and everyone tried his best to satisfy him lest he suddenly lost his temper and knocked on the floor with a cane.
At dinner, he turned around and cut in a few words with others.
What are you talking about? Who?
When people at the next table talked about Turkin’s family affairs, he asked
Which Turkin family do you think is the one whose daughter can play the piano?
In his case, that’s all.
What about the Turkins? Ivan petrovich doesn’t look old at all, and he still likes to make wisecracks and tell all kinds of anecdotes. Vera Iosifov still reads her novel happily, enthusiastically and simply. Kotik still plays the piano for three or four hours every day. She is obviously old and often falls ill. Ivan petrovich always goes to Crimea to recuperate with her mother every autumn, and then goes to the train to see them off. When the train moves, he wipes his tears and shouts.
And waved a handkerchief
In 1898
Chronicle of diagnosis
The professor received a report from the Lyalikov factory that he immediately went there. This report went on and on, and I didn’t know if the cloud could barely see Mrs. Lialikova, who was obviously the owner of the factory. Her daughter was ill, and the professor refused to send the attending physician korolev.
From Moscow, you have to take two trains and then take a carriage, and then walk about four miles. A troika is waiting in the car. The driver of korolev wears a peacock feather hat and answers the question of korolev like a soldier. It is by no means or at the end of the day. On Saturday evening, workers from the western hills came to the car from the factory to see korolev take a carriage and bow repeatedly. The quiet atmosphere around the birch trees on both sides of the villa at dusk doesn’t make korolev ecstatic. At this moment, on the eve of the holiday, the fields, forests and the sun are all ready for the workers to rest together, and maybe they should pray.
Korolev was born and raised in Moscow, unfamiliar with the countryside and not interested in the factory at all. He has never been to the factory, but he has occasionally read the factory membership. He has been a guest at the factory owner’s house and talked with them. Whenever he sees the factory far or near, he often feels so quiet and flat outside, but inside the factory owner, he may all be embarrassed to talk, knowing that the ignorant and selfish generation of workers are boring and hinder healthy labor. Now he sees that the workers have quarreled, bickered and drunk, and insect companions have retreated to one side to make way for the car. However, from their faces, hats and gait, they
The car entered the factory gate. On both sides of the road, there were workers’ cabins. When I saw women’s faces hanging on the porch, I was careful that the coachman didn’t rein in the horses. He shouted to a yard where there were no weeds. There were five large factories with chimneys not far from each other. In addition, everything in the yard was covered with gray powder like dust. Small gardens were scattered in several places, like oases in the desert. There were also some red or green roof houses. That was the manager’s house. The coachman suddenly stopped the carriage and stopped in front of a house. The room was repainted gray.
Doctor, there are several women’s voices in the front room of the aisle, and at the same time, we hear a sigh and whisper. We have been waiting for you for a long time. It’s unfortunate. This way.
Mrs. Lialikova is an old and fat woman with fashionable sleeves in a black silk dress, but judging from her face, she is vulgar and uneducated. She looks at the doctor with anxiety and hesitates to reach out to the doctor. She is surrounded by a woman with short hair cut, wearing pince-nez 15 and a gorgeous blouse. She is not very thin. Young people call her Hellis Jingna Dmitrieff Na korolev. I guess she is a governess. She is probably the most asked person in this family to meet the reception doctor, and then she falls on her shoulder. You see her, as soon as she sees the doctor, she eagerly talks about the cause of the disease, saying it in detail
The doctor and tutor sat together talking, while the hostess stood motionless by the door, waiting for korolev to learn from the female teacher that the illness was Mrs. Lialikova’s only heiress, Lisa, who was 20 years old. She had been ill for a long time and had seen various doctors from the evening before, so that her family stayed up all night for fear that she would die.
She can be said to have been ill since she was breast-fed. Hellis Jingna Dmitrieff Na has a sweet voice and wipes her lips from time to time. The doctor says that the problem lies in the nerves, but she suffered from lymph node tuberculosis in children when she was a child. The doctor forced the disease into her heart and didn’t come. I think this is the cause.
Let’s go to see the patient. The patient is an adult. He is tall but not beautiful, like her mother. Her eyes are thin and her face is half too big. She lies with long hair and is covered in Ba korolev. At first glance, she thinks that this is an unfortunate person. It’s hard to believe that such a person is the heir of those five big factories.
We came to see you. korolev said it was to treat you. Hello.
He gave his name and held out his hand. It was a cold and not beautiful big hand. She sat up. Obviously, she had seen more doctors. Facing the doctor, she casually showed her shoulders and breasts and was auscultated by others.
My heart is beating fast. She said that the night jump not only scared me to death, but also gave me some medicine.
Don’t worry about it
Korolev listened to her heart and shrugged.
The heart is quite normal. He said it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with it. Maybe it’s a neurological problem, but it’s also some common ailments, and it’s okay. Just lie down and rest.
At this time, a lamp was brought to him. The patient squinted at the light and suddenly burst into tears with his hands on his head. The ugly impression that the patient left on korolev disappeared with him. When he saw that it was no longer those thin eyes, he no longer felt that the face was half too big. He noticed that it was the painful and gentle expression that looked so smart and moving. In his mind, she was slim, graceful and beautiful, but very simple. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn’t want medicine and doctor’s advice. His mother hugged her. Hold her tightly to her chest. The old lady’s face is so desperate and painful. Mother, she nursed her daughter and brought her up. She spared no effort to make her go to French, dance and music. Dozens of teachers have taught her the best doctors to treat her, and she has a tutor. But her eyes are not white, and her daughter’s tears are so painful. She just feels confused, feels guilty, and seems worried and desperate. It seems that she has neglected something important. She should have done it but who didn’t come? She doesn’t know.
Lisa, you and you and she hugged her daughter tightly and said, my family, baby, my child, tell me what’s wrong with you. Have pity on me and tell me.
Mother and daughter both wept bitterly. korolev sat on the edge of the bed and held Lisa’s hand.
Well, there’s nothing to cry about, he said angrily. You know, there’s nothing to cry about. Well, stop crying. There’s no need.
He thought to himself
It’s time for her to marry
The doctor in our factory gave her potassium bromide, and the tutor said that the worse I found her, the worse she got. I want to say, if it’s for the heart, what’s the name of the potion? I forgot it should be Lily of the Valley drops, right?
She said all kinds of details again, and she interrupted the doctor from time to time, which made her face speechless, and she had a strange expression as if to say that one of the most cultured women in her family was constantly discussing medical matters with the doctor.
Korolev is impatient.
I can’t say anything particularly serious about her illness. He came to his mother from the bedroom and said that since your daughter has been treated by a factory doctor, she might as well continue to be treated. Today, he is treated correctly. I don’t think it is necessary to change doctors. This is a very common disease, but it is not too serious.
He wore gloves and looked at him from Mrs. Lialikova’s motionless tears.
It’s half an hour before the ten o’clock train, and he said, I hope I can catch it.
You’re leaving now, she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. I’m sorry to bother you. Look at Di Fener. Be kind. She looked at the door and said softly, Stay for the night. She is my only child. She scared me all night last night and still hasn’t recovered. Don’t go. Look at Di Fener.
He wanted to tell her that he had many things waiting for him in Moscow, and his family was still waiting for him to go back. He felt that it was unnecessary to spend a night in someone else’s house, and he couldn’t stand it, but he sighed and silently took off his gloves when he saw the other person’s expression.
He lit the candle in the sitting room of his living room, sat in front of the piano and turned over the music score. Then he looked at the picture of the wall painting, which was framed in Phnom Penh. The oil painting was a boat in the rough scenery of Crimea. A Catholic priest held a glass in his hand. The picture was too dry and carved, but the mediocre photo was not beautiful and attractive. Everyone had high cheekbones, and his eyes showed surprise. Lisa’s father Lyalikov had a low forehead and a stained expression. His fat and vulgar body was covered with a cloth bag. There is a medal on the chest of the ceremony, the Red Cross medal, and the room is not luxurious enough. Those decorations are also seven pieces, which are not carefully conceived. On the contrary, the beauty is like that ceremony. The floor is too bloated and inconvenient, and the dazzling chandelier is also very unsightly. People can’t help but think of a businessman who actually wears a medal to take a shower.
In the front room, people were whispering in a low voice, and suddenly there was an intermittent harsh metal sound, which was unheard of in korolev. Now it sounds strange and uncomfortable.
I don’t think I should stay here, he thought, and picked up the music again
The doctor went to dinner and the tutor called him gently.
He went to dinner. There were many dishes and wines on the big table, but there were two people to eat. He was Hellis, Jingna, Dmitrieff, and she ate red wine quickly. She talked while eating and looked at him from time to time through her nose.
The workers are very satisfied with us. Every winter in our factory, the workers perform their own plays, and the slide show is very good to accompany the recitation. The workers should be loyal to us. When I heard that Lisa was seriously ill, she prayed that they had no education, but they were all very emotional.

It’s very peaceful to go through the sandy land where thousands of dead insects scorched the corpse, except for a few piglets who ran out halfway and ran there at a great cost without encountering traps and attacks.

Further on, the stone steps look like a sky. The road is not too narrow, and the two people will lead to it. The difficulty is that from time to time, the stone thorns will come out from the nearby mountain wall, and they will be pierced if they don’t have enough reaction ability.
Weichi Hanyu walked in the front and looked at the entrance of the first sight. He took out his sword and even split it three or five feet wide. The sword gang was very domineering and slipped from one side to the other side against the mountain wall. The stone thorns were cut off and crackled on the stone steps.
Although there are still stone thorns that have not been solved, there are enough before and after to make people who enter the first sight easily avoid the stone thorn attack. Hu Yingxue and others’ skills are of course easy to pass through with great pressure.
There are many obstacles, and the results are all the same. Every obstacle is either very troublesome or very dangerous, but every time one of them is just able to solve the most troublesome part.
It is very embarrassing for Hu Yingxue to be responsible for solving the obstacles when he is near the top of the mountain.
It’s a pool of water. As soon as they get close, they float with large mouths to feed, or golden or red carp want to fly over. Even if it’s Mahayana, those carp spit out golden light and water arrows, which will turn you into a honeycomb.
To solve them, it is very simple to pick a kind of red fruit next to them and feed them. Just two small trees with red fruits are hung with a few stars. It is not enough to feed a few carp. How can they feed all the carp?
Then the secret government sent a small tree with red fruits, which was planted by three spirits, to dig a tree and send it to the house without a cup of tea. In a short time, there was an extra branch covered with red fruits, and after a little time, all the carp sank to the bottom of the pool to digest, and then the group passed smoothly again.
This card seems simple, but it’s actually very difficult. If Hu Yingxue can’t quickly give birth to the secret house of spiritual planting, he can accumulate the number of red fruits a little bit by wood ability, so I don’t know if he can finish feeding before the island is closed.
When everyone passed the pool for verification, Hu Yingxue picked up a stone and threw it in the past, just like a drop of water falling into rolling oil. The pool was quiet and the carp opened their mouths one by one.
Hu Yingxue’s mouth shook. "Which brain-twitching guy came up with so many things to toss people?"
Atchoo! Mu Tianxuan raised his hand and touched his nose. He touched a piece of poultry fluff from the surface and looked up to see a large piece of larks chasing each other. They rushed to them and released tight encirclement to stop them.
Through chasing larks, we can see that there is a circular stone platform in the middle of the peak. There is a sword in the middle of the stone platform. The black sword body is rolling with red fog. This sword is hanging sideways and floating. At the same time, it is wrapped in thunder and flame, and a ring is hung on the hilt of the sword.
The mysterious black sword has a red fog that churns from time to time. Whenever there is a red fog, the sword will be separated from three thunder and flames. At this time, Huanpei will be given a dazzling white light, which looks like the sword is suspended in the middle as a spiritual source.
I don’t know if it’s been too long. There isn’t much spiritual power around Perry, and it’s floating in the half sword with the handle, which has discounted the suppression of the black sword and made red mist run out a lot.
I noticed that every time red mist ran out to stop them from chasing larks near the stone stage, it seemed that they were unusually close together, so they could fight to the death. Hu Yingxue spread a layer of chasing lark bodies.
At this time, a broken wind struck Hu Yingxue, and when he turned around, he saw that it had been a long time since he saw the five spiritual swords rushing over with colorful huaguang and blinked. "Why are you here?"
Ah Kin’s figure flashed a "feud" on the blade.
There is no head and no tail. Hu Yingxue is a little eager to ask more questions. There is a sudden sound behind him. The sword sound of Qingyue is faint and tired, but it is joy to hear it.
Then their feet and the ground trembled violently, and they circled around their heads, chasing larks like crazy, and rushed to the stone stage one by one, hitting the mysterious black sword. Don’t look at chasing larks, they are not big, but they can’t hold their numbers, leaving a lot of bleeding, and soon they dyed the stone stage red.
Red mist, who was watered by blood and the black body of the Xuan sword, even crashed and suspended in the square sword, like a heavy blow, and flew out with a ring hanging on her face. She was dumped and the five spiritual swords were broken, and Mu Tianxuan got out. tight encirclement just hit Hu Yingxue’s head.
Reaching out and catching the ring, she looked down at the eye pattern, and Hu Yingxue felt a sharp pain in her head. But this time, it was not a study. At this time, she conveniently lost the ring, and her eyes followed the Five Lingjian.
The mysterious black sword in the stone stage has been pulled out of the stone stage by itself. It is wrapped by red mist, and two big seal characters write "Slay God". The light shaking of the sword body seems to be very satisfied with getting rid of the suppression of the sword suspended in the sword before, so the Five Lingjian is very dissatisfied and rushed at once.
Falk and Bing Yi’s competitors joined hands to condense out a barrier, which enveloped all of them. Or was it a little late? It was the five spiritual swords and the excalibur that gave off power and swept Hu Yingxue. Everyone in the line gave a stuffy hum, except for Falk, Bing Yi, Jiu You and You, the Secret House and Gan Kun, who protected Hu Yingxue. Everyone else took out healing pills and immediately sat and meditated to speed up their recovery.
Not recently, this group of people have been hit and entered the lost island. At that moment, their blood surged. Because of some weakness at some distance, they vomited blood or simply fainted. At this time, you can see the full importance of preparation. Put the corresponding healing medicine into your mouth or your partner’s mouth to exercise carefully or help exercise, and it won’t be long before you are alive and kicking again.
"Are those two swords? !”
People in different places shouted this way, which made everyone lift up their faces. A black sword wrapped in red mist was chased by a silver sword wrapped in colorful lights. It was two swords that could feel all kinds of emotions that were no different from people from them.
A sword can blur the resonance of its owner, so it can be said that it is very spiritual. If it can clearly express various emotions, it should be that it already has a sword spirit, whether it is born by itself or sealed directly when refining. There is no difference between having a sword spirit and having spirituality.
Two swords with sword spirit will slobber even if they are not Jian Xiu, but not everyone is very excited when they see them, for example, they are so excited that they feel that they are stuck in the mountains.
He is thinking about how to cross the sea of fire at the foot of the mountain and find two lights coming out from the summit in tandem. What do you think of one sword? How do you look like someone described that two swords, such as Excalibur, are confronting each other? Which one is like a root or a face? Two big seals mark their identities directly.
Someone told him that although killing Excalibur means hitting the pinnacle weapon, it has been sealed and polished for many years, and now it is still a treasure. If it is not weakened to such a degree, it will not let him fight for it, otherwise it will harm him. If you want to control the root, you can’t control anything, and you don’t say it. You will explode in minutes.
I saw a spiritual sword with a high order, chasing Excalibur and chopping Dai Su, and immediately I became nervous. The order of Excalibur will rise bit by bit because of the owner’s cultivation, so I don’t know if it can be repaired. I have the heart to grab it, but I am afraid that the power displayed by another sword seems to be that he can’t stand it for a while and it is difficult to make a decision.
Close-up watching the slaughter Excalibur burst out and the attention of Hu Yingxue and others, such as the Five Spirits Sword, is not there now. Before the Five Spirits Sword chased the slaughter Excalibur from the summit, it was bounced aside, and the sword flew up and waved in front of them one by one, and finally settled in front of Mu Tianxuan.
Swing left first, then right, then wobbly … It seems that Mu Tianxuan was seriously looked at several times from head to toe, and finally gave a very crisp sneer at "so weak"
Mu Tianxuan jumped with the veins standing out on his forehead. "You said I was weak?"
The sword shook "wrong is very weak"
Mu Tianxuan suddenly seized the hilt of the sword and said with a cold voice, "Now I am weak, but it is enough to tidy up you." Then he injected his own thunder force and fire force into the sword.
"Ah ah! Bully the sword! "
Others sobbed at the corners of their mouths to varying degrees, accusing Mu Tianxuan of atrocities, but the small tone was that they felt very cool and wanted to work harder.
Looking at that sword and shaking it, did Hu Yingxue see Ruan Zhen, Xun Xiu or Jing’s sense of sight? Because they are all typical figures in the second-rate goods, I wonder if anyone has found out which sword spirit has less second-rate properties before. She definitely did.

They met earlier, when he couldn’t see her. She thought she was too young, and then she would stick to him all the time.

Because when I was a child, gentleness was actually very active, and I would chase after it when I liked it.
At that time, it must be hard for her to resist Teng’s heroic spirit.
Suddenly I thought of my brother and Belle. Did they really end up like that?
Gentle is waiting for him in the car. He said he would go back, just wait and wait, and he couldn’t help wondering what he was doing.
Seeing that the weather is going to rain again, he mustn’t get wet.
When she was thinking about Teng Yun, the phone suddenly rang. She glanced at Wen Yi and actually guessed what Wen Yi was going to ask her or picked it up.
"Elder sister, what time do you arrive? Xiaoliang stewed black-bone chicken soup for you? Oh, come here early, "said Wenyi, as she made a hissing gesture with the girl next to her. The warmth immediately dared not come out.
"I’ll be right out of the supermarket" whispered softly, and then my eyes looked out again.
"Is that true? Did you buy us roast duck? Elder sister said that her horse will come. Ha ha, the horse will come. "When Wenyi got excited, she forgot to say goodbye. Holding her mobile phone, she danced and celebrated with warmth.
Excited like a child, Wen Liang came out of the kitchen and saw that it was not very big. In the living room, two women hugged and jumped like children.
Gentleness was noisy by the sound coming out of the mobile phone, and Nai sighed and then dropped the mobile phone to prepare the car.
I just grabbed the handle and tried to hit it when I heard the door being hit from the other side.
The apex swings and then turns to smell a familiar fragrance …
Recommend the end of the article "The Giants Take a New Wife by Flash Marriage". On that day, at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, she held a red static in her hand and looked at him far away.
Twenty-three-year-old Zhuo Xing married 29-year-old Fu Zhi, and this commercial flash marriage surprised everyone …
The pain of her first meeting with him is her deepest memory.
In the middle of the night, a calculation created a pair of cute cute bags …
The second time she married him was after giving birth to a baby.
Dark room, narrow bed, he’s overbearing, leaving no room …
☆, 159 personal company
"You just went to buy milk."
"For your honesty."
Gentle with warm milk in his hand and then turned to look at his head, the man raised his hand and patted his hair gently.
It’s still cold in Mao Mao outside.
"Fool, I regard the roast duck chef as an elder, and my husband with such a high value will never compare you together."
Manager Teng …
What’s the feeling of being played?
"To apologize, let me stay and have dinner with you tonight?"
Teng always said when he started the car
Gentle immediately promised to come.
Warm, excited and nervous, Wen Yi has been waiting at the window, almost eager to see them. When their car drove to the building, Wen Yi excitedly shouted that she was coming.

Haven’t come to think much about the huge ice pick, which is directly bombarded by the cover power. The meteor hammer bears the brunt, which is directly knocked off by the ice pick, but the ice pick’s power has not been weakened at all. It is still so forcing people to frown, and the body armor is crazy. At that time, Guanghua General’s defense power has risen to the extreme. This is also a good thing. The sky is slightly more emboldened, and then the arrival of the ice pick is directly to bombard the sky towards the back, and the roots are just unbearable. There was a terrible pain in the’ chest’ mouth. The whole’ chest’ mouth was squeezed and sunken. Fortunately, it had armor defense first, or even it would be nailed to the ground directly by this ice pick. But the strength that armor can bear at this time seems to have reached the limit, but it has a faint trend of going to pieces.

The day after tomorrow, the true balloon with the size of a disk was directly poured out. It was directly bombarded by an ice cone from this side, and it was just a natural blow. It was just that the ice cone was knocked off the sky’ chest’ mouth, and it flew to one side and hit a small hill not far away. It was directly submerged in the mountain and then collapsed. The hill was directly shortened by three or four meters.
The sky vomited one mouthful blood, and then it rushed towards Cather again. At this time, it was already red-eyed, and the whole thing was ready to go all out. At this time, Cather was not much better. Just now, the huge magic consumed his body very much. At this time, it was a weak time, but then another bombardment scared both of them, but one was happy and the other was depressed.
Boom! Once the magic circle of the high-ranking sorcerer outside is bombarded again, it is forbidden to have a protective layer. At this time, it is like being hit hard and the ice is crashing and breaking.
See this wood pass family several high-order wizards at this time is already a burst of smile and refining device of several face’ color’ is ugly to the extreme.
A large number of high-order wizards rushed in and rushed towards the refining institute
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
[37] massacre
? Banned once broken a large number of high-order wizards like "tide" water poured into the refiner’s ancestral roots, which was unable to resist Cather’s cruel big order.
"Kill one and don’t stay!"
Wizards get orders one by one, and they are even more concerned about the whole refining clan’ door’. At that time, they killed and shouted the big refining clan, but there were more than 20 martial arts strong men who could resist it, and then the wind flying technique could float and fly. Magicians took advantage of all the’ color’ magic, and there was a refining clan whose younger brother fell to the ground and was killed. There was no way to get out of the martial arts strong men’s roots, but they couldn’t touch those magicians. A simple fire dragon technique or a lance attack by magicians was to directly slay one or two younger brothers.
"ah!" Refiners of several King Wu’s strongmen were in a hurry to crack their hands, and they kept getting up and watching their brothers and their families die from the sorcerer’s butcher’s knife. They were all desperate, but the other party kept walking, blocking themselves but refusing to contact themselves, so that their roots could be from exerting their strength and watching their own troops be slaughtered by the other party.
"This is the price you kill my son! Whether you are the murderer of my son or not, you are to blame! " Cather sneered at his son, and he was almost crazy. He vowed to refine the blood of the whole clan’ door’ to pay homage to his son, the little chief of the Mupas family.
"kill!" The sky was red, and the meteor hammer kept flying around him. Some high-ranking wizards unfortunately bumped into his gun. The wizards were weak, and they could bear it. Those wizards who were hit by him didn’t even say a last wish, but they died directly! Both sides are red-eyed, but there is no scruple. Cather is naturally unwilling to lag behind. A lance directly swept through a large number of refiner brothers. Once these refiner brothers were "wave" by the lance storm, they also died beyond recognition.
The two sides are "mixed". Either you die or I die. A magician just burned two refining brothers to death by fire dragon technique, and then his back was also killed by refining brothers. The red-eye brother stabbed a heart-rending show that he could not live, but the refining brothers had not yet come to be glad that he had another weapon directly "inserted" in his heart … It was a desperate play.
The whole refining device Zongzong’s’ door’ is bloody, and it has already been dyed red with S-curve blood. Even the plants inside are covered with blood.
Both sides have their own winners and losers, but it’s doubtful that the refiner is always the case of the refiner. There are many repairs in this fashion, but some of the younger brothers of the fighters in the early Jin Dynasty didn’t even react when they were killed directly, and the high-order wizards of the Mupas family suffered losses. At this time, they are no longer close to the refiner, and Kaiser several people dragged the three of them to make their roots come from the hand.
"You! I swear to god, if I don’t die today, I will destroy you someday. The Mupas family is full of doors! If this oath is willing to soul town in ten hell forever! " Anger, rage, crazy dance, a mouthful of blood gushing out, mumbling something, but actually swearing a blood oath. When the blood oath comes out, his life must be the goal of this oath, vowing to destroy the Manchu of Mupas family.
"You have no chance!" Cather’s eyes’ color’ has also changed. He knows that blood oath is also a blood oath in the West. Once a blood oath is made, it must be irrevocable and it is the most poisonous oath.
With a wave of his magic wand, Kaiser’s hand was condensed by large tracts of red clouds, and then by large tracts of ice arrows. Two kinds of "sex" are mutually exclusive, and in Kaiser’s hand, they actually complement each other and "mix" together and impact towards the sky.
Just now, the magic wand in the hand of the Dark Magic Caregiver was also murmured in Guanghua’s mouth, and the sun was fading rapidly, so it was difficult to’ shoot’ in and then a huge black’ hole’ was formed in the void. In the black’ hole’ with a wave of his wand, there were a large number of white’ color’ skeletons pouring out from the inside, which was actually a magic call. I don’t know where to call these skeletons to help out.
The other two care division also formed a large number of lance meteorites bombarding the refining clan.
With Blue Haizhu, the root of heaven is to be afraid of Kaiser’s fire, but the cloud of fire is mixed with a lance, which makes him have to deal with it carefully. But at this time, he has just made a blood oath, which is fatal. Not only did he not evade it, but he actually rushed directly towards Kaiser. Blue Haizhu formed a huge light group to block the cloud of fire, but he’ shot’ it through the light group every day. He was fearless and evaded the key parts, and the lance crossed his body to get close to Kaiser and gave him a fatal blow.
The weapon kept crossing the sky, and the body endured severe pain and rushed to the front. The whole person became a bloody person from the sky to the outside.
Kaiser root just didn’t expect that the sky was so desperately rushing towards him. He simply forgot to flee. By the time he came to his senses and wanted to flee, it was only three meters away from him. There was no’ flower’ move and no weapon. The sky was just a blow to Kaiser’s chest. Kaiser jumped to avoid the rich combat experience, which made him make a correct judgment and let him escape the important part of the chest. The fist was directly blasted on Kaiser’s shoulder, and the whole shoulder was hit by a steel fist. Head should be broken, blood’ flesh’ fuzzy is almost directly blown off by the blow of the day, holding a magic wand in his hand. One is out of control, and the day is actually picking up Cather’s magic wand without a 56-point thrashing. Holding it with both hands is actually going directly to the knees, and it is actually trying to break Cather’s magic wand directly.
With a crash, the magic wand fell to the sky, and there was a pain in the knee. The magic wand didn’t break.
"Ha ha hubris ACTS you this is a stick? This is a magic blessing made of Cycas, and you want to break it directly. "Cather laughed when he saw this irony, but then he couldn’t laugh when he tried to summon the magic wand. Although the magic wand still listened to his call and wanted to leave the hands of heaven, it was grasped by the sky like iron tongs, and then a crack appeared in his knee again, and the magic wand was broken. The day after tomorrow, it was broken and fell into two pieces, losing its effectiveness.
The sky stared at Cather like a wounded beast, eager to spit out his’ meat’
Cather felt a chill in his heart, and the physical strength of the Eastern fighters was too shocking. The root was not comparable to that of the Western wizards. If it was not for the slight advantage of speed, I was afraid that several of them would have to throw their lives here today.
The sudden outbursts of heaven have made you and the real people in Holland generally angry at this time, just like rushing rivers. they nest’s hand is getting more and more fierce, and he keeps rushing towards the three care teachers. If you want to rein in the western wizards, you can’ force’ them to melee.
At that time, the three care teachers were all in a hurry, taking care of themselves and running around in chaos. These two crazy people sometimes summoned magic to the enemy’s department, and they were stunned by the deadly style of refining.
At this time, the family members of the Mupas clan were almost slaughtered, and the Mupas clan brought more than 70 high-order wizards with about 40 losses. The Mupas clan is worthy of being a hermit sect, although it can be in the middle of combat effectiveness, but its strength is still there to occupy such an advantage. When the overall situation of the Mupas clan strikes, it is even more than half of the casualties. This shows that westerners must deepen their definition of eastern fighters.
High-order wizards have nothing to do after killing people, but they dare not come and help a few care teachers. In fact, they can’t help. They can only increase losses, but they can make things cool.’ Sex’ sets fire to refining devices. Gas fires are everywhere, and they are already surrounded by fires.
A white-haired old man suddenly appeared in the ancestral temple of the refining vessel, shot a magician who was about to light the ancestral temple with a palm, and then drank a lot.
"Ten breath don’t leave the department to die!" Roar with great pressure is specially joined the old soul attack inside log pass family left more than forty wizards department is nose and mouth bleeding on the spot! And Cather and the other three care division also vomited an one mouthful blood in their heads. They looked at each other in amazement and then looked at themselves with high-order wizards. They were all shocked to death by this big drink.
Without hesitation, the big horror in my heart turned and fled far away, and nothing was taken care of. It was rare for me to see you. Suddenly, a mysterious strong man came out and was about to kill him, but he was stopped by the old man’s divine voice.
The white-haired old man’s god’ color’ is mournful and lonely. He looks at the ancestral temple and waits quietly for heaven and others in the ancestral hall.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
[3] Medicine store (delivered in the second watch)
? The mighty warrior!
Great prestige shows the identity of the white-haired old man. He is the guardian Xuan of the refining clan. A warrior in the early days of the martial arts chose to stay in the refining clan instead of entering the longevity palace after being invited by the longevity palace. He also didn’t expect that the refining clan actually caused such a big trouble at this critical moment, but he was afraid to make moves easily. Even if the clan came to the longevity palace for instructions, it was necessary to start work when he got the news. When he got back, the clan was already so miserable, except for transferring out in advance.
Xuan’s wrath is to directly solve these high-order wizards. If he hadn’t left, the people in the Palace of Eternal Life wouldn’t have killed those care teachers, or it would have given the West an excuse to wage war. The East side is not ready yet. It’s not appropriate to fight at this time. Xuan is afraid that the four care teachers would have been solved once.
"And you are?" Day three people helped each other into the ancestral temple and looked at the front with a sad face and white hair. The old man in front was surprised and asked, "It’s too much for this old man. It’s just a big drink. It’s a direct shock to more than forty high-order magic teachers and students. Does he already mean the realm of martial arts?" The three people guessed in their hearts, but no one was sure.
"Hey, I am the 17th generation patriarch of the refining clan!" The old man turned around and looked at the ancestral temple. The 17th memorial tablet was engraved with the name of Xuan.
"What? !” The three-person department of Heaven looked at the white-haired old man with a face of shock and an unbelievable expression. According to this algebra, if this old man is really the seventeenth patriarch, wouldn’t it have lived for three or four hundred years?
"Is this a joke?" Lotus scattered first spoke, although the other party saved their lives, but the refiner can’t just trample on it at will.
"Who has time to give you a joke? Haven’t you heard that every major sect has a guardian? I am the guardian of the refining clan! " White-haired old man not anger since wei looked at three majesty said
"Since you are the guardian of the refining clan, why did you watch the refining clan’s younger brother be killed before you shot?" It’s said that there are only three of them left in the whole Sect at this time. The refining clan is bound to be weakened, and it must take a hundred years to develop again.
"You things as simple as that old want to sell is to be able to sell? There are some things you can’t know now, and when you know them later, you will be white, "said the white-haired old man with a sad hand."
"The younger generation paid a visit to the elder", and these three talents believed in Xuan’s words, and each made a ceremony and said.
"All right, don’t stand on ceremony. Go and transfer the Zong you out and the outstanding brother department back to me. No one dares to be presumptuous after I sit in this place!" Xuan waved his hand as if he didn’t care much about these vulgar rituals, and then he ordered the three people to wait for people to be brought to this place. With such a small level of martial arts, the strong are afraid of what day they will feel their shoulders lightly. After all, they can have a backbone after they have a martial arts strong leader.
At this time, the south mountain of Jinling, Chu is already full of excitement. This year, the annual Young Strong Competition will be held here again! All kinds of rare’ medicine’ materials were transported from far away by Chu State to build a competition platform and watch the competition stands. However, this year’s young strong competition is not the same as before. This year’s strength can be said to be far greater than that of the previous one. All the outstanding brothers of the major hidden sects were born and went to the competition, and even the young people in Wuling realm have never been there. This year, because of the outstanding brothers of the major sects, I heard that there are several strong kings of Wu. Although the strength of many sects has not been fully understood, it is obvious to the eye. However, I know that this young strong competition is very interesting, and the organizer of this competition, Chu, has not restricted others from coming in to watch the game. It is not like going to the semi-finals that the family is eligible to come in to watch the game. This time, the grandstand is put for the public and it is very wide. If you can afford it, you can come in.
In this regard, it is to let those rich families who are not strong enough to come in and watch the game. At the moment, there are still nearly half a month before the game. Many outstanding brothers have come here to know some young and powerful people in the contemporary era, but some people have fought, but later they have been reconciled by some older people.
Lin Sheng and Duan Xin stayed in the Lin Fu for a few days and chatted suddenly. Then they also set off with small flowers to Jinling City, which is the most prosperous city in Chu and the whole fairy continent. There is a large population here and a well-developed business. Lin Sheng went to the streets and crowded with people. I wondered secretly when the Northern Zhenghe Huiyang City would be able to reach this prosperous level, even if it was possible to recuperate after a hundred years.
From time to time, there are one or two fighters with long swords or broadswords in the street. These fighters have the root of the martial arts realm at first sight, but they are not qualified to participate in this young strong competition. It seems that they should come to watch the fun. Lin Sheng is holding Duan Xin’s hand and walking on the street. From time to time, Duan Xin is dragging them to buy some gadgets at some stalls.
Suddenly a god swept to Duan Xin oblivious but Lin Sheng is in the mind a surprised.
"Wu Sheng God knows!" Is it the guardian of Liu family that there is a strong warrior in Jinling city? Lin Sheng was amazed in his heart, but the surface remained the same. He didn’t disturb the gods. The gods just stayed in Lin Sheng for a moment and disappeared.
Lin Sheng is lost in thought and secretly thinking that this young strong competition will not be anything unusual. Duan Xin patted Lin Sheng, who was absent, to call Lin Sheng back to God.
"What’s the matter? Elder brother "Duan Xin pull Lin Sheng asked.
"It’s okay, let’s go." Lin Sheng took Duan Xin and walked towards the post to entertain the contestants. The little flower was lying in Duan Xin’s arms and fell asleep. Just now it came to the door of a medicine shop. Suddenly Duan Xin woke up and stared at the big door of the medicine shop. Then he waved his paws at Duan Xin and Lin Sheng and pointed to the medicine.
"hmm? What happened to the little’ flower’? " Duan Xin suspected "confused" and looked at where the little "flower" was jumping around.
"Is it found? Go in and see "Lin Sheng pulling Duan Xin is looking at the" medicine "material shop, and the small" flower "is also sleepy and excited at this time. Where is Lin Sheng’s shoulder atrophy? Others can’t see whether it is a holy dragon or a lovely pet.
It seems that the’ medicine’ material store has been in a state of decay for some years, and the signboard gold-lettered paint has become deformed. At this time, a wooden’ door’ is also tattered. It seems that it is almost across. Looking at this dilapidated sample, Lin Sheng and Duan Xin frowned at the same time, wondering what good things this poor place can have.
Entering the big door is a bright eye. Although it is still very shabby, it is spacious and bright inside. There is a strong’ medicine’ fragrance in the whole’ medicine’ store. Three or two small pages are dot some’ medicine’ materials inside. Lin Sheng looks at Tianqi Gastrodia and Ganoderma lucidum, but they all look like ordinary goods. The’ color’ roots are nothing big.
"Aye, two guests, but what kind of medicine do you want to buy? This is an old shop. It’s all excellent’ medicine’ materials. We have several plants here. I don’t know what the guest officer wants? " The shopkeeper is a little old man with half black hair and half white hair and a small goatee. He looks like a "traitor" and makes both of them very funny. If it weren’t for politeness, they would have laughed.
"Boss, I think you are all ordinary goods’ colors’ here, so you can’t see them." Lin Sheng looked at the ordinary’ medicine’ materials around here and deliberately disdained to say that he was ready to go out. When’ flowers’ came in, he just stared directly at a curtain behind the shopkeeper. It seems that all good things should be in the room behind the shopkeeper.

Everything seems so real and clear except the fact that the body is getting bigger. The ability to control the changes in the whole environment makes Chen Shaobai feel happy and satisfied, and at the same time, it also gives birth to a stronger desire to break through to a higher level.

He knows that he has broken through the most difficult task. He has spent the marrow as clear as frost and as white as snow. It will take another two or three days to rest, and his hands will fade away and his body will adapt to the skills. When the blood is full and rolling like magma, he will completely enter the swordsmen’s realm, and his strength will increase a lot.
But will the python give it to him like a monster? The answer is obviously no.
"Hiss! Go to hell for me! " The black python, which has always dominated the forest, seems to have never been hit so hard that it spits out snake letters and licks up its tail wound. It took two or three breaths before it recovered from the severe pain and roared. It opened its jaws and bit Chen Shaobai at a faster speed than before.
Perhaps it is just a breakthrough in the realm. Before Chen Shaobai J: ng God will, the so-called concise movement of the other party is more rapid and fast, but it seems to be slow in his eyes.
Although it is slow-moving, his body is completely unresponsive, just like the high-level unified with low-level hardware, and the delay is scary.
In the face of each other’s huge mouth rolling and stirring, Chen Shaobai "slowly" stabbed his sword out of his eyes as calm as a lake.
This sword stabbed him, and he didn’t know if he could live, but the other side was bound to die.
He has enough confidence in his killing.
God’s will is like a knife, and no one can measure it. When Chen Shaobai is ready to hand over his life to heaven, he will clean up the whistling from a distance.
"The genie dares to hurt people!"
Then time seemed to freeze, and a girl named Chivalrous Swordsman, a tight girl in dark blue, suddenly appeared, and her figure suddenly flashed on the ground, dragging out a long ghosting image.
If it hadn’t just broken through Chen Shaobai, I’m afraid I would have recognized that a gust of wind had blown.
The girl who came to the front of the black python held a knife in her hand that resembled wood blade and waved it high.
Three-foot-long solidified sword Gang sprayed from wood blade will split the snake head as big as a door panel.
"Just a head of calcined bone peak small demon doesn’t even have a human form, dare to come out and harm people? It seems that the wind state really messed up "girl back wood blade soliloquize.
Snow …
When I was sprayed with scarlet snake blood, the passing speed seemed to suddenly return to normal. Chen Shaobai slowly put Wan into the sheath and handed it to the girl. "Thank you for your help. Although I dare not say that Yongquan will repay Chen Shaobai, I will keep it in mind."
The other party’s strength is beyond Chen Shaobai’s imagination, and in his heart it has become as high as it can be dismantled by hand.
Such scenes say that the girl smiles at her eyebrows, but then she realizes that her performance is really not superior, and then she thinks of some seemingly loyal people she met all the way from Xian Zhou, but in fact jiān deceives the villain. She will immediately face Se Lengsu up "Chen Shaobai? It’s a good name. I just saw what you did to save your heart in a crisis. It’s a pity that your family is excellent, but your talent is too poor, otherwise you can make a difference in kendo. "
The family is ok? Bad talent?
Chen Shaobai looked at the magnificent hilt hanging from the waist and suddenly realized that the latter was not good at boasting in front of the other side’s superb strength, so he asked, "Dare to ask the woman’s name?"
"Zhu Mohan, is it okay if I take this thing?" The girl shook wood blade’s snake head, and the head-sized sarcoma flew into her hand.
"Of course, no problem." The sarcoma is glittering and translucent, emitting a faint light and fragrant. Chen Shaobai will know that it is not a mundane thing at first glance, but if it is not for Zhu Mohan’s hand, whether he is alive or dead is still a question. The answer is simply.
"Playing the piano outside is your sister? Recently, there are monsters in Fengzhou, such as Beads, Calcined Bones and Shapeshift. This snake is a small demon that is equivalent to the peak of a swordsman, but it takes advantage of its unique talent and can do manual work at the beginning of a swordsman’s life. However, there are monsters that are stronger than it in this world. I don’t know how weak you are. Don’t stay too far away from your sister. "
Chen Shaobai some don’t understand each other.
"There must be no chance to see you again today, so I have to wake you up."
"Although it hurts, I still want to say that your soul has made different achievements. The swordsman is almost the limit and is not suitable for repairing swords."
After emphasizing the talent problem again, I wish Mohan didn’t look at Chen Shaobai for half an eye. Her eyes focused on the small white fox and she said with a little sigh and admiration, "There are two kinds of magical powers to find a fox, even if it is ordinary. If you can raise it well, there are not many creatures that can pose a threat to you."
Chen Shaobai, the little guy who clung to his thigh, knew that he had left his eyes and fought bravely. After exchanging pleasantries with the girl, he set about dealing with the huge body of the black python.
Chapter 51 Find Linghu Purple Pupil
The black python was a powerful horse before his death. It must have been the overlord in this mountain forest. The wolf, the tiger and the leopard were as fragile as ants in front of it, but after being beheaded by a sword, its body looked a bit ridiculous.
Chen Shaobai looked down the profile of the snake body and covered it with hard scales. It turned out that the muscles and blood vessels were firm and fine, and there was no bone organ in it. It was like eating sausages at festivals in previous lives.
After everything settled down, he repeatedly confirmed that he was not in danger of life. The little white fox stared at the black python’s body with shining eyes, and flashed away like a red cat. The short limbs seemed to have no restrictions, so he grabbed the snake and wolfed it down.
See it eat so jubilant Chen Shaobai also gave birth to some interest, although the black python can vomit a person’s words, but after all, he won’t produce any evil psychology.
So he picked up a thin crimson snake meat sword and shook it, so he easily drained the blood. The whole snake meat showed a semi-transparent color, and the muscle texture was fine and compact, and it shone brightly in the afterglow of the sunset. People would consciously recognize it as a tonic if they didn’t taste it themselves.
Chen Shaobai picked up this thin snake meat and put it in his mouth.
Zi …
Perhaps because of the loss of vitality, this piece of meat was directly melted by saliva into a fresh juice and slipped into the esophagus without chewing.
Although there is no doping, its taste is extremely fresh, fragrant and salty, and it has never tasted the natural taste. Chen Shaobai blooms in thousands of tongue buds, and Shu Tai closes his eyes unconsciously.
"It seems that the little guy is still a gourmet … if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid there are rare dishes in front of me. I wouldn’t know. Is that what the word" searching for a fox "means?" Maybe it’s just sharing weal and woe, maybe it’s helping yourself to act as a meat pad. Chen Shaobai now looks at the little white fox with more tenderness and less alert.
"Take more home and let Miao Miao taste it."
Stroking the hilt, Chen Shaobai’s wrist, shaking, sword light flying.
Shua shua shua …
Thirty pieces of founder snake meat neatly piled up into a hill in front of us. Chen Shaobai estimated that it weighed about 200 kilograms, but the huge body of black python was nine Niu Yi hairs by comparison.
After peeling the snake skin and wrapping the meat, Chen Shaobai took a deep look at the fox. "Little guy, you are so stupid. How long will it take to remember? Don’t be eaten as food. Let’s see you later."
Although it’s a great price to find Linghu in his childhood, even Zhu Mohan’s kind of behavior is high and high, and the dragon sees the tail and the knight errant is very important to Chen Shaobai, and he knows that it’s huge, but he didn’t want to use this little guy as a tool just now.
Little white fox can live in this dense forest if he doesn’t go deep into Zixiapo, but if he follows him, he will face a lot of cunning humans. For him, the dense forest around Zixiapo is the most stable home, safer and more suitable for growth.
"Meow?" Small white fox yum! Swallow snake meat in his mouth and turn around. Se is puzzled.
"Don’t play dumb with me. The human world is too dangerous. If it’s predestined, we will meet again."
Having said that, Chen Shaobai turned his head and walked away. Fox seems to be a child’s heart. At present, he gave up the idea of following and ate hard.
After a dozen breaths.
The little white fox suddenly sniffled to confirm that Chen Shaobai had gone far, and then his eyes flashed a decisive Se. He suddenly closed his eyes, and a pair of petite J: ng claws spread flat on his chest, gradually floating a little white light, and he didn’t know whether it was released by himself or attracted from heaven and earth.
The white light of the stars condenses into threads, and the white mans gradually escape from its claws and radiate to the python’s body to wrap it.
So a magical scene happened.
The python’s long body stretched for five feet was compressed rapidly in the white light package, but it disappeared after two or three breaths.
Instead, a pearl bead contains a small snake with a head because it is too small to look like an earthworm.
After all this, the original half-inch long wound in the paw of the purple pupil white fox suddenly cracked and extended to more than one inch. The strange white Se blood dripped on the ground and soaked the blue Se pine needles.
The little fox who swallowed the pearl limped on the ground and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.
After it left, the rapid evaporation of white Se blood made Fiona Fang suddenly covered with a layer of frost within ten meters, with a light and sweet taste.
Immersed in the melodious piano, the scenes that happened tonight have been replayed repeatedly in Chen Shaobai’s mind for a long time.
Being able to spit out people’s words and forge bones, the snake demon’s stomach exceeds its own size, and the purple pupil white fox can inspire a three-foot sword with wood blade. The girl swordsman Zhu Mohan is surprising. There are too many things that he needs to digest well and share with his fiancee when he gets back.

"The greed of human nature and the limited resources have finally overwhelmed the planet Hubei, and the resources have almost dried up, and everything has returned to its original state," Kun Jian explained

"The struggle for this limited resource has caused great chaos, right?"
Kunjian nodded. "In order to survive better in this troubled times, martial arts is prevalent again. Our Wulin Sect has also ushered in a blowout development, but the six sects are harsh. Many people choose to join the army and aspire to be the mighty side of the mecha, but some like to steal camp and drill homo habilis to join those small sects without thresholds."
Lei Sheng is worried that "the small sects, three religions and nine streams are mixed, and the more people join in, the more chaotic the sky will be, or the weaker ones will suffer."
Kun Jian said, "I don’t understand these things. I don’t care so much about practicing foreign affairs in my life."
"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the sky, but everyone has his own will."
Kun Jian looked at Lei Sheng in astonishment. "I don’t understand a word of what you little guy said."
Well, I can’t help talking a lot today.
Lei Sheng smiled shyly. "I don’t know what I learned in the earth training ground, but I’m very interested in the history of the planet Ersi. Do you have any qualifications in this field?"
"Yes, but are you sure you know that many words?"
I don’t know why your characters are exactly the same as Chinese characters. If these characters are written, of course I know them all, but …
He thought of his age again. "I can ask you if I can’t read, but don’t worry, I know a lot of words earlier. This shouldn’t bother me."
Kun Jian looked at Lei Sheng like a monster. "Well, I’m going to see Master and recommend you to his old man’s house. You have to prepare with me."
Chapter 29
Leisheng nodded his head.
Kunjian left here
After walking for about an hour, Kun Jian turned back and found it. Lei Sheng signaled him to go with himself in Zamabu.
The two men went through the small forest full of buttonwood trees on the mountain to Kunjian, the mountain pass, and took out a warrant to guard their younger brother before they were released.
Winding all the way, the air is more fresh and pleasant, and after three mountain passes, I came to an altitude of 2400 meters and saw a row of magnificent buildings built on the mountain.
Whether to visit the scenery here or not will lead Leisheng to a slant hall.
Through several crescent doors, I came to a small courtyard with a quiet environment. Kun Jian put light steps and gently pushed the door and entered a room.
An old man with white hair and beard sat quietly on the futon and opened his eyes gently without waiting for Kunjiankou to report.
The essence of mans eyes flashed and showed a kind face. After studying Leisheng, he touched his jaw and beard and nodded. "Good indeed, it was a good seedling."
"Would you like to worship my teacher?"
In fact, it doesn’t matter who the teacher is in Wutong. Lei Sheng came here to seek a quiet practice environment. He has practiced martial arts in the divine realm on earth, and he has thoroughly understood the yin and yang forces. He broke through the black hole at the beginning, exhausted what he had learned all his life, not only lost his strength, but also became a baby. Fortunately, his meridians were not damaged, so he can practice martial arts. When the time comes, he will naturally practice again according to the previous method.
Although he is curious about this world martial arts, he doesn’t have to practice this world martial arts.
He doesn’t know and doesn’t care about the status of Kunjian master in the Wutong Sect, but judging from Kunjian people, his master must be no worse.
So Leisheng bowed to the end and said, "Brother Leisheng, meet the master."
"Well … after that, you will be my younger brother who understands the world." People who understand the world raised their hands and gave a virtual hand.
Leisheng straightened up and waited for a question.
The enlightened Taoist looked at his face full of flowers and Lei Sheng couldn’t help asking, "What made his face so dirty?"
Lei Sheng explained, "I don’t know why I can’t get a tan. My skin color is different from everyone else’s. I don’t want to be different and get my face dirty."
The enlightened Taoist laughed. "You’re an interesting kid, and you’re not the only one who has never been to the mountain. Which one is not fair-skinned? You’re not worried that it’s different from everyone, but it’s quite strange that you come from the mountain to get a little tan."
"I’ll personally go to the head teacher younger brother and say that I will bring you this piece of Yu Pei in your name register so that you can prove your identity."
Leisheng took it with both hands.
"Although you have been appointed by me, you are still young and need to learn from your brother Kun Jian."
"brother Bai"
"Well, go to your mountain."
They walked to the mountain in accordance with the words.
However, just out of the Pian Temple, a few people dressed in phoenix tree door ornaments came face to face. A bitter-looking man saw the deliberate avenue after Kunjian. "Hey, who is this? Who is this? I haven’t seen him for a long time. I forgot his name."
People around him burst into laughter.
Kunjian looked at each other with an expression and ignored them, so he took Leisheng away.
It was the other party who wanted to find another project and stretched out his hand and stopped Kun Jian’s way.
Kun Jian glanced at each other coldly. "What do you want to do, Yuduo?"
Yu Duo smiled contemptuously. "This is not to see if you are familiar. Come and see who this acquaintance is. How was your day?"
"What’s it to you?"
Yu Duo stared, "Watch your attitude, you eliminated garbage."
Kun Jian clenched his fist and was about to send Lei Sheng but gently pulled him. "Will fighting here be punished?"
Yu Duo glanced at Lei Sheng. "Who is this dirty little thing? It can’t be your illegitimate child. You didn’t bring him here to make enlightened scholars accept this little disciple. Isn’t that a mess?"
Like seeing the most ridiculous thing in the world, Yu Duo and his companions laughed.
"Do you have any students?" Leisheng suddenly asked
Yu Duo was stunned and suddenly pointed to Kunjian and sneered, "Only a waste like him who can’t get through the seventy-two acupoints can be a teacher. I want students."
Lei Sheng said, "Then you are wrong about a student, that is, a good relationship. As the old saying goes, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before us. We are the phoenix tree school. The foundation is hope, and you will get old. You can’t stay at the top of your game that day."
Yu Duo laughed more after listening to Lei Sheng’s words, and tears almost flowed out. "What waves are there? What are you talking about? I can see that you are just a registered brother of the mountain. You are the foundation of the Wutong Sect. Is it hope? Don’t be ridiculous, okay? People like Kunjian are still rubbish. You don’t even deserve to work for us. You are Kunjian’s teasing. You know that we are boring and sent you to bring us joy. Brother Kunjian has a heart. "
"Laugh as much as you can now, but after laughing, please remember that the Wutong Sect doesn’t depend on your life. My name is Lei Sheng and you’d better remember this name."
Leisheng a serious said
"It’s meaningless to teach them to be brave, to be ashamed and then brave."
What do you mean by that? Everyone present was a little intimidated. They found that the child spoke in a different way.
Kun Jian knew that Lei Sheng was looking for steps for him. He despised a line "Go back and read more if you have no culture."
Say that finish, he flickered past Yu Duo and ran to the mountain with Leisheng.
"Mom, how educated are you?" More than slow lead to god swearing way
Lu Kunjian thanked me for helping me out.
Lei Sheng asked, "They look down on Shanji’s younger brother. Isn’t that how they came?"
Kunjian shook his head. "They were born destined to be Wutong people."

When the female reporter saw that Mu Ming had no chance, she quickly handed it to Gu Jingke with a microphone. "What do you think of this hijacking case?"

What surprised her this time was that the latter still ignored her footsteps and kept walking around in circles. The female reporter was not disappointed and was going to rush in again, but she didn’t know that her peers were more brave than her.
Directly rushed to the front of two police officers to stop him, but before he could say it, he was interrupted by a cold voice. "Pull the cordon immediately, and please stay away from here!"
A police officer immediately evacuated the crowd, but the female reporter was fascinated by Gu Jingke. This man is so individual!
People are also good-looking and cold, but when she sees many men, she is instantly shocked. When she sees her peers with purple eggplant color on her face, she is actually a little happy.
Look, he’s stealing news! Now the Lord hasn’t even given him a chance to speak! Soon the cordon was pulled up and the crowd was evacuated, and the reporters were taken to the outermost floor, and there were some good citizens in front of them.
Mu Ming and Gu Jingke soon found that the parties to the case had no crowd to stop them and saw the situation there.
The hijacker is a man with a slight emaciated height and figure, and his face is sloppy. He is close to the door of a store and aims at the neck of the hijacked person with a dagger.
That’s where the aorta is. If it can’t be treated with a knife, it’s doubtful!
Mu Ming thinks that the hijacked woman is familiar, but she can’t think where she has seen it. Maybe she has met once … Maybe she is too embarrassed at this time to recognize it.
As soon as the man with a gentle spirit saw the police approaching, he immediately became excited, clasping his fingers around the woman’s neck and shaking forward with a dagger. "You should step back quickly!"
"If you don’t step back, I’ll take her with me!" He buckled the dagger to the woman’s neck again without pity.
Mu Ming stayed behind Gu Jingke, and Gu Jingke stayed where he was in order to stabilize the gangster’s mood. He looked at people and sipped his lips. "You can say anything for the hostage."
"Fart joke!" The man laughed and didn’t believe Gu Jingke at all. "Are you so stupid? You say a few words and I’ll believe you? I know that I let this dead woman go, and the only one who gets caught is me! "
Gu Jingke didn’t intend to meet his requirements. Everything was just a delaying tactic, so it can be seen that people were not attracted to give up this trick.
"Do you know her?" If you hijack a person casually in the street, how can a’ dead woman’ call names? If you can say that these two people are familiar with each other.
If so, we can consider whether it is retaliatory hijacking.
"Of course I know this dead woman. If I didn’t know her, I would arrest her!" The sloppy man’s eyes are red and the woman is excited. "Bitch should die!"
"Why should I suffer alone? The root is unfair! " He said that he was unfairly treated. "If it weren’t for this woman, how could I be like this? I would have been …"
Behind the words, he didn’t say regret in his eyes. Looking at the hand, the woman is even more uncomfortable. The hand holding the dagger is also close to the woman’s neck. "It’s all you! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be like this now! "
"Even if you kill me, you won’t get her, but you will die miserably!" The woman was not afraid to stare at the man and was full of ridicule. "How can you match her now?"
"It’s just a dream!" She smiled at the corners of her mouth. It was very cold. "I tell you that daydreaming like this is best done less, or you won’t know how to die!" "
The man was angered by him, shaking his fingers and barely holding the dagger. Gu Jingke couldn’t hear what the woman said here, but he knew that the woman’s words angered the man, which was very unwise.
His eyes quickly narrowed and his eyes closed. He organized the language and said, "Since we know each other, it’s not good to hide so many misunderstandings."
The man’s eyes looked at Gu Jingke with some sadness. "What’s the misunderstanding! This dead woman hurt me! "
He was so excited that he thought of something. His eyes were so wide that he almost popped out of his eyes. His dagger was close to the woman’s neck, and there was a small blood stain quickly exposed.
This is not sure about the strength! His mind is so messy now that he can’t control himself to walk and move!
"Don’t come here!" He was sloppy and shook a few times, and his body trembled slightly. "Back off, back off!"
At that time, the scene was deadlocked and quickly turned around and picked up the car walkie-talkie and solemnly ordered "snipers to prepare and aim at gangsters!"
There is no need for the police to move snipers until it is necessary. As soon as the snipers leave the gangster’s roots, there will be no way out. One second before hanging up, Mu Ming said, "The snipers are waiting for orders!"
Pinch off the words Muming glanced at Gu Jingke’s situation and finally turned around and waved to the nearest police officer, who immediately ran over. I didn’t expect to be an acquaintance-Wei Xiaoguang.
After saying a few words to him, Wei Xiaoguang immediately turned to the crowd and asked, "Who is the policeman?"
The policeman has never appeared since the police came here. It is impossible that people have already left, and they have to wait until the police come, but now they have not appeared.
At this time, a woman came out of the crowd and raised her hand and said, "I am." This figure is very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.
When people approached, Wei Xiaoguang found out that this woman was a witness in that case. It seems that her sister’s name is Xu Jing.
Xu Jing looks as good as jade in a corset, but her face is a little stiff. Bai Muming glanced at her and was surprised. "Is the hijacker your sister Xu Ran?"
Seeing her nod, Muming guessed, "Do you know who the gangster is?"
Xu Jing nodded again. "He is my ex-boyfriend." Speaking of this, Mu Ming understood that at the banquet, Xu Jing regarded her as a bitter altar and poured everything on her.
Now that the boyfriend of the client has come, and one way is to hijack the person Mu Ming’s face and stare at Xu Jing for a while, "Why was Xu Ran hijacked?"
Xu Jing slightly leng leng didn’t expect Muming to respond so quickly that she would ask her about the specific matters. She bowed her head and said, "Little Ran and I walked out from the inside after shopping, and suddenly he rushed out from behind."
"At that time, he directly pushed Xiao Ran with a dagger, and Xiao Ran was hijacked by his dagger when we still didn’t respond." After Xu Jingying was dumb, I quickly called the police. "
"I didn’t expect him to become like this." Xu Jing covered her face. "What should the police officer do now?"
"Didn’t you say that your sister became her girlfriend after you broke up with him?" Muming rubbed his forehead and felt that this emotional thing was complicated and his mind was a little messy.
Xu Jing wiped her tears and looked up. "Xiao Ran broke up with him in a few days. I don’t know what happened to the rest. I broke up with him and I changed everything."
Mu Ming looked at Xu Jing in meditation and turned to look at the stiff atmosphere and frowned. "What’s his name?"
Her sister’s name Mu Ming knew Xu Jing and naturally knew who she was asking. After thinking about it, she honestly confessed "Liu Yu"
Mu Ming glanced at her and turned to walk. "You come with me." Xu Jing was a little nervous. When she walked, her body was shaking. She was brave, but she could see such a thing happen to herself.
She’s still afraid. No way! After all, the feeling of being blackmailed … the feeling that one’s life is in someone else’s hands … is extremely uncomfortable.
Mu Ming winked at Gu Jingke, who turned to look at Xu Jingbai for a few minutes. "Are you going to let her make Liu Yu hostage?"
"Yes" Muming blinked and pursed her lips. "Let her call for another session to calm down." If this method is good for the hostages, the hostages will be in danger if they are not lucky.
How do you know if you don’t try? Snipers have a chance to kill Liu Yu, but in the end, it is not too emotional to understand human life like this.
Xu Jing listened to the conversation between the two people behind her, knowing that she would be refused when she went out to publicize, but she didn’t want her ex-boyfriend to die like this. She raised her steps and took a few steps forward.
After all, she loved him. If he really died like this or Xu Ran was injured, the family might not spare her.
"Sessions I am Xu Jing, and you should remember me." At this time, Xu Jing has reached Gu Jingke’s side, staring at the sessions and trembling is not a performance.